@willy9204 6 минут бұрын
I know Dre is your friend but it looks like you are enjoying that a bit
@AYRYZIGER 3 сағат бұрын
As mentioned in the video... It was the 1960s... We have absolutely no idea how wild it was! 😂🤣😇😉😆
@fudochi-dojo1527 18 сағат бұрын
On the thing with „Bruce discarded Wing Chun“….I studied and still train JKD for decades, all of my teachers were first generation students of Bruce, so I think I got a pretty decent education on the art. When I read David Petersons book on Wing Chun „Pointing finger to the moon“ I found more valid principles on JKD in it, than in any other of the so called Jeet Kune Do books…..so what does that tell you?
@Jonathan1997hk-ln4yk Күн бұрын
Is everything in life a fraud 😭
@TheKungFuGenius 23 сағат бұрын
No, the viewing of celebrities as something other than human beings is the fraud.
@Jonathan1997hk-ln4yk Күн бұрын
Sad to hear someone who dedicated his life to his body destroying it with drugs
@emersonrwt Күн бұрын
Me and My GF as Doctors listening ...🤔
@MatthewLSchaffer Күн бұрын
Nice shout out to Gary Lam.
@mikimilostnic2366 Күн бұрын
This is a long one Sifu Alex, but I would love to hear your take on it. The trouble I see with a lot of Wing Chun guys is that most of them really become pros on defending themselves from their own style. Becouse every attack they do is somehowv a WC attack with the vertical fist. And then they learn to defend ithis attack that no one would do on the street, except if your fighting your own team mates . So basicly they learn to deal with their own style most of the time. And now and then they'll throw in some "street atacks" that no one would do anyway and then learn to deffend that imaginary attack from your Sifu who knows exactly how to deal with it especially when you do it slow "and you don't want to make your sifu look bad so you comply". All and all you learn somewhat to deal with your own style especially.. and some other similar traditional styles. Yet we complain on having big trouble facing street fighters who jab and hook and wrestle. Is it time that we start modernizing our approach and making our style relevant for modern time and space Whats youe take? Forgive my english.
@TheKungFuGenius Күн бұрын
I’ve discussed these topics a number of times on many episodes. Thank you for commenting!
@ryanramkissoon1630 Күн бұрын
Nobody killed him. No sign of foul play. Bruce signed up for early mortality when he refused to relax after his back injury. He collapsed before but wouldnt stop training. The other side is their failure to call ambulance early. And lack of MRI services to scan his brain from the start. Very unfortunate circumstances😢 In short, a not so advanced era where his condition could have been prevented by early detection.
@TheKungFuGenius Күн бұрын
You got the no foul play right…
@dwuonw6438 Күн бұрын
That's the dumbest conspiracy theory I've ever heard, Linda is still alive, and no idiot would take a chance of being sued, he wouldnt mentioned her in the letters, in the late Jim Kelly's words " Bullshit Mr hand man!
@aquaticlibrary Күн бұрын
Always hated how Chuck tried to take credit for Bruce’s kicks when Bruce was a superior kicker imo. Bruce was super tight with TKD GM Jhoon Rhee and you’ve also got Louis Delgado doing the same kicking sequences from Bruce’s films lol
@dwuonw6438 Күн бұрын
His bodyguard punched him in the head, one night, when he was drunk in the bar, he stated, " I had to get him before he got to his feet"
@OutfrontStudio Күн бұрын
Good episode. Thx Sifu, Dre and Mikey .
@G.M.1944 2 күн бұрын
I know there have been books written about Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison’s final months, weeks, days…. Would it be worth it for an author to delve into Bruce Lee’s final months in great detail ? Is there enough material ? Because I only know bits and pieces, mainly through this wonderful channel, but honestly I have a fascination for that kind of stuff. Has the whole truth ever been revealed ? Or is there enough to lay an interesting puzzle ? Let’s call it the shadow side of fame and fortune. I find these exceptional icons, whether in music, movies, sports, painting, politics and warfare, … even more interesting because of that often deeply flawed humanity in them, so many personalities often full of contradictions and hidden vices, full of drama.
@BranHill-lq1vq 2 күн бұрын
Isomwreics have been a training method for thousands of years by monks and shaolin. It makes you super strong and functional without adding useless size.
@CinematicTendency 2 күн бұрын
Wish Me A Happy Birthday entered the Chat…
@dwuonw6438 2 күн бұрын
Your absolutely right about beefs within the system, Polly Zink Monkey Kung fu, fought with the organization for yrs,
@talentbong7446 2 күн бұрын
Kind of ironic how the inverse is true for a certain group ... the first local student / Great Elder has many tales of always disturbing someone and getting instantaneous physical evidence... while the juniors are literally Anime Shonen Protagonists who are literally using just 5% of their power to be nice to their seniors.
@bennyaruba3449 3 күн бұрын
I fell asleep to this episode last night & dreamed a ninja dream ft. Achida Kim 😂 he was much doper in the dream than irl. Keep it coming yo! 😂👍
@TheKungFuGenius 3 күн бұрын
hahah love it
@bennyaruba3449 2 күн бұрын
Who knew Achida Kims Ninja clan had the power to influence the outcome of Pearl Harbor! They're like the damn Illuminati! What a brave man to stand up against them all by himself in the name of amorous affection towards righteousness & good morals 🥹👏👏👏👏🤣
@Spooderboi774 3 күн бұрын
for those who don't know it means fuck your mum
@TheKungFuGenius 3 күн бұрын
you mean for those who can't take two seconds to read the other 50 times someone gave it away in the comments.
@Myerslaughs209 3 күн бұрын
I saw the Crow for the first time in theaters today for the 30th release. Two things: watching Brandon act was like watching Bob Ross paint, an absolute masterpiece in art. Second, he deserved a special recignition with the re-release of the film. Simply wording "for Brandon" at the end was not, will never, be enough. GIVE HIM THE CREDIT HE DESERVES. ❤
@MainManChannel2 3 күн бұрын
Shane Mosely is fighting KZfaqr @VikingSamurai in September.
@awildermode 3 күн бұрын
Is there a site where one can order those shirts? is it 李功問? My Chinese is a lot rough. By the way, I just realised that my grandparents lived down the street from Yip Man at 184 Tung Choi Street
@TheKungFuGenius 3 күн бұрын
It’s actually “利工民” - I think you can Google them to get the website
@dwuonw6438 3 күн бұрын
Donald Trump and Bruce both learned from Ip Man, but never completed his training because, Ip Man became a Democrat so he told Bruce, that he couldn't teach the young Trump anymore
@G.M.1944 4 күн бұрын
What does it say about humans that they reward bs shovelers like “Beerdy” with half a million subs ? Pretty grim conclusions.
@TheKungFuGenius 4 күн бұрын
I have thought about this quite a bit myself.
@benjaminboot2340 4 күн бұрын
Any Chance you could do a story about ip bo ching? The guy who always sat next to yip man in all those old school pics? And the guy who fought Wong shun leung when he sought out yip man.
@jkdbuck7670 4 күн бұрын
My $0.02: people who will lie blatantly about their history will lie about anything else. Ive been doing martial arts since 1990. People who keep changing their history are apt to hide other things and are people who lack integrity.
@TheKungFuGenius 4 күн бұрын
I agree!
@nicholasgreen339 4 күн бұрын
He was aa charming as his father Bruce was also a ladies man
@luisinamartinez1952 4 күн бұрын
Someone translate what he said?
@TheKungFuGenius 4 күн бұрын
Check the other comments!
@tommyboy9056 5 күн бұрын
I don’t see where to sign up to your KZfaq subscription only Patreon?
@TheKungFuGenius 4 күн бұрын
I believe it says “join“ under the video.
@tommyboy9056 4 күн бұрын
@@TheKungFuGenius I see the pay pal, social media info, shop info ect.. but no subscription info 🤷‍♂️.
@TheKungFuGenius 4 күн бұрын
@tommyboy9056 it’s in the KZfaq interface, rather than the description. Unfortunately I can’t post a screenshot in the comments!
@messiaspereira6232 5 күн бұрын
Grand master is an ego title and unnecessary
@ncalvert2442 5 күн бұрын
KFG, recently on another episode you gave a shoutout to a sifu from another style that asked a question and mentioned he had a youtube channel of his own with good weapons videos. I can not find that video to look him up, can you or someone help? Thank you
@TheKungFuGenius 5 күн бұрын
Sifu Brian Kuttel!
@watchmman3408 5 күн бұрын
I also thought it was a Kami House shirt from Dragon Ball when I first saw it
@darkestdragon 5 күн бұрын
The stylised character that you see on goku’s top is based on the Chinese symbols that you see in in Traditional Chinese architecture and design. Especially when you see the symbol for king Kai, it’s inspired by that. 👍
@MrOsiric 6 күн бұрын
Woow, a video reply for me!! Ohh look, Ashida Kim Corn! Thanks alot KFG!! :) Nice to know even the back drop of why this became a thing... One of the many reasons for asking this was indeed from watching videos by wackypedia of wang chung... Recently, I was quite intrigued with the unveiling of his sources. But few episodes in, I watch his guest trip and stumble at narrating his secret style now open to the public with the onset of dementia of his sifu... Convenient, no questions will be asked! There is even a point there where wackypedia inadvertently pointed out a paradox of the guest's assertion of yipman and his sigung's association.... *cut* video proceeds few moments later, hahaha... How can wackypedia take this with a straight face while murdering logic. Gave me a glimps this guy's mind and how good he is sticking different things together with his sticky hands... Anyway! :) Key to this were the use of the maxims to search for older links to other wing chun branches.. and then subliminally implying yipman stole them because their lineage is older!! ;P Hung Mun History with sprinklings of unverifiable things but then there are some genuinely interesting things name dropped that gave me pause... In short, another dumpster fire...
@ruiseartalcorn 6 күн бұрын
Great stuff! :)
@Ded9822 6 күн бұрын
I live in HKG, at Victoria dockside harbor , nearly 100 years from BL statue. May I join a class?
@TheKungFuGenius 3 күн бұрын
You mean a class during the tour?
@DebiruRedi 6 күн бұрын
1:01:06 This first photo can be found through reverse image search. It is a photo taken by a Jakob Owens. Just searching "jakob owens man flexing muscles" will bring up the full uncropped image. The second image can also be reverse image searched to find the full uncropped picture and it's obviously a different guy, not that it wasn't easy to tell already.
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
@ruff1draft 6 күн бұрын
Sammo Hung is a legend.
@benjaminboot2340 6 күн бұрын
Mr kung funny genius, are you aware that there is a story told by Wang kiu that leung sheung and yip man had a falling out and that he taught leung ting to piss leung sheung off. And if true he probably taught leung ting stuff he would not have taught anyone else as a way for being ting to show Leung sheung off... Would love to hear your thoughts
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
Yes, I have heard this story from a number of different sources yet I am not at liberty to discuss this publicly.
@benjaminboot2340 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for replying
@benjaminboot2340 4 күн бұрын
Btw I respect what your saying but don't you think its important to out these story's for everybody to get a clearer view of wing chun history?
@benjaminboot2340 4 күн бұрын
And also, sorry for ranting btw, it show leung ting actually might have learned yip mans final thesis of the art... Am absolutely no follower of leung ting btw Am just on the side of the truth
@TheKungFuGenius 4 күн бұрын
@benjaminboot2340 the problem is there’s no way I can discuss this story without it coming off as some very convenient and biased narrative in favor of the lineage that I am originally from.
@blueboy837 6 күн бұрын
Hi Alex. Just too let u know new. L t school in Melbourne Australia in the c b d no less I’m going to go and check it out he is under robin. Z. I believe
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
Good luck
@NNamesis 6 күн бұрын
"Loy lau hoi sung, laat sau jik chung"... Accept what comes, follow what goes. Attack when there's opportunity
@JKDVIPER 6 күн бұрын
I think it would be hard to not crack up laughing with these two. Oh man. Mad funny. 5:20 right! The shifting. They don’t know that as well in GWOH SAO. Gor sao amd or mattress training. Meaning, it’s ok to try n tie somebody up, but when you can incorporate that loss of balance, with two hands on all cylinders, now we’re talking business. Touching light on your point about Europe and Hong Kong. 9:12 such a good point, about getting hit when it doesn’t look CLEAN. Ya, you’re gonna get hit. I was hoping that would help people understand why jkd focuses so much on 5 ways of attack and using bui gee and Cheung very aggressively. The idea of putting positive firepower on em ending it faster. Hope that rings through. 😬✊💯19:20 yup. Way less attention than in Europe. A few people instead of big rooms full of people. Not too serious. The attendance. 23:14 i heat that. As far as what each guy can do rather than how long they’ve been learning/teaching. More pragmatic.29:20 it’s like, how does that mean anything? 😂❤wish me a happy birthday, I started before you. 😂❤lol.
@shengchenfan 6 күн бұрын
Watching your face when Dre butchers Cantonese is priceless.🤣🤣🤣🤣
@creightonfreeman8059 6 күн бұрын
When I first started studying Chinese at OSU I worked in a Chinese restaurant one Summer to get more language exposure. The first thing that comes to mind when I hear ABC is Almond Boneless Chicken. :) The second thing is American Born Chinese.
@TheKungFuGenius 3 күн бұрын
I read that as "Almost Boneless Chicken"... haha
@johnsambo9379 6 күн бұрын
Bruce was a ballet dancer who never fought.
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
It’s better than being remembered as “that coward from the KZfaq comments”.
@jasonkeaton5140 6 күн бұрын
Oh yeah! It's getting Amorous up in here😂!
@jeetkunedoatlanta2464 6 күн бұрын
For the love of god, its patrons not patreons...
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
No, “Patreons” is now accepted for people who support you on Patreon. Thanks boomer.
@jeetkunedoatlanta2464 6 күн бұрын
@@TheKungFuGenius no, it's not. Also not a boomer so.... you want to try again.
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
@jeetkunedoatlanta2464 oh ok, you’re one of those guys who can’t let it go. Ok, please keep arguing your point, every comment helps the algorithm.
@jeetkunedoatlanta2464 6 күн бұрын
@@TheKungFuGenius you could just say you are wrong. Saying not it's not and then resorting to an ad hominem attack kind of makes you one of those guys.
@TheKungFuGenius 6 күн бұрын
@jeetkunedoatlanta2464 I’m so wrong, I apologize, how can you ever forgive me for such an egregious breach of grammar? It’s as unforgivable as using the toilet paper roll backwards. Please keep commenting.
@DenshaOtoko2 6 күн бұрын
The hardest part is being able to come and go studying WC in HK SAR while saving enough money to be able to finish studying and graduate.
@WholeCosmos 6 күн бұрын
do we really need to give aH shityy kimmy air time?
@TheKungFuGenius 3 күн бұрын
@dreison133 6 күн бұрын
Happy Memorial Day to all the KFG FAM!