Will the ROG ALLY X replace my Steam Deck?
I'm slowly drowning in my own artworks
We got our first ever LARP gear!
21 сағат бұрын
Married 10 Years!!
21 күн бұрын
Let's scare Gareth!
21 күн бұрын
Something smells familiar...
I experienced TRUE Taiwan!
I'm in Taiwan?!
Ай бұрын
The Next Big Thing...
2 ай бұрын
Singing in a fresh empty room
It's "giving stuff away" day!
I LOVE these Video Ideas!!
2 ай бұрын
I figured out what you want!
facing the criticism
2 ай бұрын
This word cured my depression...
I'm trying to quit...
3 ай бұрын
Happy painting 🙂
3 ай бұрын
admitting I'm struggling
3 ай бұрын
Woops! I made a new game!!
4 ай бұрын
@AlyMayhem Сағат бұрын
I have been so interested in others journeys with late diagnosis. I was so stuck on the hyper activity as a physical thing and sterotype, that I never once in my life even had the though to look into ADHD. I always figured something was just a bit off with my brain, I was maybe a bit slow, and I had other issues like OCD and depression. I happened to just watch a video that talked about ADHD about two years ago. And WOW did everything just MAKE SENSE. I am not formally diagnosed but I just turned 35 and my symptoms have never been more obvious or even difficult to manage as they have since I became a mother 3 years ago. I still don't know how to juggle everything and I am thinking about getting a formal diagnosis. But it has given me clarity on why I always felt different and why I do or react certain ways. It's oddly freeing to just have an answer. Thanks for sharing Jazza! I love that you thrived with it and are just embrassing the chaos of it. The creativity and dedication that come with it can be a beautiful thing if used properply.
@LHSlash 2 сағат бұрын
You have changed so much since the time of drawing with Jazza. I wonder if some event triggered ADHD symptoms to flare up, or was just alcohol
@salamanderavem3782 3 сағат бұрын
…..yeah that is very much not a surprise If your an artist You have a 90% chance of adhd Lol Many hugs When i was diagnosed with adhd i was scared I slowly realized its not bad. It it can be ..difficult on a higher level But its always good to think of it as good than bad
@AdamDuffArt 4 сағат бұрын
Well well well - how about that! :)
@jacksondutton4291 6 сағат бұрын
Jazza I could have told you this and pretty sure I have told you this in a TTT Roleplay after party :D Make sure you don't do a Dave and forget to take your meds! Welcome to mental clarity my friend.
@americoamorim 8 сағат бұрын
Most beginners believe that investing in crypto and stock is all about holding till it rises, with the recent activities in the market and recession. We should know the long term price predictions are very difficult to achieve.. It's better to trade short term and make profit.
@ObertoJoyce 8 сағат бұрын
Hello how do you make such monthly ?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 🤦 of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God 🙏..
@americoamorim 8 сағат бұрын
Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested Mrs Mary Elizabeth Webb ..👍
@americoamorim 8 сағат бұрын
After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.🙏
@MicheleKozip 8 сағат бұрын
HOW !! I know it's possible , I would appreciate if you show me how to go about it .
@americoamorim 8 сағат бұрын
It was a very awesome transformation , No greater joy than seeing my progress in an initial decision ..
@bludaizee24 8 сағат бұрын
I would just disappear. I had one report card that said "We would like to grade Blu. But we're not sure what she looks like." Lol I'm so glad you're getting the answers you need to help you in life. I really love that you view it as your superpower! You are such an inspiration to me, and I'm sure others! You're such a lovable person. Having a diagnosis doesn't change that one bit. Much love from Northern Alberta Canada! 🇨🇦 ❤
@JsmashTech 8 сағат бұрын
Couldnt you just use OBS with linux? there's a installer for it. Not knocking anything I agree with you as its now the best Windows handheld even better than the GPD win4 which I have and I personally like the Ally/X much more for me.
@rikki2326 9 сағат бұрын
Yeah I definitely keep coming back to your content because it’s inspiring to see a successful artist that creates the way I do.
@Wanted11194 11 сағат бұрын
It´s good to hear, that it´s even possible to get a late diagnose. I can relate to ADHD-people a lot. But every time I spoke up to people who are not diagnosed with it themselves they go: no you don´t have ADHD, you are not hyperactive because you can sit still and have a good graduation. (Because they don´t know, what my brain does meanwhile). Many of my friends are ADHDer and they go: yes, it seems like you got it, too. I went to a clinik because of my depression in january/february this year, and I brought it up to the therapist. She said "I don´t think you have it, and I don´t think it´s important for you to know, just focus on getting out of the depression", so I lost all my courage to speak about it to therapists since then. 😑 I love the content you make, Jazza. You live sort of my dream life, exept that I could not employ people, or run a buisness by myself 😅 so you have all my respect for this! Thank you for being awsome! And thank you for sharing this!
@FuzzyImages 12 сағат бұрын
Why does it seem like every one I admire also has ADHD, but while they seem to have cool creative get everything in the world done ADHD I as an artist get bad can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes and forgets everything I was doing immediately ADHD :C
@pencils_and_paintbrushes 12 сағат бұрын
I know you left christ but reading the Bible and praying helps you get through the day😊
@suicune2001 13 сағат бұрын
My first thought when I saw the title, "No shit you have ADHD." LOL
@Universallyappealing 14 сағат бұрын
I have ADHD and coffee puts me to sleep. But I’ve heard coffee is an unofficial treatment for ADHD.
@Sandra.p. 14 сағат бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADD and Autism at 28. It gave me alot of answers and made alot of things from my childhood especially, make so much more sense, but other then that it hasn't really changed alot. I tried medication for the ADD but it didn't work and I had medical complications so had to quit. Your report cards sounds alot like mine did when I was a kid, I was either to quitet or talked to much. And I used to do acting as a kid, I was part of the local youth-theatre group from I was about 9 -14 years old. And my teachers never understood how I could be onstage infront of hundreds of people, singing, dancing and whatnot, but absolutely could not be infront of my class and do a show and tell. Only my 7th grade teacher, the first male head teacher I had, understood. What I'd been trying to explain to techers for years was just obvious to him. I'll never for get his words. I'm still friends with him on facebook and play a mobile game with him every day. Also I have never had a "real job" I worked with assembly and packaging for 2½ years in a place for people with issuess and disabillities. And I tried different places since, but nothing really worked, not as much as it needed for me to be classed as "able to work" so a few months ago I was approved, after years of evealuations and testing, for what is essentially a pension for disabled people. And I have somehow finally found peace.
@shibibi1 15 сағат бұрын
Oh, I thought you were already diagnosed 😅 I'm late diagnosed autistic (diagnosed at 30) and highly suspect I'm adhd as well. Going to wait till things in life have settled down and see if that changes any of the "symptoms", but my brothers diagnosed and looking back... I do think I have primarily inattentive type and that as life got more difficult the deficits have become increasingly prominent as my energy goes towards simply surviving instead of enjoying the few benefits adhd can bring. My anxiety and extreme need for control have largely countered some adhd symptoms (time blindness, propensity for substance abuse, interrupting,) and the autism masks and counters others. Then of course there's to dulling effect of depression, and having gone undiagnosed so long... Depression was inevitable. Since I've just moved in with friends to a house we're collectively paying off to own, and they're also either autistic or adhd or both, my living environment has just got so much healthier. So now I'm somewhere healthy for me instead of homeless and stressed, and I've been acknowledged by the government as being significantly restricted in my ability to work... I'm going to give my body and brain time to recover from the perpetual state of fight or flight I've been in. I was jumping from one nervous breakdown to another since graduating highschool. 2 years ago I had 2 massive nervous breakdowns whilst working in my dream job for the most amazing boss. I would go as far to say my boss was as perfect as a human boss could ever be... So those 2 nervous breakdowns, whilst in an amazing job I loved with a boss supporting me above and beyond, made it undeniably clear I was too disabled at the time to maintain employment and I was in absolute desperate need of serious life change. That's when I was diagnosed with the autism, a month after the diagnosis I was approved for NDIS support, 3 months after that I handed in a tearful resignation, and eventually the government caught up and awarded me disability pension after many assessments with multiple therapists. Since then I've been in and out of homelessness, desperately trying to find somewhere stable. Finally this year, 2 long terms friends and myself were able to go in together to obtain a house. I've been here a month, and I can literally feel my body starting to relax and recover from the constant survival state. I'm exhausted, sleeping A LOT, but still getting more done than I've manage to get done in years. So I'm hopeful this new environment will let me find out for sure if I'm also ADHD, or if those traits were a result of my chaotic life. I don't have to work while I recover. But I'm hoping that as recovery progresses, I'll be able to find a job that meets my needs, or become self employed. For now, I get to focus on the things I love. I have a veggie garden growing and I'm researching various fruit trees we can plant as part of a food garden. I have my pets who I adore training, grooming, exercising and just loving, and then there's the chickens that I carefully breed with specific goals in mind. And of course, my art. I can't do my art yet, as I've not finished unpacking and setting up my art space. But I now have a full room of my own just for my art, as well as the communal art space we're making as a household. Between that, and my friends helping me keep on top of daily chores while also not overworking myself? Things are finally working. My methods and routines look nothing like most peoples. But they work for me when others let me do them. I'm sure this comment is a mess to some people reading it, but it worked for me to get everything from my head out... And that, for me, is what matters. Definitely encourage all neuro diverse folk to find others whose brains works similar or in a complimentary manner to their own. And yes, when I say neuro diverse I am including things like dyslexia, or other conditions that don't necessarily effect your entire life but only aspects. I recently figured out my Mum had dyslexia. She had no idea and thought she was just stupid... So I taught her about what dyslexia was, what the symptoms were and how common it actually is. That the fact she did as well as she did in school, with an undiagnosed and thus unaccomodated learning disability, is a testiment to just how smart and determined she actually is! Now she hasn't yet anyone else with dyslexia... But being told that she's not stupid, that her brain just works differently and that made things harder for her, has increased her self esteem in a noticeable way. That, learning about my autism and seeing the effects it has on me, just learning about neurodiversity in general has already done so much to change how she thinks about people and their quirks in a positive manner. She's genuinely been happier, and she's now giving grace to people in places she never used to. So yeah... When I say neurodivers people, I do mean all of us. We all benefit from finding others with both differing and same conditions. And it's withing these diverse spaces we are most likely to find people who can hold space for out less fun quirks, or appreciate the little things that make us the flavor of diverse we are. All my best and most supportive friends are neurodiverse. Primarily autistic and adhd, but there's PTSD, personality disorders, plurality, OCD and even tourettes there as well. And honestly it's that mix of different experiences that make us the strong group of friends we are. The similarities helped us find eachother and our differences are what's welded us together by making sure we're always aware that each individual is going through their own experiences, and just as worthy of love and support.
@johnmurcott1273 16 сағат бұрын
Im shocked. I could never have imagined such a person could have adhd. My entire perception of jazza has been monumentally shifted.
@keenancharles3886 16 сағат бұрын
No sh*t 😂 We could've saved you that appointment lol
@Haromegaa 16 сағат бұрын
Diagnosed at 20 here! As someone who is prone to expectations from others and trying to put myself in the same box as everyone else, my lack of diagnosis through my education absolutely crushed me. I’ve been working for the past 3 years of my life in various retail and hospitality jobs and they destroy my energy and leave my anxiety completely shot. But I’ve built a business from the ground up, have a following of over 7000 and can spend hours upon hours creating, planning, building. I currently work at a manufacturing place and when I tell you I can spend forever weeding vinyl- it’s therapeutic! Most of the other people there hate it and equally are not good at it.
@cosmicglitter 16 сағат бұрын
Getting to the end of the video now, that phrase "not meeting their full potential" resonates with me so much. At 37, I am finally diagnosed with ADHD and started medication almost a month ago now. My whole life, I have struggled with so many things and never really knew why it was so hard, why I was so tired, or why I just COULDN'T. I was not fortunate enough to grow up with a parent who was any good at guiding me or good at noticing signs, and we moved a lot so there were something like 10 different schools between age 5 and 18, and as an adult I moved from my home country to Europe! So backtracking my history during diagnosis was a steep steep uphill climb. I am so relieved to finally be through that, and on my way to improving. For me, medication is the route I am taking, and even three weeks in the effects have kind of rocked everything I ever thought about myself and how I fit into the world, and I hope it will continue on that trend. The thing I am struggling with now, tying back into "not meeting potential", is looking back on all of the years of my life that feel wasted, now. I know it is important to not focus on it, but I kind of feel like I am grieving all of the time I lost, because I just couldn't make anything work, and I was never able to take those 'adhd bonuses' - because I see them now, and I know they are there - and work them in my favor. I don't know what comes next for me, but just understanding more about why I am the way I am, why the things I struggle with are hard for me, has done a lot to make my outlook for the future a lot more positive than it was. I'm not saying I'm fully optimistic, but I at least feel like I have a chance again, which is a HUGE step up from where I was. Thank you for sharing, its good to see that you've found a way to improve your life and your mind and that finding this out about yourself has been helpful for you. I'm always glad when someone with a platform who I admire is open about mental health, I think it is hugely helpful to normalizing these discussions and to helping other people.
@cosmicglitter 17 сағат бұрын
Just starting the video! I was just diagnosed this summer, too.
@the0black0bullet 18 сағат бұрын
It's really sad self medicating is not more talked about... all the alcohol, coffee and sugar dependency is a really common with adhd and maybe if more ppl knew they could get help easier or know what to do about it better
@thats_pepper 18 сағат бұрын
I got this diagnosis a year ago, with the side info that many creative people live with this disease without knowing it. But I wasn't devastated. On the contrary, I was very relieved. I could now understand myself better. I'm glad that you see it in a positive light for the most part.
@giovannacasadio9600 18 сағат бұрын
Just one thing, get your children checked as well as ADHA is genetic. If you have it, most probably they have it. My daughter has it, and so do I even if I was not tested, but I know I have it. Like you, I have always controlled it with my art.
@maryl1785 18 сағат бұрын
Seriously, who thought you weren't ADHD? First time I saw you, Jazz, I knew that.
@SteinGauslaaStrindhaug 20 сағат бұрын
Congratulations! Not a big surprise; I sort of already assumed you were a fellow ADHD'er 😅
@SteinGauslaaStrindhaug 20 сағат бұрын
I'll have to watch this, later though... I somehow forgot to take my meds this morning and I really can't focus 😂
@bec11mort 20 сағат бұрын
I always try to explain to my students how ADHD can be an amazing ability and you're a perfect example of that Jazza. You harness the positives and have used it to be so successful. Thank you for officially sharing this for all of the kids who feel limited by a diagnosis.
@AndreiPek 21 сағат бұрын
As I grew older, I noticed I had it for loong time, maybe since 5 th grade, I'm 35 now :))) I didn't get diagnosed but I learned about the signs. :))
@Littleeblue2010 21 сағат бұрын
@AnnaWooH 22 сағат бұрын
Welcome!! It's what all us cool Australian kids who are now adults, are doing. There is a very cool and very helpful book that is recently out "the year I met my brain", bonus points for it being by an Australian, younger adult than us.
@ceciliapurkeypile 23 сағат бұрын
"Don't be disheartened", hell ya brother! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and EVERYTHING. I am so happy you finally have the relief of officially KNOWING. You're awesome 💪 I was diagnosed in middleschool, your evals sounded awfully similar to mine.
@isaacixtupe8983 23 сағат бұрын
Welcome to the team Jazza
@emhoj97 Күн бұрын
Hey congrats on your diagnosis :D Welcome home!
@mattdefreitas525 Күн бұрын
Whatever you want at the doctor they will diagonse you with. You probably have asburgers and autisim aswell
@lachouette_et_le_phoque Күн бұрын
Having the diagnosis also probably makes it easier for you when you're interacting with others. I don't have ADHD and a while ago I was dating this really nice guy, but he'd constantly interrupt me, which made me feel like he wasn't really listening or interested in what I had to say. I asked him why he kept doing it and explained why I found it hurtful, and what he said sounded a lot like he did think I was boring and felt the need to say something "more interesting" or change the topic. Lots of guys are not taught how to express their emotions well or introspect on their inner life, otherwise maybe he could have explained what was going in a way that helped me empathise, but I came away just thinking he was being rude. A while after our relationship had ended (mostly for other reasons), he told me that he just got diagnosed and everything suddenly made SO MUCH more sense. If I'd known about it at the time, it would have been a lot easier for me to read up more about what he might have felt like and not take it personally.
@shaytriesdrawing Күн бұрын
There’s nothing wrong with having ADHD, I am just seriously shocked that he didn’t know. I thought his high energy lack of focus made it obvious. 😂
@SpiritualAmethyst Күн бұрын
I’m in Australia too (and most likely am autistic and/or have adhd) and I’m wondering.. would I need to provide school reports necessarily ? Cause my mum passed in 2020 and I actually have no clue whatever happened to any of that stuff 😅 all I got from her, were school photos and her journals etc 🤷‍♀️ I’m essentially on my own lmao
@moodchanger3470 Күн бұрын
i just got diagnosed last year at 32 so I was not surprised to see the title but also welcome to late diagnosed club! its great to finally have an answer and hopefully we can all continue finding better ways to handle the world around us that actually works and are kinder to ourselves now that we know.
@ToWhateverEnd Күн бұрын
Doubt it. Most people with ADHD would not have been able to run a successful KZfaq channel and business, it wouldn’t be possible for 99% of ADHDers.
@ToWhateverEnd Күн бұрын
But hey, enjoy the meth.
@Lukandon Күн бұрын
Y'know, watching this made me think I might have ADHD myself. More than a handful of people in my life have told me I've shown signs of autism. Unfortunately, I can't get diagnosed anytime soon because NHS waiting lists in the UK are 3+ years for it and I don't have anywhere near the money for private. I'm currently an undergrad student at uni and I've been struggling sooo much. If anyone has any insight as t what I should do, please enlighten me. I feel like anything will take many months at least to get diagnosed. If things work out, I might be able to get a part time job after resitting 2 failed modules in the new year. Maybe if I save up enough, I can pay private.
@CaedenV Күн бұрын
Welcome to the club! Clearly you are one of us lol. What it changes are 2 things; 1) Knowing what you are fighting is half the battle. Getting appropriate lifestyle and habits in place, and fully letting go of some social norms that are simply impractical is an amazing boon. 2) If you choose to go down the medication route, you will have the option to. I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD until I was in my mid-30s... and frankly, I could cope without meds for most of that time. Life always seemed hard... but if I worked really hard I could do things. But when I had kids, and got on a more demanding work track to afford supporting a family... my natural coping mechanisms broke down. Tried the non-medicated route for a few months and it did help with facing life knowing what I was struggling with, but in a lot of ways it was too little too late. Getting on meds was life-changing for me. I would prefer not to need them, and when life gets to a stage where life isn't as demanding I may try to get off of them... but for the moment, oh boy! I just can't imagine doing what I do every day without the meds to fill the gap. The capacity to focus on what I want to focus on, instead of being captive to any and everything that came across my path... wow! So liberating! Sleep and food have a bigger effect than the meds, but even when I am doing everything in life 'right' then my best days are worse than a normal day but with the meds to help pull life into focus a bit. And when I have really rough days where I am not eating and sleeping well (like today), then the meds help me get back on track in a day or two instead of 7-10 days to get back on a good rhythm. It really makes such a difference. Also; super curious about alcohol as a coping mechanism for adhd. I enjoy a good strong drink... but my ADHD makes me so extremely depleted that I feel hung over every morning with or without alcohol. Drinking makes the mornings so much worse, that it really dampens any desire to drink. Coffee and soda first thing in the morning has always been a staple of my life, not because I enjoy it... just because the world doesn't make sense until I get some stimulants in the system.
@catherinepollock9005 Күн бұрын
You weren’t already diagnosed? 😂 just from your videos I could tell lol
@ProcrastinationQueen Күн бұрын
Yeah same! I also have autism which is a bit of an annoying combo lol. But I remember how relieved I felt when I got the diagnosis, because I finally had something to tell people when they called me lazy or stupid. I just lose energy insanely quickly, can’t focus on any conversation unless it’s about something I’m interested in and there are certain things my brain just can’t understand or comprehend (numbers and math being one of them. I still can’t read an analog clock at 26 yo, despite my teacher’s and parent’s best efforts 😅) I think I should take a page out of your book though, and actually try and learn something about my diagnosis’ because I have a feeling it would help lol. 12:55 just got to this section, and I’m curious to see how much overlap there is here with me!
@tiffanyfaye1583 Күн бұрын
I also went through a stint of too much alcohol intake, I recognized the problem and told my husband we can't keep alcohol in the house for awhile and that worked fine and now I drink maybe 5 times a year
@LisabettaMedaglia Күн бұрын
I'm 48 years old and I was recently diagnosed with inattentive ADHD this past January. It explains A LOT of how I am and how I learned (or...actually, not learned, mostly daydreamed) when I was in school growing up...how I always seemed to pass my classes, I'll never really know! LOL! There's still a lot of the symptoms I deal with and I wish I knew how to improve on them, while the medication I'm now on is getting me to DO stuff, and WANTING me Get Stuff Done, rather than looking at the pile of work I need to do, feeling too overwhelmed by it, and telling myself "I'll deal with it later", but "later" never comes. At least now, I'm looking at my cluttered art room and I'm starting to tackle getting it cleaned and tidied up, as well as actually wanting to do art again! I don't clean every day, but I still do it more often now than I did before I got onto this medication, so that's at least something.
@Bluefoxx Күн бұрын
i would get your kids tested especially your little girl. its harder to diagnose ADHD in girls and often goes unnoticed because they can mask it well, but for their own ease of mind when they are older i would get them diagnosed.
@SharonMalliband Күн бұрын
You are a legend. Thank you for sharing
@sonidachin Күн бұрын
All adhd reports look basicly the same😂😂 so did mine look like 😂😅. Welcome to the Club🎉🎉❤. I am like multiple and ipulsive creative. After a much to long Time between 15 and 26, i learned that i am able. I am not useless.I can do things. I had a lot of different jobs in that time, and evan if i tried so so hard i wasn't good enugh. When i became pregnant with my first child i had to stay at home from the 3 month on. This was the first time in my life that i had time for myself and it was awesome. I learned knitting and sewing and crocheing, and do you know what,? I was good😊. From that Time on, till now i never stopped my self from beeing impulsive creativ❤(wich wasn't always good, aspecialy because of the money😅😅). Today i gained abilitys wich i never ever thought would be possible. I love all crafts and also woodworking. From needle Felting till polimer clay, from baking motiv cakes to whitling. I could go on with that list fir a while😂😂. That us also a reason why i love your channel because it fits to my impulsivness😅. I am on Board since follower 60000. It was that time when i wanted to learn drawing 😊😊and found you. So please go on an do more random stuff. Btw i also got diagnosed just 3 Jears ago with 38. Big hug and love fom Sonja aus Deutschland 🎉🎉
@teresahedall Күн бұрын
Welcome in the tribe, it's awesome here ☺️ (well, sometimes it's hard, but all superpowers come with a bill to pay). It is as you say - having the official diagnosis makes us be nicer and kinder to ourselves and we desperately need to know that we are good enough the way we are. We've heard/read/thought so many negative things about ourselves through the years.
@chikzdigmohawkz Күн бұрын
On the subject of medication - I just want to remind everyone that if your brain doesn't make enough neurotransmitters, store-bought is more than fine. You're not medicating away your neurodivergence, you're not suppressing it, and medication is not a crutch. It is one tool among many other tools & accommodations that help navigate the world.