Why Nerds Joined the Alt-Right
What did we do to Justin Bieber?
@PauloCesar-oz6dy 25 минут бұрын
Reminds me of that sketch about how capitain america would really be like waking in the 21 century
@lalacustard 26 минут бұрын
The sex toys felt like an ad to me
@adamblackman6660 43 минут бұрын
Nobody wrecks women like women do.
@jwhippet8313 Сағат бұрын
The Margaret Atwood quote just feels like life in a sexually reproducing species in a Darwinian world.
@jwhippet8313 Сағат бұрын
The Margaret Atwood quote just feels like life in a sexually reproducing species in a Darwinian world.
@jayocaine2946 Сағат бұрын
*Chinese man acts Chinese* Wow you don't say?
@rogersepeda 2 сағат бұрын
Not all women have a uterus? Is there a medical condition where a woman is missing a uterus?
@MrAwesomeBart 3 сағат бұрын
It's 2024 and we still talk about male gaze?
@rodneyabrett 3 сағат бұрын
He's the Tom Cruise of Asia. PR image vs. his real life are polar opposites.
@hhjhj393 3 сағат бұрын
I am a 30 year old man and most women that show interest in me are like 19-23. Many of which will initiate me, they will come up to me, talk to me, and exchange numbers, etc. So..... Yeah.... I just want to make that comment. Women like to blame men for anything and everything, but there appears to be many women that simply prefer older men. They had no problems with me being 10 years older than them, and some of them thought I was older.... Also I have read a few romance novels and simply listened to the lyrics of womens songs and women do seem to have a thing for older "dominant" men. Women like to have weird kinks then find a way to blame it on men. 99% sure that women have a deep inherent victim complex. It's very rare if ever that I see a video of a woman taking accountability for anything. How rare is it to see a video where women say, "hey if you are a young woman maybe you should try and stick with men similar in age, or maybe if you date an older man you should learn to be comfortable with that." Even in highschool it was not uncommon to see 16 year old girls with 25 year old men. I personally think that's creepy, but the girls seemed to be really into it. So idk if they are both okay with it then I don't see a problem. But I know women will just continue to blame everything on men as usual. Women can do NO wrong not even when they are nasty and have sick fetishes that they throw onto everyone else.
@SaltyRoast 4 сағат бұрын
At this point, its like men are just an evil smoke monster. Everything women do that other women don't approve of is blamed on men, regardless of men's actual role.
@deabreu.tattoo 4 сағат бұрын
Hold up, did Perry make a feminist song with dr. "I sexually abuse teenagers" Luke????
@Vermiliongod22 4 сағат бұрын
Women and feminists are confusing as fuuuuuuck.
@Sally-ih6ls 4 сағат бұрын
You can’t lobe anyone unconditionally 100% of the time, there are always expectations, feelings, emotions, acceptance yes, not sure about love
@elihan9 4 сағат бұрын
Does class play a role in this? Like how a parent is strict on their kid because they want them to have something better than they did and the current material condition offers little room for mistakes.
@reidflemingworldstoughestm1394 5 сағат бұрын
TL:DR Because the truth hurts conservatives' feelings.
@austincde 5 сағат бұрын
I should have watched this video earlier, it bothered me that I agree with the notion that "pretty privilege isn't real" but I was having a hard time feeling genuine about it & I think it's because I keep trying to see it through the eyes of the victims and not through the eyes of the *perpetrators*. Like benefitting from something because of a sh*ty system is still a benefit, but it doesn't make the system less sh*ty.
@metastase895 5 сағат бұрын
So basically you are a brain washed leftist with nothing better to do but to attack right wing mentality because you can't deal with variety, you must have ESG and DEI shoved into everything. Congratulations.
@emptyshogun 5 сағат бұрын
"Not all women have uteruses and that ok" oh ot's that type of video, well let's see where this goes. Ok I'm tapping out, It seems this "Male gaze" is just feminists horrified that they find men attractive, there for they want men to find them physically attractive, I hate break it to you but patriachy didn't create biological attraction, even in a matriachy you will still want to look appealing for men because you want to be with one. Jesus, leave it to feminists to tell men what male sexuality feels like when we look at women, apparently we just see our wives, sisters, mothers and daughters as walking sex objects, good luck in making the majority of women that find feminists crazy believe this.
@Makoto03 5 сағат бұрын
Feminism is cringe and hypocritical. No wonder so many women are just ignoring that label altogether these days.
@Rednines 6 сағат бұрын
Free Schooling is actually a pedagogical approach that is left wing in origin and similar to Montessori and Waldorf. Whatever people on TikTok are doing has no relation to Free Schooling which I think could serve as a useful counter to right wing school agitation like showing them that if they get what they want with the charters that people could organize something more radical against their bad ideas is useful as a counterpoint and as a means to speak to some of the issues with schools and deflate their momentum
@tjenahoj 6 сағат бұрын
Antiwhiteism and its underling antimaleism is horrible and immoral.
@amaruonyx390 6 сағат бұрын
Nice, now do one on the female gaze. Or is feminism not as egalitarian as it claims to be? I don't support mysogony or misandry, and "the male gaze" seems to demonize men for looking at women who put themselves on display.
@The420Earthling 7 сағат бұрын
you can't just say they're all the same just for your video, there's a reason why they're different, nerds and geeks and all these others you named, they're so very different. Learn the difference and then talk about it. You completely lost me after 2:30 of your video because of that.
@leticialippe9218 8 сағат бұрын
Really nice video, the best one in the topic I've watched so far!
@ErmacGaming 8 сағат бұрын
Women can't think about themselves outside of male gaze? That's called not having a fvcking personality and/or hobbies.
@Bgarcia-1097 8 сағат бұрын
Who else misses Playhouse Disney, PBS kids Sprout, and Noogin?! These 3 channels were my entire infancy and childhood.... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
@aorihanazari524 9 сағат бұрын
Racism certainly exists and to some extent could inform the idea about people not wanting to learn more about him as a person...but it seems more of a problem with celebrity culture and powerful people culture in general. There are so many white and/or English-speaking actors, directors, artists, who get a pass for abusing people because people 1) either don't really care about their personal lives because...why care about a stranger and what they do, 2) they might be interested in finding out but separate art from the artist, 3) they don't believe any of the allegations etc, or 3) excuse or share their beliefs. I am thinking of Johny Depp, Chris Brown, Woody Allen...
@michaelavalos4044 10 сағат бұрын
Your viewpoints are so skewed so off... I respectfully and kindly.. but I think your cognitive dissonance would prevent you. We're talking about irrefutable sources and damning evidence that was far outweigh yours.. But I don't say this disrespect you I don't say this to upset you. A person cannot make an informed decision or conclusion or consent and if they have all all accurate and truthful information in the first place. Like being on trial and only the prosecution gets to speak... You know you're innocent and you're not allowing your lawyer to speak... So it is with you because you do not have all the accurate and factual irreproachable so that you can..➡️information even if the truth takes you to somewhere where you would be/feel betrayed. Man and a woman getting married, and they say death until they part and one or the other betrays their vows and crushes someone's heart... So it may be, but you cannot not let an inability to accept, cognitive dissonance that a person would flat out reject truth. TRUTH is TRUTH regardless of fatally flawed FEMINISM. Yes men can be most evil, But Many Men are far from it. Did you know divorce rates are >50%. But here is a convicting fact. 80% of all divorces in the US are initiated by Women and not because Men are trash... Quite the opposite. Women have become so shameless and so addicted to sex and attention of men and absolutely intolerable in their expectations, behavior and their inability and actual desire to be with 100's of Men. And to these women that have made American men wanting nothing to do with women anymore, so we look abroad. Besides I think Asian Women are the most beautiful women in the world. But the last thing I want is a big city girl acting the same as Americans we detest and reject. But we desire Women who are capatible, who share the same values. So out to the country we go , and desirable women are fast becoming extinct. Well for me if that was the case I'd rather die alone than be a bitch HO. And this is in no way directed at you. ... I am giving you an interview on how many men feel today. Sexually addicted women and gold diggers can kick rocks, I would choose to have awesome sex with a beautiful willing prostitute than be with a conscienceless girl that brings nothing but misery and contentiousness, insane undeserved expectations, selfish vain apathy.. Let's jam to Lenny Kravitz "American Woman" 😆 Now you know the mindset of 40% maybe more of a male's viewpoint that was provokes to such. I'm out. Again not intended to women unless they are the example of what I have described .. Good bye 👋🏻. 🫰🏻
@abel6846 10 сағат бұрын
Isn’t she married? To a man?
@Apoc2K 10 сағат бұрын
Looks like putting "can read" on your CV is gonna be a thing in the near future.
@mountainmgtow5421 11 сағат бұрын
Stop it. Stop trying to indoctrinate children.
@hhjhj393 11 сағат бұрын
Is no one just going to state the obvious that the left has a lot of bullies? Woke bullies, cry bullies, narcissists, etc? Nerds join the right because the right sells independence and self reliance, while the left sells identity politics and that if you are white you always have to serve minorities and women. If you are a nerdy white guy who has been bullied by minorities then that's a huge slap in the face for you of course you are gonna hate these people and the idea that you should forgo your own personal well-being and happiness for people that treat you like trash is humilating.
@abhinabdas1092 11 сағат бұрын
I am an Asian and i love my own race only .
@Just_some_guy_1 12 сағат бұрын
5:15 "That they should be trying to fit in what men want" How is this different from what men go through? News flash, almost everything that men do to improve themselves is to attract women. This isn't the "Patriarchy" this is biological organisms attempting to increase their chances for reproduction with the opposite sex.
@DANALDTRAMP 13 сағат бұрын
You arrogance is astonishing. Good luck in this "life".
@michaelj.4187 14 сағат бұрын
sending love and peace to everyone...
@michaelj.4187 14 сағат бұрын
sending love and peace to everyone...
@quark1512 14 сағат бұрын
Please leave my country
@marieg1160 14 сағат бұрын
... You mean this woman? Who got her fame from pandering to the male gaze with her first hit song 😂
@StreetFig 15 сағат бұрын
if there is no wrong way to go about it, then it's not a misuse
@PunchedCigarette 16 сағат бұрын
Although I agree with a lot of points of this video, and as a non American I always found liberal "progressiveness" largely hypocritical (Hilary Clinton has only pointed out how problematic and short sighted liberal feminism is), I have to pinpoint that nothing justifies relativising the holocaust. Yes, what's happening in Gaza is abominable. Yes, Netanyahu and Israeli far-right are forcing a genocide to amend for their huge inability to protect Isreal citizens back in October. BUT! Simplifications such as calling Israel a colonizer's state is historically inaccurate and serves only antisemitic propaganda. The land of Palestine had for centuries both Arab and Jewish inhabitants. Knesset had representatives from both ethnic backgrounds. The Israel state was the product of the historic unilateral shame of the holocaust. That humanity let a bureaucratic and industrialized ethnic cleansing happen. For that reason Israel is originally a refugee state. Genocides do happen. But just relativizing such a traumatic historical event shouldn't be considered progressive in any way. Although, I'm against the current annihilation of Gaza, it's unfortunately interesting that other genocides or mass murders which currently take place are hugely ignored. As a European citizen it surprises me for example that nobody is paying attention to the thousands of immigrants and refugees who are intentionally being drowned in the mediterrean sea by Frontex and Southern European border control, so that they don't cross European borders. Nobody pays attention to the mass bombarding in Yemen. The justified on one hand global interest over Palestinians, unfortunately sometimes grows into a selective geopolitical sensitivity with underlying (even subconscious) antisemitic prejudice. Food for thought. Other than that I enjoyed your video essay and agree with you on most points made.
@ChiTown2k69 17 сағат бұрын
What I don't get is how "feminists" think the patriarchy is somehow the problem. Femisim is not good for society period.
@roberttrisca8210 19 сағат бұрын
women just don't have the capacity for philosophy .
@mileslugo6430 21 сағат бұрын
This is a Man's world-James Brown
@angelface333 23 сағат бұрын
14:42 😭🩷
@MeghanMcDonald Күн бұрын
Loving your content!
@bobbyj731 Күн бұрын
Nerd has gotten pretty mainstream by around 2010. And did you just say the big bang theory was racist? Disney literally race swapped the little mermaid and you're saying they are putting white fans in the forefront. Did I just enter the twilight zone, what is this? And here I thought it was only crazy far right stuff on youtube. I was wrong, the ridiculous left is here also.
@victorlannister5606 Күн бұрын
Is that Trisha Paytas?!?
@eugeneimbangyorteza Күн бұрын
Sacha Baron Cohen clearly has bigoted inclination against Muslims long before Borat. He portrayed Central Asians and vague Arabs as homogenous peoples.