Parsons X Brompton
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What's New? Ft. Sara McDonald
Fania Noël | Community Portraits
What's New? Ft. Alysia Abbott
Thom Browne Visits The New School
Sunday Sessions || Episode 7: Nory
The New School Walks With Pride
@EnglishwithJoe 3 сағат бұрын
These two are typical of the problem with language learning tuition
@skaboosh 7 күн бұрын
I do love the film, I've seen it many times, I do love the stripping back to someone's real truth, I dislike the guru like adoration displayed here. There are also moments in the film when you can tell there was some unseemly banging going on.
@netizencapet 7 күн бұрын
The communicative approach is a dogmatic church more severe and less tolerant of evidentiary challenge than the Inquisition. Supremely inefficient, far more imprecise than it claims, disempowering, insofar as it refuses to impart sound, repeatable methods of using academic and digital resources for the independent acquisition of further language.
@josephalbanese3871 14 күн бұрын
The high priests are murmuring
@lnreportingtupacsmurderwas4975 15 күн бұрын
He is genius.
@jac585 Ай бұрын
No defeet no bad feelings other than vivid realizatin i was right all my life and still have same problems as i have BPD but not same as he is saying tring to embaress the patiant through therapy then say they feel stoopid for wanting to feel about a way of life much like the gays we finaly excepted is a real thing but the heart broken beat by capitolisam are wrong for saying the playing table is rigged by us or the government the bank or the church you cant say that thats wear my job turns in to slave masters right hand with a whip telling them to run back in to what did destroy them and do to there makeup as a human will only happen again. ??? Im right. Prove me wrong without now bringing in some form of christian mystasysem or western thought in reflection of western reality to justfy it. Then i ask you who are you actually working for at end of day how smart are you and did😮 you not see you are just jutifying man kinds short commings and justifying there continued existance for church bank government. You are locking suffering in to reality by having your view of reality cuz you not smart enough to understand reality.
@jac585 Ай бұрын
Me new Jung and ya I lost my mind getting to this point for mankind. Its my job did you not know. I did not pick my job no man would want to do this but had to be done to show the world how things are really operating right now.
@petepotr4078 Ай бұрын
The Keynesian Marxian University of NY
@dinahbear1624 Ай бұрын
@dinahbear1624 Ай бұрын
@dinahbear1624 Ай бұрын
@kathrineckardt2869 Ай бұрын
There is plugins that get rid of the buzz…sad
@imogensharma Ай бұрын
Strengthening the cortical functions of cluster B people must be done along with somatic therapies - or the patient will get worse. Speaking from experience. The field must stress the importance of this or you are just making people worse and it feels like planned obsolescence. My own self work has been far more useful than any therapist or psychiatrists I have seen, and these types of discussion have been pivotal. Thank you for sharing!
@stregalilith Ай бұрын
Thank you for this!
@Valentyna_Kozhevina 2 ай бұрын
@BeteWoldeyohannes-sk2uo 2 ай бұрын
… Haile Gerima, Ethiopia’s favorite son!!! We are 125 million strong casting our hungry eyes on you thank you for making us proud…
@sarlinatahulending4152 3 ай бұрын
Kayak tugas si Michelle, namanya Oshi dosa kalo gak salah atau bahasa umumnya origami, seni melipat entah itu kain atau kertas😂
@abrahamguejdi5444 3 ай бұрын
@tobby6312 3 ай бұрын
This was fantastic and informative.
@user-cj1wr5lb1r 3 ай бұрын
Russia in 1905, as in 2022-24, has been European, but not 'western', while Japan wasn't then and is not now European, but has been western for well over a century.
@queena_ 3 ай бұрын
my heart is so full from this 🤎
@jasonpatten9159 3 ай бұрын
I'll be damned we lost Joan Schenkar! I worked with and for her during time when she was nursing a broken ankle in the 1990's we became friends She was wealthy, entitled and elitist but she had a first rate mind she was NEVER a bore. During the years we were true friends in addition to frequent conversations and attending films (where knowing I was destitute she always paid for my ticket) back in the 1990's when NO ONE who lived in Greenwich Village Manhattan would take the subway to Brooklyn to share time with a friend but Joan did and she took the subway besides saying, "That's where I get some of my best dialogue." We shared a Christmas and a few dinner parties I will never forget... Alas she PAID for the privilege of having her work published via some type of "Vanity Press" (one of my many hustles as a starving artist while I had subsidized college students paying 95% of my rent in a three bedroom two bathroom apartment in Greenpoint Brooklyn: I had my OWN entrance and my OWN bathroom with a bathtub to soak in etc. and it's SO much easier to get along with housemates when you only share the kitchen and they ARE after all PAYING YOUR RENT)When Joan found out that I was making ends meet working as a vanity press editor, she cut me dead as a friend and only hired me occasionally to arrange flowers and the like... She simply couldn't abide the notion of someone so much younger and (allegedly) less educated(although I was very close to my Grandmother who was born in 1907 and lived until the age of ninety seven. Further I'd spent my formative years traveling all over the world and had been to twenty-six countries by the time I was 16, I read voraciously and omnivorously and as such had read scores and scores if not hundreds of biographies, I caught or got ahead of every name JOAN SCHENKAR dropped and JOAN DID like to drop names of luminaries and obscure but powerful forces in the arts and the gay community) Once Joan told me that "Gay men LOVED Dorothy Parker SO MUCH that they started calling gay men "Friends of Dorothy" I said "I know another Dorothy, have you ever heard of a film called 'the Wizard of OZ' and then I started to imitate Judy Garland singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" at first she looked at me as if I'd punched her in the throat, Then bewildered and then LIVID she WAS paying me $7 per hour to help her with her navigating her tiny apartment with a broken ankle and functioning as a companion and a such she immediately made it her business to treat me like an employee and having established our relationship in these parameters that day until she set me home. The next day we were friends again and I do believe I touched her nebulous heart when she tried and failed to pay me $20 to meet her at Beth Israel hospital after a surgical procedure to remove the screws from her ankle and I was happy to help her hail and hobble into a cab home to Cornelia street. My life in Brooklyn was so barren (and there's Nothing lonelier than being the brightest person in the room) so I was always glad of her company. SHE WAS a LEO after all but had SO MUCH VIRGO in her Natal chart that she was a seismograph that truly believed in her spirit she was an epicenter if not an Earthquake Joan Schenkar had EXCELLENT even charismatic self esteem. In addition to her home in Paris Joan Schenkar had a compact but full service apartment on Cornelia St. in in Greenwich Village Manhattan that was RENT CONTROLLED which meant (for any and all who are NOT New Yorkers) her rent for her serviceable apartment on Cornelia St. in Greenwich village was $400 per month... Where as at that time I was paying $450 for a ROOM in a rough Dominican part of Williamsburg where I had to share the bathroom and kitchen with 4 other people.... Further I had to manifest THAT "living situation" out of thin air When I "graduated from college" I had managed to get my Narcissistic mother to accept my move to Manhattan when I arranged an "independent study contract" at The Evergreen State College. That's where I met and befriended an older returning student, Gretchen Langheld, who turned out to be a composer and sax player via a professor who was an old friend and ex girlfriend of the composer Gretchen Langheld I was in Chelsea writing lyrics for her extant melodies and getting college credit for it. My very Literal & rigid German mother continued paying cash for FULL Tuition for me to be doing exactly what I would have been doing anyway and using the $700 per month my mother allowed for living expenses: I was networking over dinner parties I prepared in a loft on the corner of 9th Ave. and 14th st. in Chelsea with a (very incestuous) clan of Brilliant, Successful, and accomplished lesbians most of whom became friends with Gretchen. back in the 1960's in Bennington college in Manhattan, writing lyrics and making music!? As per my agreement with my mother she gave me $700 per month which happened to be the rent or rather seven eights of the rent for Gretchen's loft on 9th AVE. and 14th St. and she WAS doing me a favor she could've gotten much more during the year we lived together but I digress my mother gave me $700 a month until I graduated. My graduation gift was $900 and then I was cut off and out on the street I had a Liberal Arts degree and my best option to avoid being homeless was to clean posh apartments in Manhattan for $19 an hour with a "three hour minimum" When I wasn't enjoying Joan's company as a "paid companion" for 7$ per hour (AND she made it her business to point out that it was tax free.) and Rent a wretched room. At any rate,. a few years of warm friendship later when Joan Schenkar found out I was working as an editor for Vanity Press I suspect that she simply couldn't abide the notion of me editing a manuscript into a book by someone that she imagined to be the wise, insightful and experienced AUTHOR of HER imagined caliber. Certainly NOT when I was candidly laughing up my sleeve to her and telling her about the work of earnest "authors" who stank on ice....Perhaps it was a little too close to home for her...especially since Joan must have known that she ultimately did her best work as a writer securing grants. How appropriate that Wikipedia and every obituary Identifies her as the BIOGRAPHER of a lesbian author who knew how to entertain her readers enough to get picked up by publishers and have her first novel made into a famous Alfred Hitchcock film, Mz. Highsmith felt a responsibility to make the personal universal and actually made a VERY good living at it. Instead of Charming institutions out of grant money for an opportunity to "inhabit the character of others" ...well what can one say it's a transient world and I personally believe that EVERYTHING ASPIRES TO MUSIC. Where as It has been my experience that authors are prickly, witty, vaguely paranoid and ruthless gossips. Now that Joan's gone I wish that I'd saved her letters she provided me with a wealth of Bon Mots and playful, insightful and even priceless turns of phrase regarding concerns that we shared... In closing I'll Quote YOU, Joan : "Every corpse ultimately leaves us with a persistent grin" you will be missed however I will take comfort in the fact that you ultimately achieved acclaim as a biographer and pray that you're "grinning" in you're beloved Paris R.I.P.... Oh Joan, but you WERE good company: I remember a time when we were taking a cab to JFK airport and we were driving by an expansive graveyard and you said to me, " look at that. Every graveyard is a miniature city. When you weren't being condescending you were always generous with your wit & wicked sense of fun as a writer you did your best work writing whatever you had to in order to secure the grant at hand and if I had been as subsidized as you were we would have been friends right up to your woefully recent absence from this "veil of tears"... you will be missed well you secured an appropriate cemetery in Paris I hope and Pray that they planted you in a "good neighborhood" One of your obituaries mentions that you were a Leo I KNEW THAT however what no one ELSE seems to remember is ALL the VIRGO you had in your natal chart I'd like to believe that I knew you well enough to surmise that you had "all your acorns in a row" and you secured a modest but adequate final Pied'a Terre in good company over in that Parisian Boneyard...
@Muradmehammed-fy6vg 4 ай бұрын
@chumaosse21 4 ай бұрын
Who is the person who he mentions @ 59:56 as the person who he was walking with in NYC arguing about the vibrations of everything around us? Cathy Carlins? please help
@jonmeador8637 4 ай бұрын
If the Establishment Clause applied to Protestants only, i.e., Congress could support Protestants, then logically, the Free Exercise Clause only protects Protestants since the meaning of the Free Exercise Clause is dependent on the Establishment Clause. Catholics, Jews, Muslims, etc al don’t, then, have a constitutionally-protected right. If you wanna play the Originalist game, you have to take the good with the bad.
@ajaxjaiswal3442 4 ай бұрын
Love 💖 the moderator!!! He's cutting through a lot of his bullshit!!!!
@andreafasoli8186 4 ай бұрын
Voci brutte e mal educate. Stonate, tecnicamente non appropriate. Se sono studenti, meglio qualcosa di più "facile", perché Rossini non è acqua fresca da cantare.
@nghknguyen 4 ай бұрын
11:39 - performative
@RafaelReStival 4 ай бұрын
It's ImmAnent Frame
@johnnycouck7449 4 ай бұрын
He belong to our family. Normally he was called Pieter Couck or Coucke, as shown in old deeds in Aalst, the name Coecke was a spelling mistake. I'm proud that our artist is finally getting the recognition he deserves.
@johnnycouck7449 4 ай бұрын
He belong to our family. Normally he was called Pieter Couck or Coucke, as shown in old deeds in Aalst, the name Coecke was a spelling mistake. I'm proud that our artist is finally getting the recognition he deserves.
@jimmyppasappiah3789 4 ай бұрын
How many months do you spend at Parsons.
@sintayehulegesse6070 4 ай бұрын
ትልቅ ሰዉ
@kirstinstrand6292 5 ай бұрын
It seems that most practicing psychoanalysts are practicing their specialties without staying current with 2024 thinking. Solms himself continues to outdo his work he discusses in this 14 year old presentation. It seems that 😕 psychoanalytic theory is incapable of changing gears in order to move into the 21st century. Bravo Mark. 👏
@danielb8697 5 ай бұрын
So inspiring 😤😤😤
@wayneblackmonmdjd6870 5 ай бұрын
Why no subtitles?
@ricardomendoza3685 5 ай бұрын
@albertolofoco2931 5 ай бұрын
Very interesting. Thanks
@oliverc1961 5 ай бұрын
What a dreary and immodest talk.
@peteypeters9205 6 ай бұрын
Another great master drummer that we can all learn from.
@VishnuParammal13 6 ай бұрын
This talk was like a buried treasure for people trying to start with computational imaging. Can't imagine mine being the first comment after 10 years of upload. Hope it reaches lot many people.
@Wadiyatalkinabeet_ 7 ай бұрын
Appropriate of Gore to talk about this of all people. He’s a master at it, at least now he is. What better teacher at a topic than one who practices at it constantly? It’s a shame this man sold out the way he did. He must’ve forgotten about this video or thought too many people wouldn’t catch an eye on it when he released his, “Inconvenient Truth” in 2006.
@benjaminabras 7 ай бұрын
Ivor Stodolsky and Maritta Muukkonen ,this Finland ONG Artists at Risk are monsters how attaque me in Finland when i was in his residence. I'm an artist in exile from the necropolitic in Brazil. They put me in risk to protect his dirt actions with me and with the Ukraine artist Spartak Khachanov. DON'T TRUST IN THOSE LIERS! Our Risk it's just Business to them
@sionafrancesca 7 ай бұрын
Such a moral force in the world! Thank you, Dr. West, for being a voice of goodness and wisdom and love.
@RiffCollector 7 ай бұрын
Love him - lets hope his genius and efforts/deciation to teaching jazz live on
@timothymontes2049 7 ай бұрын
What's wrong with sex? Looking for metaphysics? Mwahaha..
@timothymontes2049 7 ай бұрын
These critics want Roth to be someone or something else. Aim much higher than being a vulgarian? Better be a Bulgarian.
@kell_checks_in 8 ай бұрын
Good grief. Julia Child was 37 years old in Paris in 1949. She wasn't "young." She'd already had an entire career with the OSS at that point. Damn it, why aren't women ever allowed to be adults?
@kell_checks_in 8 ай бұрын
6:18 the presenter just described a standard format recipe, which lists the ingredients separately from the steps. The action format embeds the ingredients in with the instructions, although they are usually offset and sometimes in a different font or bolded. (A third format, the narrative, includes the ingredients without any emphasis within a paragraph along with the instructions.)
@yhwhgedula-no.1944 8 ай бұрын
Enjoyed so much ❤
@yolkpele6337 8 ай бұрын
The answer to the sorry host is, because of the special privileges built in the racist kkk kkklan caucasoid mafia demons socialized demonic system.