AITAH for refusing to circumcise my son?
AITAH for slapping my husband in the face?
@StayReadyMacc 2 сағат бұрын
Everybody is the AH except Elizabeth.
@girlstalk3862 7 сағат бұрын
Why these many comments are in video I can't even understand where the story is
@Syrin23 Күн бұрын
Women have NO IDEA how to be PROPERLY single. If you start dating someone, it should be with the INTENTION of being serious. She can't keep her crotch tingles at bay for a few weeks? She lowered her value completely by letting herself be used by a dude she doesn't even care about. Women of value do NOT hook up. Women who hook up are NOT relationship material. And you are staring to date someone, it should be UNDERSTOOD you are exclusive at least as far as f'ing other people is concerned.
@michaeldevlin7747 Күн бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't date or sleep around while dating, and would only want to date someone who does the same. To me, it's just a sense of decency.
@v8infinity8 Күн бұрын
Kimberly made sure that inept Agents to short to protect their Client were Hired in the first place. For instance- if I want a Prima Ballerina for a job- I am going to hire my friend who is a 5 foot tall Prima Ballerina. If I want to hire someone to Protect a 6 foot plus person- then I am going to hire an ex Green Beret etc who is taller than the Client. DEI did this- thats on Kimberlys hands. Her inept DEI hiring Policy caused this.
@AndyyWithAY Күн бұрын
You are 23 and have career/education plans. This man tried to baby trap!! The least consequence is getting dumped. She needs to file a police report
@humansvd3269 Күн бұрын
Being the guy she settled for after banging another guy and making you work for sex, while others got it sooner just says you're not attractive to her. You're only the safe option, not the desired option.
@michaelscotthawthorn7871 Күн бұрын
People who can like someone and yet sleep with other people are not able to form lifelong partnerships. She will cheat on you out of stress or boredom and justify it in her mind as just sex. These are personality traits which only get worse as she gets older and her morality allows her to be friends with other women who think the same way. If you are a man looking for marriage and a lifelong partner .. she will only break your heart and your wallet. Breakup now and save yourself.
@joannwilde4617 Күн бұрын
It’s his own fault he should of kept his mouth shut
@v8infinity8 Күн бұрын
You embody everything that is terrifying about this sick sick world. Yet I still believe in your Right to free speech-even if it just serves for us to identify your level of sickness. Make an appointment with Dr Grande please- you need diagnosing. You have a Right to free speech- and the rest of the world has a right to expect you to receive Treatment.
@alyzu4755 Күн бұрын
This is absolutely terrifying! WTF?!?!? BTW, what he did is ILLEGAL! Stay away from him. He's sick.
@rubickevich Күн бұрын
I will probably be hated for this comment, but people would read into this situation very differently with roles reversed.
@winchestersons6258 Күн бұрын
You had gone on one date. You were not exclusive. I agree not being reminded is ok.
@ainz2579 Күн бұрын
She lied
@fs5866 Күн бұрын
well she clearly had more fun with the other guy a week after otherwise she would've f-ed the OP.
@winchestersons6258 Күн бұрын
​@@ainz2579he said that they were not exclusive but
@ainz2579 Күн бұрын
@winchestersons6258 not talking about that she lied that it was the best day ever if it was she wouldn't fuck another guy
@michaelscotthawthorn7871 Күн бұрын
The ONLY relationships that last a lifetime are ones where the woman is absolutely in love with the guy. He was not "the one" for her. She was still fking other men and deciding which one she would settle for.
@charitynordstrom5734 Күн бұрын
Knew everything I needed to know when she said he hasn't worked in 5 years. Get some self esteem!
@Roylovesguitars Күн бұрын
First story nta, she has obviously chosen her moms affair partner on multiple occasions or his sister wouldnt hate her
@RebekahR213 Күн бұрын
He wants you to divorce him and he wants your money.
@ladyweasellou3367 2 күн бұрын
At first, because she said it began after the birth of their daughter I was thinking a stress induced neurological damage that should be seen and maybe even medicated by a Neurologist. .....BUT he sure doesn't have the problem when it's all about himself. He chose to marry a woman with some pretty severe medical issues that were well known before hand. He also chose to have a child with her. But now? I think he feels he's made a mistake and just couldn't care much about the wife or child. It's almost like he's hoping some things bad will happen to them. Like he hopes the child will wander outside and be lost or killed or that she will have an "accident" and deathly injured. He wants the wife to be given wrong meds or incorrect dosage. He doesn't care about helping her with her physical or psychological stress... When she comes home after a long day and he's YouTubing or gaming and so she comes in makes dinner, takes care of the child, cleans up after him and the child and so on. She's exhausted, stressed, probably hurting pretty bad and he's just acting useless and completely uncaring, just flat out selfish to a pretty extreme degree. It's really sad. Here she is in a pretty miserable physical state with extensive health problems brought on by a horrific traffic accident that sees her slowly gathering more and more pain as she agrees and will eventually (most likely) become completely wheelchair restricted at some point later in life. She fell in love with this man who seemed to have fallen in love with her and (at what was probably an extremely risky and extra painful pregnancy and birth) chose to have a child together. She loved him and he made her believe that he loved her, accepted her and would care for her for better or worse, protect her and so much more.... But.... .... He's clearly changed his mind. She's in an absolutely horrible situation. One good thing though.... If she divorces him, then at least she will probably get full custody because he sure AF doesn't care for the child.
@LordofDungeons32 2 күн бұрын
@jmurray1110 2 күн бұрын
While the cleaning thing was the reason centuries ago the modern American reason is to stop masterbation As you can imagine this is even worse At least they didn’t also take the labia acid idea too
@linexp274 2 күн бұрын
So she goes to a breakfast and doesn’t order anything but then eats bites from everyone else? She’s cheap not just hungry because she should have ordered herself something and only ate a little bit but she wants to mooch off everyone else’s plate? Smdh 🙄
@linexp274 2 күн бұрын
He’s jealous of his own baby!
@AlE-kc7yw 2 күн бұрын
If you are separated and trying to work through your issues, you are together for all intents and purposes. If you are separated and not trying to reconcile, i would say it's acceptable. Once you date and screw someone during that separated time, that person has officially moved from a close friend to a boyfriend. Once you are back in a marital relationship, you can no longer hang out with that person and call them anymore. They are an ex boyfriend regardless of the fact that you knew your former friend, now ex boyfriend, for most of your life. I'm not cool with my wife going to an ex's funeral. She wants to mourn a lost friend. Dead dude is an ex boyfriend no matter how long she knew him. My wife would never dare see an ex, just like I woukd never go see an ex and hang out. Some of you people are stupid to say your spouse can go see an ex. Yoy are going to ve on this reddit channel complaining. If she didnt want the guy to be relegated to an ex boyfriend status, she shouldnt have screwed him
@Karen_thatbish 3 күн бұрын
1st Sory - Your husband is either cheating on you or on drugs. My money is on cheating. Cheaters always treat you like crap when they cheating. 2nd Story - Emma can frick right off. Being pregnant doesn’t give you a free pass to mooch food off of other people’s plates. & people get pregnant all the time & buy their own food, hell I did it! If Emma wants to eat she can buy her own gd meal. Via & Emma are food grifters. & Emma was especially trashy for how she acted after you clearly told her no. They sound exhausting
@zoe9190 3 күн бұрын
1. I think both drugs and cheating is more likely, not just one
@mereassassinates550 17 сағат бұрын
1st story there definitely sounds like there more to the story than what she’s sharing
@annaleatoria9287 3 күн бұрын
What didi the wife commented?
@ObeWhite 3 күн бұрын
You are not the a hole. It's the boys body, it should be his choice.
@SomeBlackDude26 4 күн бұрын
OP did nothing wrong. His daughter betrayed him.
@user-eh8qq1kk8z 4 күн бұрын
The sister wedding story op isn't very smart. You can't demand to not have something not shared on a public forum from a free website/app 🤡
@livewellwitheds6885 4 күн бұрын
how did it go from "a couple bites" to "give me half" wtf. also op isn't "on a diet" she has a dietary restriction
@annhans3535 4 күн бұрын
I am tired of pregnant women working that "I am pregnant, so I can do nothing and get whatever I want, when I want it."
@leomcmlx 4 күн бұрын
The daughter in the original story wanted to have her biological dad and stepfather walk her down the aisle at the wedding; an important fact was missing.
@Roylovesguitars Күн бұрын
Doesn't change anything
@bryanhallman8183 4 күн бұрын
Dude in the first story has NOTHING to be ashamed of. During the divorce proceedings, his daughter had the opportunity to pick which parent to live with, and she chose her cheating-ass mother. That indicates to me, that she had been introduced to the new guy while her parents were still married and cohabitating. Asked to walk his daughter down the aisle? Great, while having had to listen to said daughter twist the dagger of betrayal in his back telling him how "awesome her new step-father is." Fuck all of 'em. Meanwhile, his niece ACTUALLY treats him and thinks of him as a father, so why wouldn't he accept the role of walking her down the aisle, and being present at her wedding? 2 completely selfish whores, imo.
@juanhaines7295 4 күн бұрын
Nta Circumcision should be illegal nowadays.
@ItzBrooksFTW 4 күн бұрын
both are absolute idiots. First of all he shouldve told her what he wanted to do and in my opinion, buying a g90 for your elderly parents makes 0 sense. But shes also in the wrong for "weaponizing" the baby.
@kjnjhfztghkbjhgfkhjzhzugjk9789 5 күн бұрын
Based father.
@untiedshoelaces2588 5 күн бұрын
That's not a relationship, it's a contractual arrangement.
@allamericanslacker2378 5 күн бұрын
The wife is a gold digger who is throwing a tantrum because some of the money her husband isn't going to her and, has decided to weaponize their unborn child against him. He should start looking for a good divorce lawyer.
@stallempir3 6 күн бұрын
definitely the asshole. if it was a lower salary i could understand, but 763k makes it somewhat negligible. And weaponizing your baby is terrible. Bro needs to get out of there or they need to go to couples therapy.
@bencruz563 6 күн бұрын
2nd story: The fact that this guy is even asking means he's a fuckin simp
@bencruz563 6 күн бұрын
1st story: Its NEVER just a question. You're a chump if you stay and trash if you're both good with it. Only trash engages in open marriages. There are no exceptions.
@QueenJuliana89 6 күн бұрын
Story 1: Husband is an idiot
@mindyalfaro3613 6 күн бұрын
Op. Not the AH. No money is enough for me to betray my father. And i can say that personally. And guess what,just hope that her hubby doesn't do that to her. Loyalty and morals are better qualities in a person.
@cyndirankin 5 күн бұрын
Not all Dad's arent worthy of such loyalty. Consider yourself blessed you have that Dad. My girls Dad rarely visited, called once every 3 or 4 months with promises he didnt keep. So it's no wonder neither of them want him to walk then down the aisle. Btw, I maintained an open door policy. Anytime he wanted to come he was welcomed.
@mimiwhite1963 5 күн бұрын
She didn't betray her father, her mother did.
@Nacadela 4 күн бұрын
He's hurting his daughter because of what her mother did. Dad's the AH. The child doesn't deserve that.
@mrb00ce2 6 күн бұрын
He makes alot of money and she has no say in what he can spend it on, his money his rules. On top of that they have enough money in case of an emergency and he's working overtime to make it back and what's with her weaponizing the baby?
@LordofDungeons32 6 күн бұрын
Story 2 NTA ditch her you are NOT HER ATM!
@sugarbeef 4 күн бұрын
It's OUR money, so WE need to spend it on just me and my friends, not on you! If only OP had asked her why he doesn't get to spend his money. Maybe ask when she's paying for him and the boys to vacation in Amsterdam or somewhere they would obviously be having sex with strangers while there without their girlfriends.
@LordofDungeons32 6 күн бұрын
NTA but your husband is a little bit of a idiot wait a while before you make a big choice.
@Grawwler 6 күн бұрын
Yes yatah
@FrostLordOni 7 күн бұрын
Kid isn’t even born yet and they’re already being used as a weapon by their mom
@aum1040 7 күн бұрын
Story 1: OP is a huge A-hole. Husband was an idiot to ask. She said "no" and cried. He apologized. If you were willing to get divorced and make your child grow up in a broken home over a single instance of stupidity, then you had no business getting married in the first place.
@alyzu4755 7 күн бұрын
Story 1: NTA, and that last comment hit the nail on the head. Story 2: Definitely NTA.
@thequeenofdemons666 7 күн бұрын
It's his money. As long as he can afford it, then let it go. Weaponizing the unborn baby. How phucked up is that? Kanye West... "Gold Digger" He picked the wrong woman. YTA
@ApatheticEyebrowRaise 7 күн бұрын
@QueenJuliana89 8 күн бұрын
Get the vegan friend out of the friend group.
@Frightmarelordofthenightmares 8 күн бұрын
Apologize to her? Still didn't learn anything. THE VICTIM SHOULDNT APOLOGIZE TO THE VILLAIN!😑