6 ай бұрын
7 ай бұрын
@anjali11-b66 15 сағат бұрын
What percent risk of glaucoma and kidney stone from topiramate?
@nawluck 2 күн бұрын
Is there a medication that is not ativan that can actually calm down the nerve vibration?...
@ThebraindoctorMD 15 сағат бұрын
anticonvulsants are what we use for that. Any of them are worth a try. Lyrica, trileptal, lamictal, gabapentin, zonegran, topamax, etc. Ask your doctor or CRNP or PA
@rebeccaezeorah3690 3 күн бұрын
I started having seizures since i was 3 but it but after that day then years later when i turned 11 i had a seizure and it continued like that till i turned 17 , sometimes i can have seizures 5 times in 20minutes but since i started taking keppra i haven't had seizures but i keep getting electric shocks all over my body ,my mouth,my hands,legs and I'm really tired of it I can't work because of the shocks What's wrong with me??😢
@ThebraindoctorMD 15 сағат бұрын
I dont know and I really cant make a diagnosis over the internet. I would start with maximizing your keppra up to 1500mg bid. We always hate to change a seizure medication if someone seizures are under control and we usually use anticonvulsants for lancinating pain. If your MRI and all lab is normal and that does not work, we would normally add another anticonvulsant like trileptal and try this keppra and trileptal combination. find a good epileptologist, usually a Neurologist at your local University good luch
@rebeccaezeorah3690 8 сағат бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD thanks doc
@jeannemcdaniel512 5 күн бұрын
Please show examples of an atypical seizure.
@ThebraindoctorMD 4 күн бұрын
There are so many symptoms that can be seen with a focal aware seizure or focal impaired awareness seizure( previously classified as simple partial seizures or complex partial seizures) "you name it" and it can be associated with a warning or automatism seen with these seizures Lip smacking, eye blinking, impaired consciousness, twitching, dizziness, numbness and it goes on and on
@anamariafernandezpabon822 8 күн бұрын
I am hipoglucemic (low glucose levels) & have Absences Epilepsy. Although l was grand mal seizures free for 20years (with Valproic Acid med/Depakenne), My neurologist changed it to Keppra because it was a better med with no or less side effects. But in less than 3months the grand mal seizures began again..... ↪My neurologist said the grand mal seizures were not because of Keppra because it is an: excellent anti seizures med. -Now l am in Lamictal 75mg a day and grand mal seizures free. -My new neurologist want to see if it is a relationship between my hipoglucémic (low glucose levels) and the seizures (I think Not all anti seizures meds are ok for everybody.) Thanks!
@ThebraindoctorMD 4 күн бұрын
good luck. Long term as I have said before, Lamictal and Keppra are my favorites, but yes they have their baggage too.Side effects are just that.... side effects, but not everyone gets the side effects. I suspect a million patients are taking these two drugs with great success. You have what sounds like a very good, University level Neurologist Good luck
@leinetteronquillo 9 күн бұрын
I have that experience, my family tells me after suffering
@suzanneporter7907 10 күн бұрын
I took Keppra for generalized seizure and it gave me a very hot temper and it increased my seizures. Then I had a DNA test done and found out I was drug resistant to all seizure meds so I was told to start using the medical marijuana and that lowered my seizures to the lowest in my life.
@ThebraindoctorMD 10 күн бұрын
there is no question that there is a future for the use of cannabis for epilepsy. Numerous studies are ongoing. Split the THC out from the cannibis and it is very useful. I am not where I can use this but I refer to UAB or Vanderbilt for this option
@suzanneporter7907 9 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD After I had 2 brain surgeries to reduce my seizures that's when my Epileptologist told me to start using the medical marijuana for my seizures and there is no THC in it. Also as crazy as it sounds I was taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vineger with mother in it to lose weight and that lowered my seizures even more. My Dr. told me it was either the good protein or the good bacteria in the acv that lowered the seizures. They are doing a study on it now.
@bee3027 12 күн бұрын
I have dealt with Vestibular migraines for years. Is Topamax something that would help these. I am so tired of being dizzy on and off for years. Physical therapy, etc. been thru testing etc...
@ThebraindoctorMD 11 күн бұрын
definitely worth a try if no contraindications: mainly glaucoma and kidney stones
@taciouno 12 күн бұрын
✌️🧠. Thank you for posting. I’ve had no luck controlling or reducing my seizures after have a stroke in 2021. My family and friends have had their daily lives and roles in my daily life impacted, having to take driving roles to and from appts or around town, after being involved in a gnarly car demo wreck. It’s been an interesting experienced life the past couple years. Hope all is well your way. ✌️, Good Journey - L7
@ThebraindoctorMD 11 күн бұрын
you need to go to a University Epilepsy clinic and get inpatient EEG videotelemetry and look at all of you options. Get your provider to refer
@taciouno 11 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD Yes sir, thank you for that suggestion. I did a week long stay and monitoring on an EEG, seizures were attempted to induce, with minimal or no result after the week. While asleep they’ve been more violent, on 6/30 my brother walked in to find me flopping around the restroom. The blood and bathroom mess had the new ambulance medic taking instruction from my brother who’s become experienced and assigned as caregiver to me, because of the situation and where were at in it all. I’m currently on Epidiolex (Cannabidiol), which we haven’t seen too much difference the past few months on the oil. We’re discussing another possible stay and monitored attempts. - Thank you for any and all suggestions that you or your colleagues might have for a guy. Wow, it must really be a weird-tough life for you to have these social interactions of your profession and something very important to you on a daily basis. Then to have these conversations with complete strangers and offering help or advice. Thanks again sir. If anything ever pops in that you think may help, please I’m all ears. Have a great summer and year. Hope you and everyone around you is well. ✌️🧠, thank you. Good Journey - L7
@megancoluzzi1450 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video! I just started this meditation, praying it works 🙏🏼
@ThebraindoctorMD 11 күн бұрын
good luck
@benjaminb1337 17 күн бұрын
Love the content
@ThebraindoctorMD 17 күн бұрын
thank you
@j-kane5922 17 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with partial focal seizures about 11 yrs ago. I've been on 300mg of Dilantin/day. Recently it seems like it completely stopped working. I'm waiting on my appointment with a new Neurologist. The things you describe in this video... abnormal sensations, visual and vertigo is EXACTLY the symptoms I have. It's so hard to explain to anyone what I'm feeling. I'm praying this new Neurologist can help me
@ThebraindoctorMD 17 күн бұрын
it is time for a new anticonvulsant. Lamictal or Keppra are my first choices, but so many good anticonvulsants. Trileptal, topamax, and more. Good luck.
@CountDownRecords210 20 күн бұрын
This medication made my seizures way worse and yes very bizarre behavior! Hate when I wake up in the ER after a seizure, and then I find out they gave my keppra through my IV. SMH
@ThebraindoctorMD 18 күн бұрын
you should never take it again. Maybe try a Medic alert type necklace with this on it as an allergy
@Detailingcrazy 18 күн бұрын
So, my dad has been having seizures for 3 years now. They always happen from 4 am to 9am in morning before getting out of bed, with the exception of last one in early that happened at 5pm. I think these are being cause by a lack of electrolytes. He drinks probably too much water. He does drink an electrolyte drink packet mixed in a bottle water usually early morning. However, I don't know how much he is absorbing the electrolytes. I have a feeling that most of it is being washed through without absorbing. I base this on my on tests on myself. It's good but not that great. That leads me to electrolyte pills. I've been taking these and it makes me more alert and keeps my energy levels very strong throughout the day. Now I don't have seizures though. Anyhow , since giving him electrolyte pills I've noticed he has less moments of staring out into space. The month of May was really bad for him doing this. Almost that dementia look. Now a month after his worst seizure yet and he is better that he has been this last year. We have been taking the tablets 1 in morning , 1 in afternoon , and 1 before bed. We are in a serious heat wave so if they have been out or I'm out or working I might take an extra 1 some days. We are using electrolyte hydration tablets from Nutra Harmony. We got them on Amazon. They are pretty cheap and come in 120 black bottle. I'm sure there are other ones just the same. The dose calls for 2 but 1 most of the time seems to work great. So, a long way to say, if you have seizures or really for everyone take electrolyte tablets. . I notice they are way better than the packets. I like the packets too but I know the absorption from tablets are way better. I think at least for my dad , the seizures are from a lack of electrolytes. It's worth the try. I think everyone is so dehydrated and don't realize it. Hydration isn't just water drinking.
@CountDownRecords210 14 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD This is actually a great idea thanks for the help Good Sir. I appreciate ya stopping by with some advice Doc means a lot.
@CountDownRecords210 13 күн бұрын
@@Detailingcrazy I can say that one of my episodes bout 2 months ago I was told in the ER I seized up due to low sodium! My wife went online bought a bottle of electrolyte tablets, she was super excited that’s what the only root cause of my seizures were. Definitely worth a shot, however mine occur at least once a month. From like 23rd-28th of each month they seem to happen. Regardless of what medicine and how much I’m prescribed they still occur like clock work! I served a bit over a decade and when I was discharged I wanna say my first episode happened about 1-2 years after I had been out. It’s been about 4 years now. I miss being able to do what I used to. Now I feel like a huge burden on my family, friends and those closest to me. I’m able to get a small Aura effect before them but I can get out maybe 1-2 words Which is usually FUCK BABE then I’m stuck staring into nothingness, licking my lips, and I wake up a day later in the ER with hardly no recollection of what happened. Teeth are getting chipped more and more , each time and somehow I dislodged an entire tooth! They really drain the life and motivation out of me I pray the best for those who have to deal with similar issues like me. I couldn’t wish this on my worst enemy! Still to this day I wonder what I did to bring this on. Was it a decision I made ? A medication I was given? Many meds in the Army had side effects of seizures. Wish you and your loved ones the best! I guarantee he appreciates the love and support!
@ThebraindoctorMD 11 күн бұрын
@@Detailingcrazy I cannot recommend this. Be careful with potassium. i would discuss this with his internist and have frequent chem profiles, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels done if you are convinced this works. a young person with good kidneys probably would be a less risk. Good luck. Its good to have a child who cares about his/her daddy
@BornTrespasser 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. I have been recently diagnosed with epilepsy after having tonic clonics two years ago. The first medication I was given was Keppra. I took it for a month before the prescription ran out because I ignorantly and idioticly let it run out. I went tonic clonic within a day after missing a dose. I was given another month of Keppra and scheduled a Neurologist appointment. I don't remember many details of that appointment but I remember being very angry and kind of berserk. My girlfriend, and other people around me, told me that my personality had changed on Keppra, that I was an a-hole, I would snap at people easily, and generally not pleasant to be around. At the first neurologist appointment I was prescribed 100mg Lacosamide and a low dose of Limotragine to build up gradually (to avoid skin side effects). Once I built up to the full dose of Limotragine, I was able to stop Lacosamide, because its a controlled substance that requires 90 day refill. When I was taken off Keppra, I had a significant improvement in my mood. My girlfriend and others observed this improvement, especially my girlfriend. She could tell you better than me. 15 minute EEG showed epileptic waves in the Uncus. MRI was clean I had a febrile seizure for a couple minutes. I'm in my late 20s and I have ADHD.
@phillipbell3393 25 күн бұрын
my wife as some side effects been told to give her b6 vitamin to calm her down
@ThebraindoctorMD 25 күн бұрын
be very careful with Vitamin B6. it can cause neuropathy at high dosages. I am not aware you need to take it with any anticonvulsant. There are some drugs that cause vitamin B6 deficiency(i.e . TB drugs) but it is a vitamin you should clearly have instructions from your doctor. Ask you doctor about this.
@anamariafernandezpabon822 8 күн бұрын
Vitamin B1 is good to nerves calm down.
@Linda-eg3wo 25 күн бұрын
I can't believe I'm the first one to send this. It was GREAT for my seizures, but over a short period of time, I started getting a little meaner by the week. No one associated it to Keppra, but my sisters disowned me and one of my sons. That still to this day is so upsetting to me. My son eventually had to hide all the hammers from me. One day I wanted to go home. My son didn't move quick enough so I left without him. When I got there, I didn't have the key, so I went to the shed, got a hammer and broke the window out of my back door. My son showed up 2 minutes later yelling to me that he had the key. That's just one story. The rage was unreal. I even became suicidal and have scars from a razor blade. I wanted to die more than anything. I was on it for almost a year. Thank God for our support group, because they had a thread going on Keppra rage. After reading a few posts, I called my doctor immediately and he switched me to Oxcarbezapine. What a difference!!!! Night and day. I apologized to my family, but was so upset they weren't able to make the connection, because they had with another medication. I'm so thankful to be off of it, but it was the best med for my seizures. That was the disappointing part.
@JL-fx5cm 27 күн бұрын
I'm on 3,000mg of Keppra. The side effects are chronic constipation and anemia. As for Lamictal, it gives you constant erections. Which is awesome.
@stephenmartin9393 27 күн бұрын
I have taken Keppra / Levetiracetam for over 25 years with no side effects. Apparently others have had various side effects requiring some to get off of this drug
@ThebraindoctorMD 25 күн бұрын
it is a great drug. As I have said, keppra and lamictal are by far my favorite anticonvulsants. Every drug has "skeleton's in the closet" but side effects are just that, but it doesnt mean a patient will get them. In this rare side effect, patients just need to be aware
@vincentmcgarry3598 29 күн бұрын
What are the side effects when my Doctor takes me off it?
@ThebraindoctorMD 29 күн бұрын
almost none. we do wean off of it to be safe, but it does not cause withdrawal or withdrawal seizures like some of the old anticonvulsants To be safe, wean one a week till off is usual
@vincentmcgarry3598 28 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD Thank you,but im still getting dizzy spells ,tingling sensations 2 weeks later.👌
@ThebraindoctorMD 28 күн бұрын
its impossible to give advice over the internet, but keppra should be out of your system in five half lives, so less than a week. you need to go see your doctor
@vincentmcgarry3598 27 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD Thanks again.x.
@DeirdreLennon-vk5hc 29 күн бұрын
I take Keppra for my absent generalized seizures. Does Keppra make you get violent? I was told that when I have a seizure I get violent sometimes when I have a seizure.
@Sydopath 29 күн бұрын
I’ve been on Keppra for 8 years and it’s never made me violent. It has ensured no more grand-mals , but down side however is that it still leaves me with absences and feelings of anxiety / dread, about once a fortnight. I’d do anything to get rid of them.
@ThebraindoctorMD 29 күн бұрын
I tell every patient that Keppra has an idiopathic reaction where it can cause very bizarre irrational behavioral changes. It has not, to my knowledge, been described to cause violent or homocidal tendencies but just very bizarre behavior. I warm people of this because families just think they are going crazy. For example, i had one patient who was getting more and more bizarre and his wife sent him to the grocery store for milk and cream and he went to the post office. He argued with the postmaster and would not leave until he was sold milk and cream. He was not violent just crazy. I really think when bad it reminds me of an early schizophrenic. Every time i see this it is just bizarre thought processes. It is very rare but very bad. We actually use keppra in agitated alzheimer's patients to calm them done so the is clearly an idiosyncratic reaction. Keppra and Lamictal are my favorite two antidepressants because they are so safe but each drug has its own "skeleton in the closet"
@ThebraindoctorMD 29 күн бұрын
it is an unfortunate uncommon side effect. What I hate in a patient like you is that the next drug we try might not control your seizures. So if your doctor stops keppra for this the next anticonvulsant may not work or you may have break through seizures then you cant drive again for 6-12 months. you might ask your doctor is something like effexor, paxil, or cymbalta might work. NOT wellbutrin since it can cause seizure. good luck
@Sydopath 29 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD Thanks for that What would you suggest for my residual (mild) absence seizures and occasional feelings of deja vu / impending doom? GP was going to give me serotonin, then noticed it lowers the seizure threshold, so told me to go and cope with them. They only happen about twice a month, but can be very unsettling.
@Sydopath 29 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD Your advice is appreciated. Thanks
@peacelovejoyandhappiness Ай бұрын
Is it possible for a CT scan in the emergency room to miss a brain bleed; stroke?
@ThebraindoctorMD 29 күн бұрын
unfortunately a CT can miss the majority of acute strokes and you need a MRI with DWI(diffusion weighted imaging). DWI shows an acute stroke in 9 minutes. It can take 2-3 days for CT to show a stroke unless it is massive. Always to MRI For stroke. CT shows hemorrhage much better than MRI, intracerebral hemorrhage, subdural hematomas, epidural hematomas and subarachnoid hemorrhage. If we see an hemorrhage on MRI, the old school neurologists get a CT too. You see the blood delianation better particularly if you are worried about hemorraging into a tumor
@peacelovejoyandhappiness 29 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD your explanations are so much appreciated. I am so confused why they waited so long for the mri to be done. My Dad went into the ER, they tried to have him climb up into the MRI machine asap but he was in an incredible amount of pain to even move his body an inch, let alone trying to climb up into the machine ( there was no way) so they waited from Thursday into Monday morning because they used the reason he needed to wait to get transferred to a more advanced MRI machine where they roll you under it, where you don’t need to be lifted. In the mean time, they ended keeping him in the hospital he was in, gave him anesthesia and did the MRI in that same original hospital! 😢 Just doesn’t make sense. So Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday then by the time Monday morning rolled around they found the MRI he had an intense brain bleed. Why did they wait so long, geez. How did his stroke begin and how long did my Dad have it? Rest in peace Dad. My world will never be the same.
@ThebraindoctorMD 28 күн бұрын
@@peacelovejoyandhappiness its a tough time. i hope this doesnt offend you, but I just said a prayer for you Ive lost two brothers so i feel your loss
@peacelovejoyandhappiness 28 күн бұрын
@@ThebraindoctorMD I am embracing your prayers. I walk with God each day and I love that you are so kind. I am sorry you lost your family members. I’m saying prayers for you as well. Thank you again.
@raulm7245 Ай бұрын
What other food can help your brain?
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
I just did a video on this. We could talk about this all day long. Such a huge debate. But i think a good healthy diet is best: fatty fish like salmon or tuna green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, olive oil, limited whole grains, rare but good red meat. Though I dont like it full time, I still think the Meditaranean Diet is the best "brain diet". And dont poison your brain with too much ETOH and nicotine. Healthy exercise increases your norepinephrin and endorphins, increasing serotonin too.
@matthewharris2539 Ай бұрын
You’re an absolute liar drug is is totally toxic
@JAYSEE932 Ай бұрын
Why start wearing it now. Most guys in the NFL have played their entire life without one. I wouldn’t
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
It’s definitely going to be an adjustment for us fans to see these on the field but I guess we will see how it benefits the players after this season
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
I really think CTE is a much bigger problem than we realize. It also seems worse in NFL players who played in little league. The shearing effect of contact football has a negative effect. I think it is very telling that the NFL allowed players to wear these in specialty practices in 2022 and 2023 and were shocked that concussions were down 50%. Yes, until more players wear these and we have years on our belt, the verdict is out, but I would be wearing one if I was playing now and put away my pride that I look "stupid" in it. Thank you so much for your comment
@maryum4408 Ай бұрын
Woa....let me find some money so my son can have this.
@lauracofman7128 Ай бұрын
Both cause radiation to the body which can be toxic
@natalieross2343 Ай бұрын
What if I had a minor skin reaction. I was itching after taking it but not so bad. I took a Benadryl. Is that ok?
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
I would not take it again without talking to your doctor. Allergic reactions are rare but can be serious. They next time could be worse Talk to your doctor
@alicia2496 Ай бұрын
This is a really good distinction explained! I have really bad headaches on one side of my head, and have been considering getting it checked out.
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
it may not be academic but as a Neurologist I ALWAYS get a MRI of the brain if someone is worried about having a brain tumor. I can tell people all day long they do not have one, but you cannot get that thought out of your head until you see MRI is normal. Brain tumors rarely cause headaches because the brain has NO pain fibers. It perceives pain, so you can have a large brain tumor and not have headaches. Usually they present with focal symptoms, mental status changes, ect. I cant remember a migraine patient I have seen in 40 years who had a brain tumor unless it was incidental(like a small meningioma). Brain tumors cause headaches when they get so big they press on something outside he brain that feels the pain. I hope this helps ask you doctor
@freedom2fly247 Ай бұрын
Explanation I have ever heard
@TDK.7 Ай бұрын
Explanation I have ever heard too.
@mudntrophies Ай бұрын
Hydrogen molecules.
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
Yes hydrogen I said electrons but call it Telluride spontaneous Altitude sickness! Thanks for correcting
@mudntrophies Ай бұрын
lol, I understand. Thanks for this video.
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
thank you
@gwenday Ай бұрын
I'm so glad this popped up on my feed! I have Sneddon's Syndrome. Had a right thalamic CVA at 48 a couple of years ago. No serious residual, just memory and sleep is still a little off. Just had mildly elevated cholesterol and drink caffeine, but no other risk factors. Not sure if it's related but had a DVT in my early 20s due to BCP. Doc says I just need 81mg ASA and a statin. I'm taking 325mg because I'm worried about another stroke and have been thinking to ask about Xarelto or similar anticoagulation. Sneddon is so rare there is hardly any literature - most to do with the derm aspect, not neuro.
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
You really only need 30-60 mg per day to block cycloxeginase everywhere in the body so 80 mg enough for stroke prevention. Plavix and ASA a good combination We dont use Xarelto unless an embolic stroke or DVT. We like Eloquis better.
@nansfam8534 Ай бұрын
Interesting to say the lease! I am having a ct to see if I have spinal stenosis. Confused now if that is the appropriate pathway.
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
CT will show the stenosis but worthless to see the discs or spinsl cord or nerve roots UNLESS you have a myelogram first so the dye is still there when you have the CT. CT alone is 1980’s . Orthopedic guys do a CT before surgery to look at bone structure if a fusion is needed. Do MRI or CT/Myelogram Ask your doctor This is the Standard of care everywhere
@laraleon7116 Ай бұрын
who sponsors you?
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
no one. Just a private practicing Neurologist I have no sponsors.
@laraleon7116 Ай бұрын
where are the comments
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
did you have trouble finding it?
@WomanRoar Ай бұрын
Fluorine kills our brain (pineal gland in brain especially), and aluminum is a neurotoxin, including the Al compound in baking powder which is in MANY things. No aluminum deodorant for me, either! And I make sure foil doesn't touch my food. It's scary how prevalent Al is in our food and things we use. Don't eat titanium dioxide, either...there's another story.
@ZazaLynn Ай бұрын
Nurtec has been a life saver for me. And I can’t detect any side effects. My headaches are usually gone in 2 hours. Or greatly reduced when I’m in a migraine flair up
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
@user-ko8ur9ws6m Ай бұрын
@annhale2167 Ай бұрын
Dr. Miller, my husband has ALS… can you do a video about anything that’s helpful??? Do you know anything about Deanna protocol?
@annhale2167 Ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. Miller!
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
thank you.
@annhale2167 Ай бұрын
Great doctor!!!
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@Verytots Ай бұрын
dude who you got in a fight doctor Mike Israel or gay Rosa parks with a little thing for cannibalism
@ChaChaChaFr Ай бұрын
I believe this guy but I do want to see some credentials cause I could add MD to my username too
@dreadnought3039 Ай бұрын
Not only is it bad for the brain, its scientifically proven thats is a neorotoxin. So yeah. Better of with smoking weed😂
@dennisonwant1808 Ай бұрын
There’s plastic in our balls, pollutants in the water, atmosphere and the food, the possibility of wartime, recession and even an economic depression, and that’s not even all the stuff on the global scale. I could die suddenly from a stroke, get hit by a car, killed by a robbery gone wrong, I trip and hit my head in the wrong spot and die instantly. We live and we die and by God I’m gonna enjoy my short time on this planet and drink as much as I want, my personal limits being 7 modelos and a few shots. That’s a good night right there lol
@animaniacs538 Ай бұрын
But stress isn’t healthy either and if it works then it works
@nathandeschaine4113 Ай бұрын
I lose brain cells making food for people at work getting drunk is the least of my problems 😂
@Slowlightning1 Ай бұрын
A new study shows it’s actually 0. Look it up
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
send me the link thanks
@Verytots Ай бұрын
“Look it up”😭
@punishedsneed Ай бұрын
One should arise from life as one arises from a feast; neither starving nor gorged, neither thirsty nor drunk.
@kodathebodybuilder Ай бұрын
Regardless of what the guidelines say, alcohol is a poison. Your body only performs worse during and for a short while after absorbing alcohol. Dont be fooled into believing drinking once or twice per day is "healthy". Its still ethanol. So best not to make it a habit.
@basp-ef7jx Ай бұрын
I'm trying.
@ThebraindoctorMD Ай бұрын
all we can do is try hard. Good luck