The Audience Have Spoken
2 сағат бұрын
Uhm, Valve...
4 сағат бұрын
IGN Are Damaging Gaming
21 сағат бұрын
Diablo 4 Is A Different Game Now
Steam Is Under Fire
Күн бұрын
EA Unleashed A Firestorm
14 күн бұрын
Xbox Has Destroyed It's Reputation
We've Had Enough Of This...
21 күн бұрын
Helldivers 2 Is Being Review Bombed
Bethesda Should Have Reached Out...
No Other Publisher Does This
Valve Made Their Position Clear
@bendrury5108 4 минут бұрын
every clip in this video is of people camping or tilting around a corner,,,,,lol lmfao this is a game you care about?
@bendrury5108 7 минут бұрын
well both these games blow ass so dont care
@steel5897 8 минут бұрын
Ninja Theory built what is in their minds a piece of art, but all the average joe will see is an angry woman screaming very loudly for seemingly no reason and trekking through rocks. The rocks are beautiful though, but yeah.
@Obama8mycatHQ. 12 минут бұрын
Diablo almost had it perfectly, if it was split 50/50 and had decent cosmetics in game AND in the store I would be content and fine, but every in game looks like shit, especially from the "free" battle passes, basically forcing you to pay if you don't want to look like a generic goober
@Me_Caveman 14 минут бұрын
@Bellular, report on Once Lost Games' Wayward Realms Kickstarter? Led by the OG's from Daggerfall and is a spiritual successor with tons of promise.
@steel5897 26 минут бұрын
It's ok when Valve does it.
@ruthven78 32 минут бұрын
the problem with fiat currency and different exchange rates. The only way for Valve to make it entirely fair is if they added in an automatic currency updater, or paid a group of people to do it every time the exchange rates changed, which is fairly constantly changing. The traffic caused by polling the currency exchange database would be pretty substantial. They could easily say "hey, we update the exchange rates at X time each day and that is what you pay, like it or not"
@maxmustermann8247 43 минут бұрын
You sound like "games as a service" is totally fine...
@atlantic_love 44 минут бұрын
@animehuntress9018 47 минут бұрын
SSO Star Stable online has been around for way more then 10 years and has a massive player base. (Not fortnight number but people don't look at it because its a horse game) They also have one of the best monetization then I've ever seen in an online game. You can CHOOSE your subscription in several forms or pay one time large fee. You have free in game currency that can buy tons of things and you have plenty of in game opportunities to earn. You also have Real Money in game currency that can also be earned weekly just from being a "star rider" subscriber. The only thing that you have to buy with the Real money in game currency is the horses. Even then the first horse you get has the ability to where skins during holiday events so they don't get old. Since they offer plenty of sales to buy the currency and a way of earning it doing nothing and only really one type of thing that is requires real currency it feels like buying those things (horses) isn't a waste of money and worth the prices. There are some cosmetics that are exclusively Real money in game currency but the price is so low that using your weekly allowance of coins for them doesn't feel bad. Also great mechanics for teaching young kids money management, just saying, lol. They've even done several generation updates! IE You want players happy to spend money then you have to make them feel they are getting their moneys worth and they aren't being sold nothing for something at every turn.
@Oktokolo 51 минут бұрын
Glad you asked: How about just selling the game and letting me just host the server myself like i did two decades ago. It works for niche indie games like 7 Days to Die and Factorio pretty well somehow. It surely will still work for a shooter too.
@NegativeROG 55 минут бұрын
How do you make money? Ask Hello Games. 7 years of updates and content additions, every single one of them absolutely FREE.
@contra_sandinista 56 минут бұрын
The colors getting more saturated as the trips starts kicking in is a nice touch
@Sub-Mythos 59 минут бұрын
The Audience Said No. Loudly. While pulling out their credit card.
@sofaking1627 Сағат бұрын
A live service game has to make money But why do we have to make a live service game in the first place? We didn't need to overmonetize our shooters back in 2007
@MrReaperofDead Сағат бұрын
Why doesn't anybody post the actual footage of Ubisoft getting booed at the stream? Every youtuber is talking about it, but literally nobody has posted a video of it happening.
@user-ws1bx5xb8s Сағат бұрын
I think it would be cool as an age of empires style rts/city builder. It's already going that way
@waffleswafflson3076 Сағат бұрын
Heroes of the Storm already solved it. Sell skins for USD. No crates, no funny premium currency, no dark patterns. When people like a game they want to throw money at it and if you dont scam people they will be more willing to throw more money at it
@thirtysilver33 Сағат бұрын
And they ALL went home and subbed.
@kk-kz8nc Сағат бұрын
The game industry is fing sick. So are the players IMO. Buying skins for RL money is just fing insane behavior. I will never understand that insanity. I have been playing games for forty plus years..and gamers have gone effin insane. Really wth is wrong with you?
@dcsblessedbees Сағат бұрын
🤨It's like these Companies take turns🙄 being stupid and pissing off their customers.🤣😂
@RagnorokKing Сағат бұрын
The epic exclusivity was stupid, but limited console exclusivity is not a bad idea. You need console exclusives to push the industry away from stagnation ( like the kind that happened in the 2010s when the industry was in a death spiral). So many exclusives have gotten critical acclaim, which is good. The problem is that every company thinks that their games will sell insane amounts despite being exclusive. The fact that the higher ups at Square and Sony believe their games will sell more units than there are ps5's ( and in turn, will cause people to buy ps5's) is so ridiculously stupid. And at the end of the day, what's the lesson learned by the companies? The fact that these critically acclaimed games aren't worth it.
@mrsmith5114 Сағат бұрын
People won't care.
@VivaMattiee Сағат бұрын
Fallout 76 has a monthly subscription service which gives you free store points on every renewal which is worth more than the subscription cost. That's the best service I've seen in this example
@TheHossmatrix Сағат бұрын
The problem is that they always want to make more money with less. Just look at wow. They put a store even if you are paying a subscription fee. This industry is just shameless and consumers are brainless.
@drew004jc Сағат бұрын
I am slowly finding myself playing less and saving more.............I guess I owe the gaming industry a thank you
@HaruuMin47 Сағат бұрын
Oh no, someone mentioned Blue Archive. Senseis are being summoned here jk 😂😂
@khanghua966 Сағат бұрын
im vietnamese and them guys just jealous with the success of steam vs their shit ahh p2w money dump game and a lot of people shit on them now
@Zuginator 2 сағат бұрын
I loved Warframe's monetization and product, until they added those powers that had random modifiers, then power was a dice roll. All balance was gone. Then they changed the end game to be worse. Going Survival missions for 60 minutes WAS a challenge. They didn't reward staying in longer, so I quit.
@DreamerGamers 2 сағат бұрын
Long live Squaresoft, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu, Yoshitaka Amano, Kazuko Shibuya. Square Enix is clueless.
@Elb1763 2 сағат бұрын
Oh my God, Unreal Tournament was a successful game right? That wasn't a live service but was basically online-only (not really because it has offline bot matches, but you know what I am saying). Can't we just make a game, sell it for 3 years, and then make another game? Outdated idea I know, and you'll only make few hundred millions instead of billions.
@Joistikero18 2 сағат бұрын
i mean, the ending of hellblade 1 was pretty much a close ending, there was no reason for a sequel
@jalthiratruenooblord7770 2 сағат бұрын
my awnse rto "what is a reasonable way to make money and be a live service" - dont be a live service. have the complete game, and have all server/multiplayer tools in the game, for users to host. once you make it, thats it.
@DNDaMD 2 сағат бұрын
I am so tired of this slop. Stop paying for these live service garbage
@the_dark_soul_of_man 2 сағат бұрын
With Ubisoft, the "they gotta make money" excuse was worn out a looooong time ago.
@markhettenbach3141 2 сағат бұрын
Breakpoint, and it didnt suck, its even better now after the patches that they were not obligated to produce.
@diamonddino7024 2 сағат бұрын
I feel like its more of a problem when they have to many ways to try and get more money. They have loot boxes, battle passes that expire, in game money you can buy to buy the operators, they have weapon skin packs, you have to buy the game and now they want to add a subscription and a marketplace that they get a cut from?
@markhettenbach3141 2 сағат бұрын
I honestly dont mind a 10$ season pass, as long as its at least 3 months. I pay for the Division 2 pass to support the idea that the game will continue.
@Dracas42 2 сағат бұрын
Modern games ask the question "What can we cut out to sell to the player?" instead of "What's the best game we can make?" and I think it's just reaching a boiling point. Especially since there's a million live service games out there all asking for your life, people are gunna be upset almost no matter what. Helldivers 2 did a pretty good job of feeling fair, but even they've gotten people on their bad side for how the game is run.
@zombl337og 2 сағат бұрын
weve had enough walking simulators and "cinematic" movie games. Give us something new that isnt a live service game either!
@broodwarjc1517 2 сағат бұрын
Players are crying about this, but the only way to truly stop this is STOP PLAYING THE GAME. If players still play the game, then the metrics are there for Ubisoft to just ignore the outcry and know that their next stupid decision will draw player ire away from this one.
@npcimknot958 2 сағат бұрын
There is a difference of people willingly tossing their money at you.. and then you forcing people to pay you..
@aziki001 2 сағат бұрын
When he said that Siege is amazing game, I genuinely laughed out loud.
@matthewrosborough2705 2 сағат бұрын
i would rather just see a good game last for 1-3 years and then have it's servers get shut down and move down to a low cost server mode. let us host our own servers if we want to keep playing and just go make something new. you can still play Tf2 today at no cost because its not valve hosting servers.
@ArcticSquash 2 сағат бұрын
The recruit is ruined
@cl0ud88 2 сағат бұрын
I played WoW for over a decade and today I honestly don't know how I did it because FF14 showed me that I absolutely dislike mandatory Subs because I constantly feel stressed if I get all I can for my sub and I honestly felt much better once I quit. It may be different for the majority of people but for me subs put me under pressure which ultimately makes me dislike the game. To be fair, the fomo of battle passes put me under the same stress so I usually only buy them if I am already at max level making xp bonuses or whatever absolutely useless And I also played Xdefiant but it is just too fast, too hectic, too much colour. I feel like I'm in a drug infused fever dream so I stopped playing.
@Blahblah-il2dv 2 сағат бұрын
I think if your gonna be a live service the game should be free. With a sub, 1 month, 3 months or a year pay options, flat out. No extra cosmetics no expansion packs. Your subs is your account, the money they get from subs is how much they budget into new content.
@kingaxolotl262 2 сағат бұрын
They are getting rid of recruit and multiple people can’t play as the Same replacement
@themightycrixus1131 2 сағат бұрын
Its really a bummer what has happened to Siege. Its been out since 2016 if I remember right and has been a constant source of entertainment for me. It makes up a lot of my content on my own channel. Really bummed to see this happening. I don't play for skins. Once i get one I like i dont really want others... i am not going to go into the appearance menu and change them in between matches and stuff.
@plastikloser 2 сағат бұрын
"Ubisoft..." You lost me, right there