Spider-Man Has Changed
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I Rage Quit the Halo Show
2 ай бұрын
Madame Web Will Make You Ugly
Halo's Season 2 Fixed Everything!
A Long Overdue Halo Rant
3 ай бұрын
Why Does Ahsoka Exist?
4 ай бұрын
The MCU Thor Problem - Full Series
Modern Thor Is Apathy Incarnate
The Marvels Is a Perfect Movie
Ahsoka Is Flawless and Magical
Tales of the Jedi Was Wild
9 ай бұрын
The MCU Villain Problem - Full Series
The MCU Villain Problem - (Finale)
Spy Kids Is a Perfect Movie
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The MCU Villain Problem - (Part 4)
The MCU Villain Problem - (Part 3)
I've Been EFAPed
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The MCU Villain Problem (Part 2)
The MCU Villain Problem (Part 1)
Velma Season 1 Speedrun
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Quantamania Runs Wild!
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Ant-Man Was Always Doomed to Fail
Comparing Bad Humor to Good Humor
Terrible People Being Terrible
@khoai_ryan 3 сағат бұрын
"Somehow, the hulk is a nerd now"
@danninmatthews5640 16 сағат бұрын
The show reeks of reincarnated Kenneth Johnson.
@DiddntFindANameLol 20 сағат бұрын
The mandarin was a god awful attempt to diverge from the comics, but the original character is absolutely racist. Everything about the character is a stereotype. Maybe they've changed him since the old days, but I wouldn't have wanted that Mandarin on the screen either. Would have been better to just drop him
@emerald_sustrai2002 23 сағат бұрын
Definitely not earth 616 to me it always well be earth 199999
@conradaster3764 Күн бұрын
I had to eat my words on this one yall
@Will-nn3pb Күн бұрын
The comedy is so forced and cringe.
Oh boy I sure am glad you were wring about Loki, although it can be much better.
@Willowy13 Күн бұрын
The Mandarin was a dude playing a dude playing another dude.😂 Fitting.😂 Do not speak of Modok. Ever. I want to forget the Quantumania thing. I liked Malekith BUT what he wanted to do was an Avenger level threat.. There was no motivation to why he wanted a Dark world. Eccleston said there was a scene explaining his reasons. He lost his family because Odin didn't arrive in time to save them.
@cvbn.j2176 2 күн бұрын
44:08: I enjoyed watching this movie for the first time in theater but I literally felt my smile and joy just fade there at that moment.
@LONEWOLF-rq5tl 2 күн бұрын
I like the villain that they had at there that went in up to the best place of all and i too was like ah yeah that villain is great,the only changed thing i would've made at them n that would be the 1 where he did that with this in that 1 specific scene with cannons but crazy awesome cannons.
@andrewberna4045 2 күн бұрын
You can’t please everyone. Val Kilmer and a lot of others gave up on Batman films because they focused more on the villains. Go outside nerds.
@sebastianflores1925 2 күн бұрын
I think that Willem Defoe is so good at the truly believable emotional acting that obscuring his face at all would be a mistake. It might make the goblin look cooler, but the character is so hard to play convincingly and he does it so well just with his actual expressions and delivery
@ThenameisKyle67 2 күн бұрын
The Black Order were nerfed SO HARD that the baddest b$&@h of them all, Supergiant, was entirely omitted. Absolutely insane!
@CartoonSociety-in9ci 2 күн бұрын
Baron Strucker. He got hit in the face by Cap and was doing that moaning on the floor joke that Whedon loves so much, then is killed off-screen. What a waste. The Deviants being mindless monsters with no personality. Kingo going from a samurai-type warrior to a pampered, self-centered Bollywood actor who shoots lasers out of his finger guns. The Black Order being nerfed. Besides Ebony Maw, none of the other members had any of their unique abilities. I also didn't like that they turned the Eye of Agamotto into an Infinity Stone. I'd prefer it was its own thing like in the comics.
@OneOfTheBoys23 2 күн бұрын
I could imagine it. I could see Phase 3 having all the avengers with their armies against the masters of evil led by Baron Zemo and they’re own armies aswell. I could also see it having the EMH theme song in the background instead of the MCU avengers theme. With cap screaming the lines of “AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!” Man, now that would of been awesome!
@cozyburrito686 2 күн бұрын
OG Xmen wa amazing and grew up with it...this is a breath of fresh air...love the XMen and they deserve this!
@cozyburrito686 2 күн бұрын
Just refreshing....so well done!
@pascalsimioli6777 2 күн бұрын
How can you honestly insult every villain in the MCU and then say that The Children of Thanos were fleshed out and gave memorable performance? Are you talking about evil Hulk, P(S2)roxima Midnight or Korvus Skewer?
@sandradaniels8055 2 күн бұрын
The MCU is bad.
@pascalsimioli6777 2 күн бұрын
I disagree with the idea of Strange just willy nilly helping Peter to fix the villains. He's the protector of reality, he shouldn't even helped Peter in the first place. Peter should've gone to Wanda instead and she would easily do it (she's corrupted by the DarkHold) and strange could've shown up to stop them, interrupting Wanda mid casting maybe. You would have a typical mom-dad-son triangle where Wanda wants to help Peter cause she knows what it means to lose everything, you'd have Peter learn his lesson and strange remains both a good character and a substite for Iron Man in all aspects. As a result you could have this be the intro to multiverse of madness in which then strange asks Wanda for help cause she messed up and opened tears in reality and at the end you find out she's evil now or she becomes evil at the end Idk. It was fixable.
@OneOfTheBoys23 2 күн бұрын
Calling the MCU the 616 universe. Wtf is the comics universe then?! SHIT AIN'T THE SAME!
@OneOfTheBoys23 2 күн бұрын
I wish Richards and Stark worked together Also Wanda not being Magnetos daughter feels weird
@OneOfTheBoys23 2 күн бұрын
Moon Knight. They skipped his mercenary past, no Frenchie or Marlene, and no Bushmaster who could have been an awesome villain. Instead, they started with the 2010 version and flubbed the whole thing. Just my opinion.
@CartoonSociety-in9ci 2 күн бұрын
I am so bummed we never got a proper "Demon in the bottle" adaptation. It's probably one of the quintessential Iron Man stories. I feel like they even had a good opportunity to do a MCU version of it. Instead of the kind of disappointing Iron Man 3 that we got, I would have loved to see a film with RDJ portraying a raging alcoholic Stark. In the comics, Starks drinking was so bad he became homeless, he lost his company, his friends, his Avenger status. It took years for him to earn back their trust. The redemption of Tony Stark would have made some many story beats in the final few movies resonate much more IMO. For what its worth, I really enjoyed what the MCU Iron Man ultimately became. I just long for what could have been.
@CartoonSociety-in9ci 2 күн бұрын
Just a general butchery of Thor's classic supporting cast. The Warriors Three fodderized by Hela. Sif is just gone. We never got Balder at all. The only one's they really did right were Heimdall and Odin.
@CartoonSociety-in9ci 2 күн бұрын
Almost every choice made for iron man 3. Inb4 "wah didn't get racist stereotype". Shang-chi showed us we could do a 3-dimensional, not racist mandarin, without needing to whitewash the character and doing a shitty twist while wasting AIM.
@AdrianAnimations360 2 күн бұрын
Never let this man cook ever again!!!!!!
@asir9129 3 күн бұрын
In Thor Ragnarok asgardians were literally scared puppies, like no more than normal humans, never shown anything special about them
@lenaalt2387 3 күн бұрын
I think having unlimited resources would lead to a lot of people being out of jobs. They don't need money for utility and resources anymore, sure, but there's still rent and other things. Maybe it would lead to more people pursuing less conventional careers like in art or entertainment?
@fearlessleader889 3 күн бұрын
In the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the nation of Wakanda had many similar narrative beats as the movies without the flaws in worldbuilding. Most of it has to do with the fact that the Black Panther's Story had little to nothing to do with racial discrimination, slavery, or righting past wrongs. It was about the fact that overly strict adherence to traditions can be harmful. And it's still an extremely high tech hidden African Nation that shockingly still resembles tribal Africa. In the cartoon, T'Challa was begging T'Chaka not to accept Man-Ape's (M'Baku's) request for Trial by Combat, because it was a dumb tradition, that did not prove the new ruler would rule well, and T'Challa knew that Man-Ape was planning to cheat. T'Chaka didn't listen, and was promptly killed for it, leaving Man-Ape as the new King of Wakanda, and T'Challa fled to the United States to get help from the Avengers (the Fantastic Four in the Comics) in order to take back the throne from Man-Ape. Despite being a very high-tech Nation due to the access of tons of Vibranium, Wakandans still use spears instead of firearms. Narrative themes are probably more important to the worldbuilding of Wakanda than anywhere else in the Marvel Universe, to the point that if they try to change the message of it, that Wakanda seems to have poor worldbuilding because of it.
@zms330 3 күн бұрын
Good video ruined by weird conservative talking points
@pabungus 3 күн бұрын
Maybe he could pull a Jay Exci, where he redeems himself and then joins the EFAP crew.
@user-dl5ln3wd6f 3 күн бұрын
1:14 😂😂😂🤣🤣
@Goobergurl 4 күн бұрын
I feel like this video just gives me the impression that you held on far too hard to the original depictions of Spidey from your childhood, and now that it's different you are throwing what I can only describe as an adult's version of a temper tantrum. I get it. I'm a nerd too, and I prefer my super heroes a specific way too, but I'm not so closed-minded to think that Spider-Man can only be like 616 Peter Parker and anyone who isn't shouldn't exist. I love Peter's story, but what you're implying is that you want EVERY VERSION of Spider-Man to be a generic clone of Peter Parker. That's quite ironic considering you were complaining about this exact same thing in your video. I'd say you have a massive hate-boner for the MCU since I've only seen 4 videos from you, and they're all just non-stop hating on MCU's depictions of its characters. Honestly I'd like your channel more if you showed some more positivity instead of this hate-filled drivel
@Goobergurl 4 күн бұрын
I think multiverses are cool, and kinda necessary given how many comics there are from both DC and Marvel. Saying that Across the Spiderverse made Peter seem less special and more like a drone who's fate was predetermined just sounds like to me that you weren't paying attention during the movie. The whole movie is about Miles not believing that his fate is predetermined, and we don't actually know for sure that Miguel's "Canon event" rule is even real or not. This entire video just screams of a disgruntled hipster that doesn't really enjoy the amount of Miles Morales content we're getting, and you just seem to prefer "the good old days"
@Goobergurl 4 күн бұрын
I really like Peter and Miles's sort of brotherly relationship. I don't think that every Spider-Man has to be like 616 Peter Parker, and just because he's taking a break doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. I mean did we all forget about Spider-Man 2 the movie? I do however agree that Miles is kinda being over-saturated. Don't get me wrong I love Miles Morales, but the amount of other Spider-Men is kinda becoming overwhelming and excessive
@Goobergurl 4 күн бұрын
Is it me, or does Kevin Fiege need to be replaced as head of the MCU? Even tho I liked MCU Thor I still think there is SO MUCH untapped potential in Thor and any character from Asgard. The one character that I think actually got screwed over by the MCU it's Hulk. Dear God did they massacre Hulk. I've been a huge fan of Hulk since I was a little kid. Seeing him get bastardized like he did just depressed me
@Goobergurl 4 күн бұрын
I don't get the hate for MCU Loki. I definitely think he should've and could've been improved, but I actually really appreciate his dynamic with Thor
@Goobergurl 4 күн бұрын
I'm perfectly fine with Shocker being a joke villain, because in the Ultimate comics he's an absolute joke of a super criminal. I actually really liked all the adaptations of Spider-Man's villains. I just REALLY hope they don't mess up Venom when he inevitably shows up
@user-dl5ln3wd6f 3 күн бұрын
I doubt Venom will show up in the MCU.
@phillipbishop7719 4 күн бұрын
Kevin Feige, is the one to blame he made him a pussy Hulk, hasn't been good since Edward Norton, played Bruce Banner.
@Gacie123 4 күн бұрын
MCU will not make the Mandarin Asian because China will not show the movie and they could also black balled. 😊😊
@nealandkriz5078 4 күн бұрын
When scenes from T2 where shown during the Ultron segment, they really stood out in contrast to the dull digital CGI mess of the MCU.
@edwardreed67 4 күн бұрын
Mauler: how dare people not know my standards before they make their videos!
@ammaralrai9955 5 күн бұрын
I am so happy that you are able to watch something that you actually like
@Bryachyslav-cs7oo 5 күн бұрын
this brown latino actor jusy meh....should stay in mexico working janitor.
@pillowtalkings595 5 күн бұрын
obadiah was pretty cool when he wasn't in the suit himself. I wish they kept him as a new merchant of death, pushing the greed of man like they did with Justin Hammer, he could have done business with Hydra or had a business man/evil corporation mind set with the discovery of Wakanda. just as a standard heavy hitter greedy businessman in the MCU world who would have low morals
@user-dl5ln3wd6f 5 күн бұрын
Or maybe give the Iron Monger a blue design instead of grey and a better climax.
@lisahaber2104 5 күн бұрын
Wait a minute, wasn`t it refealed in Shang Shi that the real Mandarin is someone else and is indeed powerful? Did you not see that one or
@paullowman9131 5 күн бұрын
It comes down to writing. When it's in the hands of incompetents, the villains come off as one dimensional and pathetic and it's the villains that reflect the greatness of the hero. Without good antagonists, there is no real story. As for most of the writers in Hollywood these days, I wouldn't give you fifty bucks for the lot of them; they're too wound up in their idiotic agendas. Thing is, is that these assholes actually went to college to learn their craft. A first grader with a crayon could do better; it's just so bad. I just hope that these cretins don't try their hand at Doctor Doom anytime soon.
@salarzx62090 6 күн бұрын
No it isn't
@phoenixfire7157 6 күн бұрын
All right I get it the mcu is a huuuuge disappointment to you. Wha wha. Instead of focusing on failures that big companies like marvel and by extension disney will never fix (because they NEVER LISTEN TO THE FANS), instead focus on what is good about them. Think positively about what the mcu did right. No one can be perfect, and unfortunately a lot of animated and comic book characters will be nerfed in live films to save on budget or because of lazy writing or because the producer didn't do enough research on the villain. I choose to focus on what the mcu did right, not wrong, because I promise you that once you start looking for what is wrong, you'll never stop. Think positively. Be happy.