Doom 64 Ep.6: As Was Fortold
12 сағат бұрын
007 Goldeneye Ep.7: Train Gang
19 сағат бұрын
Doom 64 Ep.5: Inescapable Hell
21 сағат бұрын
007 Goldeneye Ep.6: No Tanks
007 Goldeneye Ep.5: Breaking Out
Doom 64 Ep.4: Mayker My Day Again
007 Goldeneye Ep.4: SFSFSF
14 күн бұрын
LSDW: Iggy's Reckin' Balls
21 күн бұрын
Waking Up With Weo: Drinking Games
Doom 64 Ep.3: Back Down Under
21 күн бұрын
007 Goldeneye Ep.3: Dat Missable DAT
Doom 64 Ep.2: The Non-Death Pit
21 күн бұрын
007 Goldeneye Ep.2: K-N-O-C-K-E-R-S
007 Goldeneye Ep.1: Bad Gas
Dark Souls II Ep.26: Drag On
Dark Souls II Ep.24: Solid
Vlog #238: Back in Black
Ай бұрын
@spiralmountain5 10 сағат бұрын
Holy shit Weo, I missed a stream Noooooooo. I’ll be at the next one. Hope it was fun dude! I must’ve been on another planet. Edit: I MISSED THE DK ARCADE EPISODE WTF. IM SO UPSET. IM WATCHING THIS SHIT NOW
@_nui_ Күн бұрын
1. I love how the fail state was blowing everything up, which is basically what you do to beat the level. 2. You were totally trying to impress her 😂
@_nui_ 2 күн бұрын
(2 months late) Audio sounds fine haha
@_nui_ 2 күн бұрын
Man, watching this playthrough makes me want to play through this all over again; this game is soooo gooooood
@_nui_ 4 күн бұрын
Damn that enemy coming in clutch 😄
@audreysamuelson 7 күн бұрын
Hell Knights throw green goop at you, Barons throw red goop at you.
@himethisisme 8 күн бұрын
You're supposed to shoot Xenia at the end, like line her up with Ourumov and take them both out before the shutters close. She goes "Alec, I'm hit!" and it gives Natalya an extra 10 seconds to get out. (How you're supposed to know that, I have no fucking clue.)
@_nui_ 9 күн бұрын
@WavelengthCJS 9 күн бұрын
That's two party fouls in 5 minutes. One more and I'm calling you a taxi.
@himethisisme 9 күн бұрын
Man I missed out on this game growing up. When I saw it at Blockbuster the cover made it look too "grown-up" and complex for me so I didn't pick it up. Ironically I had a PC demo disk that had shareware Doom on it and I loved that. Just couldn't get past the cover art being vague and demon-ish. It's dumb, but when you're a kid, that's how it be.
@himethisisme 12 күн бұрын
Weird you can't use the regular exit to leave the archives, you have to use the windows, lol. I guess they wanted to recreate the exact scene in the movie. Actually in the movie he doesn't actually rescue Natalya in the archives - they're both captured in the same room, Ourumov does some yapping and shoots Mishkin, and Bond escapes himself and has to chase her + Ourumov in the tank. But in the game they just tell you to escort Natalya, and you obviously complete the mission, so it just seems like Bond's an incompetent doofus who keeps getting captured and losing track of Natalya whenever the screen fades out.
@Hayes607 9 күн бұрын
Bro that's facts. The movie version makes a lot more sense because in the game it feels like Bond just loses Natalya so randomly. She can get annoying in Bunker and Archives when she runs off and just hides.
@Hayes607 12 күн бұрын
That rusty bucket comment was funny and relatable. Street and Rusty Bucket Bay from Banjo-Kazooie are my least favorite areas of the games.
@audreysamuelson 14 күн бұрын
33:42 He looks like Robbie Coltrane because he was played by Robbie Coltrane in the movie. So, yeah, now you can add KGB Hagrid to your Professor Moneypenny Snape. I never got past Bunker as a kid. Between the seemingly endless bombardment of guards and Natalya's love of leisurely strolling into stray bullets, it was just too much for me.
@himethisisme 14 күн бұрын
Bunker 2, Jungle, Control, and Aztec are IMO the most difficult levels. Especially on 00 Agent. Mainly it's down to the sheer number of enemies. On the actual console you can see the framerate drop to single digits if you get in a really bad spot. Couple hints: * The AI can't shoot you through windows (they can shoot you through glass that extends to the floor, but not windows specifically). They have to path around the window to get a shot at you. So, at a door with a window on it, you can basically farm free kills as they run up to the door to open it. * Actually, guards' bullets do get body-blocked by other guards! They just can't damage each other. In Archives, when you're waiting for Mishkin to open the safe, use him for cover - guards' bullets will be blocked by him but they cannot kill him. Super handy. Also this is a silly thing but there's a whole scene in that cell in Bunker 2 where Bond pretends to be sick. It's funny in a stupid way.
@_nui_ 16 күн бұрын
Loved this game! Bit late to the party, but enjoying the playthrough!
@Hayes607 18 күн бұрын
Hey Weo, a little advice for the next mission. Don't let Natalya out of her cell until all the guys are dead and the objectives are complete. Having her out and trying to fight is the hardest, most annoying thing. I've beaten Goldeneye 00 Agent twice, and that one mission (also statue) is really hard. But great videos so far, loving the content. You got this!
@WavelengthCJS 19 күн бұрын
Gonna be honest. Because of the audio issues, this is one of the funniest shit I've seen recently hahaha
@himethisisme 19 күн бұрын
Curious to know what your audio setup is like that you couldn't level the audio after the fact. Usually if you're recording from two devices (mic and game) it goes into two separate tracks which you can dial up/down independently.
@audreysamuelson 19 күн бұрын
20:29 "Almighty God and FSFSFS the audience is!" -Weoneo, July 5th, 2024.
@audreysamuelson 20 күн бұрын
Clear your calendar, boys, because the KZfaq video of the year just dropped.
@audreysamuelson 20 күн бұрын
10:57 Happy Independence Day, everyone!
@Weoneo 20 күн бұрын
This wins my favorite comment of the year.
@WavelengthCJS 20 күн бұрын
Best 4th of July video ever. Now let's put this meme back in the toy chest, chuck the toy chest into the Pacific, and never speak of this game ever again XD
@himethisisme 23 күн бұрын
Man it's easy to take for granted how annoying these objectives were. As a kid playing for the first time, the Statue level (on Agent) took me like 3 days because NOWHERE are you told where Trevelyan is gonna show up.
@WavelengthCJS 23 күн бұрын
Goldeneye Academy for Gifted Speedrunners located in Scottsdale, Arizona
@WavelengthCJS 26 күн бұрын
First, I would like to say it has been a blast having you back on the 'Tubes again. I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate every single video you upload. Second, I am super down to help you with wacky and crazy ideas for some drinking rules.
@spiralmountain5 27 күн бұрын
Extremely hyped for the future of the Drink Games stream. Although I haven’t been able to make it all the past ones, I’m hyped for the future. I’m down for most (if not all) the potential ideas and would love to workshop if you needed assistance. That being said, I am also very excited for the DK64 drinking game. I hope it falls on my day off one of these times so I can drink along. I’ll 100% drink along if I have the day off!
@Buy_YT_Views_897 27 күн бұрын
I paused my music for this, and I don't regret it.
@spiralmountain5 28 күн бұрын
“This looks important” *shoots important-looking thing* *it explodes, failing the objective* Weoneo: 😮
@spiralmountain5 28 күн бұрын
“I only get 30 shots?” Uh yea, Weo. Tank Shells ain’t cheap. $4000 (roughly) per round x 30 is $120k. Be grateful 😂
@WavelengthCJS 28 күн бұрын
I LOL'd so freaking hard when you gave Moneypenny a Professor Snape voice cause I was like, "I don't think he remembers who Moneypenny is." Is was too freakin beautiful XD
@Hayes607 28 күн бұрын
Some advice with Silo, the scientist will drop the keycards you need, just don't forget those green circuit boards because having to go back for them can be annoying especially on 00 Agent. You got this!
@Hayes607 28 күн бұрын
Lets Go part 2. Let's see what you got Weo.
@WavelengthCJS Ай бұрын
I don't know why but I really love the "DOORK" lighting and the eerie ambient music. Gives it a more horror feel. Also...if your totally authentic copy of Doom 64 keeps giving you recording trouble there is a good port on steam. I think it has extra stuff in it as well.
@WavelengthCJS Ай бұрын
"For England, James?" Just fyi. To unlock Aztec you have to beat every stage on secret agent or higher, and beat every stage on 00 agent to unlock Egyptian. Good luck.
@Weoneo Ай бұрын
Looks like we're redoing the first 3!
@ThePropelas Ай бұрын
@Hayes607 Ай бұрын
Oh shoot you playing Goldeneye now! That's gonna be fun watching this classic of a game.
@spiralmountain5 Ай бұрын
Hope stream was good today. I was sleeping for work today, so I showed up at stream, wrote a hello message then passed tf out. I was half-asleep lurking tho, hope it was a good one!
@spiralmountain5 Ай бұрын
Hey Weo, the GIGACHAD run is complete! So glad you finished this game! Excellent work! I can't wait for DS3, and although it is my least known of the series, I will still wish you luck (at the very least) along the way. I would also very much love a Dark Souls Drinking Game after the N64 Summer, but we will get to that eventually! Gotta finish up Yooka-Laylee and watch the current series! See you on the next one!
@ThePanuccio Ай бұрын
When you do the DLC there was an extra Boss fight we all forgot in the comments, from the base game. I'll remember in the fall.
@spiralmountain5 Ай бұрын
Weo, you legend! For even attempting the Ancient Dragon fight, I commend you! I absolutely despise that fight! It's one i always dread in my replays. Good luck with future attempts! You got this!
@ThePanuccio Ай бұрын
It's not really worth it to fight the dragon, he drops a giant's soul and dragon bone. He wont drop his actual ancient dragon soul because lore wise he is an illusion, not the real Dragon. Dragons are extinct and only wyverns remain by this point in the Dark souls timeline. that's why going to his corpse in the spider's den is important, good luck man.
@ThePanuccio Ай бұрын
Both Vendric and the Ancient Dragon are hardest hitting enemies in game, a famous From Software trope of the secret Bosses doing more damage than the Actual Final Boss. The trick to dodge the fire is run towards it's tail as soon as he goes into the air.
@ThePanuccio Ай бұрын
You can call me Robert.😊
@WavelengthCJS Ай бұрын
I swear to Ra! If you get to 33 dranks on the same level in ANY game, imma bust a lung!
@spiralmountain5 Ай бұрын
Hey Weo! The “moneybags ahead” you mentioned I believe is referring to the Giant Lord Farming strat. If you use a bonfire ascetic on the one right in front of the tree, the Giant Lord respawns. He gives an absurd about if souls and can be boosted with gear and such. Very popular and easy farming method.
@ThePropelas Ай бұрын
hello hello i recoment you why you try when you record your games video doit at twitch or youtube live ???
@ThePanuccio Ай бұрын
You need to use the giant souls to kill King Vendric and then go to the room past where you fought the guard couple to trigger the final boss fight in the game, but I recommend delving into the DLC too.
@ThePanuccio Ай бұрын
When i said use the soul of giants to kill Vendric, i mean that now you can do damage to him with the soul in your possession.