Screenplay | First Play Stream Highlights
Red Dead Redemption II | Part1
21 күн бұрын
@andyb1653 Күн бұрын
The point wasn't to say the Jedi are "bad guys". More like "sometimes the Good Guys f*ck it up". I actually liked what they did with Carrie-Anne Moss' character this time out. She's been portrayed as an uncompromising hardass so far, but it turns out she was the only one who had her head on straight when the shit went down. Getting away from the weak performance for a sec, that's actually a pretty interesting twist. Disappointed we didn't get much explanation for the fire, but showing that it f*cked with the electrical system of the fortress is better than nothing. Headland's trying to tell a story more complicated than is tellable in 8 30-minute episodes. Another hour or two, and better use of that time, would've done miracles for the show as a whole. The storytelling is kneecapped by the runtime. I'll bet dollars-to-donuts that Ms. Headland asked for 12 episodes, and some Disney "suit" said "You have 8". The gobbledygook Carrie-Anne was going on about at the campfire was referencing the "Star Wars: High Republic" storyline that preceeds the show. There was an accident/hostile act involving a spacecraft traveling in hyperspace that caused several planets to be rendered lifeless, Brendok among them. The ecosystem of Brendok has recovered way too fast (and for no apparent reason), hence the Jedi investigating the place. The episode was overall enjoyable, but I stand by that "$19 in the bank" metaphor I made a couple weeks ago. It's not **bad,** it's just a little bit.... Off. also: Yes, Torbin was played by the same actor as Tommen in GoT. Shit, I just realized how similar the character's names are! That's f*ckin' WEIRD!
@lisdalia_ Күн бұрын
The more I thought about it the more I realised that my difficulties with the Jedi stemmed from how hard I found it to understand what they were thinking and therefore understand their actions. I also suspect that why I struggled was that those actors who were playing Jedi Masters were given poor direction as to how a Jedi Master behaves/acts etc and that the directions they were given to demonstrate 'controlling their emotions' led to difficult to read performances by normally decent actors. It is why I found the Padawan performances better, because they have yet to master the 'controlled emotions' of the masters and hence the actors were able to SHOW more emotions and therefore have easier to understand performances
@joshie20 2 күн бұрын
Elijah Bradley (the grandson) is Patriot in the Young Avengers comics.
@lisdalia_ Күн бұрын
I KNEW he was something!!!! :D Go me!!
@joshie20 2 күн бұрын
Sam Wilson's friend is joaquin torres aka The Falcon
@joshie20 3 күн бұрын
both Perlman Hellboy movies are good - though i personally preferred Golden Army - elf fights and german-Mysterio elevated the movie for me. Perlman actually reprised the role in two animated straight-to-dvd movies: Hellboy: Sword of Storms (2006) & Hellboy: Blood and Iron (2007) which are surprisingly good & are animated similar to the Mike Mignola comic art. Give a watch if you'd just like more time with Perlman as Hellboy - worth it for that alone. this Crooked Man trailer is so bad it's making the David Harbour one almost look decent.
@r_r_r_r 4 күн бұрын
Loved your reaction!
@lisdalia_ 4 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@alessiocapone9816 6 күн бұрын
At least We did not get a disrobing scene with a more uglier villain, like the Emperor... No thanks!
@lisdalia_ 6 күн бұрын
Ha ha ha 😂 oh god that would burn my retinas 🤣😂🤣
@alessiocapone9816 6 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Who do You ship more Wolfren or Barrishoka? I'm curious.
@alessiocapone9816 6 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Certainly You were not the only female reactor feeling flustered during that scene... Dare I say others may have even felt a bit...moist down under.
@lisdalia_ 6 күн бұрын
I dont know who they are, I am very lacking in my Star Wars knowledge
@alessiocapone9816 5 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Then I advise You watch "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", a seven season animated television show that explains the latter and the "Ahsoka" series that could explains the former. Note that when I meant "ship", I am talking about the fictional pairing of two charecters within a franchise that are not a official couple in the official source material and exist only in certain fan's immagination.
@darkness2997 7 күн бұрын
Manny is not in the 6ft club.
@lisdalia_ 6 күн бұрын
Not an issue 😊
@bobsavage3317 7 күн бұрын
@mamabeth834 7 күн бұрын
I am most excited for Joe Locke who has been confirmed (By accident by Variety) to be Billy Kaplan AKA Wiccan. My theory is even though this is Agatha's show, that this is really Billy's story. Joe Locke is an amazing Actor and is an absolute treasure. In the comics, Billy's soul is reborn but he is still Wanda's son, just like Tommy is. My guess is when the hex went down, their souls went into the bodies of two boys that were likely moments from death and I think that's how they're going to explain his continued existence. Billy is also one of the most powerful, if not the most power, characters in the Marvel Universe and was part of the Young Avengers.
@lisdalia_ 6 күн бұрын
Ooh interesting theory! If it is him I hope they address nice and early why we only have Billy and not Billy AND Tommy. Cos that would probably drive me crazy trying to figure out where Tommy is 😄
@mamabeth834 6 күн бұрын
@lisdalia_ I don't think they will. Most people think Billy wishes for his mother back on The Witches Road but I think hes going to wish for Tommy
@lisdalia_ 6 күн бұрын
@@mamabeth834 Oooh that would be interesting
@jshie20 10 күн бұрын
Gratuitous disrobing by the villain - yes please.
@lisdalia_ 10 күн бұрын
@jshie20 13 күн бұрын
A number of the Wandavision residents are returning, it just seems to be Debra Jo Rupp's (70s show) character who seems to be main cast instead of recurring, perhaps with some kind of magical abilities? There's nothing in the comics about them, far as i'm aware. which i'm a little sad about, not because Rupp isnt great, but because Emma Caulfield is returning, and to not use her as a witch in the coven given her Buffy & Once Upon A Time connections to do some tongue in cheek references just feels like a massive waste.
@lisdalia_ 12 күн бұрын
Agreed a total wasted opportunity
@jshie20 13 күн бұрын
it's not officially confirmed that Joe Locke is Billy Kaplan - but he matches the visuals of the comic character perfectly, the character is confirmed to be in the show... but also this is the universe that used Evan Peters to make a Bohner joke, & turned a Mr Fantastic fan-cast into silly string so they could completely undermine and destroy the perfect casting for the sake of a lame joke.
@mamabeth834 7 күн бұрын
Actually it is confirmed, but it was an accident from Variety who had to fix their article because they accidentally released that spoiler. Joe Locke is playing Billy Kaplan AKA Wiccan
@jshie20 13 күн бұрын
Audrey Plaza is an interesting choice - because she's been in a Marvel-adjacent property before - she was in Legion, and if you thought she was good in P&R or anything else - her role in Legion blows everything else out of the water. I think she's going to be a let-down in this show after having shone so brightly in Legion because i don't think they can top the level of unhinged she got to be in Legion.
@lisdalia_ 12 күн бұрын
@jshie20 12 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Parks & Recreation
@Brianpcomstock 13 күн бұрын
This looks amazing!!!!!!!!
@wilstevens 13 күн бұрын
Cousin stuff?
@andyb1653 17 күн бұрын
Hell yeah, this episode was fun. Basically a 30-minute fight scene. Good choreography, too. Say what you will about these Disney-era Star Wars shows, but they (usually) have an interesting villain at least. I find Qimir fascinating, and his verbal sparring with Sol certainly had me paying attention. Also I salute the writers for not being afraid to kill off main characters- RIP Jecki. I wasn't much of a Jord fan, but both of 'em went out like champions. Bringing "cortosis" into canon was inspired, too, really wasn't expecting that! A proper Star Wars deep-cut. Still not thrilled with the runtime, though. When you only have 8 episodes to play with, each should be 40m to 1h, as with the Fallout show. Episodes 4 & 5 should've been one episode. It'd help balance the slow pacing of 4 while freeing up an episode for more storytelling.
@lisdalia_ 17 күн бұрын
I had no idea what cortosis was, I had to look it up :D and I totally agree about the villain, the verbal sparring was great I look forward to more scenes with him
@andyb1653 17 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Like I said: A PROPER deep-cut. The stuff's been mentioned like 3 or 4 times in the entire 40+ years of the franchise. Whatever one thinks about her writing (I think it shows tremendous potential), Ms. Headland certainly knows her lore.
@jshie20 17 күн бұрын
You and dolphin called the reveal real early
@andyb1653 17 күн бұрын
Quite a few ppl figured Qimir was the baddie. I suspected it myself (although I entertained the possibility it was someone else). It may not have been as big a reveal as the writers intended but it still fits. And Manny NAILS the role in this episode (and the next one too). Dude's metal as hell itself, there's nothing better than a good villain.
@alexzanderkimbrell3422 18 күн бұрын
I NEED this film now
@lisdalia_ 17 күн бұрын
You and me both!
@RigbyTheGamer 19 күн бұрын
Hellboy 2004 master piece other movie❤ 20 years later new Hellboy looks like a youtube movie downgrade 👎🏻
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
Totally agree
@RigbyTheGamer 18 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ true books Bad
@RigbyTheGamer 19 күн бұрын
Deadpool and Wolverine working together I wonder what would go wrong😅
@jackwiththefingers 19 күн бұрын
Loving these reaction videos!
@andahlyavaleska 21 күн бұрын
This first episode was such a treat! It premiered the day before my birthday, so I binged the rest of the season on that day lol I've played Fallout 1, 2, 3, 4, New Vegas, and 76. I'm a huge Fallout lore nerd. 🤓 I think Norm, Lucy's brother, is a couple years younger. The smaller frame he has I think might lend to him having a lower Strength stat. In the Fallout games, the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats are what make characters different from the other. It stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. It was really fun to contemplate what the characters' S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats might be, depending on how they interact in the show. Norm seems to be very perceptive, highly intellectual, and pretty charismatic. He's got it in spades upstairs, but then his physical appearance is lacking as you are limited by how many points you have available to allocate to your SPECIAL stats in character creation. :)
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
That would have been a fun thing to try and work out :D
@nekrull2610 23 күн бұрын
I cried at the end of this game.
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
I am keen to get back into it
@andyb1653 19 күн бұрын
Understandable. It's not often that a videogame can deliver a gut-punch like that.
@andyb1653 23 күн бұрын
Aww shit, you do videogames too?! Nice. This game was an absolute masterpiece, hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It was straight-up like playing a movie. Rootin'-Tootin'-Cowboy-Shootin'! R* is a developer like no other, their games are so much grander than what any other studio puts out. The downside is how long their games take to produce, they've only put out 2 games in the last 10+ years.
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
I sure do! I also live stream my gameplay on my Twitch channel
@andyb1653 19 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Cool, twitch ain't really my thing but I might check it out. Also: CDPR is another dev that can tell a good story. Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are worth your time (although it took 3 years to whip the latter into shape. They did though, it's good fun now and the story is great).
@Arcaronss 25 күн бұрын
It makes sense? Are you that dumb? Do you know what a plot hole is?
@andyb1653 25 күн бұрын
As much as I enjoyed the first 3 episodes, this one just didn't hit for me. There was about 7 1/2 minutes of actual story, the rest just sort of meandered, killing time (and a wookie). I'll never understand why Star Wars shows always seem to burn an episode just faffing about like this. The story beats that ARE in there are effective, there just weren't enough of them. I'd have given the episode another 10-15 minutes of runtime, and cut down on all the drawn-out "wandering in the woods" stuff. I'd have then invested that time in fleshing out those story elements, such as Osha's budding friendship with the Padawan girl and Mae's creeping doubts about her mission (both of those things sort of come out of nowhere). edit: After watching ep.5, I think I'd have put 4 & 5 together into a single 1h episode.
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
I couldn't agree more regarding this episode. It was super boring and had so many missed opportunities
@andyb1653 19 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Watching this show is like standing at an ATM, banking card in hand, and finding out I only have $19 in the bank (Canadian ATMs only give 20s). I *DO* want what's in there, there just isn't quite enough.
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
@@andyb1653 That might be the BEST description I have ever heard lol
@alexburns1330 Ай бұрын
I actually really appreciate that this teaser trailer doesn't give a lot of information on what this show is about. I say this because that keeps the show when it comes out on Netflix more mysterious and surprising, especially considering that I've noticed certain movie trailers do the opposite, in that they give too much away on what the plot of a movie is, by showing more scenes then they probably should show (Examples: Crawl the 2019 gator movie, Pixels with Adam Sandler, Jumanji: Welcome to The Jungle). I personally do believe that this trailer does a good balance between getting the audience invested for this series, but also not giving too much information away. Also, It will be interesting to see an entertainment version of Zeus where he is portrayed what he was like in the original Greek Mythology stories of him, which is to say, an unlikable, egotistical, self-centered jerk. I especially point this out because things like Disney's Hercules portray Zeus as a much more humble and likable character, when in reality he was anything but, regarding who he was in the original stories featuring him. Even though I could be wrong on this, this might actually be the very first portrayal of Zeus as an unlikable, egotistical character, as I don't know if there has been any prior portrayals of Zeus where he was shown in a negative light regarding any movies or shows that existed before this. But again, I could be wrong on that.
@andyb1653 Ай бұрын
Best episode of the season so far, I'd say. We're seeing the inciting incident of the story, but only really from Osha's perspective, I suspect we'll see this event again later but from the perspective of other characters. Master Sol's cadence and line delivery works for me, but I could see how it could be off-putting. It could stem from the fact that the actor himself only recently learned to speak English (specifically to play this role). I grew up in Toronto, Canada, which had a significant 1st-generation-from-Asia population at the time so hearing someone talk like that doesn't seem unusual to me. Wookie Jedi aren't unheard of, but I do think this is the first time we've seen one in live action. The witch coven is fascinating, the Force is usually seen by the viewer through the lens of the Jedi/Sith dichotomy. It's fun to see a completely separate culture's view of it from time to time. Seems to me the coven strives for balance, as seen with the girls' two mothers: One is harsh, constricting and punitive (dark) and one is loving, empathetic and forgiving (light). I have my suspicions that the former could be the masked Sith later in the story. I didn't see her body on the pile. There's definitely something more going on with the fire, no way it started and spread so quickly. I guarantee you, the reactor-thing that exploded was tampered with/sabotaged by someone... My gut tells me there's a 3rd party at work here, trying to play the Jedi and the Witches against each other. The Witches are a bit paranoid and the Jedi are untrusting of non-Jedi force users, it wouldn't be hard at all for a hidden malefactor (a "Phantom Menace", if you will) to throw a wrench into the works. Who it could be will hopefully be revealed as the show goes on.
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Yeah I found out that he didn't speak English after I watched this episode. Definitely makes it easier to move on from his pacing. And I absolutely agree that we will visit the fire again
@andyb1653 27 күн бұрын
@@lisdalia_ Some actors lose/gain weight for a role, or maybe work out and become (superficially at least) buff AF for a role. This dude learned a whole damn language. I salute him.
@zombiespongebob6903 Ай бұрын
full circle moment
@jakubzelenka3700 Ай бұрын
Please new series The walking dead
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your suggestion! 😊 I appreciate your support and enthusiasm for new series. If you'd like to request specific shows for me to react to, I take suggestions via my Patreon. Your input means a lot and helps shape the content I create. Check it out here Thanks again! 💖
@brianacdts Ай бұрын
You saw 38, but that is not a vault there. What you saw was the signage for the Lucky 38 Casino. That is the tall building that looks like the center part of a roulette wheel. The person that owns the Lucky 38 is Mr. House. He was in the meeting with all of the other companies as the owner of Rob-Co.
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Oh cool I just assumed, thanks for the info :)
@gottagowork 29 күн бұрын
Well, there is a "vault" there though. Kind of. You know what I mean 🤫 Vault 21 is extremely close to Lucky 38. 11, 19, 22, and 34 is in the vicinity, with 11 by far being one of the worst in the whole franchise. I sure as hell would like to see, if not made a new serious side character, someone *DRESSED* up in Vera's outfit somewhere in the background. The fans will know who she is 😂 On a similar note, I find it hilarious that everyone missed "The Legion" appearing in the Hollywood shot earlier. It obviously wasn't "our" legion, but it was definitely an easteregg thrown our way.
@brianacdts 25 күн бұрын
@@gottagowork I do know what you mean 😄. My comment was because she saw 38 and was asking or assuming that there was Vault 38 at that spot.
@hippie2348 Ай бұрын
Did you stop watching Stranger things?
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
I decided to take a break after watching the first season of Stranger Things to explore some other shows, like Fallout and The Last of Us, which were shorter series. When those shows were ending, I ran a poll on my Patreon to decide what to watch next. Checking out season 2 of Stranger Things was an option, but it didn't win this time. I run new polls on Patreon as each series wraps up, so there's always a chance it could be next. Fingers crossed for next time!
I find the Brotherhood of Steel to be the least interesting faction as well- show and game, lol. I feel like they made it super obvious that The Ghoul left Hank alive on purpose- as opposed to Maximus losing a fight to The Goul and the squire thinking he had done that on purpose. I mean, we just watched him clear an entire room of Brotherhood Knights in full power armor- in the dark. Hank's head has no helmet- and nobody was even looking. The Goul could have blown his head off before anyone knew he was there. I'm super excited about Season 2!
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Oh 100% he didn't kill him on purpose! I absolutely agree with you!
@gottagowork 29 күн бұрын
I think they're deliberately holding back on the brotherhood for now, to be further developed in future seasons. And I think season 2 is where Maximus' character will start to truly develop; ref elder wanting to branch off. Keep in mind Maximus has a really skewed understanding of what the brotherhood is *really* supposed to be like. "It's your duty to better this world" sure as hell ain't one of them, and I think he's in for one rude awakening. Unless they intend to tame them down. I hope not. Maximus' expressions are top notch (best of them all), but there is no real backstory to be told about him. Not that I can think of anyway. It's all going to be about development for him. Coops backstory is very deep, but development slow. Lucy is also developing, but her backstory isn't hers alone but one reflecting the vault complex.
@jshie20 Ай бұрын
LoL - the Mom reveal reaction you had was worth the price of admission. i think the hints dropped earlier in the ep before the past Daddy reveal was tuned perfectly - there'll be people who are still shocked by that reveal even with the foreshadowing, and even for those that predict it, you get to have that voice of "no, surely not" and sow doubt for a little bit. while i know we're getting a season 2, idk that i needed one, they answered all the big mysteries that were keeping me invested and the remaining ones, are those i'm less invested in personally.
@gottagowork 29 күн бұрын
Most I've seen guessed the mom when that scene started, but not the dad stuff based on earlier learned stuff. It's like watching Death Stranding; some players will have a "called it" moment towards the end (Vietnam scene), but just about everyone will still be completely clueless during the final two (or three incl the mini) reveal cutscenes when "everything" comes together after 50 hours of utter confusion. And even then, nobody, not a single soul, have been able to derive the third mystery as you need to get some obnoxiously hard to obtain lore and play/watch the game several times over to form a different narrative. Even without it, it's one hell of a ride, one hell of an experience (if you get it), and a highly rewarding ending. It's called Kafkaesque for a reason, and don't appeal to everyone.
@andyb1653 Ай бұрын
What a finale. Best season of TV I've seen since "Andor", and probably hands-down the best videogame adaptation I've ever seen (and there have been some good ones lately). Twists, reveals, a big ol' battle, and just enough resolution while also leaving some big, juicy threads to follow up on next season. I figure we'll be seeing the same cast next season, and they've set up Max's storyline in S2 to be much more interesting. The Brotherhood is one of the more interesting factions in the games, their behavior really depends on who's in charge. Max might follow the creepy old priest guy, or maybe he'll off the old man and take charge himself. Lucy and Cooper have unfinished business with Hank, S2 will definitely need to follow up on that journey, and Norm being stranded in Vault 31 also needs a conclusion. Here's some game lore to add context to the finale. The experiments being proposed at the meeting of bigwigs are direct references to vaults you come across in the games. The Walt Disney-looking guy with the cigarette at the meeting is "Mr. House", and he took over Las Vegas, Nevada, after the war. This is the city we see at the end of the finale. It was renamed "New Vegas", and is the location for one of the best games in the series. Mr. House used sci-fi life support machines to stay alive over the centuries, and the game (which has multiple endings which depend on the player's decisions) either sees him retain control of the city or be killed off, and all of this takes place around a decade before the show. The in-game conversations you can have with Mr. House would suggest he didn't take the deal with Vault-Tek, so it's curious that Hank would be fleeing there of all places. And the line "War... War Never Changes" is to the Fallout setting what "To Boldly Go" is to Star Trek, or what "May the Force be With You" is to Star Wars. It's **the line.** My friend an I shouted "SHE SAID THE THING!!" simultaneously on our 1st watch!
@nekrull2610 Ай бұрын
The city in the last shot is New Vegas.
@nekrull2610 Ай бұрын
So every vault save a select few had experiments. Every vault type discussed at the meeting is an actual vault.
@RealEditorSpace Ай бұрын
Hey This video was great, I’m a video editor and I am wondering if I could edit a free video for and if you like it maybe another ?
@lisdalia_ 19 күн бұрын
I am glad you enjoyed it.
@ryanharte5400 Ай бұрын
This show gave me aids and retardation.
@miamicool666 Ай бұрын
Interesting, Mae's (child) eyes changed to with Morgan Elsbeth in "Asokha", because of the Nightsisters. Also interesting to see a time when the use of The Force was more favored than the lightsaber. I quite appreciated this first promising breath of fresh air. Excellent reaction, thank you so much!
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Thanks I am glad you enjoyed it :) I really enjoyed they used The Force in the fight like they did, was really cool and something I had certainly never seen before
@skeezaworkan Ай бұрын
Episode 7's story was taken straight from the game, but not the base game, it was from the expansion, titled "Left Behind".
@skeezaworkan Ай бұрын
And this episode's story was also taken from the game, different in the details here and there, to some extent, but quite faithful to the original material.
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Super interesting to know! Thanks for the info
@jshie20 Ай бұрын
And now you know why they were sad getting meat
@lisdalia_ Ай бұрын
Yeah I realised that when I was thinking back on the episode and ew gross lol