@digitalhuman5943 5 сағат бұрын
I think it’s interesting his daughter dreamed her father did nothing during a dream representing disconnection between environment or emotions. He took offense, but the only instance that came to mind of him protecting his daughter was when she was 4. Her dream reflects her relationship with her father, and how she sees him in her waking life. In the same mirror, Paul’s dream of floating away represents his continued disconnection with his feelings and environment, meaning he can’t win his wife back, but he can’t necessarily move on either. I think it does show significant character growth that he is at least in touch with his feelings towards his wife, something we don’t see much of until he looses her.
@bunnymomjulie6719 5 сағат бұрын
Thank you. I picked up on and completely agree with all the points you made. Anyone approaching this movie expecting a long histrionic documentary of his work are taking a very shallow view.
@ProySecRedes 9 сағат бұрын
Awesome analsis, I love Jung's theories since a long time ao and loved the movie too
@colleenharding8665 3 күн бұрын
This video was very helpful. I appreciate it, and happily subscribed. May I please have recommendations for other strange and clever films?
@SladeL 4 күн бұрын
What I find an interesting detail is that Samuel when angry hit his own head. This was in the audio recording at the trial and no one asked about this. After all, he had a head would from the fall, or did he? I dont know what it could mean, b/c no weapon was found if he did it himself. I think you finding these details of snoop are brilliant, it could have been the ball. :)
@FrictionalGamer 6 күн бұрын
50 Cent has killed Samuel because he played a cover version.
@glowing_rectangle 7 күн бұрын
I know Clay felt bad for driving away and knew he did the wrong thing, but i also get it. Nobody trusts anybody anymore, plus she was being too damn hysterical and wouldn't calm down. Maybe he wasn't sure he could help her much since they couldn't communicate at all and he gets lost easily without GPS. I assume she wanted a ride home somewhere (into the city probably, where the roads are f**ked)
@fernandodomingop4226 7 күн бұрын
1:25 in this moment I dont like more this character
@Fight_Brandon_Fight 8 күн бұрын
This movie is a perfect example of how stupid and irrational people can be and that people in fact live in a hive mind and can’t think for themselves
@goob8945 9 күн бұрын
I took the light switch scene to be an illustration of his fame / “dream powers” - he can’t control it or turn it off and it’s constantly blaring in his face, punishing him for just being there
@dead0show 9 күн бұрын
I find it funny how a movie that is almost entirely a trial where many people jump to conclusions has everyone jumping to conclusions about it. This movie might just be a criticism of cinema itself. Many people in the film world, especially critics who have never set foot on a film set, love making interpretations out of thin air. When people don't understand a movie, they assume that there is something genius about it that needs to be explained and interpreted, especially if the film has won the Palme d'Or and been nominated for Oscars like "Anatomy of a Fall." To be able to correctly criticize a movie, you have to take into consideration the big picture, which should include the process of filmmaking (and if you don't know anything about it, just be quiet). We shouldn't be making interpretations; we should only discuss what's in the movie-the facts. This is funny as well because it was mentioned in the movie itself. During the trial, when the prosecuting lawyer interpreted the book the wife wrote, as a confession or lack thereof, it was noted that only the facts should matter. The same goes for criticizing the movie. We simply don't have the facts that could explain how the husband died. However, we have the following facts from the movie: 1. The defense lawyer told the wife when she said she didn't kill her husband that it wasn't the point; it didn't matter. Only the narrative matters. 2. It was mentioned that the wife, as a writer, likes to mislead the readers. 3. The little kid has strong hearing. Taking these points into account, we can say the following: The dog in the movie is just to mislead the audience, and how the husband died doesn't matter. It's the narrative that matters-how people pick and choose the things that they like to build a narrative in their heads that they can relate to. Both the prosecution and the defense weren't telling the truth; they were all building a story to win. The kid contributed to this by providing his own narrative. Because he has strong hearing, he could hear every detail going on in that house. It was also shown that he's creative, imaginative, and manipulative (getting his mom to leave the house so he can feed the dog medicine). So, he made up a story that is convenient for him as well to convince the court that his mom is innocent.
@tbgthebest5624 10 күн бұрын
That was a great explanation ! Your whole observation on the movie and the ideas that the movie gave you cracked it up well done !
@xpindy 12 күн бұрын
Poor Paul, at the films opening his fantasy is to be published and have written a book and his reality is his home life. By the end, he is published and his dream is return to his former life.
@bitchkilla69 13 күн бұрын
Such a trash fem nut cee movie
@sethhinman1045 14 күн бұрын
The film is 100% about cancel culture ostensibly... Nicholas Cage says that in an interview about the film. The opinions you expressed are interesting (I feel like you're reaching a bit on some of them) even though Jungian psychology is new age trash and not used anymore, other than by dippy yoga people looking to create a religion about themselves. You also missed a couple of key points - like his shoulders being huge in the dream at the end - him being an idealized version of himself... strong and able to take on all the stress if the world (It's the Talking Heads suit mentioned earlier). And how could you not address the part about them breaking the 4th wall and saying the name of the book was supposed to be Dream Scenario- thereby implying the viewer is the dreamer?! Fantastic film though - his best since Adaptation in my opinion.
@selinakyle2368 16 күн бұрын
I think Daniel killed Samuel
@miluofficial2204 17 күн бұрын
Great film !!! But i think it is no matter who does it wars…. The film shows the brokeness of relationships
@DisclosureHorizon-qh3yk 17 күн бұрын
As a 54 year old man who has realised that he has become more and more invisible as he has aged this film infuriated me. The lack of support Paul got from anyone in the film resonates so much with my own life experience. As you age you lose so many of the things which the world considers to be important, sexual attractiveness, physical strength, societal recognition and cultural relevance to the point where in todays society you may as well just die. There are of course people in their 50s and 60s who are still considered icons or cultural touch points but that’s usually if they continue to be a character…someone who may not be what they were but who act in a way that is counter to their original persona. I genuinely haven’t been as upset by watching a film as I have by watching this. I take from it that my life is fucked. There is no positive to this.
@TheCinemaDetective 17 күн бұрын
Sorry to read your comment and how the movie upset you. Keep your chin up! Why do you think things went so badly for Paul?
@Creative.Comblas 11 күн бұрын
Hey man, don’t let this movie get you down, there’s still plenty out there for you - make your own movie proving them all wrong !
@SoCalFreelance 18 күн бұрын
Learn English or die in the apocalypse is what that scene is trying to convey.
@Angofar 18 күн бұрын
Snoop did it. Collies are well known ppl protectors and he wanted to protect Sandra from Samuel's intimidating playing of that music. Not to mention his projection of his own failure onto her. Good boy Snoop.
@ciri51 18 күн бұрын
Also note the sound of melted snow dripping along with Snoops footsteps in the scene right before the verdict is announced.
@NaturesEyesAndMouth 19 күн бұрын
I dont think he got a dog, i think he was dreaming a dead dog. just got done watching the movie that dog was def dead
@mitschnel607 20 күн бұрын
I think the window is way too high for him to trip over it
@szl5068 21 күн бұрын
@srose1088 21 күн бұрын
I think by the time a court case is ready, it's less about what happened and more about the debate you have been presented with (guilty or not guilty). However, I do think detectives feel inclined to search for answers that will be held easily in court rather than truly examine all possibilities like they are actually supposed to. It kind of feels like putting the cart before the horse...
@UrsaMinor9010 21 күн бұрын
My cognitive dissonance made me want to believe it was an accident to avoid the tragic possibility that one of daniel's parents killed one of his parents. This video calms my brain :)
@UrsaMinor9010 21 күн бұрын
If we assume it couldn't have been an accident, then Daniel's truth is that one of his parents killed one of his parents.
@RaptorFromWeegee 22 күн бұрын
Its totally about cancel culture. You jus tryin to dial it back
@larana2 6 күн бұрын
Very different writing decisions would have been made if it was *just* about cancel culture
@whiskeyandapples 23 күн бұрын
wow. just wow. subscribed.
@mathewbuendia1038 24 күн бұрын
9/10 times it's always the spouse
@akr.6550 25 күн бұрын
I believe snoop was a metaphor for samuel. At the end, sandra is holding him as if holding her husband. Also, the scene where is Snoop staring at Samuel's photo. Samuel and snoop overdose together. I believe in some way, snoop is supposed to represent Samuel even in the afterlife.
@jessies6193 28 күн бұрын
I am now 100% convinced that my dog is trying to murder me, as he keeps leaving his toys on the stairs. Like, at first I thought it was funny, but now I know he's got it in for me, thanks to this video. Thankyou @CinemaDetective for opening my eyes to how evil my cute little chihuahua x jack russell actually is.
@drakedrones 28 күн бұрын
She did such an excellent job!!! I cried just seeing her distress 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@zoesalamahill 28 күн бұрын
Anatomy of a FALL. Not Anatomy of a Jump, or anatomy of a Push, Anatomy of a Fall. When someone is pushed out of a window, we say they were pushed; not that they fell. If they committed suicide, we say they jumped not fell. We use the term "fall" for accidents. I think the director was hiding the truth in plain sight on purpose to prove a point. She could have titled this anything else, but she chose to emphasize how the story is about people "dissecting" a "fall"; and "fall" is a term used when describing an accident. We were immediately given two purposeful, binary choices: Samuel's death as a suicide or murder; when accidents are the leading cause of "falling". We and the characters are assigning fault to something that was an accident; that's why none of the intentional theories perfectly fit!
@skyyyazer 29 күн бұрын
Great analysis! Thanks for sharing 🙏
@thebukiyeh 29 күн бұрын
The title of this video is a spoiler 😑
@robberezowski68 29 күн бұрын
5:39 - "He falls backwards" then shows video of him "falling" forward. If you look closely you can see his right foot PUSHING off the balcony. I still don't think it's suicide I just think the filmmakers shouldn't have included that clip, or maybe it was included to just inject more confusion.
@mat6732 15 күн бұрын
it was included to show how he couldve jumped IF he was doing it for suicidal reasons, i dont think we got a clip showing how he wouldve fell as an accident
@MrKillachristopher2 29 күн бұрын
If you go back and watch the movie again, you never heard the ball bounced until it reached the stairs, the ball rolled from the top and bounced on the first step, it's pretty simple Samuel wasn't happy with his life, so he took his life and this court proceedings was just to show, how they'll twist things to make someone innocent looks guilty. And it focused too much on the dog, in movies like these the most obvious thing is never the answer.
@cheri7054 Ай бұрын
The audio was to show us how manipulative Sandra was. I think she killed him. Samuel wouldn’t commit suicide near his son cuz he knew how traumatizing that would be for the son. He loved his son too much
@cheri7054 Ай бұрын
The audio was to show us how manipulative Sandra was. I think she killed him. Samuel wouldn’t commit suicide near his son cuz he knew how traumatizing that would be for the son. He loved his son too much
@muo12 Ай бұрын
This reminds me more of what happened to Freddy Kruger that got him thrown in the furnace. Kids dreaming of him.
@barbaramartin9031 Ай бұрын
A brilliant movie about life.
@manyebra4112 Ай бұрын
fek kardi kii?
@theresehughesxx Ай бұрын
Love your view on this ❤
@disco1974ever Ай бұрын
Praise. I could list and articulate all the individual aspects of this critique that make it brialliant. Vut anyone reading this already knows. congrats, you have grown my appreciation and enjoyment of this film. Well done.
@disco1974ever Ай бұрын
nailed it. thank you
@TheGoodContent37 Ай бұрын
And yet this means nothing with the ultimate message which is: No one knows for sure what happened and everyone had to especulate with the available evidence. And I have another take on the movie: Is not about who is to blame, who is guilty, is about how to diminish the amount of evil or suffering. If the mother did it due to whichever reasons she would have ended in jail and fractured and already fractured family creating more suffering. The loss of a father then the loss of a mother and what leaded to that? Missunderstandings among 2 humans that got together and found themselves drenched in regret trying to stay afloat however they could. I think the true message is that it doesn't matter what happened, it matter what you do to make it less worst after it happened. Everyone is to blame so no one is to blame. No one knows all the truth of the universe, no one will ever be able to know, we are blind just as Daniel. So if no one knows the entirety of truth no one can be sure of anything. No one can know which butterfly's wings provoqued the tornado. So, if we are all blind in this existence we shouldn't place so much value on evidence or the truth, we should better place value on how to reduce the amount of suffering. Just my opinion.
@cheri7054 Ай бұрын
In the end the dog shows unconditional love even to a killer. Dogs love you unconditionally.
@cheri7054 Ай бұрын
I think Sandra was manipulative throughout the movie. She won't answer questions properly. She has to be in control at all times. This is one clue something isn't right. She was caught in lies several times. In court during that argument she's very controlling. She doesn't seem to care to spend much time with her son. Doesn't want or care about finding time to be with son. Samuel wouldn't commit suicide due to his love for his son. In the end the son lied so that at least he wouldn't lose another parent
@yurymir Ай бұрын
Great! Thank you for your analysis! Please, make more videos for us! 🙏🏽