@TheBandoury 3 сағат бұрын
Allah in Arabic means God. Arabic Christians call him Allah too. Maybe you could be more specific when you talk about Allah say” Islamic allah”. ? Otherwise you sound like you’re blaspheming against the Christian Allah
@BionAvastar3000 4 сағат бұрын
This was super informative. Love learning stuff like this.
@TheakaStanley 6 сағат бұрын
Didn't David and others in the old testament have many wives and concubines?
@israelperez-sg8er 7 сағат бұрын
What qualifies "Prophet" Muhammad to be a prophet of God? Let us take a peak into his resume. Muhammad was a warrior who plundered, killed men and took their wives, children and other women who lived in their households, he plundered the poor and rich alike, he lusted after and stole his adopted son's wife, at age 54 he married a little girl 6 years of age and consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old, he mercilessly crucified anyone who oppsed him, he cut off peoples' heads or arms or legs, he imposed taxes on those who did not submit to him, and the list goes on and on! Isn't he wonderful, this "Prophet" of God? What do you think? Would you follow such a man"
@obingul 7 сағат бұрын
It's important to remember that everyone has their own opinions and beliefs. It's okay to disagree with others, but it's also important to be respectful and considerate in how we express our thoughts.You cany say joke for muslims holly book.Otherwise they can tell you you believe human written books as booh of god and believe ab ordinary human as god.
@writersblock8493 8 сағат бұрын
CIRA International Is a rescue organization for muslim - wow
@simonhengle8316 9 сағат бұрын
Personally I think Paul Ellis is spot on, like Dr Jay Smith there was no Mecca in the 6th and early 7th Centuries
@bellomuhammad6406 9 сағат бұрын
What is the point video? Can someone please build up the courage to explain?
@bellomuhammad6406 9 сағат бұрын
What is the point video? Can someone please build up the courage to explain?
@bellomuhammad6406 9 сағат бұрын
Just talk nothing more So this video is to tell me Muhammad doesn't exist?
@max-nm6qx 10 сағат бұрын
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@max-nm6qx 10 сағат бұрын
@lifecoachingperla330 11 сағат бұрын
Jesus my king my lord ❤❤❤
@outofthebox7 12 сағат бұрын
Adam, do not describe yourself, they can find your family and I know how.
@Zakirshortpants 13 сағат бұрын
The evidence is overwhelming, thank God all is being exposed and the poor Muslims are leaving in the millions
@estherakuffo6502 13 сағат бұрын
God bless you
@ReubenPastormayaka 13 сағат бұрын
Good morning my friend share with our page
@marcushans4317 14 сағат бұрын
Praise the Lord in Christ Jesus🙏
@user-kz2oy4jk7j 15 сағат бұрын
Surah 28 says that Pharoh told Haman to build a tower that reaches the heaven. These are 3 different biblical stories, why did the Quran put them together?
@Richmindset153 16 сағат бұрын
Imagine being muslim and going to read the quran and relise that its fake💀
@Saint_Eblees 16 сағат бұрын
If you like truth then you are enemy of Islam
@agnesfox8349 17 сағат бұрын
Any legitimacy of Mohammed being a "true" prophet is thrown right out the window on his outlandish lie that Jesus wasn't crucified. A VERY, VERY SERIOUS MATTER. Why? because: 1.) Moe lied against God Himself by stating this. God sends His son into the world for the salvation of mankind, and Moe stated it "didn't happen"? (Are you kidding me?) And thereby also accusing God of deceving the world? 2.) Mohammed, no doubt, denied BILLIONS of his followers over the centuries a true relationship with Christ. Mary, Jesus' mother stood at the very foot of the cross of her son. Are you stating that 1.) Mary, Jesus' mother, was "confused" as to who was on the cross? 2.) Would not any of the following people have immediately told others that this was not Jesus on the cross? (These people were also at the foot of the cross): i. e., John, Mary of Cleophus, Mary Magdalene, not to mention, roman soldiers who had captured and tortured Jesus from the start of His arrest until Jesus was even buried. All events were closely monitored by friends, family, roman officials and authorities, as well as the pharisees who made absolutely sure that Jesus was crucified. John, Jesus' best friend, was told by Jesus at the cross, to take care of Mary, Jesus' mother. There is tradition and documentation of John taking Mary to Ephesus to live with him there after Jesus left this world. Also, Joseph of Arimathea asked the roman authorities there, permission to bury Jesus in his plot. Also there is documented account of Mary, the mother of James and Mary Magdalene bringing spices to anoint the body of Jesus. DO YOU THINK THAT ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WERE "CONFUSED" AS TO WHO DIED ON THE CROSS? On top of all of this, we have men like John, Peter, Paul, and others who walked, talked, and knew Jesus personally who wrote gospels and epistles proclaiming the word of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, who allowed themselves to tortured, imprisoned. exiled, and martyred for Christ. Peter (one of Jesus' closest friends) asked to be crucified upside down because he didn't feel worthy to die in the same manner Christ died. I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT THESE VERY ENLIGHTENED MEN WOULD ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE TORTURED, IMPRISONED, EXILED AND MARTYRED FOR A FAIRY TALE. Why did Moe state this? My opinion for the following reasons: 1) He was a mega narcisstic man who couldn't stand anyone not following him, hence his atrocious edicts to have those that didn't follow him taxed or killed. He probably knew that Jesus would be a threat to him hence this outlandish lie. 2) He was inspired by satan to state this. Jesus is satan's arch enemy. 3) A combination of both. Satan took advantage of Moe's huge ego, and Moe took the bait to lie about Jesus. A lie which, I am sure, Moe regrets for all eternity.
@Detar_Salihu 17 сағат бұрын
I love allah❤
@emandana1286 18 сағат бұрын
😅 The guest and the host are both clowns, and They do not have accurate knowledge of either Arabic or the Quran and its sciences. From all the deception I have heard, I can only agree with two sayings: “What you are looking for is not found in atheism,” and the saying of The messiah, peace be upon him, “If you hate your brother in your heart, then you are a murderer.” The interpretation depends on the language. In the Arabic language, there is a difference between the word aqtuluu “kill” which is an order to take lives, and the word qatiluu “fight” which is a word from the “mufa’ala” words. The mufa’ala words, according to the linguistic meaning, indicate the participation of the action between two parties, one of whom is the one who was attacked, and he is called a fighter [muqatil] when he rises up to resist and defend, and the other is the one who initiates the aggression with the intention of killing. As for the host’s saying, “In Arabic, qatiluu comes from the word qtal, which means kill,” Not accurate, qatilu comes from the root qtal but they don't give the same meaning because I put the root of the word in a new form that has a different meaning, he is either a hypocriteand and deliberately lies, which is more likely, or he is stupid and ignorant, which is also probable . As for David Wood’s claim that the verses call for “fighting Jews and Christians based on their beliefs and religious differences and not because Christians and Jews attack Muslims,” this is a lie and takes the verses out of context and out of the reasons for their revelation and He does not care about accuracy and honesty. These verses were revealed after the Battle of Tabuk, and the main direct reason for this battle was the Romans mobilizing their forces and soldiers from the Levant, led by Caesar Heraclius, to fight the Muslims and eliminate Islam. Anyway, there was no fighting in this battle because the Romans withdrew to the north. So That is, the verse is talking about an enemy on the battlefield, and this is the understanding of the imams of this verse, Imam Al-Shafi’i says: “Fighting is not a way to kill, so it may be permissible to fight a man but not to kill him.” “Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you but do not exceed the limits.1 Allah does not like transgressors.” 2:190 For example this verse came to indicate that the command to Muslims to fight came conditional on the occurrence of aggression against them, and the command came to prohibit aggression because fighting those who do not fight us is transgress. The jizya is not a new thing invented by Islam, but rather, it is an ancient tax dating back to the beginning of ancient civilization. The hadith does not say “you have been commanded or we have been commanded,” but rather it is in the form “I have been commanded,” which indicates that it is a command for the Prophet Muhammad, peac be upon him, in particular, and not for anyone else from his nation. It is a command specific to him, and no one else shares it with him, such as Allah Almighty says “And I am commanded to be the first of those who submit ˹to His Will˺.” 39:12 The word aqatil “I fight” is in the form of “Afa’il” from the verb “Mufa’ala” which indicates a participation in the action between two parties. “I was ordered to fight” does not mean “I was ordered to kill.” The use of “the” in “the people” here refers to some people, whether many or few, and it may refer to only one of them. This falls under one of the sciences of the Qur’an known as “the general that is intended to be specific,” such as the Almighty’s saying: “The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” 9:30 this expression is general and is intended to be specific because not all Jews said that. Imam Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in “Fath Al-Bari” says: The word “the people” is [from the general meaning intended by it the specific, so what is meant by “the people” in his saying “fight the people” are the polytheists. the definite article in “the people” indicates the customary or well-known. It refers to specific and known people, the polytheists of Mecca, and does not refer to all people, but rather to the aggressive people who fought the Messenger, peace be upon him, for 9 years in Medina and invaded him twice. Here, the permissible reason for fighting this specific type of polytheists is explained because they are aggressive combatants, not because they are infidels. So, it was a special order for Muhammad to fight the polytheists of Mecca who were attacking the Muslims. Taking verses and hadiths out of context and the reasons for their revelation, without understanding the the Arabic language, is maliciousness, deceit, shame and a lack of honesty or truthfulness in quotation. The ignorant is the one who transmits without being aware or investigating.🙄🥱
@samanthadass5977 18 сағат бұрын
Amen and amen
@willempasterkamp862 18 сағат бұрын
Bar Timeaus (son of the honored), Zacherias barachai ( son of the Blessed), Abraha (the friend), Abdallah (own to Allah) , Imran (the prosperous) Felix Festus (the lucky feaster), Qutham (the honorable), Mercurius, Helios (the messenger), Benedictus (the eloquent), Teacher of rightiousness dhul Qarnain, Cornelius (twin-father, the horn-bearer), Zebedeus (who dwells with god = planet closest to the Sun), Paul (the up-right), Andrew (the potentate) the elder : Drusus germanicus, Grumpy, Maximillian, Natha-nael = hero son of a hero, son of Alpheus the first Germanicus. His buddy Harun (bashful) = al Raqeem, Qitmeer (seven sleepers = dwarfs of Snowhite). Mariam = Agrippina minor (blessed Lady), Yousef = Claudius divius the tekton. Sleepy and Sneezy is the Twin, Dipsy, the dipper is the Baptizer, Jochanan ben Zakkai. Mohamed = Kamtzai, the wanderer, locust and Pandera, the pander and pimp of the Talmud.
@JagguBhaii 19 сағат бұрын
Spitting some facts - Jews were in doubts about jesus .(Some turn to him others rejected him) Those who turned considered him God. But when Lazarus was dead Jesus asked his father (God) To listen to him like he always listens to prove that God have sent him to spread his words. Christians do say that "father and i are one " but jesus said the same for prophets who came before him like Moses. He also said he is not going to break any law of Moses.Moses Clearly said we cannot have image of God. So even after jesus there was lot to tell to the human beings John 17 :7 “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭7‬ “And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:” ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭8‬ ‭ ““I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭12‬ “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭13‬ ‭ “He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” ‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭14‬ ‭ Muhammad (Pbuh) Is reffered in ur books too and there is no evidence in Bible where he says to worship him.
@musti2140 19 сағат бұрын
A fool of highest note
@muhammadganget4450 19 сағат бұрын
Lol, why dont u guys go read your bible. What does jesus say about false prophets? They will also be able to perform miracles. So is miracles the criteria? I dont think so. But then jesus performed so many miracles yet his own people rejected him. U forget that the jews dont take his as a messiah or PROPHET. So him been god is very very far fetched. So with all the miracles god still got killed. A god that performed miracles got killed by sinners and by his own creation. Jesus also prayed to god to ask that the cup pass him. Did god not answer his prayer or did god the father not inform god the son about the great plan? Jesus performed so many miracles, why couldnt he just forgive. He did forgive the women. Didnt he?
@user-kz2oy4jk7j 20 сағат бұрын
Amazing! Thank you!
@astrolance1 21 сағат бұрын
what a dumbass
@willempasterkamp862 21 сағат бұрын
Mohamed could be the same as Drusus Germanicus (Zacharias barachai), Andrew the elder, the Twin-father aka Imran (amram, hiram, omri, omar), Abraha (hillel, helios, abdallah), he and his son James the lesser (Yacub = shammai = Ismael) build the mosque/church of Petra (according the research of Dan gibson and according quran). Elymas the Egyptian the false hebrew prophet (according Acts). He is the father of Mariam who herself is the spiritual sister (female disciple) of Simon Magus (magnus) = Harun. Saleh (saul) and Hud (peter) are back-dated in quran to the time of Melchi-sadok / Dhul Qarnain = Cornelius (also put back in ancient times) . Al Quraish = Claudians = nazoreans = people of Ad = saints of high places (esteem) ; Huqoq elephant mosaic is depicting this Army of elepants scene , the destroying of the Nicolaitans /claudians. Abraha is the father of Marzuk and Yaqub, Mercurius is the father of gog and magog ; this are the horns, tusks, elks. Elkanites or Lost boys are the sons of ELkanah = AL qavah = Teacher of rightiousness = the Kwisatz haderach = Mohamed = Paul Atreides (the house of Alpheus) . the Padishah (padi = father, shah = cephas, his highness) = church-father ; Simon Petrus. Elias the Blessed, the Rich (heli, mathan) is of Jesus ancestors (geneaologies by matthew and luke) thus he is of the Bene Gesserit (sons of Yasser, Jasher, Jesse) ; the davidic line.
@coinking3533 23 сағат бұрын
@rejuzaman6365 17 сағат бұрын
yeah jesus christ is the only way
@mekremyldrmoglu3922 23 сағат бұрын
Did Satan order these? SUMMARY OF THE QURAN 1-You will not commit shirk, ie ascribing partners or weaknesses to the one and only Creator Allah Almighty. 2-You will not kill 3-You will not steal 4-You will not lie 5-You will not slander 6-You will not gossip 7-You will not commit injustice 8-You will not take or give bribes 9-You will not show favoritism 10-You will not be arrogant 11-You should not take goodness for granted 12-You will not show off 13-You will not hold grudges 14-You shall not oppress the orphan. 15-You will not speak bad words 16-You will not envy 17-You will not betray the trust 18-You will not be stingy or wasteful 19-You shall not bear false witness. 20-You shall not cause corruption in the earth. 21-You shall not cheat in measuring or weighing 22-You shall not kill the unborn child 23-You will not commit adultery 24-You will not drink alcohol 25-You will not gamble 26-You will not perform spells, fortune telling or magic. 27-You will not charge or give interest 28-You will not treat your parents badly. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/aOCCarVql7rWmGQ.htmlsi=Q3FxhXhs5vs01Mj2
@moustafaeltabbakh8961 23 сағат бұрын
سبحان الله عما يصفون
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
Not everything which came out of prophet Muhammad was “Allah’s word” - it was only the revelations which are compiled in the Quran. He was NOT the mouthpiece of Allah and said a lot more things than what is in the Quran. These two are crack pots who are totally misinterpreting ayah. they indeed are ludicrous creatures, with whatever agenda they have. Why is one of the creature Al Fadi sitting US is in Saudi Arabian Garb ??
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
You must know the background than an aya relates to, without that the meaning could be totaly misinterpreted, specially by the guys, like these two creatures, who seem to earn their living by creating that confusion.
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
If this idiot Fadi doesnt know, meaning of Fadi is savior. That's another attribute given to Allah. But these two wouldn't talk about that because they have an islamophobic agenda.
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
"Allah is Satan" who created Rob Christian 😂
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
And why Al Fadi is disgusing himself in a Saudi garb ??
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
Not everything which came out of prophet Muhammad was “Allah’s word” - it was only the revelations which are compiled in the Quran. He was NOT the mouthpiece of Allah and said a lot more things than what is in the Quran. These two are crack pots who are totally misinterpreting ayah. they indeed are ludicrous creatures, with whatever agenda they have. Why is one of the creature Al Fadi sitting US is in Saudi Arabian Garb ??
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
So Rob Christian is a son of Satan??
@bahnoisahib9255 Күн бұрын
So Rob Christian and Al Fadi are sons of Satan ??
@AnnaD-oz4cq Күн бұрын
@George_Jee Күн бұрын
Kaaba means direction of worship. The first Kaaba was instructed to be the one in Jerusalem. Safa and Marwa is in Saudi, when Hajar was searching for water, baby Ismael was thirsty and began knocking his foot on the ground and she kept saying zam zam which means stop. Allah then caused water to gush out which we call zam zam water today. During this time there was no civilization, no people, neither did the Kaaba exist. Ibrahim was ordered to leave Jerusalem with Sarah by Allah, Hajar was their helper, Sarah couldn’t fall pregnant so she told Ibrahim that he should go with Hajar because she was fertile . The black stone doesn’t come from a meteorite, geologists ran multiple tests on it and confirmed that it is in fact not a meteorite and the geologists are not even Muslim. It’s also realistically unreasonable concluding facts based on references that you don’t understand. You also can’t use historians to verify your thesis because they use science to identify timeline when timeline is not finite in Islam as the variation of time accelerates over time.
@waiandmtoj1877 Күн бұрын
This was fun. I just waited for Al-Fadi to say to Jay -Do you know Arabic? lol
@zackal-kaaki5586 Күн бұрын
I have a question to the channel Describe your feeling after the fact that all your attacks on Muslims and Islam only contributes to more reverts to the faith of Islam Like imagine dedicating hours of effort and looking like a saudi sitting there knowing that Islam in numbers is still winning 😂😂😂😂😂
@XyzAbc-sm7eh Күн бұрын
That means Mohammad was Brahmin
@samanthadass5977 Күн бұрын
Glory and glory be to Yahweh firstborn of all creation. Amen