SS13 TG Terry (Round 149: Heart)
2 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 148: Conveyor)
4 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 147: Tesla)
7 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 146: LMG)
9 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 145: Heart)
12 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 144: Firelock)
14 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 143: Bombs)
16 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 142: Gorilla)
19 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 141: Canisters)
21 сағат бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 140: Slow)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 139: Infused)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 138: Style)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 137: Psyker)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 136: Goons)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 135: Break)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 134: Materials)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 133: Galaxy)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 132: Horizon)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 131: Ash)
14 күн бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 130: Factory)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 129: Telekinesis)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 128: SM)
21 күн бұрын
SS13 TG Terry (Round 127: Removed)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 126: Power)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 125: Rigged)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 124: Points)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 123: Flesh)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 122: Generator)
SS13 TG Terry (Round 121: Tiny)
28 күн бұрын
@NalyKalZul 3 сағат бұрын
little gps tip, name yourself with a * in front so you are always listed on top of any other named listing. In the rare case someone does notice you with a gps signal that you havent moved a while. 11:27 don't waste that top left coin, its always magical. and any + value gives you a actual overall stat boosts in 0.1% of listed + value. it can also debuff you based on total gear value. its the same randomized effect the wizard can ritual forth. that coin is just a blessing for any melee miners straight up. and non wearable items do add score in your pockets, just not while in your bag. and when i say stat boosts, it touches everything, damage reduction, stun reduction wounding chance. goes down against you and up against enemies. realistic with a wizard rpg loot event, you probably top out around 150 to 200 score. but that is 15%~20% stat boosting range. + whatever magical effects they rolled, some can be harmfull but also might require in hand trigger. but some also just heal you on a cooldown, or let you cast spells. the greed rework is against old redazone cheese. or lavaland lifegiver just passively out healing dna with enough light. and that borg calls you the worst miner ever, but you made it back station side atleast. and i like idea of the curse effect punishing you if you go crit, so its still a combat skill issue for those who die to it. it also did denotes you can share the curse, until someone wins and cures all involved. but i recon it still a single price. edit: in medical, it seems you have elevated oxygen damage boost from the curse. so they might need toss in atropine to counter it. just gotta stay topped-off healthy with the curse, and what you consider a downside might have hidden upside mechanics.
@7231368 3 сағат бұрын
Speaking of mining powergame. The iron and glass nowadays basically infinite and free, so you can ignore them altogether. Also, you don't really need to drag that wooden ore box with you if you don't pick up all the iron ore. If your mining bag is out of free space - it's time to return back to station to make a deposit since small amounts of differents ores are in high demand at the beginning of the shift. But if you insist on longer expeditions - just bring a spare mining bag, that would be definitely for sure enough.
@NalyKalZul 19 сағат бұрын
yea dont let a goddam alien stun baton just laying on the ground, if you don't need it for tech. give it right the fuck back to sec. for how overpowered that item is in secs hand. its a non chemical fast acting sleeper. surprised it dint bite you back in the ass directly, but it did went missing fairly fast. also i knew it, that was a Heretic of Personal. and still they somehow failed? sneaky attempt to gib the dead hos on the shuttle. looks like someone needs more hours as a assistant to become more robust.
@NalyKalZul 2 күн бұрын
surprised you never had to setup conveyors before, also if you put down a shelter in cargo. empty it out the boulder setup can be put inside, with the orm being dragged into a fake you make into it. and even when all powers 100% fails, that setup remains working due shelter magic. also would suggest to put that removed medical sleeper, on the shuttle or down in mining. or if you got parts also donate it to sec. that first large shelter is a old tg one, the fancy bar. which was what inspired me to do the bounty for more interesting and useful ones. but solid mining round otherwise. until someone started a massive show and. mysteriously things started to explode on mass. and nice to see you are atleast willing to share, some of mining item options when required. like the luxury pen is still underestimated for stabilizing any crew race, slimes included. but you do need low pressure environment for it to really kick its healing potential in. still works great with station holes as you can easily keep 20 crew alive and drag them to safety if you pen them al fast enough. also how did the bathroom become sentient at the end? i assume that was just a last minute admeme. just think of the shame your name earns. if your found dead by other crew, in a room full of sentient toilets and urinals. or if you use a lengthy route with xenobio, slime person splitting and sentient chaos carp partner to fish for one other unique mob. you could possible make such a room yourself. just remember to bring a copies or ten of woody got wood books. and put them inside the toilet sinks before you make them sentient, true outer space horror. i killed several sentient toilets crew, but i fear the spirit woody got wood is coming for us all.
@zomolify 2 күн бұрын
Yeah really need to abuse unlimited shelter power more, always forget that it has that. Sentient bathroom was most likely admins, yep
@splendid1230 2 күн бұрын
what were you trying to do in space?
@zomolify 2 күн бұрын
Trying to find & use the ttv's on the nuke ops shuttle, but was unlucky .
@NalyKalZul 3 күн бұрын
you should try making some arnolds pizza at some point, setup a ruse of a complicated tk funnel room with pineapple slices. and 3 tables with random slices of pizza on there, mostly arnolds one 1 of the table. and for anyone who wants to join the game for the grande price of a custom anomaly vest of choice. has to beat 1 or 2 rounds against other competitors. i would suggest make it a 3 sided room concept with one entree, but place the tables barely in view for the contestants. each one has to speedrun the others a pineapple slices and tking it through the maze. might want to add some belts or disposal bins to add complexity. like one disposal bin that is actually a shortcut, but it also lands your pineapple slice next to the arnold pizza heavy table. do not setup this game unless you are an actual antag, atleast not with arnolds pizza or pinapple slices. but for the crew the game is simple, they sign a entree form. which can be used more then ones. but each time after a quick inspection they can only choose any of the 3 potential rooms once. and allow for multiple winners with escalating prices for those who dare. and pray for anyone that plays the game and actually notices which pizza slices someone tk taps with a pineapple slice, or whole. doesn't spill the beans and just wins greater prices. you should have a 4 room for the best price of them all. but the floor is also entirely littered with arnolds slices for anyone that makes it that far. with most players, you can repeat this game every couple of years too. if your a traitor i would suggest asking for special admin objectives to spice up your playstyle. but the reward is centcom gets interested to motive player with even better prices. and maybe work hard enough before you launch the game show in question. to curse the station with horse faces, or give everyone the mime curse. and anyone that broke it by default forfeits the game. or worse centcom might punish them more directly. the price enforcement team does not play jokes. and for a engiless tesla, use xeno bio to make fire proof potions. gets some monkies in fire proofed tesla vests. with insulated and fiery sweat genes. possible a healing virus and let the engine screech power into existence. just make sure the monkies can't gib in the setup, buts its more fun to keep em alive. with bounced radio nearby to let hear it roar.
@NalyKalZul 5 күн бұрын
very bold to give the mine with such a name, a free ttv pass. i mean you know they are going to use it, but is it meme that avoids crew. or a ban speedrun? also regarding that blob fight, you could have printed any base generator with the flatpacker too. for local wired but inefficient apc less emitter rack. and one place you also might want to raid if its space based fight vs any blob. check the mining lockers for any spare shelters, they each have a medi bed in them and some ready to go donks. and you can also easily use one, with 2 or 3 telepads for ease of crew movement. i would say go for three then, the shelter should link to medical one, the medical one needs to visit cargo first. and the cargo one goes back to shelter one. that solid crew patching route, and and lost equipment can be replaced on the way out. and i know some of my tg downstream citadel main bounties have become tg codebase mainstays. but i am not 100% sure if my bounties shelters for miners ever arrived on terry or bagil. there 2 super sized ones, the size of the luxery bar. but both are also apc based shelters, so no free power unlike the old models. though the fancy does come with a rtg generator you need to hook up for its power. even has a tiny botany with vendor and kitchen compressed into it. the other one is big ass engi empty inside for projects model. it can hold two bsa's if you build it right. but one wall does need go, and have fans underneath them to house a bsa or two. i kinda wish engineering could somehow acquire it via engineering tasks. it was like 12k mining points but not easily accessible, to engineering itself unless a miner bankrolls it.
@hexflash6283 5 күн бұрын
Good gameplay, the fish thingy to get a bunch of points is something i didnt know you could do.. By the way i cant help but notice that to open a container (like a box in your backpack) you drag its sprite all the way to yours when you can simply right click it or alt click it to access its contents quickly.
@NalyKalZul 4 күн бұрын
botany can also compliment a decent amount of points, either you need to get the advanced botany tech, and they can scan it in-house. or they need to bring rnd desk a bag of sorted seeds, to be trown through the de-constructor. but that tops out at like 30 maybe 40k points tops if they get everything. including lavaland samples. tg citadel even has a system that whoever is using the main rnd console, if your the right level of drunk. and its a narrow margin. you boost the research point generation ever so slightly of like 15%, but you have to be able to keep the console open while in the right state of drunkenness. also xeno slime dissection is a great point generator. not sure if tg still have mob dissection too. xeno's all subtypes, most legion bodies are viable species. and there fair few unique body drops in mining. just ask a miner who is willing to fulton in a few bodies later. some organs might be a upgrade to what you have. like the lizard legion eyes straight-up give night-vision, no downsides either. and service or a head of staff might want a few lizards tails too. if its that kind of player. all system combined is easily in the 150k to 200k points ballpark. + extra generally hidden benefits for those who are aware.
@NalyKalZul 7 күн бұрын
really should just take gps for finding the ship, they need it turned on if they jump in. or move around the station in escape jumps. if its a wardeck most crew should run with a local same name gps. bring the fight to them the instant they show up. or ambush them hard. and those turrets on the ship, are only relatively safe while you have wall cover, and even then its relative safety. its just because the turret ai thinks you might be to hard to hit. it will shoot through r-walls no issue if it thinks your valid enough to hit. it also seems to weight ship syndicate walls as value, to try and avoid blowing up internal shit. and if someone really lucks out with early bepis research for a certain funny tape. print some bluespace beacons, maybe a gps or two. and just let the nukies take the funny taped disk, and teleport a ttv through it as soon as the disk starts moving. and toss through a other 8~12 seconds after for good measure. and one last oddity that might not work anymore. make a durant frame like normal, but skip the last welding step. and load it in that state onto a hacked mule, preferable a sentient one. if it still works you can finish the mech while its loaded. and have a shielded no safety mule murder machine. you should try looking at what you can put onto cargo mules, its has some... interesting things that can be loaded onto them if you use the right angle.
@NalyKalZul 7 күн бұрын
local ninja post nuke ops and wizard shenanigans, dies to goddamm slimes.... high chaos, high unrobustness round. and monkey wizard probably did the most harm, without directly fighting the crew. nothing beats more chaos rituals. and that last one was just the cherry ontop, silly guy died. shame he dint get to pick finisher ritual. but yea the grand ritual is a older thing as just a objective, you probably love the current version of it. you can optionally complete 7 standard grand rituals, and upon finishing the 7th one. you can access the big one of all grand rituals. which one you want depends on how much of the crew survived. but if most crew is still alive. and especially the clown and clown loving crew. you are obligated to go with the jubilation ritual. that or the transformation ritual is fun, if you have a admin on who can tweak the chosen material outcome for you. but you have to earn the gods favor for a chosen outcome, uranium choice if a particular evil one. it ramps up the glow.. fairly fast 20 minutes orso. it can get to a point you have to be racially immune to rads, as not even hardsuits and other anti rad protection can fight against it.
@everestmallory 8 күн бұрын
@Mitzrz 8 күн бұрын
Would you ever consider playing on a different branch of SS13? Just curious
@zomolify 8 күн бұрын
@@Mitzrz Probably not. Terry is one of the few eu servers with consistent high pop, good community, most active development
@mazur950 9 күн бұрын
Nice one bob
@NalyKalZul 10 күн бұрын
if you not going to antag, just straight up disable it. and you can even do that on a character to character basis too. you still earn credit towards rolling a antag, for when you have a shift you do want to almost guarantee a roll. considering that rather aggressive assistant really wanted your rd modsuit, and give it a pai control. you could have had the perfect double victim to work for you. a heretic ghoul wrapped in the pai suit they wanted so badly. its very hard to stop a pai suit. if you decon it down to giving it a emp survivable energy core, like a plasma one from mining. your ghoul is just a extra brain to go with your pai to do stuff, but otherwise be the hands to can re-power the suit by sticking 1 or 2 plasma back into it when being emp shot. just a inkling of idea that kinda threw itself at you already naturally. even better if you somehow got instant summons to go with it. so if one ghoul does properly get fucked despite having the pai rd suit, the suit can be redawned on a new ghoul.
@zomolify 10 күн бұрын
I usually hyper focus on a specific thing that I want to use so I end up taking too long to go loud as antag. Coupled with just a general dislike of non-stealth antag gameplay makes me overly cautious to do much early on. Eventually I'll come up with a good stealthy way to get targets.
@NalyKalZul 10 күн бұрын
@@zomolify heretic can be done fairly stealthy early, and science has some solid options. genetics and xenobio can used to precharge some of your potential toolkit of powers. and as a rd you can call dibs department upgrades to scout out some knowledge rifts. just don't be to obvious about it. and for escape plans, there is no shame in riding a escape pod, or trying to get a chair on the back of the main shuttle. a heretic with full carp infusions would make you very slippery by the time someone might notice true nature. and i did give you the gimmick tip with genetics, using the shock touch and spray paint. be the rd show off with his gimmicky touch to trow of future blame of being called a heretic outright. Just ask the clown what his favorite color is in public, and shock high five them once with it. or give a sec officer his green veggies touch. but also drag with you a fully upgraded medibot for security to park in their department. you find most officers will laugh it off and glady take a upgraded medibot. Plausibility of denial, is a very strong stealth tool.
@NalyKalZul 12 күн бұрын
anyways nice to see you atleast favor getting the two silly miners, back up there feet. despite there initial failing. and you should have taken the mining headset, as it does default to both sci and cargo coms. so you could have let cargo know you were dragging both miners to medical. this will often get you noticed by command if the qm is a solid player, they tend to hate dead miners for a fairly obvious reason. less money. also might want to just let your rd know also, just doing extra legwork to keep shit going forward. tends to give you huge bonus points with command to try random shit. and the best tip i can give you, there 3 mushrooms you might want to check out. one gives mushroom shavings, which makes a unique mushroom bowl. its quality is that as long as some raw meat was present. any lizard crew or ashling. can eat veggie with the meat for botanical benefits without disgust. which also applies to a lesser degree to some other races if primary food source is atleast present. it also hold a rather silly amount of food, try stuffing it with 12 burgers each one the size of a z level. it has a item limit, but doesnt check added items item limits for storage. sadly you cant outright grind the bowl, and stored food only mixes on ingest only. one cacti mushroom gives a fairly weak brute and burn healing chem, but solid mining food to take on the go. it cannot od, but is only like a 0.8 healing to both brute/burn. also ashlings hate them due being barefoot, this has saved my live a fair few times. when lizards only see a straight line to unga bunga a miner, and die with sore feet due that narrow mindset to unga bunga. but that hope trait pairs extremely well with the last mushroom of interests, a black roundcap one called Inocybe. now this lovely old chem doesn't sound impressive, as there many other better, faster and lethal ko chems. it also caps out with 150 brain damage limit for abuse. its called entropic polypnium, and just 9u seals someone fate, this included a ling with panacea. if you re-apply it again within 10 ticks. the decaying effect is instead a instant knockout. the real kicker to that drug, is its after state that keeps enemy very vulnerable to it. along side steady stacking brain damage. its also a very fun drug to add to smokes by dipping them into a pure beaker of the stuff. cigars hold 20u each, but smoking wise last easily 8 for normal and 12 for premium minutes each. you still process said chems in micro doses for the entire time to keep some knocked out. its 20% a tick to do around 5 oxy damage, and 3 toxins. everything it does rolls independently if you want a stay alive mix. not sure what the current best mix ratio would be for that 20u limit but i would suggest to add in toxin cure chem, and oxyloss chem to keep the target alive. as they get worked down to 150 goddamn brain damage. since at that range they survive unless someone else added 50 more brain damage. but they are also rolling on the trauma table on a ongoing basis, for the special ones, possible magic ones. but yea a very underrated aspect that mining offers, but it can traumatize so many crew with most never even realizing what happened. traitor pair can actually use this on themselves to attempt to roll some ungodly powers like the berserker trauma. just make sure both players know how to keep rolling, the traumas and limit removal of beneficial ones. you can also botany barrel ferment this effect, anything botany ferments that turns into a generic wine outcome. 100% keeps the initially added chems, but also hides the chems presents 100% until its ingested to work its magic. and use a pen to rename said wine and description for hiding it as a food additive folks truly sleep on old chems and cooking/drinks system potential.
@hexflash6283 13 күн бұрын
i got a question, what does publishing the maxcap explosion data achieve?
@zomolify 13 күн бұрын
There's a weapon tech node that requires low yield bombs to be published. Any published experiments also give science budget which is useful for ordering cores and other supplies.
@adamdobry5517 15 күн бұрын
I was both the solid and nukie that bombed gravgen, kek.
@NalyKalZul 16 күн бұрын
you spend +40 minutes on the cores, and give up because a 5 minute trip to quick mine the missing mats is to much. when going to the lavaland to mine, is actually a safer option then staying station side at that given moment. just 1 basic plasma cutter, and a bluespace satchel. and mesons are optional here, gps is not. sets you up to print anything in a 5~10 minute trip. short of a army of borgs of mechs. and regarding to diamonds shortage, you should never have one really. just find and mark a watcher tendrill, and shelter it with a renamed gps. you have several options to access it, i would just got with bluespace pad setup. and its perfectly valid, to pre cuban pete the lavalands. it doesn't have a bomb cap down there, just make sure the crew isn't down there upon maxcap nuke activation. and try to at least deploy it quadrant that inst south west one. i would advice to custom name tag a new beacon as delivery agent, via teleporter. make sure the captain, ce and hos sign of on that one due potential collateral. this may or may not valid 'pre-existing only' lavaland ghost roles to invade the station, as you just did nuke them for shiny ores. most fauna is fairly bomb resistant to just 100% bomb resistant, but you can also kill mega's with the bsa project. if someone tosses gps's near them to shoot at. usually takes a few gps shots to nail any fauna. free loot call for command or sec i say. just make goddam sure, that whoever is the delivery boy for either nuking with a ttv. or bsa communicates with the one pressing the shiny red buttons. just use two bounced radio's both set to a matching but custom frequency. so even a t-coms outage wont affect war-to-crimes communications.
@zomolify 16 күн бұрын
Yeah mining is a possibility but with the shuttle called it'd take too long, probably could have also just bought the mats via galactic market. The ore vents are optimal but miners rarely do them since they are too hard for most miners which are unaware how to make the waves much easier.
@InfernalNull 16 күн бұрын
the autism game
@NalyKalZul 16 күн бұрын
if you ever want to do a fairly harmless troll with strong + stimmed combo for internal martyrdom. try becoming a slime person, and set up a plasma pen for bodies to start charging your legion splits. every time one of your bodies goes into soft crit, its explodes and can harm sight and even blind folks. also if the ai core witness it directly it harms them too in very funny way. turns out you can actually stun a ai, it just takes fair amount of exploding corpses for it to witness. otherwise amazing "greenshift" with the whole security thing. it does makes you wonder how some of command, ever even got appointed to that station. shame cargo dint capitalize on that, a volume of fired sec officers make great armed cargonians.
@NalyKalZul 18 күн бұрын
third shot was the charm, but if you only nailed it on the first shot for the poor peters sake. that being said the fact you have blood remaining, you can botany clone them back via a pod. just make sure the blood sample is 100% of said crew. downside for them is no more donuts diet, or they get fat. also a shame it wasn't looping, just to teach idiot captain a lesson in where not to stand like a doofus. and that guns kit, needs a much much higher head of staff approval to even order one. atleast bsa levels if not higher due being mobile qdel object pretty much. also while you can still play with that gun willy nill, since its a laser base? test shooting on a titanium wall for reflect properties. and try putting it in both a turret, and a emitter as meme trap.
@NalyKalZul 19 күн бұрын
the only tip i could give post ai borging. if able use reinforced directional glas,s to protect the turrets from atleast ballistics fire. but the fact all engi borges got 3 module crit, is just bad teamplay. one engi borg always should be able to fix others. and while it might be meta strat, as the rd its never wrong to have one emp grenade on you. preferably one you can instantly trigger from inside the bag with a unique phrase, its fairly useful self defence tool against rd threats. like ninja or malf's atleast.
@NalyKalZul 20 күн бұрын
amazing moment of the engineer, fishing in a goddam toilet bowl. if they ever want to expand on that concept, they should introduce the 2 wide clown toilet. both a shrine to worship the honk mother, and a social gathering for fishermen. obviously made with a hint of bananium, and very annoying when you fish in it. and if your going to use a jaunter, belt slot it instead of using your tool belt. it auto activates on soft crit, to yeet you away station side that way. also prevents chasm falling.
@NalyKalZul 20 күн бұрын
are you by any chance familiar with the CRISPR system, i only try toying with it a few times. But i need a viro partner that can do that part, but it has some crazy potential. since it lets you virus override any base or added trait. like if give out telekinesis to all crew. But you also have a crispr virus that targets anyone, with the telekinesis trait active. to turn it into active monkey gene, or acid blood or fiery sweat. even racial changes can be forced, if you have the means to target one down in particular. and it does have genes to work with. like the mining pride mirror ruin. or botany god rolling racial toxins. or if your going to do this as a traitor duo, offer some tc to the gods, for a Elvis mutation or something silly that attacks players mindset itself. or get creative if the admin in question has enough knowledge base, to cook something custom and horrible. but otherwise (in)directly non lethal, best works to give either wildcard to surprise you with. or a solid theme to make something crazy. as for this shift, you could have asked the rev leader, if you could make the Internal Martyrdom crisper virus. so sec and command even trying to crit the crew kills them, if the ai is aware of this they might be forced to fight command to protect crew if you plan to exile over killing. sadly most revs never use the exile option on command staff, which is very sad state of gameplay. also fiery sweat has one very beneficial aspect to it, assuming you can means to ignore the fire without a slowdown. it reduces all burn damage by 50%, lasers included. also fun thing with shock touch, if the ability is active. you can spray paint it inhand to make it look like heretic or cult hand... if you ever want to do a bit of spooky trolling, toss in a babel book for cult speech to die a glorious death. and start a cult hunt on the crew if you truly planted some good seeds of doubt. like a book club who printed fake cult items, via an emagged library computer. you can always do your initial objectives partially, and if done correctly without being seen offer them up. to get some custom objectives for maximum chaos. and if a shifts last long enough. the crew might get hit by a actual cult late game, since the admins feel the crew thinks the fake cult got mopped up. just being an antag for greentext is boring, find a way to seed a silly idea. and see if it takes over the shift instead. paranoia is the best outcome any antag can seed. no matter what form it takes. i do hope my comments arent to lengthy for your channel, just like to sprinkle some inspiration potential out there. there is general optimal gameplay, and truly exploiting your fellow crews fears and joys. and odly enough since optimal gameplay is the mindset, seeding fun can be very effective. and any good admin will run with it if the round permits it.
@zomolify 20 күн бұрын
@@NalyKalZul virology is one part of the game I've never really gotten into, the whole process was always a bit too clunky. But yeah, sounds neat; i need to experiment more with the "negative" genetics mutations, there does seem to be cool potential there. More in-depth stuff just often takes time so you end up going with what you've got for something time sensitive like rev
@vicentes3560 21 күн бұрын
Why do you even enable antagonists?
@NalyKalZul 21 күн бұрын
that station could have a amazing tweaked versioned of nuke ops. screw nuking the station, its time for Scrunch ops instead. and good riddance to that chapel, it wasn't even having any sermons to praise the great lord singuloth at all.
@NalyKalZul 22 күн бұрын
also that flower core if fairly fun one, if you know its true secret. and like the base mining core takes direct raw and smelted plasma on the go. and against bile mobs always have the 7 pose distance, like a chess horse move and they cant hit you. and even a baseline kpa still hits them just fine. fight them like a chess master miner. the horse move conquers most fauna, mega's included.
@vicentes3560 22 күн бұрын
Nice traitoring (noted be the sarcasm)
@vicentes3560 22 күн бұрын
You know your ss13 server has gone to shit when nobody wants to take free insultz.
@Tory-JJ 22 күн бұрын
Coders making them heavy :) . Thank us for fixing the problems that don't exist while making new ones that didn't exist by coding it in! Thank us please! We work so hard for you! Only coder I thank is the one that makes new antags. Anything else? Didn't ask.
@NalyKalZul 23 күн бұрын
man that is some bad cargo work, doesn't event sort paper work order to each crate. let alone properly stamp paperwork. my god what kind of backward unga station are you on. 3 out of 10 score for rd at extra work, and your only getting the +3 minimal due teaching the basics of bombing. and are you by any chance familiar with the miner ghetto ttv's? fairly shit in terms of materials wasted. but a miner only needs a pipe dispenser and 2 scrubbers and some lava. it is uuhhmm a very open air concept to cook the plasma. but that is like the only bits of atmos i ever learned myself over the years, for atmos is.. evil temptation. never bother to learn it in fear ill become worse improv pete. and cauterization with welders if viable, but only during proper surgery steps sadly. any table surface, and anything that counts as basic cloth works to try and start a surgery step. you can always wirecutter on bandages to give you basic cloth. just be careful with scalpel improv tools as they can kill on ghetto failure easily. since its last resort option often.
@zomolify 23 күн бұрын
Yeah I don't end up moving the crates out in future rounds, just move the fish into one crate. I don't think most recent cargo techs I've met actually end up stamping things, probably don't know that it gets em more points and I'm too lazy to go stamp the papers myself. Haven't done atmos stuff as miner since all the cool gasses got removed from shift start lavaland air.
@NalyKalZul 23 күн бұрын
@@zomolify paperwork is mostly for rebating funds. It does add up in trading volume. Also works on private order, but that rebate only works for assigned cargo techs, its for start or late joining cargo staff. Just getting cargo/qm access doesn't work. Since the player bank account needs the job tag on joining. But can add up to a 15~20% tip to whichever tech handles said private order. Also if you money scheme going, have someone just dump their cash into the vault banking pc. Station funds get the best rebate value. And you can ask cargo, or anyone with qm access for a spare scanner to use in sci. Dont forget to link it first. But should tell you if anything in science is worth cash cowing for. I think even old rnd data disks still work based on what you loaded onto it. In that regard the B.e.p.i.s. research disk are also very valuable to recycle once uploaded. Same goes for the dna station goal. But those masters disk can also instantly finish other new dna stations. Each one of those has a unique roll per player 7 to 9 on average gets most crew all potential dna goal powers.
@NalyKalZul 23 күн бұрын
feels like the malf removed you before realizing you rolled mid-round traitor. it just saw the rd thread at a opportunity to get rid of them, and make it look like a accident. the ai really could have used you the rd as a helper to make the army. i think you could have used a escape pod, with a emag to launch it early and bypass the ai protocol. to also get your objectives for green texting as a team. the things that could have been in hindsight. scary ass duo.
@lakk5259 24 күн бұрын
I like bob's channel
@regular_steam_user 27 күн бұрын
down with terry, long live bagil
@zelkarrilnex 28 күн бұрын
Is this game fun?
@zomolify 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's pretty good once you get past the learning phase.
@GumGumFruit Ай бұрын
Which server is that?
@zomolify Ай бұрын
TG terry,
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
i was looking fo your teleport armour when i shot you but forgot to check the bag, also when you came into server room and closed the fake door i was literally there in cytology lying in crit because engis hotwired the sm and i got oneshot by the door
@Lamadon_Pyreus Ай бұрын
massive L
@zomolify Ай бұрын
Yeah I usually keep it turned on in my bag, forgetting to ever actually use it when needed. Unlucky
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
you should try binding your mansus grasp to a certain key, with the telebaton you can absolutely destroy in a 1v1 fight (just like you died) at the speed of as fast as you can change hands
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
why were yu making a stunprod you literally have a telebaton
@zomolify Ай бұрын
Plasma cells, with telekinesis makes for great instant aoe KO weapons if a bit clunky.
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
​@@zomolify holy shit, thats a cool fucking weapon you should try close quarter carp (or whatever its called), absolutely untracable and makes you unkillable in ranged combat and outclassing every melee in close combat, although stuns are a problem but if you have a buddy to back you up you're gonna be one hell of a problem for security
@Lamadon_Pyreus Ай бұрын
Do you ever get bored? A lot of people see the glamorous edited SS13 videos and think cool game, but your videos are more of the reality of it. I wasn't a compatible personality with SS13 so I quit; the pessimism and disdain here is shown. Just not robust enough to play the game, an NPC to be dunked on by those who are free, those who are robust. This whole thing with player factions and how to play the game when it is simple as not jumping into the madness... it baffles me. I am not a gamer, I don't really play games anymore. Just consume videos and manga and the like; I've grown lazy and don't really have motivation to do tedious things. 🤡I hope you can continue to enjoy SS13, because I wasn't able to. The long hours of playing only to stagnate and not learn anything, staying on one server infamous for its NPC behavior fostering... I just can't really enjoy much. Being online too long has withered me. Have a Blessed Day. Sincerely, Lamadon Pyreus
@Lamadon_Pyreus Ай бұрын
I like meta-progression, and SS13 is one of those where it is inherently chaotic and out of control. Practically, I was raised on such games where there was a feeling of control and permanent progression. And there were few paths to choose from; simple and laid out. In SS13, there are a myriad of things to learn, first is learning how to control your character and interface with the UI; if I remember correctly, the complexity at first scared me off. But then I got into it and wanted to have that maximal control, to be a know-it-all, which is 100% impossible in the world of Space Station, and not having lived much, being first for a long time on Fulp until I griefed as AI (oh noes!) by following hijacked law, not following the ai law priority and having the borgs set against the crew as the law said I think? there was a blob and people were mad, I got banned. Don't like the trauma that the bwoink gave me, settled in Goonstation (non-rp, server 3 I think), I think they changed the UI, but kept some old elements and I got somewhat familiar with it, working as a miner, roboticist, and medical. Never really touched things like Engineering, so clueless on it. Motivation would fizzle out. I think I may've been in Engineering once, but it was an information overload. Recounting this I can't even do, it was a mixed bag experience, but I know I poured maybe 400h into space station? Wish I didn't, because once you play Space Station it doesn't really leave you. I got off-track, but the wanting to be in control and know it all, as I said, just makes the game unenjoyable. It can be hard to enjoy Space Station anyway, your actions are impermanent and all you can hope for past that is to stoke your own ego with your accomplishments in round, but if you don't even have that then what for. The maddening repetitions of the same old thing... the only thing permanent being your ban histories and such, and the good or bad memories of the rounds. Hoping to get a little bit faster, be a little bit better at setting up a gimmick- powergaming, in essence. Doesn't work for Space Station. Better talking to a bartender all round as a clueless Assistant instead. Eh, I ramble too much. I am going to eat pizza now.
@zomolify Ай бұрын
Kinda, I still enjoy all the small little interactions between the various game systems even if they aren't new anymore, seeing what people come up with. More roleplay oriented servers could make it a more enjoyable experience for people that aren't as mechanics focused but the text based format doesn't really work for me that well as a RP medium so I haven't explored them myself. The game was a lot less polished in the past, even harder to learn to play. You pretty much had to be into the more visually abstract games to get past the initial hurdles. I've put over a thousand hours into the game at this point so I know most of the core systems; Usually just end up consuming rounds more so in a relaxed state, going with the flow and seeing what other people come up with. I can see the anxiety of being new and the expectations that brings making it worse for people.
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
oh i just realized you were the rd i killed with penetrator rounds in cytology day ago "for the emperah" also whats with the fishing? are you trying to catch something?
@zomolify Ай бұрын
think this might be before I found out the power generating fish are restricted to cargo crates only
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
is this the new meta
@zomolify Ай бұрын
Barely have played heretic so just picked the path that looked neat, rolled awful required items for the gear so didn't end up doing much.
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
​@@zomolify the firs thing you should do as a heretic is go to dorms and grab all the bedsheets and a wallet shivs also count as a knife and are much easier to carry, so the fastest way to get them is bedsheets, just use a glass shard on it or if botany is robust you can ask them for to make a wallet and cloth the path you've chosen relies on the station's items, granting you access to basically anywhere with your mansus grasp but providing no combat spells and barely any utility spells, you should try out the path of ash as it is easy to get going with it and provies fair bit of everything, forgiving mistakes for a newbie and destroying crowds of people for a master also you should get hulk from genetics if possible since youll be mostly relying on your blades and you can still use them as a hulk
@Lamadon_Pyreus Ай бұрын
they should make autolathes upgradable to protolathes, something you have to order from CentCom ... "autolathe upgrade kit" Nah. but people mixing up level 7 biohazard for level 5 is peak braindead moment also based roboticist miner _attempting to_ kill megafauna
@jacobrutzke691 Ай бұрын
That is unfortunate
@jacobrutzke691 Ай бұрын
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
bro tryna catch the nautilus or some shi
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
this gameplay had me sobbing Also you can unwrench cult stuff with your ritual knife And blood rites dont heal plasmamen
@Andatukasa Ай бұрын
Looks like it is too long of a grind/endgame to be a viable source of anything With xenobiology you used to be able to get slimes to get energy. (haven played in some years)
@zomolify Ай бұрын
Yeah, pretty sure the power generating fish can only be obtained via the randomized fish crates from cargo, rare chance to get them even in those. Pretty much impossible to obtain or use for anything consistently.
@TheVideoGamingGuru1 Ай бұрын
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
@bruhgaming5347 Ай бұрын
quite an interesting way of killing megafauna, never thought that clarke would be so effective, have you ever tried it on bubblegum and colossus? also are you ever planning to roll traitor?
@zomolify Ай бұрын
Against bubblegum it's iffy due to the turn delay but someone that doesn't have lag issues can probably make it work consistently. Haven't really tried colossus but likely just as annoying if not worse since the delay will make dodging bolts painful. Only recently noticed I had traitor disabled, generally just have had bad luck with roundstart antag rolls for a while now.