Super Training Testimonial
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@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
Let's see Tucker Gott do that.
@Sammy19327 8 ай бұрын
Definetly the world's best. That Dell has a way of explaining things that just makes sense.
@brentcoggin8580 8 ай бұрын
I think i could successfully argue that any reflex wing is far faster than a dominator. All you need is altitude. Once the wing collapses, your speed acceleration is 32 feet per second per second. It quickly becomes the fastest wing around.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Yes that's the only way they are faster, it's when they are falling straight down to your death. HUNDREDS death and these idiots keep pushing that crap. Tucker was so scared to accelerate the glider you can hear him say how he didn't dare fly down low like I did when I set the record. That fact that they still can't beat my record even with totally uncertified class gliders just shows how badly the Dominator humiliates other gliders lol. Let's see their safest class of glider try to compete with the Dominator lol. Yea no way.
@brentcoggin8580 8 ай бұрын
@DellSchanze i intend to take your st class in the near future. Until then i would like to buy a used dominator and harness to practice on the beach with. I am 5'11 170 lbs and in decent shape for a 62 year old. What size glider should i practice on? I have a house near navarre beach in Florida but i drive a semi and go to all 50 states so my practice sites will vary tremendously.
@DellSchanze 7 ай бұрын
lol that would be like buying a karate outfit so you can practice karate before you ever take karate. It simply doesn't work that way. While there are evil people that care more about money than your life who would totally just sell you the gear I am not one of those people. A paraglider is so powerful it can literally pick up a full size pickup truck. Plus there are sooo many details to glider control that not even those pretending to be instructor for 20 years can do what brand new SUPER students can do. So just wait until SUPER training fine sir and do it the right way. Master the skills correctly and safely and then you will have a total blast. Trying to kite a wing without SUPER training is much much more dangerous than you would perceive. Then there are those who think oh I will just tie myself to my car for safety... doh... WHAP they are dead. Call me at +1 801 631 1731 or just message me through whatsapp at that same number which is the best way to contact me and I'll help you do it right and have a blast as safely as is possible. :)
@brentcoggin8580 8 ай бұрын
Do you still offer training?
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Of course. Just call me or give me a shout on whatsapp at +1 801 631 1731
@jetskiwillywilly7970 8 ай бұрын
I think one advantage of flatop is they train at the beach. 60 hours of me ground training is running for 60 hours in nil wind. That being said...go train where there is wind and you don't have to be triathlete to learn.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Amen to that. You nailed it. Mastery of real actual skills takes hours and hours of practice. You are NOT getting real training from anyone pretending to train inland.
@bulldozer6447 8 ай бұрын
By far the best paramotor pilot in the world goes to super dell I’ve never flown one but if I would I would definitely get this guy to show me all the ropes I’m new and would love to learn more about the sport
@thebeerinnandrewmckenna2655 8 ай бұрын
Hi. I'm training, been solo, my wing is an Ozone Mojo Pwr 2, and the school paramotor, and the same I decided to get, was a Bulldog, with a Vitarazi Atom 80
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
If you are flying that gear then you are not getting real actual training sir. You really need to take a long honest look at where your skill level is truly at compared to the real actual skills of SUPER students that you can see all over youtube. Since there is no true and real training outside of SUPER training you reaaaaally want to consider bailing immediately on the fake training and just doing it right. Of course you should double check what I'm saying by comparing skills against skills to eliminate any opinion or bias. The truth is your life depends on getting real actual training along with real actual gear. The Bulldog is a horrible paramotor that doesn't have any of the safety updates that are life & death critical and the Atom 80 is a horrible motor. You hardly save any weight from the super powerful 200R on the Flat Top but despite having half the power you have way over double the torque steer. The Atom 80 starts nicely but it's gutless and has terrible torque steer. Plus with no protection from the prop, crumple zone or face plant protection let alone any of the hundreds of other safety advanced that the Flat Top has you really should NOT attempt to fly that unit let alone attempt to fly it without even getting true and real training. You are setting yourself up for a nightmare. I would highly recommend you divert your course to one that sets you up for success.
@thebeerinnandrewmckenna2655 8 ай бұрын
@@DellSchanze Im with one of the top instructor s in the uk, it climbs out nicely, although slower than others, all I want, is flights, not aerobatics, and other paramotors are too heavy, and the 185 would be too much for me because of the power.
@thebeerinnandrewmckenna2655 8 ай бұрын
I mentioned this to my instructor, he said its your personally, you are funny, and disagrees.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
They were were a "top instructor" then prove it. Simply show a video of them doing what you can see brand new SUPER students doing. If you include a video of your instructor just doing something basic like reverse kiting no hands for a few minutes and then include a video of yourself doing it then you could show they are an instructor. The problem is since you are a newbie you actually don't have any clue how horrible the scammer you are with is. Now I KNOW from massive experience they are not going to train you properly but I would love to be proven wrong. Please SHOW the video that shows they can even demonstrate basic skills let alone their students doing so.
@user-xh5yc4bb8c 8 ай бұрын
Dell I have a ? Got you, when hooking up my glider on a forward launch, the A's will be on the bottom correct then I reach down on inside of millions grab the brake arms under millions then get A's on fingers
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
It's best to keep taking SUPER training until you got it down. Did you graduate SUPER training yet?
@user-xh5yc4bb8c 8 ай бұрын
@@DellSchanze Hey Dell, where is your closest school to Tyler, Tx.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Well we do training right there in Corpus Christi. So not far from you. Or just hop on a plane and come to Manila in the Philippines and have the best adventure of your life along with it. :) Call me or better yet message me on whatsapp at +1 801 631 1731.
@kevindecker9444 8 ай бұрын
nate angle of attack seems awfully high based on the launches I saw. Is he keep his brakes pulled a bit to long?
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
It's totally fine. The Dominator does have a high angle of attack at trim speed which is why it's so safe. Yes it's also ridiculously stall resistant so no he is not going to just accidentally stall it. Yes it's common for newbies to pull too much brake on launch. Really you only need about 4-6 inches when you do it correctly. You can see it improve drastically towards the end of their SUPER training. It's pretty incredible the skills we can achieve in just 10 days.
@nickjohnson7257 8 ай бұрын
Why would an instructor have a 75yo or any student kiting in 16mph winds
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Because it's totally safe and extremely good training when you have the best instructor in the world helping you do it correctly and effectively and safely.
@kevindecker9444 8 ай бұрын
From my ELSA training, the video looked like the guy was pulling right brake to turn right but was goingt to slow. I was trained to line my ELSA to the runway flying with control bar pulled all the way towards me engine in idle. This had me flying at 65 - 70 Knots. The prop speed determines whether you climb or land. My instructor told me to never push the control bar forward on a landing to get the ELSA higher in the air if I was to low. Always apply power. Other wise you stall and fall right out of the sky. This guy was going to slow and stalled the lift on the right side wing tip. Then he tried to compensate with the left brake and had a complete collapse. Meaning he kept the right brake on and applied the left to collapsed both wing tips. He should have applied prop speed and backed off on the right brake and either abort landing or land further down the field. This is my observation.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Yea without proper training or gear it's pretty sickening how the same old stupid things happen over and over in the exact same ways. Had that been a Dominator he wouldn't have stalled without extreme force and effort and with proper training the odds of him burying the brakes and holding them there as hard as he could with be pretty minimal.
@kevindecker9444 8 ай бұрын
illegal to fly paramotors at night. FAA violation. VFR only.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
FALSE. It depends on how your local FAA guy interprets the rules. In Salt Lake he says you CAN fly at night as long as you are visible so yes you CAN fly at night. However if you are in a different area where the local FAA guy says you can't then you can't. If stopped the police will contact the local FAA guy in charge of that. So it's good to talk to him before you do it so you know how that's going to go.
@kevindecker9444 8 ай бұрын
I keep seeing the landings and kitting. I noticed the people kitting are maniputating the brake lines above the actaull brakes (pulling on the strings). I am trying to figure out what skills you keep referring to? You must be talking about manipulating the lines and using WSC at the same time. I also assume with a motor on your back, one must WSC, slightly placing angle corrections on the prop dirction while maniputating the brakes? I have not seen anyone toucn any other control other than the brake.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
As students gain that level of skill it doesn't matter if you are touching the brake lines directly or the using he brake toggles to do it. The result and feel is the same. Also forwards and backwards doesn't matter at all as once again the feel is the critical thing to learn and SUPER students very quickly get to where they can kite both forwards and reverse with their eyes closed and without even any hands on the controls. So there is a ton more to it than you might think you are seeing. The skills you learn on the ground are exactly the same skills you need in the air and they can't really be learned in the air interestingly enough. Try learning to balance a broomstick on your finger... by holding it from the top. You can't. In the air you naturally hand under the glider so you wouldn't build the skill to keep the glider above you but would learn backwards and let the glider stay up while you just tell it which way to go. On the ground though it's constantly trying to fall down as it doesn't want to stay above you naturally so you learn mastery level skills of keeping it absolutely perfectly above you and loaded exactly to the ounce you need. That skill in the air is exactly the skill it takes to truly active pilot the glider. Yes the glider is ridiculously safe and stable on it's own but add in active piloting and you increase that stability by a ridiculous factor. Paragliders can be flown in turbulence you wouldn't even fly a small airplane in. A paraglider is specifically designed to be flown mid day in active thermic conditions right in the mountains. That's what it's made for. It's a glider. With proper gear and training the safety is absolutely incredible even doing that. There is a lot more to it than you might expect. Mastering skills with a paraglider is MUCH harder than flying a plane. Try it with SUPER training and you will see. If you graduate SUPER training then you are freaking AWESOME!!! We don't put newbies in the air, only experts. You literally have better than expert level skills with that glider with incredible feel and reflexes before you ever take your first flights. That is why SUPER training creates the best skills in the air and has the best safety in the world. It's not even comparable.
@kevindecker9444 8 ай бұрын
I have a Light Sport Aircraft license. I flew and experimental light sport aircraft. Some people call them ultralight which isn't accurate do to the weight of my aircraft. To fly an ELSA takes a hell of a lot more skill than a paramotor. I am assuming oscillations are the pendulum type of swinging in the air. I know exactly how to correct this. And my wing was extremly stable. You have to stop the oscillation using the controls. It is in the timing of the swing. I had to learn this coming in for a landing at 65 Knots. If you could not come in level and not swinging, you could not land and abort. I flew 25 hours training. I had to use sectional charts and go on a 50 mile cross country by my self, landing at three airports, I had to take and FAA test, I had to fly with an FAA examiner and pass an oral test. I don't understand what this guy is talking about "Roll Stable" Turbulence normally caused my oscillation and overcorrecting for it made it worse. Watching this guy crash in this video, he looked like he was training to correct the oscillation using controls but had no idea how to accomplish this. Why would a company sell wings that are not roll stable? And even if the wing is roll stable, you will get into an oscillation sooner or later.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Well I think you would quickly find that paramotor skills take much more than it does to fly an aircraft. So real training is very critical. A glider that isn't roll stable means instead of trying to stay straight and level on it's own it will actually roll harder and harder until it loops you face first into the ground unless you specifically stop it from happening. Yes why would any rational honest person sell such a horrible pile of crap wing that isn't even roll stable? That's my question as well. They are just freaking evil pushing those death traps at all let alone pushing them onto a total newbie who doesn't even have proper training. It's sick. Imagine selling an airplane to beginners where if you let go of the controls it immediately tried to flip upside down. Yea that's how bad that crap is that Tucker Gott and countless other seriously evil people try to push onto others. It's horrifying and has caused countless deaths and piles of carnage. It's easy to talk about your great skills you developed from your training but how about show a video to back them up? I do like the method of having a separate examiner giving the test that is not the instructor. Of course dishonest people will still be dishonest and honest people will still be honest regardless of methods. So people really do need to think about the competency and integrity of those they trust their life to.
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
Notice at the moment of collapse, the flag also appears to collapse. I theorize he was flying slightly downwind, and a large gust hit him from behind. If you are flying only slightly above the stall speed, and you get a big tail wind, you will stall. This has happened to me many times flying RC planes and I've crashed a few times under theses conditions. The effect is to drop like a rock to the ground, and it happens very quickly. I suspect he had the trims extended, and perhaps with speed bar, so the stall speed was at its highest when the gust hit. IF he had a safe wing, it would have most likely recovered. This is what happens when you fly "on the margins" as we say in RC flying.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as wind in the air. So no there is no such thing as a tail wind. It only pertains to the ground speed not air speed. If you have 200 mph wind on the ground and you fly in a circle at 30mph you will go exactly 30mph air speed in every direction. No such thing as wind. Only your ground speed will change drastically. So no there was no major gust that created negative airspeed or zero airspeed. Look at the wing before the collapse. Almost not a twitch. It was very mild conditions. Hoaxflex death traps are just horrifically unstable so the slightest bit of turbulence caused the collapse and hoaxflex death traps don't recover which is why we call them death traps.
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
These corrupt corporations entice the young and foolish with a bit of 'more performance' to fulfill their lust for adrenaline. I high-horsepower motorcycle can be very fun, vs. a Volvo, but the death rate is vastly different.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Well the fact is that they don't have more performance. It's just a lie. I set the paramotor world speed record on the super duper safe Dominator. Death trap gliders DON'T have more performance. That's why it's so ridiculously insane for scumbags to be pushing death traps when there is literally no reason for people to die. It's not volvo vs motorcycle. The Dominator is the safest but also is the best in every single way. It's just a ridiculously impossibly too good to be true glider that really is just THAT good. They literally still try to lie to beat my record and still can't. Even lying Tucker was only able to lie away claiming 1 single mph above the record hahahaha. He didn't even fly straight line in opposite directions at the same altitude which is obvious in video where he tries to fake the record. Just the fact that they are still trying to beat the record of the Dominator with totally uncertified class gliders kinda shows by itself how badly the Dominator humiliates them and their total crap gear. Seriously just think about that... they still can't beat the speed record of the Dominator with TOTALLY UNCERTIFIED CLASS GLIDERS!!! You can see why they look like such idiots flying that crap that can't even beat the performance of the safest class of glider. BWHAAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
I thought I saw Trevor talking about flying the Ozone Free Ride. What's up with that?
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Yes he is an evil moron that doesn't care about truth or human life. He will tell any lie he can make up to get your money no matter how many die because of it. Definitely NOT someone to trust your life to. The freeride is a totally uncertified class death trap. FACT. They are nowhere near as stable as quality wings and WHEN they collapse they react so violently that they can't pass ANY level of safety standards. Take a major collapse below 1000 ft and the odds are you will die. Take the same collapse on a Dominator and the odds are you would barely notice it and it would be open faster than you could look up. Ask around and see if you can find anyone that has actually SEEN their Dominator collapse. It literally opens soooo fast that there is no way you can look up fast enough to just see what you felt. Plus they can't even beat the performance of the Dominator with the death traps. So there are literally zero reason to fly the crap gear. Only purely evil people like Trevor would push that crap. It's just freaking evil. HUNDREDS dead.
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
I love the "how not to do it" demonstrations - it's hilarious
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
Well if Tucker was at 10,000 ft. he could have hit 200 mph+ if he just went for maximum descent rate.
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
If you have to have a warning message not to pull brakes when the glider is in a user-enabled configuration, it's a death trap. Murphy's laws says, "Anything that CAN happen will". Can someone accidently pull the brakes on a high-performance wing with the trims fully out? YEP. Someone is going to do that, and the wing WILL collapse.
@user-wo6zt1hf9q 8 ай бұрын
This discussion is very interesting. I'm glad I found this video. I agree with your technical analysis of Gott's errors, he doesn't know much about aeronautics or flight theory, only his own experience flying. He is basically the Shaun White of paramotoring - flamboyant and high risk, with the high likelihood of a future disastrous crash himself. He's way to young to really understand what he's doing, he's a youthful idiot, but very entertaining, and therefore he has over a million followers. People like Tucker tent to push the limits until they reach it - which is usually the end. People want to watch that kind of flying because it's interesting. The fact that his friend died and there was never an explanation about the details makes me think they downplayed the danger of the wings they were flying. Most likely his friend was performing acrobatic maneuvers like Tucker does in his videos, and he made a mistake and took a collapse and crashed. I watched a video of a guy that took an asymmetric collapse after he was speed-baring his wing on one of those 'high performance' wings, when he pressed the speed bar with the trims released. He was flying at 1000 ft., and in 15 seconds he was at 50ft, and the wing recovered just in time. A hundred ft. lower when the collapse happened and he would have been dead. He was flying one of those 'death trap' wings that you are constantly warning about. It seems to me the industry is marketing these kinds of wings to the young and foolish types that crave excitement without any real grasp of the danger.
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Realize again that they are not "high performance". Despite being total death traps with HUNDREDS dead they still can't beat the performance of the ridiculously safe Dominator that I recommend until something beats it. There is ZERO you can do on the death traps that you can't do on the super duper safe Dominator. So there is ZERO point to the hundreds of deaths. It's just sheer ignorance or total stupidity. If there was a huge performance increase then you could at least say that you sacrifice safety for added performance but the fact is I set the paramotor world speed record at 51mph on the super duper safe Dominator and it's never been beaten. They make videos lying and trying to pretend they beat it but it doesn't take much logical reasoning to see their attempts are fake and just total lies. So all those deaths are simply for the murderous scumbags like Tucker to make money. He doesn't give one single crap about people's lives. No his friend wasn't doing "acro" on a trike. He was flying straight and level like 96% of them that die. Straight and level when the slightest turbulence caused a collapse and WHAP they hit the ground face first at between 80-105 mph. Same thing over and over and over and over. Death after death and they just lie and pretend 99% is because of "acro". Total lie. You can watch people taking collapses flying straight and level on that crap and watch them do backflip 180s and lock into face down spirals. If you don't have 900+ ft of altitude then you die. The odds of taking a collapse at some point? 100%. So what are the odds of death on a hoaxflex death trap? 100%.
@MechInvent 8 ай бұрын
My coworker just spent 11 grand to build a paramotor... All I keep thinking as I see the build pics is "that is no flattop". ...looks sketchy!
@MechInvent 8 ай бұрын
So perfect it looks like CGI
@atiqullahkhan7453 8 ай бұрын
Great information
@jamenw 8 ай бұрын
is there a recommended paramotor instructor in the Layton UTAH area?
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
There are no honest or competent instructors in Utah let alone Layton. The way training is done is you first want to master control of the paraglider by flying in like a bit kite. To fly a kite you need wind and the only place in the world the wind blows very consistently all day long is at specific beaches. So to get 25-60 hours of kiting practice and up to 530 flights of experience into a 10 day class you need to travel to the perfect location and the best instructor. Even if the best instructor in the world tried to train you in Layton it would be completely worthless as it would take over a year to try to get 25-60 hours of glider control practice. So those who pretend to "train" in locations like that are actually frauds. They don't actually train anyone to have any actual skills. They just chuck people in the air without the slightest ability to properly control the glider and that's why you hear of constant carnage & death all the time. Do it right and with the correct gear, Flat Top & Dominator, and your odds of death are almost zero. So call 801-631-1731 and just do it the right way. Then you can knock it out in 10 days and possibly leave with up to 530 flights of experience and mastery level skills fully prepared to fly anywhere with incredible safety. So even if someone says they are an "instructor" if they claim to "train" in Utah you know without a doubt they are a fraud that has zero intention of actually training you. This sport is absolutely incredible if you do it right but it's a complete nightmare if you don't.
@Sammy19327 8 ай бұрын
Who certifies the stunts to be records may I ask? Ide like start chasing and need to know where to aim. Thanks
@DellSchanze 8 ай бұрын
Nobody needs to "certify" a record. It's all on youtube now. The real actual records are on youtube. A private company like Guinness doesn't know jack about paramotoring or have any clue what the real records are. It's only about who pays them $10,000 to put their name in their book. The real records are set by those who can actually do it, not those who pay $10,000.
@kendallcargill305 8 ай бұрын
My Mama can do that because you trained her @ Super training.
@SyahrulDrone 8 ай бұрын
Niceeee i lovveee eddd
@swisstravel6353 9 ай бұрын
Looks like a fun little wing.
@johnbarney5787 9 ай бұрын
You know what got me following you? I watched a few Flight Junkies videos and the Captain launched into an ad hominem attack on you and your religion, more notably lack of. I don't know what that has to do with paramotor skills and if it affects the quality of a Flat Top. You both have dressed diwn Tucker Gott in separate videos, but he did one brandishing a sidearm. I'm a Marine Corps veteran and retired law enforcement, so Im very pro 2A, but I don't seem him making other videos making his sidearm clearly visible. To me it looked like a veiled threat. I also like you because you talk a lot of shit, being a Marine I relate and partake in that. But you do back it up with examples, so I like that.
@WhisperJetAmerica 9 ай бұрын
Sure miss you, Dell. Any new content coming soon?
@BlueSkyCountry 9 ай бұрын
I feel sorry for all the participants of this sport who would not be able to enjoy it now for the time being due to recent horrific events. Paramotors are absolutely no go right now, especially in places where people are armed and concerned.
@westlisbon6307 9 ай бұрын
How much is that set up?
@DellSchanze 9 ай бұрын
The best gear on the market is about $13,000 with the lightest reserve and everything you need. Give us a call at 801-631-1731.
@hhgg1105 9 ай бұрын
@illuminotme4261 9 ай бұрын
Your opening statement spoke volumes. I am about to start learning myself. I was going to get a standard ultralight but think I'm drawn to the paramotor. This will be the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me
@JamesT65 9 ай бұрын
My kinda take off full throttle
@JamesT65 9 ай бұрын
Awesome advice no fucking about
@JamesT65 9 ай бұрын
This is the kind of training I am going to get. First class.
@z98133 9 ай бұрын
I am not a pilot. The few videos I have watched of Tucker's, he comes across as interested in selling his "merch." Major turn off.
@christopherw4527 9 ай бұрын
Dell, what kind of paramotors were used by the terrorists attacking Israel?
@DellSchanze 9 ай бұрын
It was all the super low end crap gear like the liars push onto ignorant newbies.
@christopherw4527 9 ай бұрын
@@DellSchanze Ahh...I figured that much.
@toetbakker 9 ай бұрын
It was a false flag…
@user-db4ms1pq3q 9 ай бұрын
Im. Like. This. Sound wow😮❤
@deliciousness8183 9 ай бұрын
Isnt trevor your son? Not being condescending, just curious.
@DellSchanze 9 ай бұрын
No Trevor is my nephew but it wouldn't matter if he were my son. A lying scumbag is what they is because of what they is not because of who they is.
@JamesT65 9 ай бұрын
Very impressive
@MahaBali7975 9 ай бұрын
How does it perform compared to Sky Cima Pwr wings? I heard Cima gets launced easily in nil air than Dominator. Moreover, which dominator wing size recommended for beginners? Can I train myself on that considering I have 50hrs of flying experience on Mojo?
@DellSchanze 9 ай бұрын
Look at the weight of the gliders. The Cima pwr is much much heavier and it's an uncertified class glider. The Dominator is so much lighter and easier to launch and it just floats there above your head waiting for you to take off being much more forgiving of mistakes or hesitations when starting out. You literally don't even have to know anything about the sport as just looking at the huge difference in weight will give you a huge amount of evidence to use your logic as to the answer to your question. The liars will lie up and down but weight doesn't lie. The Dominator I fly weighs about 6 lbs lol. Other wings like you are talking about are typically double to triple the weight. So anyone suggesting those are "easier to launch" are total flat out liars. You can even watch my kids at age 12 doing nil wind forward launches in the high altitude mountains of Utah with very little effort. Liars lie but SUPERS fly. Lightweight makes a HUGE difference when you go to launch in challenging conditions. It's simple logic. Watch the video where I offered the owner of blackhawk paramotors $5000 in cash if he could even just launch the 19 lb wing and 100 lb paramotor they sold to a customer. $5000 and all he had to do was launch it in nil wind at high altitude. He refused. Can you physically run 9mph with 100 lbs on your back? I seriously don't think so. I'm the best pilot in the world and I can physically do it. The Flat Top is so light and the Dominator is so incredibly efficient that it starts building lift down around 3mph. It's a complete world of difference from other gliders.
@libertyforamericanow 9 ай бұрын
Curious about the this landing
@libertyforamericanow 9 ай бұрын
Dudes in good shape for his age. Wonder if hes had another fligt?
@user-by1vd3jw4q 9 ай бұрын
Very nice outlooks from above
@Carson_ppg 9 ай бұрын
Are there any trainers who get along on youtube 🤷🏼‍♂️. They all think the “other guy” is not a good trainer.
@DellSchanze 9 ай бұрын
Just look at the facts not the bs. If you want to see the skill of an instructor then look at the real actual skill of their students. SUPER training is the only school in the world teaching true mastery level skills to students. It's really very easy to do some research and see that reality. I would love to see you be able to prove me wrong. If there were others producing skills in new students like you see at SUPER training I would love to promote them. One of the biggest jobs of an instructor is to make sure the student gets the best & safest gear. Watch the video serious of the 304 reasons competent pilots ONLY fly Flat Top paramotors. It's not rocket science. You don't even have to be a pilot to understand the facts shared. Once you start to understand the facts about gear you can take one look at any school and if they are not using Flat Top paramotors then you know straight away they are absolutely and totally incompetent. If I were wrong then a zillion people could come on here and explain in detail exactly why I'm wrong. Look at the date I wrote this... see anyone making a logical argument to refute this? Nope. The liars lie. They just can't refute the facts I share. If people really could refute the facts I share then they wouldn't need to bash, trash and lie. They could simply explain the facts like I do without any bs about it.
@MahaBali7975 10 ай бұрын
Hi Dell, I am sold to your machine flat top! I live in a country whose land is approximately 300m/1000feet above sea level. Will there be any advantage or disadvantage with this paramotor?
@DellSchanze 9 ай бұрын
Doesn't really matter. Lower altitude gives you thicker air so you have more lift at a slower ground speed but really the Flat Top & Dominator is so incredible it will make little difference when you have SUPER skills.
@joshuastanaland7099 10 ай бұрын