BMW M135i xDrive - Would you have 1?
@user-we5rp4kk1e 2 ай бұрын
@barrybrant3905 3 ай бұрын
Sort of reminds me of the two fat ladies' show..
@edboyle5637 4 ай бұрын
I have one of these. Where is this road please?
@sunsetgarage755 4 ай бұрын
Not really an S3 engine guys. Along with the smaller is20 turbo from the Mk7 GTI, it has a different cam profile & a few other internal differences. S3 & Golf R motor in these is a massive improvement to the S1, & will leave most tuned GR Yaris owners for dead.
@Joker-ig8im 5 ай бұрын
I drove a 1994 Toyota Celica GT 5 Speed for 10 years throughout my 20's and it was such a great car. I loved it. Bullet proof, never broke down and ran to almost 300K miles. It made up for it's lack of power with the way it handled around corners like it was on rails. What I would have done for it to have been a GT4!!! Can't even explain how many Hondas and VWs I cooked with it.
@JasonDunlop247 7 ай бұрын
Thanks fellas ☘️
@edwardgurhy100 8 ай бұрын
Its Fred Flinstone and Barny Rubble. 🙂
@TheLeylander Жыл бұрын
Very nice you still have this ? Im gonna view one next week 2004 , 103k miles in silver looks in great order £2.450 but not sure if that's on the money or not , what you think ?
@Midlife_mike Жыл бұрын
Not the best review, just loads of blabbering and no such thing as a trunk in the uk. Stick to cars maybe
@jamespong6588 Жыл бұрын
These cars are super fun, but you need a good mechanic who doesn't brake the plastics when working on the engine
@RegNarnoc21 Жыл бұрын
Great review lads,I learnt fcuk all about the vehicle..
@JasonDunlop247 7 ай бұрын
Ditto 😂
@glenweston1966 Жыл бұрын
Great! Can we get a route map??
@chrismc1977 Жыл бұрын
My S1 is now Stage 1+ tuned- Ecotune map, Wagner intercooler, racingline intake, Helix paddle clutch, Totally different kettle of fish from stock. Golf R/S3/S4 + performance in a smaller lighter & more chuckable package! Bigger brakes are essential as the standard stoppers are pretty woeful!!!
@LHA8925 Жыл бұрын
Crap review, no decent information on the car and a poor attempt from both of them to be funny.
@robbieg7301 Жыл бұрын
One of the worst reviews. I want to know facts about the vehicle in great detail. The both of you are to busy talkin nonsense to each other instead of getting to the point.
@Ktm-jas Жыл бұрын
Thank god the 3,5 tonne tow limit has gone.
@user-bt3hb4vg7b Жыл бұрын
Is the countryside always Brown, is there any Green?
@bav114 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got one of these. It’s a hoot. Mines got power steering and an electric sunroof that opens.
@s1dew1nd3r4 Жыл бұрын
What roads are you gents driving on there? i was trying to work out if its woodhead or somewhere that sort of way?
@terrygloster6507 Жыл бұрын
Crap, 2 guys joking around not knowing anything about the vehicle and not much reviewing at all.
@yahushualeliondelatribudej7739 2 жыл бұрын
Votre CRÉATEUR vous aime et beaucoup Lui on tourné le dos. Shalom. Mensonge sur le purgatoire. Il y a aucun feu d'amour dans aucun feu purgatoire, mais un feu de souffrance pour qui ne s'est pas repentie de ses pêchés sur terre. Aucune prière faîtes pour les morts ne sauvera vos défunts. Dans ce cas pourquoi LE FILS DE DIEU est venu mourir pour l'humanité en se faisant sacrifier sur une croix? Donc sa mort est vaine. Vous êtes trompés par ce que vous ne lisez pas LES ÉCRITURES SAINTES. L'église catholique vous enduise en erreur pour gagner des âmes pour leur maître satan. L'église catholique adore leur dieu soleil le dimanche. Beaucoup d'abominations et de traditions non bibliques. Apocalypse 2 12 Ecris à l'ange de l'Eglise de Pergame: Voici ce que dit celui qui a l'épée aiguë, à deux tranchants: 13 Je sais où tu demeures, je sais que là est le trône de Satan. Tu retiens mon nom, et tu n'as pas renié ma foi, même aux jours d'Antipas, mon témoin fidèle, qui a été mis à mort chez vous, là où Satan a sa demeure. 14 Mais j'ai quelque chose contre toi, c'est que tu as là des gens attachés à la doctrine de Balaam, qui enseignait à Balak à mettre une pierre d'achoppement devant les fils d'Israël, pour qu'ils mangeassent des viandes sacrifiées aux idoles et qu'ils se livrassent à l'impudicité. 15 De même, toi aussi, tu as des gens attachés pareillement à la doctrine des Nicolaïtes. 16 Repens-toi donc; sinon, je viendrai à toi bientôt, et je les combattrai avec l'épée de ma bouche. 17 Que celui qui a des oreilles entende ce que l'Esprit dit aux Eglises: A celui qui vaincra je donnerai de la manne cachée, et je lui donnerai un caillou blanc; et sur ce caillou est écrit un nom nouveau, que personne ne connaît, si ce n'est celui qui le reçoit. '« Ne vous tournez pas vers les faux dieux. Ne fabriquez pas des dieux sous forme de statues en métal fondu. Le Seigneur votre Dieu, c’est moi. N’essayez pas de deviner l’avenir. N’allez pas consulter ceux qui lisent dans le ciel. Si vous êtes en deuil, ne vous faites pas d’incisions sur le corps. Ne faites pas de dessins sur votre peau. Le Seigneur , c’est moi. « Ne cherchez pas à consulter les esprits des morts d’une manière ou d’une autre. Cela vous rendrait impurs . Le Seigneur votre Dieu, c’est moi. ' Lévitique 19:4,26,28,31,26,28,31 L' HOMME RICHE ET LE PAUVRE LAZARE 'Ensuite Jésus raconte cette histoire : « Il y a un homme riche qui s’habille avec des vêtements très beaux et très chers. Chaque jour, il fait une grande fête. Un pauvre, appelé Lazare, est couché devant la porte du riche. Il est couvert de plaies. Il a très envie de manger ce qui tombe de la table du riche. Mais ce sont plutôt les chiens qui viennent lécher ses plaies. Un jour, le pauvre meurt. Les anges l’emportent auprès d’Abraham. Le riche meurt aussi, et on l’enterre. Mais chez les morts, il souffre beaucoup. Alors il lève les yeux, et de loin, il voit Abraham et Lazare à côté de lui. Le riche se met à crier : “Abraham, mon père, aie pitié de moi ! Envoie Lazare, pour qu’il mette le bout de son doigt dans l’eau, et il me rafraîchira la langue. En effet, je souffre beaucoup dans ce feu.” Abraham lui répond : “Mon enfant, rappelle-toi : pendant ta vie, tu as reçu le bonheur, et Lazare, lui, a reçu le malheur. Maintenant, ici, il est consolé, et toi, tu souffres. De plus, entre vous et nous, il y a un très grand trou. Ainsi, ceux qui veulent aller d’ici chez vous ne peuvent pas le faire, et on ne peut pas non plus traverser le trou pour venir chez nous.” Le riche lui dit : “Père, je t’en prie, envoie donc Lazare dans la maison de mon père. En effet, j’ai cinq frères, Lazare ira les prévenir pour qu’ils ne viennent pas, eux aussi, dans ce lieu de souffrance.” Abraham lui répond : “Tes frères ont Moïse et les prophètes , ils doivent les écouter !” Le riche lui dit : “Abraham, mon père, cela ne suffit pas. Si quelqu’un de chez les morts vient les voir, ils changeront leur vie.” Mais Abraham lui dit : “Ils n’écoutent pas Moïse ni les prophètes. Alors, même si quelqu’un se lève de la mort, ils ne seront pas convaincus...... Bonne Nouvelle selon Luc 16:19-31 Trois témoignages de mort imminente Les saints vaincus par la bête Message du SEIGNEUR au non enlevés Qui sera enlevé ?
@andreiborta5 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, any way to get the route map? Thank you!
@markshannonrertuh3369 2 жыл бұрын
It's a tub
@HikVisionGuru 2 жыл бұрын
Nice review, really want one of these, such good value for money. Where abouts were you driving; some nice roads there!
@rolex0071 2 жыл бұрын
My dream car.
@JohnDoe-uy3es 2 жыл бұрын
Driving with the left door open ;D 02:05
@James-RJM 2 жыл бұрын
Koala bear nose. Actually grows on you, just don't look in the mirror 😉 Test drove one after 2nd GR Yaris test drive. Returned to dealership in less than 10 minutes!! Sooooooo boring 🥱 Definitely fast, but dull as.... Front end felt wrong to me. No feel and tramlining sensation. Perhaps the tyres/pressures? Drove GR once more and then ordered it. We've spoken b4 gents. I'm the southerner 😀 with the Convenience pack 😉 Gripping all day long still and a great all rounder for one car versatility 👍 If they sold the previous M140i Xdrive in the UK, I'd have definitely test driven it for that glorious engine 😍
@gswhite 2 жыл бұрын
I had a HUD in my last car and never used it. Always ended up staring past it and looking down at my dash for speed and speed limit information.
@JoolsW9 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic! You make a great double act! Lol Brilliant to relive our tour and looking forward to doing it again next year in the Aston.
@slapadventures391 2 жыл бұрын
Good times indeed Julian, thanks for watching.
@DrBobtheblob 2 жыл бұрын
Great video of an epic road trip. Footage from the R8 at the end shows what a massively underrated car they are, would be good to see one in Mexico 😀
@slapadventures391 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks or watching, and yeah an R8 in Mexico sounds like a plan :)
@m.j4037 2 жыл бұрын
@slapadventures391 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed it :)
@glenweston1966 Жыл бұрын
@@slapadventures391 can we get a route map anywhere?
@RobinH8869 2 жыл бұрын
You had a great trip - looking forward to joining you in Scotland. Would be interested in IOM potentially
@slapadventures391 2 жыл бұрын
We'll see you in May for the Highland Fling.
@jeffmarkham5377 2 жыл бұрын
I live a few miles from where this was filmed (Denshaw A672/Nont Sarahs Road A640) and have 2 of these cars. They're the perfect roads for cars like this. Great video about a great car. Well done.
@skynet1733 2 жыл бұрын
Both st205 ? Dom
@jeffmarkham5377 2 жыл бұрын
@@skynet1733 Yes a red '96 facelift and a white '94 WRC with 53K miles. Both 100% standard UK cars
@hithere8699 2 жыл бұрын
I don't feel they provide the Fun factor. In a way they are too precise, too well engineered and so you loose all the feeling of driving the car... you loose that bit of rawness you want as a drivers driver... And theres no character to the car. Unlike the focus RSs, Civic Type Rs etc, no one will tell you are driving a M135 (top of the pyramid). I was looking down the ads on the trader the other day saw a piping hot looking Misano blue motor with the Performance kit on it, really banging turned out to be a 118d. What makes the M135 stand out from a crowd. They are all becoming so conservative these days... Im from the 80s' XR3is, Escort RS, the GTEs, Cosworth, original WRX era - Drivers cars..... The future is quite in both looks and sound... Where man and beast can be one... You don't have to think anymore - just point and accelerate... Fun is truly over...
@ryeojaehyeon8693 2 жыл бұрын
I heard that BRABUS 450 Fortwo is a limited edition car, but how many cars are there in the world?
@Aj-it6lm 2 жыл бұрын
I think 100
@albiN77 2 жыл бұрын
@lucaottaviorovesti7436 6 ай бұрын
Meno male ne hanno fatte poche che aborto di auto io le chiamo cariole 😂😂😂
@willamedward2145 2 жыл бұрын
How much does it worth?
@olley1ify 2 жыл бұрын
I think once these get the m performance parts on they look really good ! It's how the car should be really
@GrooveM74 2 жыл бұрын
German M2 Competition owner here and I just wanted to chime in on your discussion at timestamp 10:40. Before buying this car I didn't think the electronic limiter would bother me much. But the car gets up to 250 kph so effortlessly, I run into the limiter pretty much every time I'm on the Autobahn.
@skynet1733 2 жыл бұрын
My frustration would be massive at that point a piece of engineering the m2 is a good buy 👌 but the limiter is a bit of a sly way to extract more money out of the end user ( in my opinion 😉 )
@killingtime7350 2 жыл бұрын
Why do people buy cars the same colour as the road with so many other nice colours available and it’s like camouflage harder to see on a dull rainy day so more chance of getting involved in an accident. 🤔
@Stallzyx 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but the color argument not sure I can agree on you with, but then again my first car was grey and it ended up getting rear ended and written off. Somehow it's been repaired and back on the road it seems but it's still a big box of metal on the road it's not exactly invisible but yeah I think I'm gonna go with a more distinctive color next time!
@Dave-gl6jb 2 жыл бұрын
What a beast. Both of you should sell your cars and get couple of these in different colours.😂😂
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
I'll stick with the yaris 😀😀
@Dave-gl6jb 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah me too. Still you could almost park this with motobikes.😂
@tinhinnh 2 жыл бұрын
2 Series has always looks like a squished 3 Series 👎🏼
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
I've always like the look of the 2 series, I really think the size of cars is getting far to big ( only my opinion 😀 )
@rscholey85 2 жыл бұрын
@@thetwofuels371 most people’s opinion that’s why they haven’t depreciated like the m4s 😂
@tinhinnh 2 жыл бұрын
@@thetwofuels371 I like small cars too but just some of the details look a lil awkward
@paulcook2898 2 жыл бұрын
That is a lush M2... I'd like to see the post drive wash from CYR 👍🏼 The new G8X M3/M4 is a bit meh. Some days I wake up liking it, most other days I don't. If you're spending £90k it'll need to give me a rod-on, so no I'll probably pass and stick to my f82 😉
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
That's my thoughts, but I'm sure that they drive well but 90k ......🙈🙈 991.1 gt3 money
@kted252 2 жыл бұрын
I hate how much Shyte gets kicked up all over the sides ……… MUD FLAPS !!
@kted252 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely MUD FLAPS….!!
@radinz1 2 жыл бұрын
I am a car fan enthusiast as much I would like to encourage your video , too much waffling on to keep an interest .
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching , always appreciate feedback 👍
@DrBobtheblob 2 жыл бұрын
Really nicely made video chaps, agree with Dom, this is a "mega" car! New car pricing in general is now off the scale (nearly £50k for a specc'ed Golf R and £30K for a non-performance Golf with a few trinkets!) but low interest rates and discounts means PCP is the way seemingly most get into a nice car. Interesting point about whether we have in fact hit (and passed) "peak car".
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
It's quite mental how dear cars have become 🙈🙈
@kam_uk 2 жыл бұрын
@octane_adventureroca9581 2 жыл бұрын
BMW prices are just a list price go to a dealership they will give you a massive dealer contribution on a pcp, when I bought my M2 comp they gave me 11grand off list. It’s like you say down to monthly’s! Anyway I sold my M2 comp and replaced it with a Yaris GR
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
It's a strange way of doing business, but it obviously works for BMW, from a second market POV it just seems to kill its residual value though
@Dave-gl6jb 2 жыл бұрын
My Brother has a M2 with manual. Amazing cars. My pick for best used performance car. New no way. PS For GR like James said below the base GR is very comfortable vs Rallye or Circuit pack. PS I'm not trying to start a war with different version of GR but for people thinking about aweekend Toy/track car go Circuit pack but like me you don't care for that and want a Fast AWD CAR that's comfortable then lower models should be a option. It's a better Dailey and yes I use Dailey lose as the GR is not the best pick for a Dailey car.☺ PS Drive both if you can and just get what you feel suits you. PS Last new Kona N looks great. Hope you review it.😎
@James-RJM 2 жыл бұрын
Hi mate. Toyota marketing did so well at selling the circuit pack as the "only" option, lol... It will have Joseph goebbels turning in his grave🤣😂
@Dave-gl6jb 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah at least in aus the Rallye gets most options unlike UK. PS I saw a Rallye first time today while I went to the shops for milk. Looked lovely. PS I got the traction light flash first time today. It was windy 6 degrees and heavy rain plus in Sport mode so put it in Track mode. The Dunlops did ok I must admit but still upgrading them on alater date. 10 days for you James.😎
@James-RJM 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dave-gl6jb The circuit pack demonstator's esc light flashed a few times in each of my drives with esc on. It didn't appear to affect the performance like it can on older cars though. Things have moved on... If that was still the case I'd have walked. I'm surprised you've only just seen it flash😁 P.s Very apt. Goes for milk, sees the milked version 😉
@Dave-gl6jb 2 жыл бұрын
Lol Milk Rallye. Yeah I launch slowly dude. Wife in the car but lately started pushing GR more. Sport mode has the most slip for sure. PS It flashed for sec it not feel any loss of speed. Fast car. PS James milk GR soon.😋
@James-RJM 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dave-gl6jb 😜
@freedbeefpontoons 2 жыл бұрын
The gauges are analog, they just look digital. If you turn the car off and shine a flashlight at the instruments, you'll be able to see the teach and speedo complete with needles sitting on 0. The dials are just aggressively tinted and backlit (so you can see them through the tinting once you turn the car on.)
@thetwofuels371 2 жыл бұрын
That's good to know , rik being the fan boi that he is should know this shit !!!!! 😀👍