Rich People, How Did You Win In Life?
What's Your Worst Experience With A Karen?
When Did You Eagerly "Burn The Bridge"?
People Who Gets Disowned, What's Your Story?
What's Something You Wish You Knew Sooner?
@emilsecker7881 4 сағат бұрын
Story 3, that sound like so much extra work. Just buy ordinary chocolate milk
@annasstorybox7906 4 сағат бұрын
The thing is, a lot of species of birds rob other birds nests. Some do even plunder nests of their own species. Chickens will absolutely annihilate an egg that gets tossed in their coop. They want to clear up the potential smell that might attract predatory animals. So they rather eat a smashed egg than risking a fox or something being attracted by egg smell.
@Ryu_R. 12 сағат бұрын
Clickbait title?
@goodbyeseeyalater 13 сағат бұрын
8th grade. There was this has been teacher that was teaching Library class. I was chewing some gum. I wasn't smacking or blowing bubbles with the gum. I don't recall what she said to me. But she did use the word "stupid". Something like "I hope you dont think I'm stupid" or words to that effect. Once in the classroom, I spat the gum out. The has been got in my face, running her mouth. Fast forward. I'm apart of my school's group that includes former classmates from the previous decades. Someone made a post, asking about that has been teacher. I found out she stepped on a lot of toes of the students. The former students bashed her. I got payback, justice or closure when I told my story. I put in my post "Don't be mad at me because you went from yesterday's somebody to today's nobody". I typed that because I remember being in class and she said something to the effect like "do your siblings remember me?". After the confrontation I had with her, who would? I caught Hell for using "foul language" in my comment. That post was deleted. Nice legacy for that has been to leave behind. If she acted like she did at my old jungle of a high school, it would've been a different ending for her.
@robertgraybeard3750 17 сағат бұрын
Story 2 Penmanship and cursivce writing - if you are only concerned with comtemporary communication, only knowing keybording or two-thumbing away on a smart phone is adequate. But . . .what if you have to research something from decades or centuries back? QWERTY arrangement was panted in 1868, just a littel more than 150 yuears ago.
@VacuumMaster 18 сағат бұрын
karens are bitchs
@TiffanyHallmark 19 сағат бұрын
Oh boy, another video where the title and the description are for two different subject matters from the actual video. Do you do this on purpose?
@goodbyeseeyalater 20 сағат бұрын
Kindergarten. My teacher at that time was a real "hero"(Not really. Just plain old uptight trash). I'm on the floor by her desk. We were supposed to sit on the floor on a rug. A kid walking to her desk stepped on my hand. I said to the kid "Ah. Watch it!". The "hero" said to me "YOU watch it". Um Hello! I got hurt,I reacted and still got a raw deal out of it. That same teacher drove me over the edge one day. I cant remember what lead up to it. But I told her "Shut up!". She said to me "Did you just tell me to shut up?". I was almost crying because I was mad. I screamed "Yes!". The class said "Ooh". I got in trouble no doubt about it. To this day, I don't know what led to that. Looking back, Im glad I did it. The Kindergarten teacher I had was the type of person to have a job just for the check. She wasnt a stand up person given my sour experiences with her.
@marches45 Күн бұрын
Story 2 12:55
@vernerulmet2290 Күн бұрын
I’m disowned by mom’s side because I claim my biological father and use his last name and refuse to use my first name (maternal grandfather’s first name). My dad had a good paying union job owned some property and built my mom her dream home and treated her and us kids well. They hated him for her marrying him and living 2 hours away from them and hate me in part because I was born a year after they met and nine months after marriage and I look like him. Plus I went to and graduated from both high school and college which grandpa wasn’t smart enough to do. He couldn’t even spell his own name
@goodbyeseeyalater Күн бұрын
Early 2000's,I was riding my bike around at my school playground. Totally innocent. I wasn't being a menace. Some little kid saw me and ran to the mother. Screaming. The mother came to me and said "Excuse me. Can you not ride your bike around here? You're scaring the kids". I said "Ok". Some time went on and I honestly forgot being asked not the ride my bike at the playground. The kid saw me again and ran away screaming while smiling. The mother just looked at me. The playground was huge. On the other side of the school was another playground. The playground on the other side was slightly packed. I honestly forgot being asked not to ride my bike in a huge playground. I wasn't even riding menacingly. I was just a innocent kid riding his bike. Edit:Looking back now,I think me ignoring that woman's request was my way of saying "You dont own the park,lady."
@evilkittyofdoom195 Күн бұрын
Karen's gotta Karen ...
@dariusandrews5148 Күн бұрын
Great video and first 🎉🎉🎉
@hudsonvanevery6987 2 күн бұрын
This actually happened a lil it ago last year in fact I’m was on the news but at my school and site it these two kids found some puppies but what they did to them was absolutely criminal they tortured those puppies filmed it and posted it on social media(I believe there was about 5-6 puppies) only one survived if I remember but once it was posted the news got wind of it and this same two kids sent a threat to shoot up my school thankfully they never did because they got arrested before they could but it was still pretty tense that day
@kayc1591 2 күн бұрын
Hiii Mr. Facts!! I hope all is well with you, best wishes💚🩷
@gabeangel8104 2 күн бұрын
Ok the candle one though - please, if you're going to stick anything up your butt, make sure it has a base larger than the bit that's going inside you because your butt will try to 'suck inside' anything you put up there. That's why there are so many stories of people ending up in hospitals having to get various objects removed!
@laughingjustice 2 күн бұрын
18:35 190 METERS?! Who was that DI, Godzilla?!
@Fayanora 2 күн бұрын
Technically not all of South America is east of Florida, but most of it is. There's a small bit of Ecuador and Peru that are at the same latitude as Florida.
@Fayanora 2 күн бұрын
19:00 Yup, the carboniferous era. It's also the era we got all our coal and oil from.Yes, petroleum is not dinosaurs, it's ancient trees.
@Fayanora 2 күн бұрын
It's not aliens. It's never aliens.
@Fayanora 2 күн бұрын
Years ago I read a hypothesis positing that the fact schizophrenia hallucinations varied by culture meant that schizophrenics might be people who started out with no internal monologue and then developed an internal monologue later, and were unable or even incapable of recognizing that those voices were coming from their own mind -- that those voices were their own thoughts. I don't know if it ever got proven or not, but it's a fascinating possibility.
@lisadonaldson5463 2 күн бұрын
My favorite reader. Glad to hear you. 😊
@bekkakay8573 2 күн бұрын
@vinnie7301 3 күн бұрын
Wow, I'm early! What is y'all's favourite food?
@bekkakay8573 2 күн бұрын
Mmm, burnt ends!
@Sknotty 3 сағат бұрын
@novabrilliant4510 Сағат бұрын
Tacos 🌮
@aceospades6570 3 күн бұрын
Story 19: if she didn't care if he died as long as there was no mess from the medics, why did she call 911 (or whatever it is where they lived) in the first place?
@aceospades6570 3 күн бұрын
When I was a kid, I was forbidden from using the word "fart" - instead, my parents made me say "toot". I guess they felt the former word was too inappropriate. I can't stand the latter word now. Just too immature
@zachcrawford5 3 күн бұрын
I know you were joking, but for real nutmeg is hallucinogenic if you consume too much and from what I saw when my friend tried it, it's not a great time.
@Eric_Olsen 3 күн бұрын
Story one 1:34 of the various species you’ll find most were elected to congress and 1:41 of those varieties in congress 50% are considered pests,
@GamerGirlieNatasha 3 күн бұрын
People that squirt have had it tested before and it does indeed contain urine.
@jenniferhart559 3 күн бұрын
10:30 Guy literally died of embarrassment
@tabithashipley9605 3 күн бұрын
Most embarrassing thing I did that people found out had to be when I peed my pants in the middle of a new restaurant at night when I was 13 as I was signing up for sinking karaoke. We had to leave and I was so embarrassed. No one laughed, but everyone was staring at me. I was sobbing loudly, and I think everyone felt bad. I never got to finish my dinner. 😭
@jenniferhart559 3 күн бұрын
I don't think the cat was an accident. If the kid had ONLY bumped the dryer door shut on his way out, sure, that's an accident...but then he deliberately turned the dryer on... 😿
@ninmarbob 4 күн бұрын
@brandonferretti9907 4 күн бұрын
As of a couple months ago i belive (March through June 2024. Can't remember exactly) they are now making new purple hearts
@DarkRose0523 4 күн бұрын
I have one. I was hosting a role play server in a game. Now, I’ll admit my character bios are rather lengthy ( 1-2 pages ), but I spend a lot of time and effort on them. This one person joins and I say my bio. To my shock, this person goes off on a rant for maybe 10 minutes about how no one gives a (beep) about detail, stop wasting peoples time, etc. I was fuming and told them to leave if they didn’t like how I did my bios, but they didn’t so I resorted to kicking as they were saying some not so nice stuff. Later on, they had the audacity to return to my server to yell at me again😅
@NotSoSara4764 4 күн бұрын
I know this is completely unrelated but anyone know what games on screen? Looks kinda cool
@plattepuss66 4 күн бұрын
I'm eating and laughing so hard at the eyebrow one!😂
@jaredkennedy6576 4 күн бұрын
In reference to the hand/dong thing- How about lips you kiss?
@recycledapathy7411 4 күн бұрын
So when I was in USAF basic training, we had something every night at 8 pm called evening briefing, where our training instructor came in and went over the stuff we'd learned that day and open up the floor for questions about protocol and other topics. Another girl in my flight and I made it our goal to crack this guy up with a dumb question, and one day, the opportunity arose. That day, I was on guard duty for the barracks and our commander came in and I called the floor to attention. One girl was in the bathroom. That night, at evening briefing, I related this to our TI and asked, "So, when the floor is called to attention and you're on the crapper, do you sit at attention with one hand on the roll and one hand on your knee?" He kind of blinked and then lost it. Fell out of his chair laughing. It took him a full five minutes to get back to being a hardass TI, and I still count it as one of my highest achievements.
@theplotdragon 5 күн бұрын
I love listening to these videos while at work. Great narrator and fresh stories with every episode.
@cosmonation1840 5 күн бұрын
What game are you playing here- on what system?
@bekkakay8573 5 күн бұрын
@bekkakay8573 5 күн бұрын
Great job on the pronunciations! I was so impressed, and glad that you did the research instead of committing verbal murder.😂
@genericvillager 5 күн бұрын
Damn story 18 called me out
@itsdorianrae 5 күн бұрын
i don't know anyone who's vagueposted since ninth grade on AOL. anyone who does it after 14 years old probably didn't grow up much after that
@ApostateAbdul 5 күн бұрын
Background game?
@Mia-dt3gl 5 күн бұрын
Left 4 Dead 2.
@TheRuneTail 6 күн бұрын
Many of these Ops made the worse choices possible Mom gets used and robbed then the sister she kicked out AT 15 YEARS OLD takes her in and upu say "that was nice" no the term you meant to say was incompetent. Those two had years of experience of mom treating them so bad and just let her get away with it
@savannahdohn6002 6 күн бұрын
@jakecole9872 6 күн бұрын
@amirilan4435 6 күн бұрын
Sort of the opposite story: I dated this girl on and off for about 6 months. We were at my place and had a massive fight. She wanted to leave so i ordered her a taxi. She blocked me on facebook and whatsapp the same day. Half a year after, she calls me at 1 am, I answer because i already erased her contact. "Why did you not run after me?" "Excuse me?! You blocked me on every platform" " I didn't block your number, you could've called" Good lord 😅