Hermitcraft Season 9: Deep Lore - #64
@cheeseworld6057 Сағат бұрын
When will minecraft add auto smithers
@sheriffjohn2498 Сағат бұрын
I appreciate your enthusiasm. These boats are very cool. I was on a US submarine during the cold war for 3 years. A response someone said boredom and terror is absolutely right. Hours and hours of boredom and moments of terror. My boat hit a underwater mountain and the torpedo room flooded. For 3 days we struggled to stay afloat. At the surface we rolled and the air in the boat bubbled out then we had to submerge for hours to stabilize and pump out water then surface for 6 hrs or so. I toured the U505 in Chicago with my brother during those days. He and I were at the back of the tour. I don’t speak German but I could tell what most of the equipment was for and I was explaining to my brother. After a bit I had 1/2 of the tour group listening to me. I was flattered. The basics are all the same
@ApplesBear 5 сағат бұрын
Wouldn’t be hermit-proof without a glass wall in front of armour stands. Just imagine them breaking one of the stands, or putting a potato in it 🤷‍♀️
@Amdor 5 сағат бұрын
Can you use armorstand magic to make them invisible? That way, hermits can literally check how they look in those trims by walking into them and f5 ;)
@ladydragon3648 8 сағат бұрын
LOL You asked for it. Have fun with all that sand. WOW Selling the Wood would of made you really rich if only you be asking for DIAMONDS not Sand. Sounds like you are regretting your choice. 😔😔😔😥 Put in a Mail Box at the Wood shop. YOU are asking people to pay with Sand Right. So they payed you with Sand. Why are you not Happy Doc? They are doing just want you asked for. Why should they have to just GIVE you THERE SHOCKERS???? Why don't you have it set up that you have Shakers to put the sand in. Better yet, Make a Thing that will drain out the shockers with the sand in it so they can take back there Shockers right away. LOL You are making all the Hermits get the sand to pay for Wood. So it is only right you so not get mad when that are leave the payment for the wood. Pay back is fun. LOL WOW you calling them Lazy. If you do not want to put all the payments in there your self them Fix it.
@ladydragon3648 10 сағат бұрын
It looked better when we could see past the glass up there. Now its just sand. LOL How can you get rich that way? You still need Diamonds to get things at the shops. HMMM???? Are there really that many Hermits Getting that much wood from you??? I bet you are getting sand in a Dessert & putting it in there. LOL WOW You said to just leave it all hooked up On your last videos Now you want to get Cub in Trouble after telling him to leave it there??? How low can you go????
@ladydragon3648 10 сағат бұрын
??? Hmm I have to ask??? would any one ever make that crazy thing??? Why not make a catching platform of hoppers to get all the pig man just up above there. That way they will still get killed & all there things will be saved in chests an not be in the other ones. Simple way to take care of them. So you take all the leaves from them trees & just Leave all there wood behind? what a wast is you did that. What a grande opening. Only 8 hermits at it. Why did you not ask them all to be there? with 27 Hermits you'd think more would have been there. & love how no one wanted to buy any thing after it at the 50 % more rates. Loves Cub's Fireworks best of all.
@WarmagWolfseer 11 сағат бұрын
Doc, you are so advanced in this that I seriously think you yourself are carrying Hermitcaft. Did you ever think to go rogue and just produce your own material? Because I think at this point.... You're the best hermit on hermitcraft. Dude, start a doc-craft server, dupe sand all you want and just be happy.
@Ryu_D 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the video
@Shortnamesareoverrated 17 сағат бұрын
Doc you are playing Minecraft. Say it with me. You MINE and CRAFT 😭
@Shortnamesareoverrated 17 сағат бұрын
How sad doc sounded when he asked pearl for a mail box 😭
@alderin1 17 сағат бұрын
Windows update killing things is another reason I run Linux. Not that it never happens in Linux, but it is much more rare.
@Shortnamesareoverrated 17 сағат бұрын
Armor stand physics are some,of the coolest in the game. And I don’t get them at ALL. but this episode was SUPER cool!
@Shortnamesareoverrated 17 сағат бұрын
BDubs didn’t read your sign not because his beautiful eyes are just decoration….. it’s because they were too high for him!
@Shortnamesareoverrated 17 сағат бұрын
24:32 “It is spam proof” Grian: cracks knuckles
@ColtonFaue 20 сағат бұрын
What does doc do? When he has everything in the game
@mafias1hitman89 22 сағат бұрын
Duplication of trims and issue? Team up with hypno with the netherite permit, and sell armor pieces with trim installed instead of trims and risk profit loss.
@scratchharry Күн бұрын
@darrelltompkins3221 Күн бұрын
Not being able to use a bundle while standing on top of one of the wildest redstone contraptions I’ve ever seen is wild ngl
@unabhangigenachrichtensh7296 Күн бұрын
Laboe!!! Herrlich!!
@date144GK Күн бұрын
@Hewego Күн бұрын
question: what's the point of selling things for sand if it just creates another desert to mine? unless there are slabs on the bottom that will instamine sand as it falls down? I didn't see the episode of when it was made
@Hewego Күн бұрын
nvm lol
@krimo9647 Күн бұрын
Turn back the floor to glass it looks better
@Catalyst5 Күн бұрын
Big Salmon never gonna prank his base again
@cillicat Күн бұрын
Just fill the hourglass with shulkers of sand now - at least some parts of it. Easier to place and an even bigger flex
@neettuguppta8590 Күн бұрын
@Ravi-ux9kp Күн бұрын
@transnewt Күн бұрын
build a security system that ensures people dont take wood without paying properly.
@transnewt Күн бұрын
im not good at redstone, so im not gonna use proper terminology but an or gate with payment and missing product going to an and gate with player detection should work with minimal false positives. if done correctly, the only people whod die would be those who pay without buying or buy without paying.
@transnewt Күн бұрын
now someone tell me why im wrong.
@yourivenema4757 Күн бұрын
How cool would it be to have a giant statue changing armor trims on command ? So you would need a crazy redstone contraption that will change the armor of the statue on command. Seems like a crazy redstone project you Guys could tackle 😉. Just an idea, you up for the challenge?
@linkpwns13 Күн бұрын
only non-doc watchers would think he wasn't wholesome lol, this man is a total softie
@ankhayratv Күн бұрын
If I'm on that server, and you write "it worked", I'm coming over to see.
@theswullnasty3353 Күн бұрын
This is… amazing
@plageran Күн бұрын
doc redstones everything except a sand placer..... come on Hivemind XD
@abrafkalif Күн бұрын
52:30 remove the 3 chests
@betalars Күн бұрын
Grandious is what we in Germany call a pretty denglisch* word. *denglisch: mix of deutsch (german) and englisch
@FlamingGiant575 Күн бұрын
There's some stuff that Doc does that is just so far beyond me, can't even fathom it, like the dark oak wood farm. But so much of the stuff Doc has built this season has just been... I don't know how to describe it other than "ideal". This build is perfect. It's huge and crazy, but it works so well and it looks so amazing when it works. It's just so incredibly creative and fun, I love it!
@Cuestrupaster Күн бұрын
But I imagine that Xisuma banned sand duping because it uses the only entrance end have no? With the ability to do it with Nether Portals that's coming with the next update would allow to do it anywhere, Xisuma should allow it no? ~I say Xisuma, although by what XB said it would probably be something that everyone would vote for...
@tommythibault7636 Күн бұрын
Doc: Who didn't use the shulker system?? Scar: why do I have to give him shulker boxes and sand!?!!!
@simonrygl2100 Күн бұрын
NGL you could just fill the hourglass full of shulkerboxes of sand at this point
@simonrygl2100 Күн бұрын
you should make a mailbox at the world border
@Arma-S Күн бұрын
You can fill your glass with SHULKER BOXES OF SAND. It'll show them all just how much you have, and also you dont need to place it!
@bruceharry5069 Күн бұрын
Grandiose Goatique!
@VoxFromVoxtech Күн бұрын
Would you and Rendog make German Shepard puppies together? @docm77
@dpetalas8966 Күн бұрын
This has got to be one of the most lopsided capital investment costs versus anticipated revenue of any shop in HC history. Love it.
@AKAMintYT Күн бұрын
4:37 I don't think I can list off every song on my 509-track playlist, but the entire Hamilton soundtrack is there... as a singular track [to avoid ads]-
@AKAMintYT Күн бұрын
57:39 [ You talking about inflation in terms of the HC Economy ] [ Brief pause ] "... Buy some candles" - Keralis Hilarious, and with no reason to be as funny as it was.
@AKAMintYT Күн бұрын
Unrelated to any specific time, but you're like the best kind of villain: You are the villain who does things to benefit others, but basically just says "no" to any forms of authority in order to continue to do as you please.
@justmewatever7784 Күн бұрын
😂Pulled up in tha club V I P... shoulders, chest, pants, shoes
@insperatus Күн бұрын
Add the hermit heads in there too so they can see how they'd look.
@HCDaro Күн бұрын
Hey Doc, why don’t you make a sand-placing machine? That should ease the pain 😁
@ssance 2 күн бұрын
@dagmarvisbechcarlsen6816 2 күн бұрын
Doc apologizing for a late video after casually telling us about his horrible week-long food poisoning and then ending with "enough whining" is actually wild 😭😭