How Sly 4 Missed The Mark
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Reviewing The Early 3D Sonic Games
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Pokémon X and Y Retrospective
How Ocarina of Time Built 3D Zelda
A Look Back At 2022
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An Early 3D Pokémon Retrospective
Why I Can't Play Elden Ring
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@AAAGamesMaster 3 сағат бұрын
19:30 You say that like a level select screen doesn't let you go back to any previous areas lol You can still revisit old areas in Sticker Star and see how they changed tho, there's nothing stoping you
@ThePonderer 4 сағат бұрын
It’s interesting how different our emotional experiences with Rebirth were. I honestly never felt like the big moments of emotion were all that undermined the way you did.
@mikeleewrites 5 сағат бұрын
I love your enthusiasm for the PWT. For me, it's how it made "Pokémon battling" feel like a real, in-universe sport for the first time. The pyrotechnics, huge screens in the background, roaring crowds, stage lighting that even shows up in the battles... amazing. They didn't recapture that feeling until Sword and Shield's Gym battles. 💖
@Ironcorgi2 10 сағат бұрын
Wait how did you pronounce cait siths name?
@Ironcorgi2 12 сағат бұрын
Wait how did you pronounce cait siths name?
@user-qr3so8yz4c 12 сағат бұрын
This game is way better than Scarlet and Violet
@Vidiocity92 12 сағат бұрын
"Repetition digs deep into your soul" - that's cool ❤️
@Ironcorgi2 13 сағат бұрын
For me I wasn’t as attached to ff7 than ff6 I felt that game gave me more emotional resonance. I liked ff7 but a lot of the characters felt undeveloped to me.
@penavicem 17 сағат бұрын
Isn’t this whole video debunked by the codename of “Super Mario Galaxy MORE”? It’s just MORE galaxy
@grandkai1790 18 сағат бұрын
Outro song ?
@SuperSoulSpark 19 сағат бұрын
This is sooooo well put together.
@GaryEischen 21 сағат бұрын
11:13 the psychic>ghost type match is because in pop culture "physic mediums" or similar are always used to "tame" or "beat" a ghostly entity. And Bug>Physic is because insects are usually considered "Hive Mind' species. and therefore cannot be mind controlled.
@loganlyons1667 21 сағат бұрын
24:12 i present to you long throw
@Ejohns1004 22 сағат бұрын
If the only thing that you have to say about Final Fantasy 7 is "there was a cross dressing scene" that just proves that you didn't play Final Fantasy 7.
@fhjunior6183 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the vid
@CinosTheHedgehog2000 23 сағат бұрын
If you really need a HUB world in order to establish the stakes & world building, there's one of two options you can go for. 1) Mario 64 with a big interconnected hub world where you can access any level you want & talk to any NPC you want 2) Make an open-world sandbox like Frontiers where you can explore the entire space & interact with NPCs
@KisekiFox Күн бұрын
This was a really well made video. While I agree at being slightly let down at the game mostly meeting the same beats as the original after the ending of the first hinting at a stealth sequel, calling it a simple nostalgia tread with "sidequests that don't matter" bugs me personally, those sidequests are a big reason why this cast is the best cast a FF game has had imo, outside of FF XIV, another game with a lot of hours to give you time with these characters and flesh them out. You do have a unique viewpoint tho, and I really do respect it. I'm sorry the game didn't quite hit for you as it did me, but hey, XIII didn't at all manage to make me care about any of its characters or story, and I'm someone who really, truly tries to get engaged with the stories and art I'm experiencing, but outside the good combat system (however many hours in when said combat actually opens up) I was left wanting really badly by how genuinely badly presented XIII's plot and characters feel to me. But you were able to talk about it with glee and earnestness, in every little aspect, and that's genuinely great. I love the whole series too, barring said title already described here, but even then, I'm glad it was able to connect with you and several others. This series has always been strong because of how much it tries to not rest on its laurels and do something different each time. And hey, personally, I'm still holding out a lil bit of hope that something miraculous does happen for the final part of this remake project, but even if it doesn't, I'm really glad it exists. To be given an actual, fully realized JRPG world that's to scale, and have such a wonderful cast all written and acted so excellently, I feel truly lucky to have been able to live long enough to experience that in today's age, where I thought such things to be an impossibility at modern day's graphic fidelity. It feels like a true miracle game, and I doubt we'll ever get something like it again, considering the amount of man hours and money that's gone into it already, let alone the many more that will go into its final part. Sorry for the long comment dude, and thank you for your hard work on making videos like this, passion in all forms is great, and I love hearing your opinions whether or not I agree with them.
@AverageRamenEnjoyer Күн бұрын
why's bro naked in the thumbnail?
@Caxkj0 Күн бұрын
I hate the argument that "because something has these silly elements, that means we can ignore how ridiculous the plot is." Other than that: This was a fine review.
@shotmasta Күн бұрын
Kh1 nostalgia hits me time was hard, but this game actually helped alot somehow. Played everything kingdom heart. Mostly on emulator (gba advance stuff) Kh3 did not hit the spot for me sadly
@Cool-Vest_Leo Күн бұрын
WAIT A MINUTE! Lysandre is just Amalthus from Xenoblade but worse.
@kinglord7543 Күн бұрын
sorry but this game is ass
@SkitLegoIdeaTheory Күн бұрын
Three words: massive melee Mythra
@terribletimes902 Күн бұрын
This is the take of someone who refuses to get good at SM64 lol
@joshsimpson79 Күн бұрын
Playing the original as a kid on the original game boy, I liked this remake quite a bit. But hey, I like your videos a lot as well. Plus, my kids kind of liked it as a contrast to breath of the wild.
@caseyimiller Күн бұрын
@justanothergamer850 Күн бұрын
My issue with Kh3 is that a lot felt unnecessary, like frozen, tangled, and even port royal, just felt like unnecessary places to go and made no difference in the plot
@justanothergamer850 Күн бұрын
Not only that, but the lack of final fantasy characters irritated me because they were a staple in the series, NOT just Disney, and the ending felt so rushed that it felt lackluster
@zacmatney7938 2 күн бұрын
This game is one of my favorites not because each of these three characters meet such sad and absolutely tragic ends until kingdom hearts 3 of course but because the overall story of this game is a reallly compelling story and it introduces one of my favorite main antagonists I’ve ever seen in any type of media and that’s master Xehanort
@FannyPackDave 2 күн бұрын
this is pretty cool, my first experience of a retrospective and man you did a great job I couldn't envision this any better
@albertomadella6504 2 күн бұрын
Never understood why the starters or the legendaries or the fossils or trevenant talon flame, aegislash, heliolisk, goodra or avallug some of the most famous mons of this gen didn’t get mega evolutions instead of past pokemons
@timpike5834 2 күн бұрын
So…. Are you going to do a retrospective of DK64?
@tetermc 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, I still don't know how so many people love Samus Returns. It's easily one of the worst Metroid games to me excluding 1 and 2. It's extremely ugly, has cramped controls, has forgettable environments, barely any good original music, screws up the tone of the original, artificially blocks you off from areas arbitrarily, is wayyyyyy to puzzle heavy... etc etc etc. It's... really bad. Somehow Mercury Steam made it feel more linear and restricted than the original. Not to mention, the enemy design is atrocious. I don't mean their visual design (which is done as bland as possible as well), I mean the fact that they all act extremely aggressive all the time. It's stupid. Not only is it obnoxious for just exploring, it rips me out of the experience when every single enemy is literally foaming at the mouth trying to kill Samus. What happened to the countless enemies who weren't really hostile but rather just dangerous obstacles? Doesn't make sense that literally every single creature immediately has it out for Samus. Don't even get me started on the horrendous counter mechanic and how it completely destroys the pacing of the game. Remember how fun it was chasing after the Metroids when they leave the room over and over and over? The whole game just wastes your time in a bland slog of a world. I hate it.
@cam8842 2 күн бұрын
i have never disagreed with a video more as these 2 games are my 2 favorites of all time, and yet the video and this channel are great so respect.
@cam8842 2 күн бұрын
to add - super mario galaxy 1 is my favorite of the two, but only by the tiniest amount. 1’s level designs, to me, are almost undoubtedly less creative and inspired than 2’s, which probably has the best, most creative levels i’ve ever seen in a game. and yet, galaxy 2’s complete lack of a story and far less enveloping atmosphere means that i prefer the original by just a tiiiiny bit. despite that, though, 2’s levels and soundtrack are just absolutely fucking mind blowing and the games are both absolutely the greatest i’ve ever played, in my eyes at least. i totally understand the perspective of anyone who does not see galaxy 2 with as much reverence as i do, though, and i think this video is fantastic. just love to talk about these games.
@abicto 2 күн бұрын
I think sa2 radar is perfect for the game honestly, the hint system was vastly improved from sa1 and they made the treasure hunt stages around that, they created a gameplay where you could either guess an emerald from from the first hint alone for a bigger score or you could use the other hints that are more specific and try to compensate the lost score with killing enemies or getting rings. The radar system really makes this style because you're meant to focus on that specific emerald due to the way the hints are made, being able to get the other emeralds out of order is more of a bonus to those who could find them without no hints or radar. If they added a radar that could track more than 1 emerald it would ruin this hint and gameplay flow of the levels, encouraging blind exploration over a mastery of the level layouts and their hints
@abicto 2 күн бұрын
And i think that's the way they intended due to how the score works with out of order emeralds. They feel unaccointed for since their scores are based on the emerald you were hunting, hint penalties included, even tho you didnt pick any hints from them, and now the emerald you were chasing before gets a massive score boost because it acts as an emerald you found with no hints
@katakanatabro2048 2 күн бұрын
the only thing that bothers me about Prime 2 is the Blogg enemies, of course including the Alpha Blogg boss. Which is basically just a bigger version of those, Doesn't help that if you don't bother to save beforehand or didn't know, you might not have enough resources and will screw it up, I got lucky and used a few super missiles at the right time. They just charge at you at random times so I had to end up bothering it out of a state when it wasn't then making it do so. It's the only enemy in the game I can't call well designed, shame because without this section Torvus Bog would have been a possible 10
@stevent3676 3 күн бұрын
2 years late I know, but imagine how much better and how well received Heroes could've been if they'd just did small changes like: 1. Instead of rocket accel, give all speed characters the SA1 or SA2 spin dash 2. Had each team go through the 7 areas in different orders based on where they each start out in the opening cutscenes, and have each area at a different time of day for some teams (like, Metropolis at night, seaside hill at sunrise or sunset, Hang Castle during the day, etc (they actually started to do this in some of the multiplayer maps already)).
@vincentgraymore 3 күн бұрын
Great video with well presented opinions and editing!
@justicegutierrez6847 3 күн бұрын
This was the only generation other than 3 I actively tried to get all 3 versions as a kid
@FuIIDiveVR 3 күн бұрын
Xenoblade 1 and 2 will be remembered and 3 forgotten. Mark my words.
@mmzero406 3 күн бұрын
Excellent discourse, KingK. What do we do to fight our own Shinra’s in today’s world?
@lukebrady65 3 күн бұрын
Metroid Prime 3 was supposed to be an open world game at first. But Nintendo didn't get the whole bounty hunting thing and said no. That's why the ship is the way it is. They just didn't have enough time to change it.
@James-pr5kt 3 күн бұрын
3/4 of this review is about story elements like plot and character. You're reviewing it like it's a TV show or a movie. This is not what games are. Games are the LEAST about plot, because plot is fundamentally opposed to variety, possibility space, and systems. Plots are static & linear, which is why virtually all plots in good games are skeletal & or in the background, they are almost part of the setting. In "games" with tons of plot (usually poorly realized), the actual game suffers almost exactly to the degree the plot is realized, causing game systems to be weakly realized, constrained, or poorly executed. This where you get Choose Your Own Adventure games and Walking Simulators. Only the barest trace of a game even remains. Games only somewhat utilize character, because the player is the protagonist & most important character with the most done on screen. The more explicitly defined the character who does almost everything in the story, the less room there is for the player. The one storybuilding hack out of this is to make the main character someone most of the players would want to be within this world anyway, easier said than done. Otherwise the main character that gets 99% of screentime is left mostly vacant for the player to occupy in most good games. Character only shines with NPCs, but even then, they are usually largely separated from the actual game. They either have very peripheral roles in the game systems or no interaction at all. When used like this (the way they usually are), they are essentially set dressing, a part of the setting more than actual characters. Setting is the one core aspect of "story" that games do better than anything else. The VIBE, the sense of place, the peripheral and background elements, the feel of moving through them and interacting with them. No other medium can do this. And yet, even this is not what games are about. Games are first and foremost about delivering player input to and players receiving feedback from... systems. Game systems. Things like the combat system, movement system, item system, map system, dialogue system, puzzle systems, dynamic object system. These are the game. All of the plot, character, even the setting can be removed, and the game would still remain, yet you glossed over it and spent most of your time talking about story and especially the two story elements which SHOULD be deemphasized in games (Plot and Character).
@Plokoonections 3 күн бұрын
Shuddup im not crying you’re crying
@AlphaWolfRJ 3 күн бұрын
Can’t wait for sonic x shadow genereations
@Wooly_World 4 күн бұрын
5:05 No sound effect?
@ZesPak 4 күн бұрын
"I don't envy the child that had to contend with something this complex." I got my gameboy when I was about 10, it included LA. I didn't know English when I got the game, I knew it when I finished the game. That's how long it took me. I've played it for over a year, and since we weren't allowed to have to sound on nor had headphones (god, my kids are spoiled), I didn't even know you could "hear" breakable walls. I bought so many bombs just to test out areas it's not even funny.
@ZesPak 4 күн бұрын
I always took that ending as very "on the nose" allegory to the game or any game. You're there, and even if it's the best game in the world (which for me, LA is a possible contender), your goal is to finish it and commit it to memory as a game you once played. Everything in the world in there, characters you meet, loot you gather, disappears in all but your memory.
@SaucedUpLando 4 күн бұрын
I seriously thought I was the only one who thought Luxray was Dark/Electric. I mean come on just look at him. Missed opportunity forsure.
@HunterForHire422 4 күн бұрын
Sly 4s plot seemed fine to me. It was my first game. On its own it felt normal. Then playing the old games i slowly started to see things not add up. Was pretty funny but also sad