Why I Couldn't Leave Buenos Aires
2 жыл бұрын
@julianpighin1572 3 сағат бұрын
Just another fellow argentinian here. The story changes depending on who you ask, as always. I would encourage you to interview a person who is not so obviusly "peronist". There is more to cover than the interview allows. Great channel and content btw!
@mariapilar1806 3 сағат бұрын
Great work Nico, explaining our situation… and really good of you to be brave enough to go and seek for information. Thanks for that ❤
@FranciscoGonzalez-ss3sk 6 сағат бұрын
Your friend that studied history starts lying from the start. The problems started in 2010-2011 when the government imposed currency controls and the economy stopped growing plus high inflation. Very biased and typical from a peronist fanatic
@TheBusce 7 сағат бұрын
Best country in the world. Greetings from Argentina.
@maximilianomontagano3965 10 сағат бұрын
no cnonfundir, eso es capital federal o ciudad autonoma de buenos aires, NO es buenos aires a secas. tu llegaste a Ezeiza y eso es buenos aires, luego entraste a capital y estuviste solo en capital federal, NO es buenos aires, no confundir.-
@c.stephendiz4009 20 сағат бұрын
Hi hope ur channel does well, this guy who gave u a rundown of Argentina's economic rollercoaster, gives a very disturbing distorted view. He tries to connect the 40 year disaster to President Macri. This however is a classic liberal view. Hope you reach out to someone who doesn't have his vision.
@karinaberryman8127 Күн бұрын
Such a beautiful video and editing. Buenos Aires has so many things to do and offer. In contrast to Mexico City, Buenos Aires has a wonderful night life. I loved it there and I can't wait to return too. Thanks for sharing your experience!
@Casscapri Күн бұрын
So glad you enjoyed it here, my friend. You are always welcome here. Loved your video and your final thoughts. A big hug from Buenos Aires!
@julesc4228 Күн бұрын
I would've watched the whole way through, but when he said "it all started with the debt Macri took" then I already knew where the rest is headed. As a 32 yo argentinian I like your videos but this ain't it for me chief.
@charajaznao2829 Күн бұрын
omg travis hiiii, welcome to buenos aires querido ♥
@veritush Күн бұрын
as a local, the one thing that made my heart rate raise like anything else in this video was every footage of you walking away from your camera 😅 i was constantly thinking "this kid is going to get robbeddddd so baddddd"-- happy you weren't, but please know that you've been lucky! hope you and your audience visit us soon- not just BA, but also the many natural wonders our vast country has to offer 😊
@manu.z. Күн бұрын
I panicked when I saw this shot at 10:39
@juanmanuelvektor Күн бұрын
Date una vuelta por mataderos y Lugano a ver si te vas a querer quedar...
@marceloponce8447 Күн бұрын
Solo has visto una pequeña parte de lo que es Mendoza, si visitas el sur, lo que es Malargue, San Rafael y Alvear, veras que hay mucho para ver, en especial los paisajes, tampoco hay que olvidarse de las montañas en Uspallata.
@KareyNikki Күн бұрын
Los tickets para el colon se venden online y en boleteria para el mismo dia los remantentes. Tickets to the Colon Theatre can be bought online and the remainings are sold at the ticket kiosk on the same day.
@fedemolto Күн бұрын
I'm glad you liked my beloved Mendoza!
@angelchavez2154 Күн бұрын
I’m from United States 🇺🇸 California to be exact ☀️ 🏝️ I will be moving to BA in August and I couldn’t be more exited. Especially since Ive never been there 😅. ❤
@NerdsOuttaControl Күн бұрын
This just showed on my recommendations and it made me emotional. I'm from Buenos Aires, and it always makes me happy when people see the beauty in this city. I think most porteños will tell you they have a love-hate relationship with Buenos Aires, but every time I'm hanging out at a bar, a park or a cafe I remember why I love it. Our economic situation clearly makes things difficult, and our country is far from perfect, but it makes me sad that a lot of people from here thinks we suck because of it. I wish they knew that not everywhere in the world you can meet a stranger, tell them you're from another country, and they will welcome you with arms wide open. That not everywhere in the world you can make friends overnight without fear of judgement. Bad leaders do not equate to bad people. I'm glad you enjoyed our city, and if you decide to stay here, I hope you can build something beautiful!
@Bremerhaven_Rocks Күн бұрын
Late to the party but Urban 338 is permanently closed. Wonder if you guys have any other recommendations? Will be working/vacationing in Merida in Dec 2024.
@josephdesaintmartins8847 Күн бұрын
Nicolas is very kind, he speaks English very well but he has such a large ideological component that it made him hide the true causes of the crisis... I do not speak English well nor do I have the only truth but I'm going to tell you a little about why we are in crisis from my point of view, emphasizing the things that him hides or doesn't know, so between both stories, maybe you can understand everything a little better, but I will do it in total Spanish, KZfaq can translate.. i'll continue writting down here in my own answer.. 😊
@josephdesaintmartins8847 Күн бұрын
El comienzo de la historia que cuenta se puede tomar como está pero luego cuando cuenta sobre el gobierno de la familia Kichner tendré que agregar muchas cosas porque ahí comienza la nueva gran crisis nuestra alrededor de 2013 en adelante.. la crisis de 2001 hizo que en 2002 haya un ajuste muy grande de 7 puntos del pbi para equilibrar los gastos y ese año la crisis se profundiza mucho pero al empezar a crecer nuevamente a fin de 2002 y principio de 2003 argentina consigue superavit fiscal y eso le permite luego al nuevo presidente Nestor K poder administrar las cuentas con más tranquilidad, ese superavit termina unos años después con la llegada de su esposa Cristina K ella cree que gobernar con deficit no es un problema entonces empieza a aumentar los gastos pero sin hacer crecer los ingresos, cuando ellos pagan la deuda del FMI lo hacen tomando deuda interna (deuda pública) entonces la deuda en realidad solo cambio de nombre, en esos años también tuvimos la suerte que las cotizaciones de las materias primas estaban muy bien en el mundo y a través de la soja nuestras reservas crecían, en 2010 había aproximadamente 54billones de dólares de reservas brutas con un país bastante estable, pero en esa época el gobierno continuo incrementando el gasto cada vez más sobre la recaudación, ya para 2013 aproximadamente el desequilibrio fiscal ya empezaba a impactar en el país, ellos lo financiaban imprimiendo moneda y cuando ese exceso de moneda iba a la calle hacia crecer el valor del dólar alejándonos de la estabilidad que teníamos, luego esto empieza a generar grandes problemas y corridas bancarias duplicando el valor del dólar entonces para frenar la subida empezó a regular las salidas de los dólares poniendo cepos, estos hizo que por un lado el valor del dólar oficial se triplique volviendo a generar inflación pero peor aún al tratar de frenar las subidas del dólar poniendo cepos de venta entonces los mercados informales empezaron a marcar el termómetro real del valor del dólar, osea una cotización paralela que acá llamamos dólar blue, al continuar con esa políticas mes a mes fue perdiendo todas las reservas del banco central hasta llegar al 2015 con reservas netas negativas, más allá de tener el banco central quebrado, la deuda pública no paro de crecer por haber gobernado siempre con déficit alto, el déficit en 2015 llego a los 7 puntos del pbi aproximadamente similar a la crisis de 2001, la deuda que en 2007 era aproximadamente de 170billones de dólares paso a 250billones de dólares aproximadamente y además tuvimos un default en 2014 que en 2015 rondaba los 3billones de dólares pero luego de las sentencias de esas demandas por no querer pagarles creció a 15billones de dólares al años siguiente, todo esto fue el inicio de la crisis, deuda grande, déficit muy alto, banco central quebrado y dos valores del dolar porque uno llamado oficial estaba fuera de la realidad manteniendose a fuerza de vender las reservas de dólares del banco central pero al quebrar en 2015 entonces el dólar oficial que rondaba los 9pesos por dolar tuvo que saltar a 15pesos por dólar tomando el valor paralelo informal que ya traía desde 2014, luego viene Macri y el por un lado soluciona el problema de los dos tipos de cambio para el dólar, pero decide no ajustar el gasto de 7 puntos de pbi por encima de la recaudación para no pagar el costo político que genera hacer un ajuste tan grande, mientras viajaba por el mundo buscando inversiones tratando de hacer crecer el pbi para evitar ajustar cosa que no consiguió, entonces el nivel de deuda alto que ya teníamos más la falta de reservas termino de explotar en 2018 dónde gran parte de la deuda heredada tenía que pagarse, al generarse una corrida bancaria por grandes vencimientos pero sin reservas quedamos en la puerta de una hiperinflación y entonces para ni financiar ese deuda emitiendo más moneda y evitar más devaluación de la que ya estaba habiendo en ese momento entonces toma deuda con el FMI al 4% anual algo muy favorable ya que esas tasas bajas eran impensadas, pero lo que no fue bueno es el total de la deuda que tomo 45billones de dólares.. luego de ese préstamo además ajusta el gran déficit heredado y estanca el país más de lo que ya estaba, pero como punto a favor termina su gobierno con las cuentas nuevamente equilibradas y alrededor de 44 billones de dólares en reservas, luego viene el gobierno de Fernández que enfrentó la pandemia y más allá de que tenia la deuda del Fmi a sus espaldas nunca realizó ningún pago solo la refinancio para más adelante, su gobierno fue pésimo solo se dedico a financiarse emitiendo moneda y tomando deuda pública elevando la deuda total del país en más de 100billones de dólares.. bueno solo quise hacer un pequeño resumen, luego llega Milei pero recién arranca el heredo una crisis gigante sin comparacion a la heredada por macri y la heredada por fernandez asique nuevamente tuvo que hacer un ajuste grande para evitar seguir financiandose emitiendo moneda ya que a comienzo de año ya estábamos adentro de una hiperinflación técnicamente que gracias a Dios se pudo salir pero con estancamiento economico por reducir la cantidad de pesos en circulación que incentivan a la crecida inflacionaria.. Posiblemente Nicolás lea esto o cualquier otra persona quiera discutir algún punto en particular, todo se puede justificar googleando datos oficiales del ministerio de economia o Banco central de argentina, saludos!
@hallsmichaels 2 күн бұрын
I hope you visit other cities in argentina too.. the falls in puerto Iguazú, Tilcara AND cerro de 7 colores in jujuy, the whales in puerto Madryn, el chalten y perito moreno in santa cruz, the end of the world in tierra del fuego, drink wines in mendoza, Bariloche, Los esteros de ibera in Corrientes, Iruya in salta, Fiambalá in Catamarca & La Cumbrecita in Cordoba.. you will fall in love there..
@mauriciolopezvillega 2 күн бұрын
Wrong guy to talk about Argentinian history
@nicolasvega2658 2 күн бұрын
the 70's where a dirty war. Crime in both sides.
@danielcanizare6834 2 күн бұрын
i love a the " choco" in the 3.31 minute
@kevinsito14 2 күн бұрын
Why didn´t he mention the corruption cases that occurred in the three governments of kirchnerism???
@nahuel3481 2 күн бұрын
He's blaming Macri and Milei for the current situation of the country? He clearly doesn't understand the problem
@FranciscoGonzalez-ss3sk 6 сағат бұрын
He knows perfectly well. He is just a peronist fanatic
@dogbsas 2 күн бұрын
I am from buenos Aires, currently living in Wa state, USA. IDK if you are saying the same about every city you visit but.....I am glad that you enjoyed my Buenos Aires querido. ♥
@sama32lambda 2 күн бұрын
Hey cool video, ik you put a lot of work, but i feel Nico is biased. I'm an argentinian, and as you said, there's a bubble in buenos aires, and specially in ciudad de buenos aires. And public universities in that city are like the most biased places ever to be in, so if you really want to get in touch with reality going to someone who's an academic on anthropology on the UBA living in Palermo is not really the best strat to break out of that bubble. I'd recommend talking with people outside that sphere if you want less politically biased views...
@Max_Power_ 3 күн бұрын
I'm from Argentina, and maybe it would be good to also know the other part of the story, a different perspective.
@gagegogo 3 күн бұрын
I hope more of these messages are spread in these hatred times. Thanks from my beloved argentina
@facundofebles9458 3 күн бұрын
Bad luck picking a guy who believes in communism
@Yarmvine 3 күн бұрын
One question do u have to go through immigration again?
@calebmalkavian 3 күн бұрын
You are really a kind person but unfortunately your friend does a lot of harm with his words, especially among your foreign viewers who don't really know about Argentina.. And they will think this country is a no cure disaster, to avoid if possible. He says he studied history.. girl... He of course supports peronism, kirchnerism and he tells you half of the story.
@javiercastillaOK 3 күн бұрын
Wow Argentina seems to be a great country, I would like to visit! Saludos desde Argentina
@christianspitzer1990 3 күн бұрын
Just so you know, Nicolás has a very left winged perspective, half the country doesn't share his opinion.
@astmarian 3 күн бұрын
Great video. Just a few points to mention. The easy answer to the question of whether it is ok to travel here would be yes. Is always great to have tourists in our country and we Argentinians are very happy to have people here, we are proud of our country, we are proud of our people, and our culture, and we want to share it with the world. Now, one thing travelers must think about is how you travel and live here if you wish. Something not mentioned in this video is the exchange rate. A lot of tourists/KZfaqrs/digital nomads know that the unofficial exchange rate is very very convenient for foreigners, you can get up to 60% more pesos for each us dollar at an unofficial exchange rate. So yeah, is easy to come here and live like a king with 2000 USD a month. Your rent will be half the price of your country, you will live in a nicer neighborhood, and you can get amazing dinners for 40-80 USD. But most Argentinians don't make more than 400-500 USD a month, they can't pay rent above 300 USD a month, and they have to live with 100 to 200 USD a month for groceries and services. They don't go out to eat, they drink cheap wine and eat cheap meat. What is great about this country is that even the cheapest wine and cheapest meat are greater than most countries. Try to live with the average salary or even double the salary of an average Argentinian, and you will know how we struggle to progress in this country. Also, this is not a problem of one government or another. This is a problem of all past governments, full of corruption and bad decisions. That story told by the tour guide is very one-sided, although I agree with some things that he said. In the case of Buenos Aires, mostly CABA is a bubble. And neighborhoods like Palermo, Belgrano, Recoleta, etc, are bubbles of a bubble. Most people that live there earn pretty high above the average income in Argentina, so yeah, is pretty nice to walk around there, and have dinner from time to time there. But average people, don't live there, they live 2 hours apart on public transportation, and a lot of them have to commute 4 hours a day just to work and earn something that isn't a shit salary. So next time someone comes here, think about how little your waiter is earning (200-300 USD a month usually) to make your 40-50 dollar meal affordable. Think about how many people don't know what a 10usd wine tastes like. Enjoy our country, enjoy our people, enjoy our food and culture. But don't stay in the bubble, we who live outside that bubble, sometimes live even happier and nicer outside of the bubble. That's the secret of why Argentinian people are really nice, humble and happy. The waiter that serves you that nice wasn't born in Palermo or Recoleta, they probably were born in another province. There is a lot more Argentina than the one shown in most of the videos. Thank you for making these videos and coming.
@LOLTutos 4 күн бұрын
Don't believe what that guy told you about Argentina history, he clearly has slanted political opinion due to being in favour of the party that lead Argentina into crisis. That view is the one we are leaving and thats why our country is starting to bloom again, most of the things he told you about are probably lies
@jaquizaratepanini6617 4 күн бұрын
Hola, sólo vi la mitad , y no estoy de acuerdo, tu amigo antropologo es de izquierda, y la gente no está de acuerdo con su version, el peronismo fué lo peor que nos pasó en la vida, saludos desde Argentina, El estado no debe subsidiar a las personas y no lo entienden, porque somos los ciudadanos los que pagamos
@nacho_llamas7 4 күн бұрын
hey nice video man i hoped you enjoyed yor visit. As a mendocino myself i stronglly advice you to go to the potrerillos dike next time you come around, is a very famous place around here and very close to the city with stuning mountains and a lot of snow in this time of the year.
@LuisGonzalez-gb4uh 4 күн бұрын
This "expert" sociologist is obviously a leftist with a heavy bias. I'm Argentinian, 54, and all he said is a huge pile of dung. The Kirchners were the worst thing that happened to this country. Too bad you didn't include a more balanced opinion. There's one thing I agree though. You lived in a bubble (Palermo and nearby well-off neighbourhoods).
@emiliomanzano8367 4 күн бұрын
its a lie he is from the fucking left
@catalinaalmada7842 4 күн бұрын
OMG. Please tell me you are getting other opinions if you want to understand a little bit better what is happening and happened in Argentina's history and economy. His vision is the typical Peronist narrative that was imposed on us through education and cultural influence for so long in my generation. That same vision that led us to have an economy that was increasingly tied hand and foot and closed us off to the world. Not so different from any Latin American populist like Chavez and Maduro. Luckily many people woke up these days and stopped swallowing that narrative. I recommend you a youtube channel call Visual Politik. They are some spanish economists that have loads of videos analyzing Argentina's economy and history in a very entertainment way.
@dozoflor 4 күн бұрын
you should def book a tour for locals with vanessa bell @cremedelacremeba
@el_argent0 4 күн бұрын
some night many years ago, walking back home in some street in the barrio of La Boca at 3 AM I realized that I was not walking in the city, I was walking with the city. I love her as you love an old friend ever since
@ivannoriega938 4 күн бұрын
Great video great Travis! Loved the music at the end. Espero que sigas disfrutando de mi querida Argentina.
@barh-team 5 күн бұрын
Explaining Argentina through the eyes of those who love Fidel Castro is a vision alienated from reality, it is unfortunate that you, the owner of the channel, have these references that are so extreme and biased by such a marginal ideology.
@barh-team 5 күн бұрын
please youtube do not cancel or censor my commentary, there is nothing harmful in it, I am a democrat, the opposite of the discourse expressed in this video.
@barh-team 5 күн бұрын
It is possible to endure a speech with a bit of lies, but a story absolutely created with such a militant distortion of reality is already too much to bear. Explaining Argentina from the ideology that loves Fidel Castro and Maduro, everything is now invalidated. The ex-government that that person supports and defends is almost all in prison, and the former president, convicted of looting and robbery from the state. They created the bubble when they froze rates for more than 10 years, and we are paying for that today
@barh-team 5 күн бұрын
Hi my friend !! You have had the painful burden of listening to a populist explain an infamy such as only the left-wing governments of Latin America, these politicals are the same ones who support dictatorships like Castro's, or Maduro's, and those that converted our nation a slave to feudal lords and ideologies that fail in the world. What the boy did not inform you about is the scandal represented by the systematic looting, the theft of the national treasury, and the political barbarism of left-wing Peronism, the use and abuse of the poor, evil indoctrination in schools, and corruption at levels never seen before. seen on this earth.
@barh-team 5 күн бұрын
Hi my friend !! You have had the painful burden of listening to a populist explain an infamy such as only the left-wing governments of Latin America, these politicals are the same ones who support dictatorships like Castro's, or Maduro's, and those that converted our nation a slave to feudal lords and ideologies that fail in the world. What the boy did not inform you about is the scandal represented by the systematic looting, the theft of the national treasury, and the political barbarism of left-wing Peronism, the use and abuse of the poor, evil indoctrination in schools, and corruption at levels never seen before. seen on this earth. Macri had to go to the IMF, due to the country's disaster that these extremely ideologized people left us, the bubble is the one that they created that they froze all services, making them practically free, just to make people believe that they could buy some food, with some hope (even with that scam of not charging for services, we had gigantic inflation), but clearly not paying for services is not a real country, the deficit that the country achieved to maintain that machinery of lies, led us to this collapse, and the need for people to get rid of so much garbage by voting for Milei. We had a gang of corrupt people stealing from the state from Kichner onwards. How corrupt are they that they named a public building after themselves, it's like Biden naming a public institution done with state money, John Biden Culture Centre, they are simply the disease of Argentina. Please, talk to someone with a less militant and more objective criterion.