@himanshujaiswal2558 10 сағат бұрын
great session professor keane, I am looking forward to gain greater insights from your book. Thank you love from India
@agusjusup 6 күн бұрын
@Shahzadamuhammad-nn6jd 13 күн бұрын
Very coprehensive discussion I think the man reason for win Taliban was strong faith
@sarachiba6012 15 күн бұрын
Antony Loewenstein ❤💐🦋
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
The west is simply, evil abd cruel.
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
Taiwan is part of China. Fair and square from any angle. Research into the real facts and history! The western narrative of Xinjiang and Tibet is a complete evil lie.
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
Another supposed Chinese expert who is struggling with the only few Chinese phrases he pretends to know. He does not even understand what does 天朝 (Galaxy Empire)means. Another rubbish western China expert who don't understand China but full of western prejudice, dishonesty and stupidity.
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
So called free election is a stupid obsesssion of the west. The west is pathetically oblivion and blind about the obvious fallacy and stupidity of it. The west is also obsessed with abusive immoral power. The west admires being a poweful babric bandit. This is definitely far from Chinese value for harmony and respect. Most of the skepticism mentioned were not based on reasons but rooted in the west's own negative psychology. Shame.
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
Translating 天朝 as Galaxy Empire is a slander, a blasphemy. It is never ever in any Chinese mind since history to be an empire. Chinese build great wall for defence in every dynasty because it never intend to expand. China has never ever expanded its territory since thousands of years ago. The significant expanded territory were all in fact brought in by invader who rule China but was eventually assimilated into China after a few hundred years.
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
Though, not as bad as most western Chinese experts, her views still has lots of errors and prejudice. Well, at least much better than Kevin Rudd who is a complete Rubbish.
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
Asking question about China rewriting past history reflects complete ignorance of how records of past history are kept in China. Chinese has been keeping historical records systematically in the most strict, detailed and accurate manner since 3000 years ago. No other country or civilisation come close.
@fredtan1506 16 күн бұрын
Are you serious? One has to read this Japanese’s book to know China? Don’t you know what Japan did in Nanking? Don’t you know how envious the Japanese are of China? Is this woman kidding?
@NoohCee 15 күн бұрын
Totally agree. Jap has totally rediculous version of Chinese history.
@fredtan1506 16 күн бұрын
70 plus years of studying china didn't produce much. You're still prejudiced, although veiled, against china. "Nothing good grows out of bad seeds".
@MukhtaarMaxamed-ti8bg 16 күн бұрын
Somaliland intrested to make unity to somalia 1/july/1960. Whith agreement but the somalia not excepted that And overtake the power by force after that Somalia propared constitution of somali,a but somaliland peaple mijority refused and that constitution legally very wrong .
@James-rl5tj 17 күн бұрын
One of three lets gooooo
@janinasimons8533 17 күн бұрын
FROM A UKRAINIAN - WON'T BE WASTING MY VALUABLE TIME LISTENING TO MORE USA BS from its VASSAL Australia and most likely a POLISH ZIONIST with that name. Pity Australians stopped being educated and are held captive by their short and curlies by the Terrorist state of USA, The blight of all nations
@janinasimons8533 17 күн бұрын
“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” - Henry Kissinger
@peterelliott2914 18 күн бұрын
The west has allowed themselves to be led by the US. Back in the day that country was led by capable people who understood the danger and kept one or other of China or Russia allied or at least reasonably friendly - purely to prevent such an alliance. Now you got stupid and/or feeble, demented criminal old men in charge in America they dropped the ball on that. Only got ourselves to blame. Hopefully we won't cause too much death and destruction while we're falling apart. Not optimistic about that. Gaza and our support of the genocide shows me that we are now the bad guys. We've flipped.
@olderchin1558 19 күн бұрын
This sort of analysis based on ideological bias and cultural animosity is bad for Europe and the world. There are some strategic manipulation of the facts and some outright lies that distort the realities and promote conflict with Russia and China. Not sure if this guy is driven by monetary benefit or just plain ideological madness. Either way, policy maker should check carefully the facts before committing suicide. Russia and China are not angels but conflict with them will have great cost to self. Acting like an emotional teenager seldom ends well.
@JabberwockyGB 19 күн бұрын
A US Empire (NATO) perspective that clearly focussed on conflict while ignoring the central role of the US in generating the conflict. While talking about Russia/ China relations the speaker spoke as if it's an alliance of convenience. Not sure that he read the Feb 4 2022 communique that he referred to. He didn't mention BRICS or SCO and the development of a multi polar world, which is the aim of Russia and China. The conflict is the US fighting against this future in order to maintain its hegemony. It does seem from the talk that the West lives in a delusional bubble, which may be a positive as the rest of the world moves on leaving the West behind.
@yuguo-md3hy 19 күн бұрын
They know everything, but still they need to propaganda their ways and try to persuade their lapdogs believe that western countries still control the world.
@huanghermann5207 19 күн бұрын
What is the Indo-Pacific to do with EU? The Ukrainian war is in the EU, not in the Indo-Pacific! Solve your problem there.
@ramonawalker5473 20 күн бұрын
Hopefully, a warming planet will produce the weather patterns needed to thwart planned acts of aggression and imprisonment of massive groups of oppressed people. We live in a world where a choke hold has been placed on everybody's concept of what is power and influence. We've been conditioned to accept that militarization is a normal recourse. As we speak now, homeless people are about to be rounded up and jailed simply for being homeless, and poor people are being criminalized by financial industries. Beware the Hollywood images of future utopian societies where some plague wipes out most humans, and whomever survives is corralled into a one-sided system of governance.
@stephenyang2844 20 күн бұрын
Prof. Chey is a gentlejady and a great scholar on China.
@rtan1095 22 күн бұрын
Tienanmen was a colour revolution initialed by who you know…
@EdmundLam-ku8ro 18 күн бұрын
@dr.tintinaye8806 22 күн бұрын
We would like to request China that you have to be thankful or grateful to us for kyaukphyu kumin path which is very useful for your people in terms of economics and the way out to Indian ocean, shorter way to there.Instead of that we didn't see the mutual respect and cooperation to our people in terms of peaceful relationship within our national ethnicities.Please fix your mindset positively and sincerely to us. 😇😇😇😇😇
@Toem_Sereykanha 22 күн бұрын
It’s been 32 Years of Peace Paris Accords that I know the meaning of complicts in my country. As Cambodian I really didn’t know what the truth history of my own country until the signature of each country and UN as 192 countries in the world (The states participating in the Paris conference on Cambodia, 19 country. In the presence of the secretary -General of the United Nations, )recognized the war in Cambodia wasn’t civil war (Recognizing that Cambodia's tragic recent history requires special measure to assure protection of human Rights , and the non-return to the policies and practices of the past)! You have to pay back what you have agreed through This International agreement!
@colinlee9678 23 күн бұрын
This commentator's narrative about the 4 June 1989 incident is completely wrong , as this incident was subsequently proven beyond all doubt , to be a CIA trained and instigated attempt to effect regime change, similar to other incidents to instigate armed uprisings in Tibet, Xinjiang, HK, etc;, all if which are examples of direct interferences by the US govt! This Cheng Lei news media incident at Canberra was clearly a stage managed incident to accuse Chinese officials of blocking this convicted journalist by standing between this journalist and the public camera. What crime is committed by these Chinese officials in a public place when people are free to stand and move to anywhere they like? Anyone who is not blind can still see in full this convicted journalist when the film from this public camera was screened to TV!
@grouchypatch9185 23 күн бұрын
Confrontational? I suppose that's how the west would like to put it. In my opinion, there would be no reaction if there was no action.
@michaelmarchal4004 24 күн бұрын
Tianamen story, is very different than the one told in our media.
@chopinmack5418 24 күн бұрын
China's mindset and national policies are based on Confucianism . It emphasis on the importance of family , social harmony , peaceful coexistence and mutual prosperity . It is still common to see old Chinese people living with their sons/daughters & taking care of their grandchildren in a big family .
@michaelmarchal4004 24 күн бұрын
Xi Jinping has four books I think.
@GIZMO3380 24 күн бұрын
❤ Jocelyn account of her real life experiences W China. At first was sceptical about the title "Worm's view"😂 which totally give a different mindset of what the talk about. 👍
@horridohobbies 25 күн бұрын
Jocelyn Chey reminds us that the PRC on the mainland and the ROC on Taiwan both claimed to be the legitimate government of China (mainland plus Taiwan). This is proof that the mainland and Taiwan are *one China.* In other words, Taiwan is not an independent state. Taiwan is part of China. In fact, this has been established in the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758.
@horridohobbies 25 күн бұрын
Let us understand the reason for China's growing nationalism today. For years now, the United States and Europe have been demonising and vilifying China with endless propaganda disinformation (e.g., dictatorship, aggression, suppression of democracy in Hong Kong, COVID-19, etc.) and false accusations (e.g., genocide, forced labour, concentration camps, IP theft, etc.). It's no surprise, then, that the Chinese are pushing back on this nonsense. For years now, the United States has been imposing unfair tech and trade sanctions on China (e.g., 5G, semiconductors, EVs, Wolf Amendment). For years now, the United States has been interfering in China's internal politics (e.g., Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang). It's no surprise, then, that the Chinese are pushing back on this nonsense.
@linkan4738 25 күн бұрын
I am glad to learn from your experience. Thank you.
@mitheory3757 26 күн бұрын
Biased garbage.
@stevenhan7798 26 күн бұрын
Professor Jocelyn Chey is marvellous … I thoroughly enjoyed her insights of China on the ground ….. as a worm, so much more nuisance …. Compared to main stream media like Skynews birdeye view .. from above the clouds.
@micheleyapur2065 26 күн бұрын
What a beautiful and wise woman. Great talk, thanks!
@TheGoodShepherd117 27 күн бұрын
This was good and balanced.
@Raised_by_God 28 күн бұрын
Atheist Jew (translating) a wicked evil person.
@williamjones9662 29 күн бұрын
Entitlement. by what ever reason, is an infection or sickness of dictator's pride..
@bdliaw3230 Ай бұрын
Yes, it is uniquely shitty !
@thomaswhitelake Ай бұрын
Another excellent analysis!
@jsvz9333 Ай бұрын
Insightful, thanks for posting!
@Alan.livingston Ай бұрын
Hands up anyone in this comment section who isn’t a Russian bot. They seem thick on the ground
@JabberwockyGB Ай бұрын
The 'Rules based International Order' are the rules imposed by the us Empire and are inconsistent with International Law. The rest of the world recognises this, which is a driving force for the growth of BRICS.
@JabberwockyGB Ай бұрын
The USA/ UK illegal war in Iraq showed that the West can ignore sovereignty and murder a million with impunity. This was preceded by the NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 and the subsequent NATO destruction of Libya in 2011. In terms of Ukraine, the USA has been illegally interfering since 1948 and Operation Belladonna and in 2014 overthrew the legitimate government to install a fascist controlled government willing to do NATO's bidding in an attempt to weaken Russia. A gambit that seems to have backfired.
@gavinfoley103 Ай бұрын
Elite discontent in Ukraine? Illegitimacy and autocracy in Ukraine? Good points on Russia but don't look here for anything but bias. I'm sure those committed to one side will enjoy the presentation, as I did. Thanks for the show.
@gavinfoley103 Ай бұрын
This started so well before turning to slogans.
@dammitdan106 Ай бұрын
Australia must be concerned with preparation for Indo-Pacific conflict instead of jawboning the American taxpayer unready to destroy another generation of its kids and struggling economy provisioning war in wealthy Europe. This American questions Australian elites' commitment to our mutual defense in its AOR.
@JabberwockyGB Ай бұрын
The speaker starts with an assertion that Russia's goal is Kiev and genocide! He's a delusional clown living in an alternative reality and wasn't worth listening to once that was made clear.