Leveling as a Multiboxer - Level 79 - Part 3
Leveling as a Multiboxer - Level 78 to 79
How I Make Gold On My Own Server
Leveling as a Multiboxer - Level 77
Leveling as a Multiboxer - Level 76
@pragma-tv Күн бұрын
Man, you taking it on a whole new level. Gonna watch it
@maxowndhard 4 күн бұрын
maybe start with icecrown citadel reputation gives a epic ring bis to all characters
@Massattack1982 6 күн бұрын
So i am trying isboxer as a multiboxing tool . I was wondering if you are ever going to do any tutorials on multiboxing ?
@vRevision 6 күн бұрын
I'm not really the tutorial kind of person. There is a lot available for ISBoxer already anyway and I don't see how I could do it any better.
@roleplayer97 9 күн бұрын
is there a possibility that you can make a video and share the server software that you use i would like to run this and play wow "singleplayer" sounds relaxing
@vRevision 9 күн бұрын
There are multiple tutorials on setting up AzerothCore on KZfaq. The AzerothCore wiki also does a good job explaining how to set it up. I couldn't explain it well enough, being a much more "advanced" user I'd basically only help those who know how to do it already. You'd get plenty of help on the Azerothcore Discord server too. That's basically all I do right now to help AzerothCore; support. Single player is amazing. Plenty of modules exist to aid with this, no matter if you prefer to play completely alone (using autobalance for example) or with bots (using npcbots or playerbots), or if you want to multibox like I do. I don't like dealing with people so this kind of thing is perfect for me.
@Painbow9553 8 күн бұрын
I recently made a guide that might be helpful for you, roleplayer.
@maxowndhard 10 күн бұрын
each video i watch, my eager to box grows..
@vRevision 10 күн бұрын
Do it!
@maxowndhard 10 күн бұрын
@@vRevision make me Some accounts then😂
@Massattack1982 10 күн бұрын
Can I ask what software you are using to multibox ? I wanted to do what you are doing but I can't find the right software .I wanted to use a free one
@vRevision 10 күн бұрын
The one I use isn't free though. If it was it wouldn't be as good as it is.
@Massattack1982 9 күн бұрын
​@@vRevision may I ask what you use ?
@makitotti1242 14 күн бұрын
Last level 🎉 good luck
@patrikschroner2154 18 күн бұрын
Mate you can get ban for this
@vRevision 18 күн бұрын
Nope, I'm not going to ban myself
@Painbow9553 20 күн бұрын
2:02 - at least use the Postal addon so you can press one button and instantly get all auctions.
@vRevision 20 күн бұрын
It's quicker to hold shift and spam left mouse button, a LOT quicker, and it takes forever to automatically grab the next set of mails so relogging is the way to go. The addon is useless.
@Painbow9553 20 күн бұрын
@@vRevision The real question is multibox or four bots. That is the question.
@vRevision 18 күн бұрын
@@Painbow9553 That's like comparing FPS to RPG
@voidex136 21 күн бұрын
.Modify money 999999999 😂
@vRevision 20 күн бұрын
At that point, why even bother playing? At least this way I have to keep my characters busy so I can't play them at the same, making it more of a bother, and spend time selling stuff too.. Getting a ton of gold takes a long ass time, and what you're suggesting just makes the effort it takes to get what you want completely pointless.
@Massattack1982 23 күн бұрын
Is there a video where you explain how you are able to multibox ? I wanted to learn how to multibox on repacks that don't have NPC or player bots on them. But no one really has a tutorial out on that.
@vRevision 20 күн бұрын
It's hard to explain, that's why there aren't many tutorials on it. The software I use does help a lot by getting a basic setup up and running in minutes, but to get to the point where I am (the setup I have, I mean) takes a long time. You evolve over time and add more and more stuff to it, which is what all multiboxers have to do. I still use a lot of the setup from 10 years ago and even older than that but have changed a lot just in the last few months because I found better ways of doing things.
@japojapo3269 23 күн бұрын
Ye thank god for blizz every once in a while doing something with f**king multiboxers, botfarmers etc... doing this on servers where normal players are is more then disgusting...
@vRevision 20 күн бұрын
You do realize it's not hard to counter a multiboxer, right? Look at Malseph vs Prepared. Malseph took down Prepared with ease, and Prepared was multiboxing close to 100 characters while Malseph played 15-20. A coordinated group of no more than 5 can take down a 25 boxer. The fact that a multiboxer can't move the characters separately is a handicap. I understand getting rid of bots because they contribute nothing to the game, but multiboxers also wasn't common. It's like everything else, you only notice them if they are assholes and grief people. I don't get the logic of "doing this on servers where normal players are is more then disgusting". If I'm doing dungeons and raids, which is what I did even on retail, how the hell are you even going to notice me? It's not like non-multiboxers wasn't griefing people but no lets defend those, eh?
@kungjocke9446 23 күн бұрын
This is not botting, but multiboxing. Making all other accounts do the same as the one you've got open in the first place.
@Massattack1982 24 күн бұрын
that so cool you did a airborne drop while multiboxing !
@maxowndhard 24 күн бұрын
maybe open up the server to the public might hop on and create a team myself
@vRevision 20 күн бұрын
If someone I know well enough wanted to play here I would let them, no matter if they multibox or not, but opening it to the public in general opens the door to a few issues. It becomes more of a responsibility for me. I'd have to make sure it runs smooth and handle crashes - not that I see any of those but if there were. I mean, everything is fully automated, and it handles weekly maintenance and updates etc all on its own but crashes still needs to be dealt with manually. On top of that people like to ruin it for other people. DDOS is one thing that concerns me even if it's just people I personally accept or deny access. Actually, the server is technically already public. It's not locked behind closed ports, but it's not possible to create accounts except by me accessing the terminal, and I obviously don't advertise it either. The only website I run for it is the wowhead-like system I use to look things up.
@alexinaustralia 24 күн бұрын
how do you get quest rewards while in raid?
@notkilometres 24 күн бұрын
Read his description..
@ProgrQWow 26 күн бұрын
almost forgot its existence
@tabunga4669 26 күн бұрын
How you do this? Make 15 accounts? How do you get them all to attack at the same time?
@cherrib00m 24 күн бұрын
15 acc and with a program
@makitotti1242 27 күн бұрын
Hey, how do you change max capacity of halls ? Thanks
@vRevision 26 күн бұрын
I changed the core to not stop more than 5 from entering. The core checks the max number of players and stops more than that from entering and I simply disabled that check. It's not there anymore though because I merged my Wotlk realms and opted to not include that change. I am not at home so I don't have the code in front of me and can't show you how I did it. If you want to I can when I am at home, so let me know. I don't know for other cores though. TrinityCore should be very similar but no guarantees.
@mklizzar 29 күн бұрын
i play 5 accs and i level them in dungeons, 15 accs is overkill xD
@vRevision 28 күн бұрын
I'm only level 15 with this team to give me alternatives. If I want to switch one of the paladins with the warrior (I changed the death knight to warrior after hitting 80), or any shamans with the mage, warlock or hunter - maybe even get all three instead of three shamans - I can do that. The idea is to do 10-man raids and 25-man if I throw in some bots too. The only time I really play more than 10 is if I'm just wasting time like with the warlocks or playing some battlegrounds against the bots. For that I sometimes do 3 druids and 22 shamans though. Just because I can.
@BallackISALORD 29 күн бұрын
Do anyone actually like Multiboxers other then themselves?
@makitotti1242 29 күн бұрын
Why you waste your time commenting?
@TheNukular 29 күн бұрын
Can I try your server?
@Pimula.Tsuchimi Ай бұрын
Dude has twice as many warlocks as there is on the server. Been doing a lot of dungeon grinding to get all factions exalted. I've seen maybe two warlocks on my runs. About twenty five thousand rogues though.
@vRevision 28 күн бұрын
There are actually 56 bots playing warlocks on the server, both horde and alliance included.
@saybeinclark9272 Ай бұрын
Yoooo can you teach me how to multi box?
@jeanmarabou9774 Ай бұрын
this is next level nerd
@vRevision 28 күн бұрын
Nah, that title is held by a toxic man playing more than 80 character before vanishing into thin air.
@coolzerow Ай бұрын
Multi boxing is illegal reported
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Yes, the police will come. If you want to be ignorant, at least know the difference between legal and illegal. You made my day though, your stupidity makes me feel good.
@fictionalberto Ай бұрын
@GenshinLoser Ай бұрын
multiboxing is allowed onto blizzard, why do you think it's not? They are paying their sub with each new account ^^ so they're still making money. Idiot.
@vRevision Ай бұрын
@@fictionalberto I'm not paying for anything seeing as this isn't Blizzards servers.
@sinva4847 Ай бұрын
ah multiboxing raids is so satisfying
@GenshinLoser Ай бұрын
Interesting, I know Multiboxing isnt bannable, but I don't know how it works... I guess you just stack a bunch of accounts? Or, did you just insert bots into your server?
@vRevision Ай бұрын
I have 25 accounts with various characters on them. I do technically play them all, and they're not controlled by anyone but me. I do have bots on my realms but these aren't bots.
@scotte1153 Ай бұрын
@@vRevision can you tell me what wotlk priv server you are using? Just running locally yeah?
@fictionalberto Ай бұрын
And are you paying 25 accounts???
@GenshinLoser Ай бұрын
@@fictionalberto Those 25 accounts are on their own private server, not on wow. But yes, people do pay sub for 25 accounts, its a lot more cheaper that way whenever they want to level multiple accounts on classic. They either sell those accounts or keep them. The selling is the only thing thats bannable
@vRevision Ай бұрын
@@scotte1153 Yes and no. I run a few realms locally for me to work on my projects and to test the code, but the "live" realms that I actively play on are run on hardware outside my home. I use AzerothCore for all of it. And no, I don't host anything on any of the PCs I play on. That would be silly.
@neuroplayx Ай бұрын
gaming addiction right there lol
@pjdava Ай бұрын
Revision, This made me laugh so much! Thanks for sharing!
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Do I even want to know why it made you laugh? Aside from the silly bugs, that is.
@Jen206 Ай бұрын
gang gang
@fijomme504 Ай бұрын
multiboxing sucks ass anyone who thinks its fun is delusional
@Alex-te8xo Ай бұрын
Why do u multibox? Isnt it kinda annoying? :D
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Why would I do it if I found it annoying? It's fun, a great challenge, and makes you have to think about how the game is played in a completely different way.
@drdevill663 Ай бұрын
Multiboxing are fun! I did that on official back than was allowed, now its banned there. All my team was melee as healer druid. Nice to se some active multiboxing
@ulvfdfgtmk Ай бұрын
What is fun about it?
@drdevill663 Ай бұрын
You got you're own team, no need to deal with bullcrap any more
@ulvfdfgtmk Ай бұрын
@@drdevill663 That makes sense, but doesnt it take away from your sense of progression?
@afefbesan6144 Ай бұрын
how are they looting with you?
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Assist macro and the games own interact-with-target (IWT) keybind
@Stryftek Ай бұрын
Why hello Team Wizzy!!
@lukasbarrera1726 Ай бұрын
nice man, can you show more about how you implemented it? and is it posible with python?
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Implement what?
@mas7erslayer492 Ай бұрын
Lol, its unreal the dumbasses in the comments below that didnt read the description
@madmikesdeath Ай бұрын
Multiboxing is now a bannable offense. just a heads up.
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Check the description
@aaronflint2407 Ай бұрын
Lmao, there is no description. The only thing being described via this upload is how dumb the aforementioned uploader must be.
@slavkokrizman7127 Ай бұрын
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Sure, tiny minds probably think so
@slavkokrizman7127 Ай бұрын
@@vRevision and big minds need 15 warlocks to feel good...play the game the way it was supposed to be played...but i do admire your c++ stuff
@vRevision Ай бұрын
@@slavkokrizman7127 Blizzard has said multiple times in the past that multiboxing is an interesting way of enjoying the game. Sure, nowadays they don't allow it but back then they were enjoying watching it. There wasn't a "way it was meant to be played". In fact, if there was there wouldn't be talents, there wouldn't be an ability to choose what stats you focus on. That's the point. You play it the way you want to play it.
@slavkokrizman7127 Ай бұрын
@@vRevision the problem with multiboxing is not multiboxing...or how you want to play the game...its those that abuse multiboxing to ruin the game economy....like mining or herb picking..
@denni1058 Ай бұрын
​oh nooo, not the herb and the mine😢😭😭😭
@aaronflint2407 Ай бұрын
So we can ban this dude now, right?
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Who is going to ban me? Are you expecting me to ban myself?
@aaronflint2407 Ай бұрын
@vRevision ooooo big cheater sack on this guy! Such a badass. Lmfao. Enjoy the ban 😆
@vRevision Ай бұрын
@@aaronflint2407 Who's going to ban me? Do tell. You can't be so confident in the matter without actually providing any information. That's just being an idiot.
@aaronflint2407 Ай бұрын
@@vRevision So the cheating bot user is so sweaty after one comment that he's begging for proof of the incoming ban. Good times. Just sit back and wait for it like anyone else would ya damn moron.
@einfachiggi Ай бұрын
and why u even wanna ban him? do u get something for it? I dont understand^^@@aaronflint2407
@august7027 Ай бұрын
@XAn0nymousX0 Ай бұрын
"Blizz decided to piss on multiboxers" Good. You deserved to get pissed on.
@ltstatic3932 Ай бұрын
how hard is it to set this up? i play on a private server sometimes, i kinda got bored but this might keep me playing
@vRevision Ай бұрын
It's not hard to set up intially but as time goes on you evolve so it's kind of an everlasting battle. Most private servers won't accept it though, and more of them join in on that.
@Anonimodu Ай бұрын
That's so nice! Could you create a video in order to explain the setup that you are using? Are you using scripts~rotations for the other toons? Do you broadcast the keys? Really nice video btw
@coomercommander2554 Ай бұрын
what's the point of using cheats on a personal private server where you have gamemaster rights and can just do a couple of commands for as many full bis characters as you want lol
@Snackyyz Ай бұрын
How do you just bare through all the overlapping audio lmfao, i couldnt
@vRevision Ай бұрын
I don't really hear it. A large amount of focus goes towards keeping an eye on as much as possible and I still miss a lot.
@Snackyyz Ай бұрын
@@vRevision ahhh gotcha
@baade6010 Ай бұрын
lol imagine wpvp and you get 25 sets of dots put on you XD
@user-hf2zi8bk6r Ай бұрын
lol imagine paying 15x the subscription for a trash game
@3dmax010 Ай бұрын
@@user-hf2zi8bk6r Lol, imagine someone who can't read descriptions
@vRevision Ай бұрын
I always think that I'd be more worried about 15 chaos bolts coming at me
@jamoningo Ай бұрын
@@user-hf2zi8bk6r if its a trash game why people still playing it :3
@chewygaming1 Ай бұрын
Out of all the names you could choose, you chose 'Wake'? 😜
@hcpftw Ай бұрын
why do you level and not just set yourself to max lvl so you can work on the raiding?
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Makes no sense to me. The effort it takes to level makes max level so much more enjoyable. You've worked hard to get there and you feel more "connected" to the characters.
@vRevision Ай бұрын
Oh, I might as well mention that I created a module that allows to kind of do this. When a character hits 80 they receive what I decided to call a Token of Appreciation. It can be used to be instantly leveled up, for my WotLK realms that's level 70 and for my TBC realms it's 60. I used this for my warlocks since my normal team hit 80 and got the tokens. That's why they started at 70 and not 1.
@hcpftw Ай бұрын
@@vRevision yea alright, totally makes sense :)