My YouTube Channel Was HACKED
@Kindlesmith70 5 сағат бұрын
Kickstarter is being used as an excuse? 😂 Kickstarter place states that products paid for on there may not be guarantee product. Anyone backing there, while not happy about it, should know this is not a market space for products, but an investment with possible return. Regardless, if they are using Kickstarter to fund their company to make games, they need to seriously stop and rework their entire company structure. KS is not a good place for companies to make money, espcially these people seeing that are lying about the amount needed to fund the game by putting the monetary goal post low. They are literally their own problem when it comes to finance. 😞
@MissBubbles 5 сағат бұрын
Do you mean Crytivo? Or Chill Town devs? Cause the two parted ways
@Kindlesmith70 3 сағат бұрын
@@MissBubbles 3:44 you talk about the crowd funding, which I find is really silly to put the 'success funded' goal lower than the actual needed fund for the product to be made. Understandably if they have sufficiant funding from elsewhere, that is fine, but later on there's talk about financial troubles so obviously the asking amount was far too low. Utilizing stretch goals to get mpore funding is a bad way to go about getting extra money, as it's setting up extras that come in addition to what was planned. Extras, from my experience, about any game kickstarted generally (not always) cause delays, extra costs, and bloat. Their financial problems I should have state financial concerns instead. 9:20 with regards to neagtive feedback potentially crippling their business. Still going back to previous mention, KS is not a great way to fund money even if they are practically allowed to just quit, and not provide refunds if they are unable to make fulfillments. I feel the release of an unfinished product with negative feedback can promote the game to become a better finished product in the end so long as steps are taken to overcome issues before it;s too late. If negative reviews aren't welcome efore the final version of the game is complete, then they shouldn't sell an unfinished game. May have been better to make a closed early access, and get people to sign some kind of contract not to disclose any info until a set date. Only those that got into early dev access may leave feedback, and only to them, this way avoiding future potential customers to hear anything of it;s current state. Banning, and dleteing negative feedback is a terrible practice. It just garners more negative feedback.
@Kindlesmith70 6 сағат бұрын
XD Sounds like a groupd of people or individuals that do not accept feedback. These kinds of people aren't worth dealing with. I always want to knwo the negatives people have concerning a game, as they can pick out the things I'd find in the game myself. I do not even care about spoilers espically if it brings up a very clear reason for avoidnig the game. If the negatives aren't too imposing, I'd jump into the game and play it myself.\ Absolutely. A review should be of the game itself at the time of review, and not anything surrounding it, for example is in early access, or there's trouble financially. While it is nice to be supportive if there are troubles, customers are not charity donors. It's business. The end product matters. I feel game development funding is an excuse to not make a game. Plenty of people that make games without issues of income as they have a job that gets them this. Making anything is hard if you don't have the required skill sets. My take is, if you want to make a game, make a game. No excuses. There's always a way around problems which includes canning a project and moving on with life if the process becomes truly impossible. All I hear from this video is typical complaints that can be easily taken care of. Sure this will come at a cost of more time, and that is probably what this project ultimately needs. People don't have the needed skill sets to get this company working efficiently, which includes adequate PR.
@Kindlesmith70 10 сағат бұрын
May wish to back up all your videos. In case someone starts deleting everything. That does mean more work on your behalf, and spending some extra coin to get storage devices. In general it's just a goiod idea to backup everything important. Older videos aren't so much irrelevant as they are a journey you've taken. Some people like to see that journey. You could date your videos in the title, or even have a playlist that you put all older videos you find are no longer relevant. Just a thought. Some content creators repost older videos with something like "repost" or "reupload". It is good to see you've been able to recover and keep going. A quote from one of my fave films: Never give up! Never surrender!
@DeathPunk11394 16 сағат бұрын
Q4! Can't wait until then.
@MissBubbles 5 сағат бұрын
Soooon 🤞🏻
@Kindlesmith70 20 сағат бұрын
I'd probably pick RPGs that have one ending only, and not enough options to provide replayability. Most RPGs are too long, and grindy to be fun doing all over again. I'd imagine all the Assassin's Creed games. I've only played the first one and the second one. They both are linear, and there isn't much in the way of seeing anything new playing them again. Same could be said for Horizon Zero Dawn, and by larger extent Horizon Forbiden West which is even longer. I'd would probably say Hogwarts Legacy. while there are diverging options you can pick between, they aren't significant enough to warrant additional plays imo. The endings too can be chosen at the end of the game so a save before that sequence of events allows to see all endings. Moon is a lengthy kind of game that is basicallly a one and done type. That is unless a person wants to uncover all the secrets with a guide on a second run, to avoid spoilers on a first time run through.
@julliecrossing441 21 сағат бұрын
i'm a sucker for simple farming games, There are somethings i don't like about SoS AWL, one: that is very linear, Two: i hate that i had to say goodbye to one of my favorite characters (if you know you know T-T). I love replaying Year One of that game so much, i don't think i actually finished a full run of AWL hahahaha
@yxiin5711 Күн бұрын
Before i buy a cozy game. I always look at your reviews first ahaha😂❤ ty for always making vids missbubbles
@MissBubbles 5 сағат бұрын
That means the world!!
@JoshuaGanoTyraxLightning Күн бұрын
3:35ish... I'm in middle of Playthrough of Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes, and lovin it so far! I just wish RL would let me playtime on it more often. P.S. If ya wanna get the most outta it, ya should play its Prequel Game Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising all the way through and beat everything in it then let Hundred Heroes Save File Transfer from the completed Rising Save Game to Hundred Heroes! ;) I'm among Runa's Pledgers! ^_^ 5:45ish... Cassette Beasts is within my frighteningly huge Game Backlog... 6:25ish... Interesting... I got curious about Fallout 4 in the past when I used to be awaiting Starfield's Full Release and asked friends about it and most said it wasn't worth me playing... and one said only get it and play it if I can catch a frickin HUGE Sale on it. A especially huge complaint on it is that there's Dialogue Choices in the game but they never matter, and I also examined its DLC and think some awfully questionable decisions were made on how they'd work, especially notably one DLC that gives your Character literally no choice but to be Evil no matter how ya were playin them previously... 6:35ish... I never made it past the beginning of Dragon's Dogma cause I hate the way the game's beginning was gone about. I didn't feel like I was free to raise my Character and Pawn how I wished to AND experience Content in the beginning of the game how I wanted to at the same time, and can't Respec my Character or Pawn Growth to fix errors in Character and Pawn Raising... I just can't get behind that. :( 7:35ish... Curiosity: Would it be Recommended or Not Recommended for me to avoid watching the Fallout Show while having not played any Fallout Game...? 11:50ish... I've long wished the Paper Mario Series to make it onto Steam... I played a friend's copy of Paper Mario 1 long long ago and loved it but missed the party on the whole rest of the Series aside from that. :(
@simsationelle 2 күн бұрын
I looove bandle tale
@mpacino1224 3 күн бұрын
So many people in comments complain. They just don't get that they like games other people don't like. It's not all about them. They can find other videos.
@MissBubbles 2 күн бұрын
100% agree