@CountGOGO 29 күн бұрын
This is actually so sick
@trouvereyork 2 ай бұрын
@wallrunn3r 2 ай бұрын
Holy crap. That was awesome! o7 CMDR!
@King-wy1yd 3 ай бұрын
promo sm 🙃
@APolishedTurd 3 ай бұрын
MM has a lot of problems in its current state that need to be addressed before it gets close to PU. One of the Devs even addressed it on live stream and says it needs more work. A lot of things they didn’t consider with it. Lots of different archetype of ships are now basically completely useless. EMPs will no longer be usable because you can’t get them in range when you engage combat mode since both players speeds are so similar to each other. Most fights stay around the same engagement distance. Scatterguns are also pretty harshly affected And stealth ships are now useless in their designed roles as they’ve been pigeonholed into the role of fighters. You’ll basically only have a good time with master modes if you fly a single seat fighter focused on guns and use repeaters. Every other type of ship will be negatively impacted outside of big gun ships which are also fun. But master modes will likely have big changes from its current iteration unless they are planning on changing A LOTTTT alongside it just to make it functional in the bigger picture and what they will have to change to make the current iteration functional is a lot more than just changing the system again.
@wstavis3135 3 ай бұрын
Nicely done. 07
@NoBrainSilent 4 ай бұрын
Eh bah dis donc con, c'est beau
@therealtjpek 4 ай бұрын
Attends de voir la vidéo complète 🤪
@artofwhore 7 ай бұрын
Skill issue For anyone willing to put in the work, you can easily climb that skill ladder with just some effort. Half the reason the PVP is so good in this game is that's not based on any rare equipment pickups or powerups to help you get an edge. Every component is attainable, so it's 100% a skill gap if you get smoked, be it 1v1 or a better team coordination. I'm not even a great PVPer and you can see in some of the vids on my channel that there are fights that go upwards of 800km/h and still there's the ability to move, so... skill issue. That said, I wouldn't mind having a lower max speed for SCM if that's their desire and keep a relatively similar flight model, say 450-550 unboosted. That's my dumb two cents at least.
@spacemonkey037 7 ай бұрын
20g? Dude can take a push
@therealtjpek 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've been hoping that they reduce the G we pull in this game, it's absolutely insane. Sure it makes for fun gameplay, but seeing the pilot take 20G like a champ feels so stupid lmao
@unloyal4847 7 ай бұрын
What I don't get is why nav kills shields like what? for pvp sure I guess its annoying that they're harder to kill when they're running away but thats generally how a fleeing opponent should be, harder to kill as they're focusing on escaping and not fighting. On normal play why shouldn't I have shields? If I'm traveling from point a to b on a somewhat fast moving object I sure as hell would want shields as hitting a space pebble could kill me lmao. CiG doesn't need to kill shields entirely, just have it maybe the same but slower regen when in nav mode and not kill it entirely, its stupid.
@faintanomaly 8 ай бұрын
Hey man, It's a real shame youtube didn't show this to more people, can see you put effort into it, a similar thing happened to me on my MSR video that I posted round about the same time as you. Hope youtube gives your channel some love
@BSPotter 8 ай бұрын
"master modes" is pure game balance and zero realism. "best damn space 'Sim' ever"? can't use that phrase now.
@victormendes956 8 ай бұрын
Is this the star citizen engine?
@therealtjpek 8 ай бұрын
It's the currently playable game! This particular version is only available to some people as it's a testing environment for the new star system, but they're aiming to release it within the next 12 months :)
@TheAngriestGamer. 8 ай бұрын
me being a game designer laughing at how terrible of an idea master mods is, and the irony is it will not work the way they want it to, or how you people think it will. it is not a good idea in its current iteration, their are dozens of things critically wrong with it. does combat need to be slowed down? yes, but this is NOT the way.
@therealtjpek 8 ай бұрын
By all means, use your game designer knowledge to enlighten us on other solutions they could implement and why master modes won't be good instead of trash talking their solution!
@TheAngriestGamer. 8 ай бұрын
@@therealtjpek well for fucking starters the current flight model is fine, ideal in-fact. Note i said "flight model." NOT its current state, their is a MASSIVE difference. Its in DIRE need of HEAVY TUNING, and alot of it. What we dont need is mastermodes aka yet another total fuckin rework, were on what? the 4th flight model now soon to be 5th. Fighters should not be pulling more than 10Gs in any direction other than with their MAIN engines. Thrusters should be limited to no more than 1/4 of the main drives when moving in WASD. Master modes current allows the gladius to literally do 30G in any direction while boosting or 20 without. thats insane. it doesnt matter how slow you have to SCM speed if it can casually change directions with WASD at 20G and hit max SCM speed in any direction in 1 second or less players and gunners still wont beable to track the target. Last time i checked this game was trying to be a realistic space game, and didnt have inertial dampeners.. anything over 10G is deadly. Heck prolonged exposure to even 7G is deadly. with 20+ youre dead instantly, not to mention how toxic it is for gameplay. The next thing i would do while tuning everything is refactor each ships speed and agility profiles and start narrowing the gaps between each class. a light fighter should not have 2x the agility of a heavy fighter. No amount of skill will makeup for the difference in RAW numbers/advantage that the light fighter has there. id lower it to 25% better than a medium and 50% better than a heavy, not 100% better like it is now. Id also tweak ships flight profiles to fit how their physical design is layed out. For example the vanguard and saber have MASSIVE retro thrusters so they should accelerate and decelerate very quickly. While things like the gladus, muria and some alien fighters would be insanely agile. The arrow would have very heavy straight line acceleration, but would need to flip and retro burn if it wanted to slow down quickly because it only has the 1 massive rear engine. Losing your shields to travel might seem like a good idea, but ONLY if this was PURELY a pvp game/arena commander vacuum. but its not. its an openworld sandbox, only 1/3 of the total ships in the game are combat related. So this master mode shield loss thing combined with the Quantam drive going on the 1st shot of a distortion weapon COMPLETELY fucks over that other 2/3 aka 66% of the ships in the game. It also makes Interdicters pointless, why bring one if you can just equip a single distortion gun on your fighter and trap anything you attack 1000% of the time, cuz the 1st thing you disable is the QD. Some ships like cargo ships and miners cant fight, cant turn, and ONLY had their shields to rely on (and they werent even very good to begin with) as they tried to run away. and now they dont even have that option. Their is very little good in MM, the only thing i like is the Quantum travel changes where you can just "dash" in any direction without a destination, and the removal of N -1 on guns, and the gimbal/rof changes, and ammo changes. Other then that i hate everything else and would personally address the speed and maneuvering issues via drastically different means.
@therealtjpek 8 ай бұрын
@@TheAngriestGamer. You assume a lot of things in your complaints. Some of them incorrectly. Distortion damage taking out the QD in one shot for example. That's not what had been said. Distortion damage will take out the QD first, before any other components, sure, but that doesn't mean it's a one shot. The bigger the component, the bigger the distortion resistance. It's more than likely that small ships like the Gladius will have a lot of trouble taking out the QD of a C2 for example. There's also armor to take into account, what we've been shown at citizencon proved that a Gladius can't damage a hammerhead anymore, at least on their current build. It's more than likely that the hammerhead won't be the only ship that can resist light fighter fire. As for the acceleration, we already know that the end goal of master modes is different from what we currently have in AC. For example, we can boost in nav mode atm which is something they're going to take away. The Gladius also is the only ship with master modes for now, and they're still tweaking that a lot (we can see in the citizencon presentation that strafes are going to receive further nerfs to what we can currently test for example). So basically all your critique is based on two things: 1) assumptions that they won't further tweak the acceleration values 2) light fighters being able to one shot freight QDs and then solo destroy them
@TheAngriestGamer. 8 ай бұрын
@@therealtjpek of course, CIG will redo master modes at some point rather than tune it. They will scrap it and totally rework the whole system to try something else.. yet AGAIN like they did the last 5 times. but how many years will we be stuck with that shit before that happens? i could just as easily say YOU assume CIG will actually get shit done for once in a timely manner. As for 1 shoting the QD, even if its a repeater and fires 1 cycle of cap into. thats still basically 1 shoting it. mining/non combat ships have little to no armor, so did you seriously just compare them to a hammerhead which is a front line military vessel with heavy armor designed to be in the thick of it? Looks like im not the only one making assumptions. but the biggest conspiracy theory here is that CIG knows what they are doing when we have 11 years and counting of data to prove otherwise.. Assuming S42 is actually feature complete like they claim and is in polish, were a good 5 years away from a potential release at their pace. Remember back in 2019 when the Weapon and component refactor was suppose to be temporary? 5 years later we still don't have ANY changes. We are 11 years into the game and we still don't have armor which is such a basic feature and should have been there DAY 1. Its like having a FPS without the ability to walk or shoot the guns, only look around, jump and melee.
@-artemis- 8 ай бұрын
Distortions in Arena Commander against an opponent who can't actually equip distortions themselves? Arrow vs Blade round 2 you can see those shields had zero chance of coming back online during the fight. Decent flying but scummy matchup.
@therealtjpek 8 ай бұрын
I don't exactly choose who I'm faced with lol, I was trying out different load outs and distortion ended up working great in this fight, especially in atmosphere. Distortion guns are part of the game, using them isn't scummy, it's an option that you have at your disposal.
@skarim6923 8 ай бұрын
TF2 reference?
@TheProtector737 8 ай бұрын
Merci beaucoup!!
@spacemonkey037 8 ай бұрын
oooo fancy
@VictorECaplon 8 ай бұрын
The only thing about master mode that I am not thrilled about is the shields dropping when you switch out of it. Reduced, sure, but gone is just bad if you are not looking for a fight.
@funfact6880 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like you shouldn't be hopping around alone or in lawless/dangerous areas.
@zDemoGODz 8 ай бұрын
​@@funfact6880sounds like you compensate your lack of skill in games by zerging with 30 other people.
@funfact6880 8 ай бұрын
@@zDemoGODz Sounds like you don't understand the difference between military and non-military craft and their gameplay loops. Not everyone is soloing in a Gladius kid.
@VictorECaplon 7 ай бұрын
@@funfact6880 how about just hoping around in a ship not even out of a “safe system” like stanton. I mean what is the point of shields on a civilian ship then? Will every genesis starliner need an escort in your world?
@eltreum1 8 ай бұрын
We had speed modes before but were too easy to switch and not commit to fights. The new mode is interesting and does indeed change the skill gap but was poor as-is. They are shooting for the broadest target audience. I would not be surprised if server fps and desync had a role in the decision too given they want to support more player density. The tricord crowd is not happy but that move is technically an exploit of the flight model anyway so the nerf bat was pre-ordained. They will shuffle the numbers many times but a good pilot adapts.
@ChrisM541 8 ай бұрын
Star Citizen : Ship citizen : SCAMMED, citizen
@ToasterSecks2953 8 ай бұрын
get scammed kid
@raymondape 8 ай бұрын
I'd say above average. The average citizen doesn't have such a good grasp on knife fighting. Good content. Thanks.
@cabz0r 8 ай бұрын
The problem with master mode is not to do with dog fighting, but pirating. If you're a pirate trying to shoot at a ship that is travelling faster than master mode speed, they will easily be able to escape, right? Big flaw in the pirating mechanic imo.
@therealtjpek 8 ай бұрын
To be in nav mode you need to have your QD spooled up, and the QD is the first thing that will be shut off by distortion damage for that exact reason!
@gyratingwolpertiger6851 8 ай бұрын
and tno counter measures ect either so there vulnerable to missiles@@therealtjpek
@Nine-Signs 8 ай бұрын
i.e Returns dog fights more to how it worked/felt in Freelancer 20yrs ago, which was perfect. Also the flight model that they spent years altering through different models, now in its base sense strangely mysteriously for unknown reasons bears a striking resemblance to how it all worked in Freelancer 20 years ago, presumably because it was pretty much perfect. Sometimes CIG, you really don't need to spend so much time trying to re-invent the wheel.
@musiclayer5192 8 ай бұрын
I want dead game where pvp is very hard and most people tune out or avoid pvp all together. Keep it like it is, boring and frustrating. "REALISTIC"
@bigapestudios9847 8 ай бұрын
"like actual space fights like we see in the movies" = holywood bs that ignore real physics half the time. i for one am an average at best dogfighter, and im not looking forwrd to having a skill ceiling drop because i an of the generation where you took time and got good, you didnt cmplain it was to hard too master. even the name of it feels condescending to me in they need to activate a power up for players too be able to do somthing. i agree fights should be fun however, which is why personaly i would much have preferred an increased ttk via things like armour beign added finaly, also the removal of the meta settings changes that alot of true dogfighting tryhards use (stopping the head movement and g limiter etc just type dogfighting settings for starcitizen in youtube and see my point) for me the game is fun, always has been but then i dont measure having fun on winning all the time.
@spacemonkey037 8 ай бұрын
wow is your guy trying to off himself?
@therealtjpek 8 ай бұрын
I think he was trying really hard to tear his own head off yeah
@davewills148 8 ай бұрын
Master Modes, a cheap and tacky effort on the part of CIG to create diversity, instead of working on whats important. the attrociously buggy, UI/Star Map/Mobi Glass. these 3 components ruin gameplay immersion, and there is no guarentee they are any better with the new breed being introduced. How could they possibly be any better, CIG have this far failed over the years to remedy and fix the terrible trio '' UI/Star Map/Mobi Glass''. CIG keep creating defective and disfunctional builds...Lame. We don't need a band aid for an open wound, fix the feckin current mess CIG, without introducing more broken things. Uncanny but true
@funfact6880 8 ай бұрын
This reads like an AI generated comment.
@davewills148 8 ай бұрын
@@funfact6880 Actually i need to retract that, been trying MM and they are very intuative and practical. Although all 3 current versions of the verse are a mess, and that includes live. Pyro's fun. AI out.
@karsonkammerzell6955 9 ай бұрын
Honestly the thing that excites me more about Master Modes has nothing to do with slower combat speeds and more to do with the possibility of moving at or near QT speeds freely so I can just GET somewhere without having to find the closest marker and slow boat my ass there, lol.
@TheProtector737 9 ай бұрын
Je savais pas que tu jouais à SC!
@spacemonkey037 9 ай бұрын
This is an absolute outrage! But... I don't know why.
@spatialmonkeys 9 ай бұрын
The only people complaining about the current flight model are people who don't dog fight at all. If you put in the time to get better you will realise how much better the current flight model is for dog fighting. Lowering the skill cap makes thing way less rewarding.
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
The current flight model would be better if we didn't have 22G acceleration that make pip wiggling a thing. It'd also be better if the game was focused on combat and people played it only for combat. But it isn't. The game encompasses many different gameplays, and is punishing death quite harshly for most of them. Having such a difference between average and good players, not to mention having between light fighters and the rest, is driving players away more than it is attracting them. Most players don't want to spend their days in AC and only fly an Arrow, Gladius or Talon or risk being killed by something that you can't touch which puts you back 20 minutes in your play session. Master Modes are going to greatly improve on these issues.
@StoneCoolds 9 ай бұрын
Everyone is complaining about the current flight model, even A1 made a video about how he couldn't wait for MM a few months ago The only ones crying about MM are the self call top 1% whichs lives depend on having an easy way to run away for shields No SC doesn't have a high skill cap, want high skill? Play DCS in the top 1% server: DDCS hard-core , keep coping thinking your skill cap is high lol MM while "unrealistic" are necessary for the arcade game style of SC, or so you want to have fights at 70.000km distances? Staring at a screen looking for radar blobs, Radio wave signals and infra red signatures, then calculating current orbital mechanics and firing a laser beam that will vaporize you in an instant? Yeah thats what I thought Now go cry to the forums cuz you cant run away anymore (which its also a lie, since you can run away, just not as further, not as easy and not for that long)
@spatialmonkeys 9 ай бұрын
@@StoneCoolds That was pretty aggressive! Avengerone is an awsome dude! and I do respect his opinion about the matter but I m just saying from a competitive esports prespective you kill the game. I play DCS xD, and sim racing! and a couple of other competitive games. You are entitled to your opinion and I do respect it but let me be frank with you! Lowering skill caps on any competitive game kills it! You might think tricording and pip wiggling isnt a skill but I assure it is! And if people are getting away then you arent controlling your speed right! These are all skills that add an extra dimension to combat. I get my ass handed to me everyday in ac and I don't mind it becasue im getting better and managing to understand and get better at these arcade skills is super rewarding. I do apologies for my appalling writing skills xD! Get Gouddaaaa!
@spatialmonkeys 9 ай бұрын
I also wanted to say! SC is definitely high skill cap and one of the main reason I was hooked. When it come to mechanical skills. Maybe not brain use but ya!
@StoneCoolds 9 ай бұрын
@@spatialmonkeys nah, its just muscle memory, no multitasking no consequences, ez to get out of troubles, even SAMs are inconsequential, aiming a huey rockets its harder than anything SC has to offer, slinging a sam system is harder lol, engineering will make combat a lot deeper and more strstegical, and thats nice, cant wait for that Btw cudos to Tempest server, i went hard on them, they are the second best server there, they applied a lot of DDCS ideas plus puting very nice original mechanics like Recon Flights, its just that PVP-PVE cant beat full PVP dynamic resource focused campaing like DCS, PVE units are fine, but cant compete with a convoy of 50 tanks made by players with resources, move and control by players in complete emission silence , using map advantages, etc But Tempest, you nail it! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@Lt_Rik 9 ай бұрын
Dogfights in Star Citizen (and other ip's like Star Wars, BSG, etc.) are inherently unrealistic in the 1st place and going super fast is actually even more unrealistic because of the crazy g-forces. If anyone argues for realism, than fights should be fought only with big ships hundreds or even thousands of miles away from each other. (I would prefer that, but that's not Star Citizen and never will be) They need to keep dogfights fun and engaging for the majority, so for now I think Master Mode is not a bad approach, we will see how it turns out though.
@bigapestudios9847 8 ай бұрын
super unrealistic due too crazy gforces...........yet game has g-lock if you over push on said g forces when manouvering....... and why is small fighter to fighter high speed engagements unrealistic? how slow do you think a f22 raptor flys at currently in dogfights? now apply the vacume f space and endless aceleration potentiol due to no air resistance and well. your saying the game isnt realistic while trying to justify making it less realistic by locking players abilities to push it to the limit like modern day fighter pilots do allready?
@TheInfidel_SlavaUA 8 ай бұрын
@@bigapestudios9847 sure brah... you will move in space at the SNAIL SPEEDS of an atmospheric flight model .... you cant even compare that,.. unless you have the mcguffin of "inertia dampeners" and "artificial gravity" you will be MUSH on the screen of your cockpit flying above 5000 mph trying to make a sharp turn.
@bigapestudios9847 8 ай бұрын
@@TheInfidel_SlavaUA you know you do black out in game if trying to turn to fast right....heck id even be fine with them adding a health drain at a set g force level. but it should still be on the pilot to decide not game devs cucking someones abilities because you lot reee out that you dont want to put the time and effort into getting good like they did. forcing an in atmosphere style flight model for when in the void of space is not only emersion breaking its boring as now whats the difference between in and out of atmo combat?
@TheNefariousFox 8 ай бұрын
Guess how fast a propeller driven WWII fighter goes in m/s... I'll give you a hint... They almost nerfed combat speed to that. 200m/s vs 225m/s MM current speed is slower than a passenger airplane. About 25% slower. And it is also less than half the speed of a modern air combat fighters effective combat speed. 420m/s --- If they don't fix it, the game will suck. Since the flying experience in MM currently sucks ballz. You hit the limit in less than 2 seconds, and the boost is beyond stupid. Increasing your limit by more than double that and then slamming you back down when you turn it off. --- What they NEED to do is lower acceleration rates (A TON), raise the SCM limit to the boost maximum, and leave that as the overall maximum, then use boost to increase acceleration rates when you use it. So that there is not a "space brake" function where you drop to less than half the boost speed when you let go of it, as if the universe just said, naw Fk you, you're slow now. Current boost max is 550m/s. And that is just above the modern combat speed of a jet fighter. If they tune the acceleration rates so that they are logarithmic, then you would see less and less increase in speed as you go faster, until it feels like the limit of your engines just can't squeeze much more out. Instead of slamming you face first into a limit in less than two seconds over and over and over again. Boost would simply make this process seem just a little faster, even though at the top end it would still feel like it diminished to no acceleration. (Think of the difference between 425 and 430 as taking more than 5+ seconds, and then it getting far worse as you increase to the actual limit. Thereby making it seem as though there is no limit for most flight...) Properly tuned they could set an effective speed based on combat not being a linear path, and thereby make it feel like it is natural. If tuned well, the dev's can decide what the effective speed should be, and that would be the average of all combat speeds if totaled. If it should be 225, the acceleration curve can make it the norm.
@Lt_Rik 8 ай бұрын
@@TheNefariousFox That's all very nice, but dogfighting in space is still never gonna be a thing in real life. It's not just about speed or straight forward acceleration. There is no air resistance in space, so the limit will always be the pilot and never the fighter. Which is why an ai piloted fighter would easily win against a human one every time. Because of the air resistance in atmosphere the limit of what a plane can do and what the pilot can withstand are much closer than what it would be in space. Check out Kyle Hill's recent video on the topic, he explained it much better, than I can do here. I personally don't know what the best solution for Star Citizen is but the current one is definitely not very fun. Maybe Master Modes improves it, maybe not. I'm much more interested in big ship battles than dogfighting anyways, so that's my bigger concern.
@ImHavingaCoronary 9 ай бұрын
Oh you think its ok to break realism for the sake of fun? Oh OK, agreed. But what are you thoughts on having to go to the bathroom and shower in a video game, and dieing of dehydration in 90 minutes?
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
Food and Drink management bring a level of preparation to the game (like bringing ammo for you gun and medkits), even for those who aren't going to be doing combat. I think it's fine as the speed at which they decrease is not very high, you can usually go by with just 2 bottles while playing for several hours. Bathroom and shower, I don't know, because I don't know how often we'll have to use them and how important they'llr eally be. I'll wait and see for those. And yeah, I think it's ok to break realism for the sake of fun in a video game where realism went out the window a long time ago. Especially if it makes it more accessible and brings in more players.
@ImHavingaCoronary 9 ай бұрын
Because Chris Roberts makes moronic decisions.
@fuzzybuzzer 9 ай бұрын
1)There is no "actual space dog fighting" in the movies, at least that I'm aware of. It's all make believe. 2) If it makes it fun it's better - Vehemently disagree. You don't get to hop into a game/sim with hundreds of possible keybinds and complain that it's too hard or complicated... That's why we're here. That's the point. There are around 490,000 uniformed personnel in the air force and 13,300 of them are pilots. Flying is difficult. It takes time, education and practice. 3) git gud
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
1) Movies are, by definition, make-believe. But what we see in most moves as "space dogfighting" (look at Star Wars, BSG, etc.) is always relatively similar: slow-ish fighters flying very similarly to WWII fighters. It's also always been what Chris Roberts envisioned, and what Master Modes are clearly taking us towards. 2) I'd agree if it were a hardcore space sim focused solely on space combat, but it's not. It's a game that is played by a lot of casual players, and that isn't aimed to be a space combat thing exclusively. Making dogfighting extremely hard like it currently is in the PU doesn't draw in more players, it drives most away. We're playing a video game here, not spending ou days training to be just good enough to survive a dogfight -especiall when it takes close to 20 minutes to get from your bed to space. 3) I'm not trying to, I'm good enough to survive and escape most combat scenarios I've enountered in the PU but far from being on the level of the guys who spend a lot of time in Are Commander. See the two above points as to why.
@fuzzybuzzer 9 ай бұрын
@@therealtjpek then accept mediocrity as a pilot and have fun doing all the other things you mentioned. Yes WWII dogfighting in space.... Have you ever played IL2? Fixed aerial gunnery is one of the most challenging skills one can learn. You're making my point for me. SC dogfighting is not hard, you're just not good at it. And that's ok. What's not okay is lowering the bar just because some can't handle it. Are speeds too high? Yes they are. Is that mostly a skill issue? Yes it is. I skipped the 3.18/3.19 disaster and I feel like a BOB again. But I'm not complaining about it or that I don't have much time right now to practice. I just do what I can.
@gfyabc 9 ай бұрын
@@therealtjpek Those of us who have been around since the early days remember that Star Citizen _was_ originally couched as a physics-based, 6DOF space sim. Master modes are a gut punch to that notion, plain and simple. If I wanted arcade-y, I'd play Everspace.
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
@@gfyabc if you've been around since the early days you'll remember that master modes were the original vision of the game, with SCM being what you move around at, CRU (now called nav) making you go super fast in a straight line, and PRE limiting you to 15m/s for landing Master Modes also don't remove 6DOF, they limit your top speeds and encourage forward momentum when using boost. You still can (and should) use your up/down and side strafes, with the backstrafe being the weaker option but still here...
@funfact6880 8 ай бұрын
@@gfyabcIf you think SC is by any degree skillful outside of figuring out the current game has no regard to any form of physics whatsoever outside of a pseudo momentum system, you have no idea what MM is actually trying to solve.
@Karackal 9 ай бұрын
Personally I don't care about the combat. I just hope that some day the speed limit in NAV mode will be raised enough so that I can put a spacecraft in an orbit around a planet. For Microtech that should be around 3000m/s, so about double the current limit. If server fps grow from the current average 5 to the targeted 30, we should be fine. I'd really love to have a mission to intercept a small orbital station on a real trajectory to perform repairs, download surveillance data, or rescue a stranded NPC. Or sure, if you want to, also forcibly evict some bad guys. Oh and they could just copy the orbital parameters MFD screen from Flight of Nova to help a bit with the navigation.
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
That would be very cool, but I don't think it is what they're aiming for with Star Citizen sadly. The game is already going to be hge as it is, and it's an incredibly high amount of work, I don't see them doing actual orbital mechanics for our spaceships anytime soon if ever :/
@exponent42 9 ай бұрын
Did you manage to get a glimpse of the new mobiglass/visor mission manager at citizencon? Would love to see it in the context of the other changes posted on their YT video
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
I did, and it's looking very promising! The ability to have an actual minimap everywhere we go + being able to place custom markers and save them / share them / sell them is going to be huge for those of us who like to explore and find cool things. The new UI is looking miles better than what we currently have, it truly feels like a sequel to what we're playing in the PU imo
@etogreen 9 ай бұрын
So what do you think of master modes after trying it in AC? I've been spending a lot of time in it myself, preferring it over the previous flight model, however I can see where a lot of players are saying it lacks the same depth that the previous flight model had.
@therealtjpek 9 ай бұрын
I like a lot what I tried in AC. I'm hoping that I'll be able to try it out in dogfights too, but for just general flying it really feels good. Knowing how much more polished it is in CIG's internal build shown at citizencon, I'm really hopeful. What he saw had awesome head movement animations coupled to it, really selling how powerful ships are and the high acceleration the pilot endures. It's much more believable and enjoyable than the current flight experience imo, and it'll make space combat much more interesting from a visual and player engagement standpoint.
@etogreen 9 ай бұрын
@@therealtjpek There's often others in online free flight to dogfight, just challenge someone to a duel by dropping a flare as you pass by them.
@horashio1593 Жыл бұрын
@horashio1593 Жыл бұрын
💀💀Only DCS can make that much of a cock up then make fun of their users😭
@richardhockey8442 Жыл бұрын
I guess this is what you get when you grant an AI any sort of access to the real world: a fondness for tacos (may or may not contain humans)
@chulian1819 Жыл бұрын
bot is going full skynet once F-15E drops
@aquajay Жыл бұрын
When DCS World: TACO
@Eagle01ph Жыл бұрын
gib Taco!
@HockeyEDITZ553 Жыл бұрын