@judychurley6623 Минут бұрын
(For what it's worth, NPR did a nice audio series of the book. It gets the medieval quality especially very nicely.) It really isn't about science, per se, but human nature and technology, it seems to me.
@Tetsujin-28 4 минут бұрын
I have a hold on The Factory at another library so that should show up in 2weeks. Out of The Loop is the closest show I've viewed that comes close to Twilight Zone. Short Stay was great. Concrete Island (J.G. Ballard) might be more One Step Beyond vibe.
@SteveJubs 7 минут бұрын
Angela’s just such a good, considerate, and fun as f*** communicator
@deepdockproletarianarchive4539 9 минут бұрын
Edgar Allen Poe feels very much like a twighlight zone author lol
@bubbafug00gle51 20 минут бұрын
Funny to me that I am old enough to be her dad... and in the 80's kids thought it was weird for me to be into a black-and-white show from "the old days". TZ writing has held up for 60 years and counting
@isaidpianissimo2475 21 минут бұрын
Video idea: recently you did a review of despair, and the guy who wrote that wrote another book about a feller named HH and a young gal who toured the US together. Can you do a review of his other more infamous book?
@romankosarev7440 24 минут бұрын
My recommendation is "I'm thinking about ending things", Netflix movie and the book. Book is very short and spooky, film is very long and spooky as well
@richard_d_bird 28 минут бұрын
john scalzi's old man's war was really well done, and he had a bunch of others that were ok. didn't iike red shirts so much, but i did get through it
@mediumjohnsilver 34 минут бұрын
My favorite short book that has a Twilight Zone feeling is _The Invention of Morel_ by Adolfo Bioy Casares, from Argentina. In the story, a fugitive is hiding on an uninhabited island that has a couple substantial buildings. One morning, although he had not heard a boat, there are suddenly people on the island. Vacationers of some sort, but how are they not aware of him?
@genepozniak 38 минут бұрын
Nah! Neither that nor the new Outer Limits shows could recapture the magic of the originals.
@ZAHLERVIDEO 52 минут бұрын
Orlando is less a pithy inside joke and more something like a deeply personal allegorizarion of a lover’s misplaced idealization (Woolf towards Vita Sackville-West) I’m bewildered you think the message is that men have hard lives too or it doesn’t really speak about gender. Because to me It’s more so… a super prescient work that describes like a more super-structural influence of gender and how gender existentializes everyone is mysterious ways and feeds circuitously through culture and material conditions . Eminently destabilizing of binary gender, it’s a book that like speaks on gender theorists like Judith Butler decades prior. (And trans issues? The dysphoria?) You didn’t like Mrs. Dolloway either so perhaps it’s just something about Woolf you bounce off of, but I would highly suggest reading “A room of one’s own” or Woolf’s “Moments of Being” (her post-humous memoirish writings) if you’re at all up for contextualizing her work further. Woolf is the goat, so I’m not trying to be condescending; i’m just desperately proselytizing.
@oneoftheorder 57 минут бұрын
If you like books about hell, you should try Iain Banks's "Surface Detail" (as well as his other books in the Culture series which have no narrative relation to hell; the can functionally be read in any order since they are largely episodic from novel to novel). It takes place in a the only depiction of a sci fi utopia that I've encountered which may surpass the Federation (or at least looks like a Federation in a distant future beyond Star Trek). I forgot which channel, but original Twilight Zone used to be marathoned around Thanksgiving on broadcast tv. I usually caught some of those, and I own a few dvds of my favorite episodes.
@rod451 Сағат бұрын
I hope you keep doing reviews! Ilike that you get your books from the thrift store. It’s nice to hear about books of different eras or just not new releases.
@regressionbegins Сағат бұрын
PKD - Ubik plus lots of others
@tootheye Сағат бұрын
Closest show I've seen to 'Twilight Zone' is 'Inside No. 9'
@isacsln Сағат бұрын
A weird suggestion: Junji Itos work is the best written equivalent of the twilight zone. It’s manga that’s mostly horror but it so perfectly captures its feeling I think.
@Mj323_bb Сағат бұрын
Giving this a thumbs up, but paused near the beginning so I can maybe sample one or more of the three stories with no into beyond the title/author. Twilight Zone: also one of my favorites. They also used to marathon it over Labor Day weekend as an alternative/ and perhaps homage to the Jerry Lewis MDA telethon. it's not necessary to watch any of the reboots, but decent episodes are definitely out there in those seasons. I saw a fraction of them in their original runs and sometimes stumble into a reminder or mention of an episode wandering the internet or youtube, in which case i may hunt down and enjoy a rewatch, but it's pretty optional. If you can get access to Serling's Night Gallery, like on one of those sideband retro broadcast tv stations in your city/area, I would try to (( eventually )) watch all of those. Oh, some are truly =horrible=, but there are a good handful that are every bit as good as the best Twilight Zone's. Usually something written by Serling or Beaumont or Matheson or even Lovecraft. And a small fraction are both super-short and funny, like on-purpose funny. Definitely a bit more horror in this anthology, but often worthy If you'd like to =read= old stories that would have often fit into the original twilight zone (I bet some actually did), look for copies of Judith Merril 's SF: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy, a series that ran from 1956 to 1968. Most volumes included a summary of the year's science fiction and a list of honorable mentions. The average quality is =very= high with many true classics represented. Five or ten of my all time favorite short works are in these volumes, and I've never found a better edited similar series. You will never go wrong buying a used copy of one of this series. Links to table of contents can be found in the wonderful Internet Speculative Fiction Database at isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pe.cgi?8316
@Ian-lx1iz Сағат бұрын
(0:55) 1980s _OR_ 2017 Twilight Zone? Err... I always thought that the TZ was 1960s ..maybe 50s too?
@myautobiographyafanfic1413 2 сағат бұрын
I think all the iconic things about Twilight Zone come directly from SF magazines at the time.
@DanLyndon 2 сағат бұрын
You should definitely read Inverted world by Christopher Priest.
@ronnielaw9318 2 сағат бұрын
Nihilists. Fuck me. Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism Dude, at least it's an ethos. Also, concerning packing the story in: Two things. Writing, and actors that know how to deliver a line. There's a series here on youtube somewhere where they did all the old 60's twilight zone as radio teleplays with more modern actors, and you can follow along with the story 1:1, no visuals at all. Star Trek has the same thing going. It may be space nonsense, but I'll be damned if you don't know by Shatner, Nimoy or Kelley's delivery EXACTLY what is going on. Hammy and over the top, sure, but also clear and concise.
@ParanoidMarvin 2 сағат бұрын
So this channel called jeffiot made a video essay about The Moustache (the scariest book I've read). It was so good! They even made a short film enacting the story! Strongly recommend.
@Notarys 2 сағат бұрын
Doc. I see by your obsidian ring that you are mourning a deceased husband. I am sorry for your loss and out of respect will wait for you to holler at me. Xoxo
@Henderburn2 2 сағат бұрын
I might love this channel more than Angela’s science content
@nathbalzana 2 сағат бұрын
I haven't seen the 80s version, but the 2019 one falls flat for me because of the length of the episodes. The Twilight Zone is also one of my favorite shows, but I can't think of many episodes in it that would really work if they were 40 minutes instead of 20. The structure works best in that format imo, and with every single episode in the new show I felt the premise run its course and get tiring after some point.
@nathbalzana 2 сағат бұрын
"I love eye of the beholder but I really wish we had more scenes of the doctors talking and that the chase scene lasted like 10 minutes longer so they could have worldbuilding in the fascist monologue" - statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
@dukeofthebump 2 сағат бұрын
My recommendations are "The Futurological Congress" by Stanislav Lem, and "The Master of Space and Time" by Rudy Rucker.* Also don't watch 1983's "The Twilight Zone: The Movie" but do listen to the episodes of Behind the Bastards where they talk about it. The story of the making of that movie is like a twilight zone episode where the moral is "don't give someone unfettered access to helicopters just because he's a rich and famous movie director" *edit: and "Why Do Birds" by Damon Knight! Maybe the most twilight zone book I've ever read
@mendelovitch 2 сағат бұрын
Short story supremacy heyoooo! Just enough story and drama to pass on the science fiction / speculative fiction idea. No filler, no excess, no nonsense, just idea!
@ReinReads 2 сағат бұрын
Borne by Jeff Vandermeer & Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor have those Twilight Zone vibes.
@terenzo50 2 сағат бұрын
I don't know for certain, but it does seem like you'd have a copy of Amphigorey in your library to enjoy on overcast days or rainy nights.
@VernAfterReading 2 сағат бұрын
TZ is the best! look up all short stories of TZ writers, Richard Matheson (I am Legend), Charles Beaumont (tons!), George Clayton Johnson (Logan's Run). And these too: Californian's Tale by Twain, The Lottery - Jackson, short stories of Philip K Dick. Many of these are well known, but you might have missed them too.
@nyefan 2 сағат бұрын
Another good Twilight Zone book - Permutation City by Greg Egan
@grashoprsmith 2 сағат бұрын
Yes. Thank you. ❤
@losri2947 2 сағат бұрын
The only thing that comes close to OG Twilight Zone is OG Outer Limits
@bendafyddgillard 2 сағат бұрын
The Factory (which I have not read but which is now on my list) sounds a little like Smallcreep's Day. I'm not sure I'd describe that book as "Twilight Zone Vibe" but it's surreal and not very long.
@technocore1591 2 сағат бұрын
What’s funny is as a kid I would watch the Planet of the Apes as the after school monster movie of the week. Consequently I always thought of Planet of the Apes as a monster movie. Years pass and as an adult I catch Planet of the Apes and was surprised at how much it wasn’t a monster movie. As the movie ends I think to myself, “Wow, that was more like a Twilight Zone episode than a monster movie!” And imagine my delight when the credit roll and damned if Rod Serling isn’t one of the screenwriters!!!!
@Guiquipedia 2 сағат бұрын
Hey Dr Collier, I have a book recommendation. Have you heard of Meeting the Universe Halfway by Karen Barad? It’s a philosophy of science book that I think you would find interesting. They talk about quantum quantum quantum a lot but it seems to me that they generally know what they’re talking about, and they mainly use it to bridge epistemology and ontology
@spuzzbunky3172 2 сағат бұрын
I think you'd enjoy Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges, and Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
@traviswichtendahl5648 2 сағат бұрын
In general, how do you choose fiction books to read next?
@HebaruSan 3 сағат бұрын
No you should not watch the recent TZs. You should watch _The Outer Limits_ .
@GSBarlev 3 сағат бұрын
I know you've said that you like _Lower Decks_ and hated _Picard._ Are you watching _Prodigy?_
@Laundry_Hamper 3 сағат бұрын
TV and movies were better before microphones became good. I need them to sound just slightly telephoney in order to feel anything. Do these books use modern, high-fidelity words?
@thepudgyninja 3 сағат бұрын
On the topic of prestige tv vs old school episodic tv, I've been ranting to everybody who will listen how tired I am of prestige tv with their long serial storylines and where episodes don't have any distinguishing features or arcs. An episode should be able to stand by itself as a story. Yes, callbacks are great, and developing characters and storylines over multiple episodes is great. But if the episode itself doesn't have an identity of its own, you haven't made a television episode. You've made a poorly paced 10 hour movie and chopped it into bits. And that's why Lower Decks is better than Picard (watching these two shows was the origin of my rant).
@LettersAndNumbers300 3 сағат бұрын
For 80s/90s I think Outer Limits is more better
@AndrewBlucher 3 сағат бұрын
My favourite episode of the original series was To Serve Man. I would watch replays when I was 13 or 14 in the late 60s at night when no-one else was home.
@crowboggs 3 сағат бұрын
On the off chance you have not read this Twilight Zone-like short story: *An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge* by Ambrose Bierce...my favorite episode of the TZ is "The Eye of the Beholder".
@timonsku 3 сағат бұрын
If you want to try something from Germany I can really recommend Walter Moers. Really imaginative and unconventional fantasy.
@xx99Username99xx 3 сағат бұрын
The Yellow Wallpaper is one I've been meaning to read. Have you messed with the Culture series at all? If the idea of bespoke Hells interests you, the Culture novel Surface Detail might be up your alley.
@timonsku 3 сағат бұрын
2:20 gives me Sense 8 flashbacks, so good but ripped out of its prime
@carlosvergara4132 3 сағат бұрын
The Orville - a sci fi show that's a lot like TNG but for more modern audiences, with more humor thrown into it, and it's episodic! :D
@stevescott1454 3 сағат бұрын
You might like: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata or Ms Ice Sandwich by Mieko Kawakami