"I'm a bit rusty"
4 ай бұрын
Project Sekai copy cat...
6 ай бұрын
Permanent Vacation challenge.exe
6 ай бұрын
emu otori enters a mental asylum
@WONDERHOY-d1x 2 сағат бұрын
the mafuyu's mom is the realest one
@可愛い天使 3 күн бұрын
this shit so ass 😭
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
You don’t know ena and you’re making it seem you don’t get these characters and making it seem mafuyu didn’t cause huge problems for everyone if mafuyu actually ended herself niigo wouldn’t be there mafuyu isn’t the best she’s honestly WORSE THEN ena causing trouble and annoyance for everybody no hate to mafuyu fans though please never rate again if you can’t do it and we all know you didn’t read nothing from the story akito wasn’t trying to be rude he told that guy not to cut the power but he did anyway akito confronted that guy and took the blame to spare that guy some slack you don’t understand these characters at all your opinions aren’t just opinions they are WAR ena is honestly an amazing character with great development and you can’t see that?? Have you read any event story because I suggest reading the I nandesu one maybe you’ll understand better that ena wasn’t rude to anybody but concerned for mafuyu and only wanted to help akito’s rude and brunt personality and en’s mean personality is because they are thunders and haruka wanted to be n idol but she felt scared because of what Mai said to her shizuku left a big impact helping minori and having her upsides and downsides but remained cheerful for her friends and honestly atp you’re being biased for minori and we all know that honami was afraid of being avoided everybody was blaming ichika so hon,I didn’t want something ti happen to her friends ichika did NOT depend on saki but wanted to help saki build a group and shiho was never rude but she didn’t want people to hate her IN THE MIN STORY SHE LITERALLY CONFRONTED HER CLASSMATES FOR TALKIING BAD ABOUT ICHIKA it’s clear you don’t understand any of these characters nene was afraid she was shy and didn’t wanna fail she wasn’t trying to make Tsukasa angry Tsukasa also gave nene another chance and let her sing again because he actually felt bad for her Tsukasa isn’t stubborn he just can’t accept failure because of his parents mostly neglecting him he wanted to become a star for saki Mizuki always made sure to keep niigo happy while wanting herself t be happy Mizuki had a huge place in the story it’s just so frustrating that you will give mafuyu for mommy issues and give ena F FOR BEING A TSUNDERE LIKW ANYBODY CAN TELL SHE IS A TSUNDERE you don’t get these characters you clearly didn’t read the main story and you probably just watched a second of it then skipped it all you shouldn’t be allowed to rate characters because of how dumb your opinions are for the love of god you’re opinions would never be a saviour never rate again we won’t feel pity for you ena doesn’t have a bigger ego then tsukasa akito was just being his TSUNDERE self I don’t think you get these characters the way I do or anybody does
@H.Kuriyo 3 күн бұрын
Ofc I've read the story of each group 3 times, I take in as much detail as I can, even reading your comment I don't skip any parts of it and try to understand each sentence. It's clear that ofc some characters were given different treatments and I didn't consider some aspects of t heir reasoning. But this is a tier list and I need to put some below A tier, and if u t hink that putting everyone at S tier is the best option for a controversial video then I advise you to be realistic. I'm not here to make drama and your discussing as if I don't care for t he game and characters, I'm not a perfect human and your targeting the characters I rank lower just bcs u hate negative comments on any of them and compare it to the biases of some other characters. Why not I make a video making everyone F tier and see how you react compared to this, you'll be angry with whatever rank is not even compared with others just bcs of your thoughts from mother stories, I'm basing my thoughts on the MAIN story Your feedback is only going to create a negative atmosphere for people, you lash out at me even though I said that no one shouldn't take the video seriously, you don't respect the opinions of others just bcs u have different views on something, go touch grass
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
@@H.Kuriyo rating honami c ena f and akito f is un excusable i didn’t see your comment talking about this it has nothing to do with touching grass but just saying I’m the only one making an “negative atmosphere” and i respect your opinions but you’re making it seem you didn’t read anything at all and just rated them form looks and something is the reasonings that’s what I’m mostly pissed bout ichika doesn’t depend on saki maybe a lil but not that much haruka had a good enough impact but ena deserving an f and kaito deserving an f isn’t right their personality is to be rude because they are tsundere
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
@@H.Kuriyo I won’t be angry with whatever rank if I didn’t say I would then clearly it’s not true I can respect your opinions but I’m sorry this one just ain’t right
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
@@H.Kuriyo giving them all f would just get you more hate then ever
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
@@H.Kuriyo and obviously I want to agree with these ranks but some of them are unfair to many many people I’m sorry if offended you but I’m just saying putting the shinonome at f is unreasonable d or c I understand but them at f is just crazy
@karlthenub_5289 3 күн бұрын
I’d normally stay away from dramas because my community has nothing to do with this but I’d have to say this STOP TAKING A HUSHED TIER LIST SO SERIOUSLY Why the fish does a thing made JUST FOR FUN being judged and criticized like a politician’s statement? Just because you like a goddamn character doesn’t mean that OTHERS HAVE TO LIKE THEM! Did you think that people making these tier list do in-depth research at all? Of COURSE NOT, you wouldn’t put 20 hours researching artificial characters’ backstory, would you? That all aside, I hope that we can just move on from this. No one should receive hate for doing something fun for content, and you don’t have the rights to ruin others’ fun also. If you’re mad about it, go outside, take a breather, and come back later. Don’t put out all of your rage on a stupid comment on an online community platform, and be respectful
@ninations. 3 күн бұрын
the tiering is fine but your reasoning genuinely has me shocked. is media literacy not a thing anymore??
@daintyozma123 3 күн бұрын
Tell me you did not read the main story without telling me you did not read the main story
@H.Kuriyo 3 күн бұрын
I did not read the main story of reading the main story but i read the main story of the main story of the main main story
@H.Kuriyo 4 күн бұрын
For some reason this video was recommend alot recently, hence i am sorry for any irritation you might feel for my horrible considerations of some characters. Pls note that due to limited space and my aim to not waste your time. I didn't have much leeway to delve into the depths of the story in my text. But i also needed to put people below A tier bcs it's a tier list afterall. I'm sorry if i didn't gave a detailed explanation on why i put them so low and I'm sorry for not giving huge factors to some decisions. I didn't want to make a controversial video and just wanted to make content on the game, but this whole response has really negatively affected me as a fan for the community. Pls Pls Pls, don't take my ranking seriously.
@enakisser0404 Күн бұрын
@H.Kuriyo im sorry that you feel like this, please don't take my comment personally! you should just try to understand a character before judging them, because ena really has impacted on the game a ton😭im sorry if my comment sounded rude in any way, it's just my point of view!! (´゚З゚`)
@H.Kuriyo Күн бұрын
@@enakisser0404 No need for apologies Ash, your comment was only expressing your opinions and with no harsh intent. I appreciated your views and took it as a positive response for me to view ena properly ❤️
@m1chip1.0 4 күн бұрын
At 10, I always hate on this cuz of my skill Issue
@FoldyTwirls 4 күн бұрын
Isn't Tsukasa's actions quite normal? I mean it's obviously normal that Tsukasa would get mad at Nene for ruining the show that he worked and trained hard for? I mean you would also get mad if someone ruins something that you worked so hard for
@noa-b4d5j 4 күн бұрын
idk seems kinda biased... if we follow your depiction of ena, airi wouldve been a much lower rank
@H.Kuriyo 4 күн бұрын
Good point, i have no arguments over whether there was a bit of bias or not, maybe the atmosphere of different groups affected my thoughts.
@riverthecrybaby9448 4 күн бұрын
Ena is the opposite of egotistical lol. shes actually extremely insecure.
@trustme_fnaf 4 күн бұрын
I kinda wanna give my opinions on your opinions don’t take this as hate obviously idk I like sharing my opinions on the internet Shino: it’s also based but I feel like your making it seem like shinos reason for avoiding the others is better then Honamis and like.. I gotta disagree Minori: again Minori is based I can tell you really like cheerful characters lol Haruka: wdym she didn’t feel like an idol? What did you want her to do? I feel like haruka is a very good representation that idols are just humans Shizuku: I wouldn’t say shizuku had any less of an impact then Airi honestly Kohane: I would never have described Koha as a ‘pipsqueak’ honestly she was just sorta nervous An: describing An to have no conflicts is crazy Akito: Akito was never a Villian.. idk what your talking about “only cared about surpassing rad weekend” is insane if that’s all he cared about then toya leaving him wouldn’t have had such a big impact.. “refused to acknowledge feelings for toya” is actually insane.. please read chapter 19.. Also Toya deserved that punch I’m just saying he insulted Akitos passion and called it stupid and childish let’s stop acting like toys did nothing wrong they were both in the wrong.. 😭 Akito was definitely not unforgiving did you stop reading after chapter 14..? Toya: we’ll I agree with your points I can’t help hit feel like you don’t understand him that well considering Akito Ena: wowzers Shinonome hate.. your looking at them very surface level like even for just main story Ena definitely does NOT have a big ego I don’t even know where your getting that from.. not to mention that situation was negative?? I think Ena acted pretty realistically tbh
@H.Kuriyo 4 күн бұрын
Shiho: i can see your point and totally agree with thinking who had better reasoning Minori: can't deny bias Haruka: I'm sorry but her influence to the story was nothing special (sorry) Airi: no biases there, i just thought her impact to the group was influential Shizuku: Can't deny she definitely had bigger impacts than I've stated Kohane: i just think she was adorable and admirable An: what conflict was there? Akito: I genuinely believe that he had bad temper issues, he didn't care for kohane(until the ending) and the reason i said Akito was a bit childish was due to his actions not considering whether toya's true passion of surpassing rad weekend was true, and Akito never 'insulted' akito's passion, akito lashed out with no considerations and punched him Toya: I understand his appreciation for akito and efforts to help akito surpassing rad weekend, he's a good bro and has never insulted akito, he just feels like he'll never have the same passion as him(only up til the ending he did) Ena: she was being realistic, and that caused her to be less thoughtful for mafuyu and couldn't give a damn to care for her until a certain episode where she tried her best to be "somewhat caring" for mafuyu Overall: i have no arguments just thoughts that i love to share and ty for showing your passion for the story
@jordina3 4 күн бұрын
0:27 did you.. read leo/needs story..?
@fuyuyoshiya 4 күн бұрын
never cook again
@fuyuyoshiya 4 күн бұрын
tell me u didnt understand the characters at all without telling me u didnt understand the characters.
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
Say you don’t understand the word my opinion without saying I don’t understand the word my opinion
@Zula_69 3 күн бұрын
I just watched the whole video ENA’S F?!?! THAT’S CRAZY SHE’S A TSUNDERE
@diirectorr_ 4 күн бұрын
one thing i noticed is that you had very bare bones thoughts on the characters. im not expecting an essay with a bullet point format, but you didn’t go a level deeper in a video meant to be on your thoughts on the characters. i’m mainly going to tear into wondershow, as they’re my babies and i remember their main story the best, though a few others will be here - haruka rubbed me the wrong way (and shizuai, but mainly haruka). for one, you did say she didnt feel idol like. not only did she and shizuai quit, but she was dealing with guilt at the very least, and possibly even depression. of course she wasn’t being very idol like - tsukasa was rated a b while akito got an f? you even said that tsukasa’s actions were “unforgivable” (though yelling at someone isn’t unforgivable), but that’s better than akito’s? they were both rude throughout the main story, and while i dont know how vbs main story resolved, i still think the difference is weird here - emu felt right but still barren. like, nothing about her big heart that kinda overflows? either way, hers was the most excusable out of wondershow’s, this is more like a nitpick - nene’s bugged me. she had a massive impact on the story. if it weren’t for her anxieties, she wouldn’t needed to join wxs. she wouldn’t have needed to hide behind nenerobo. she wouldn’t have practiced into the night, draining nenerobo’s battery. that’s the entire catalyst for the conflict, and her other bullet points don’t go into other details about her character - rui. he wants to make shows with others, and he used his robots as actors when he couldn’t (though i don’t expect you to know that from the main story iirc). his inventions are then used to enhance his shows. he’s also not crazy, he has a wild imagination and the skill to make his imagination reality. and you bring up that he gave nene the chance to do what she enjoys, but not how much he loves his friends and his strong morals. he loves nene, so he gave her an opportunity he was given. he loves nene, so he stood up to tsukasa when he yelled at her. he has strong morals, so he stood up to tsukasa. and his morals were so strong that he refused to forgive tsukasa until he proved himself (and i don’t think he would’ve forgiven him if nene didn’t). just like emu, he has a big heart, even if he keeps it under control - why did mafuyu get a pass to be manipulated but honami didn’t? i know they’re in different situations, but you worded it the same, which creates this weird distinction. and she actively pushed everyone away, she never gave herself the chance to be saved until the very end - you worried about impact for a lot of characters. i dont think that was necessary nor important. they’re there for a reason, and the main story is just to start the story. though, once again, this is a nitpick
@H.Kuriyo 4 күн бұрын
I didn't have alot of space nor wanted to waste people's time on the video. It obv does not delve between the depths of the story. But pls assure that i have tried my best to consider everyone's positive impact on each group, and ofc there are some nitpicks that are horribly considered Ofc i feel bad for nene and honami, your points and others are not to be ignored, hence I'm sorry for any irritation
@diirectorr_ 3 күн бұрын
@@H.Kuriyo i appreciate you taking this well, i know you’ve been getting a lot of comments getting upset at/arguing with your thoughts. please try to not take anything in these comments to heart, and i hope you have a wonderful day :)
@Katoified 4 күн бұрын
Never rate again you missed so much of this, especially ichika, haruka, akito, ena
@H.Kuriyo 4 күн бұрын
Fortunately I won't make another one It's clear that you disagree of any characters below A tier, pls consider that there needs to be some that are better than others and I genuinely tried my best to consider every action and influence to the story. I tried my best to see the positive impact on the group.
@Spooonsy 4 күн бұрын
Flick notes shouldn't exist.
@shido-kiku_ 5 күн бұрын
I played w u once on ensekai! (@karma akabane) the one with a mastery 2 mafuyu
@Spooonsy 6 күн бұрын
You sound like darku kind of
@H.Kuriyo 6 күн бұрын
I barely see the resemblance 🤔
@Spooonsy 6 күн бұрын
@@H.Kuriyo nvm, I just forgot what he sounded like
@5ninesou 6 күн бұрын
this video makes me happy idk why lol XD!!
@LerpsterDerpster-ij6xn 6 күн бұрын
Nice job for your first time man! 99% of the game is behind a paywall so if your kot willing to pay arcaea gets really boring after awhile as u only have one pack
@sillygoober-dh8tj 8 күн бұрын
One thing saving Project Sekai players: Pressing a flick note, but it still registered as a flick somehow
@bamspsw 9 күн бұрын
@allie_cats4life 12 күн бұрын
2:13 crazy💀💀
@starrr_06 15 күн бұрын
Dont forget lag lol
@giorgiocastellani5608 17 күн бұрын
honami c hurt but I kinda get how you saw it. I loved her so much in the main story cuz she was really relatable to me and her arc was really good imo
@chkneileinne 17 күн бұрын
En Sekai could never...😂
@TempestStation1 18 күн бұрын
can i haves mika
@Sai79711 18 күн бұрын
Why aren’t you posting anymore?
@H.Kuriyo 18 күн бұрын
@@Sai79711 sorry, i recently have been disappointed at my edits, it's really affected my mentality to finish any videos, hence i gave up
@inyourarea-fk9le 17 күн бұрын
​@@H.Kuriyo pls don't give up in life there are many challenges to come but remember never to give up because there are a lot of people who still care about you and want u to post ❤ Take a break and don't give up!
@Akuriserv 19 күн бұрын
Lowkey I agree with like everything here based on main story alone like I used to HATE akito and ena but now I love them (I also didn’t really like honami very much either). I like mizuki and nene purely because of their character design and personalities but objectively they didn’t do much in the main story so I def agree as well.
@hmharonmd 19 күн бұрын
2:13 Shes gonna say sorry
@YKZKYEN 24 күн бұрын
Worse one Sticky fingers
@evelynong3483 26 күн бұрын
51. Not able to play with 3D MV because you're using a potato
@jayvinchen6747 Ай бұрын
Not even 10x rate up can save my Minori level luck
@Minori_H Ай бұрын
I kidnap Minori. Not sure if she still in my basement or not. WAIT, SHE RUN I guess I need to find her again
@un_adelantado_a_su_epoca Ай бұрын
Welcome to phigros
@Oyasumi061 Ай бұрын
@vasilsw Ай бұрын
As an Akito fan i agree that he was f in his main story but not with Ena, somehow she just doesn't deserve it, well theres already a comment about this but I just feel like there's no black and white in Ena and Mafuyu's interactions which means there could be lots of interpretations and different point of views perhaps thoee views is influence by some kind of bias too, because all i can see is both of them is just mentally unwell at that time, both of them got parents that doesn't support them
@PHOENIX-5100 Ай бұрын
Does anyone know the music in the background?
@porsche-sandoesnotundersta8184 Ай бұрын
Vivaldi Winter
@PHOENIX-5100 Ай бұрын
@@porsche-sandoesnotundersta8184 Thank you
@mizqya Ай бұрын
@emilycuteprincess1234uwu Ай бұрын
why was that outro like that. number 49 is the realest one!
@hmharonmd Ай бұрын
as a thumb player, 1:18 and 1:20 arent even that bad.
@sayuvee Ай бұрын
"Nene didn't affect the group much" when nene's the reason tsukasa realized that he was being selfish and had his character development