TOP 25 Platformers of All Time | 2024
16 сағат бұрын
TOP 15 Game Consoles of All Time | 2024
@markshorthouse8564 2 сағат бұрын
You xbox fans are toxic and defend everything microsoft bs
@markshorthouse8564 2 сағат бұрын
Can't compare Netflix to gamepass plus microsoft is bullying and you ppl defend this crap
@User_92020 12 сағат бұрын
Screen is way too small
@jehannesweggen 15 сағат бұрын
I hope that smaller modders get a better deal from MS and Bethesda cause i would luv supporting the mod community but Creations suck.. way to many modders i want to support than i have money to spare.. but mods like Fallout London and Skyblivion are perfect for Creations for around 20€ or 30€ and i hope Fallout 3 and Las vegas etc. also get Modded and Remastered trough the mod community. I'm not a shooter fan but for a game like Stalker i will make an exception like i do with Rage, Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Doom etc. this game looks solid and has hopefully some melee and if not it's going to be tough but worth it in the end i hope.. cause i find constantly shooting just boring.. why not mix it up ? Same with CoD it looks great but why not some collaboration with Bethesda, Arkane, ID Software, Coalition etc. to bring some RPG into the franchise.. would luv a character creation in CoD to make some Assassin with sniper rifle and combat knives and some technology like drones and turrets for surveillance and sabotage.. but it seems CoD is just a basic character with basic skills and basic personality and basic quests ? why ? where's the fun in creating your own experience ?
@jehannesweggen 16 сағат бұрын
It's obvious that the FTC has something against MS and it's obvious that the FTC favors Sony for the Status Quo and it's obvious that the FTC isn't there for consumers.. so why hasn't anyone sued the FTC or at least ask for an investigation ? they're doing the exact opposite of what the FTC should be doing.. that's ensuring competition so the consumer's get their money worth.. All those accusations the FTC made against MS were actually done by Sony for 30 years from forcing players to PS with first party and third party exclusivity to degrading other platforms with deals while the FTC was standing by and watched it happen for 30 years.. Sony keeps increasing prices for hardware and software and services and keeps increasing development and advertisement budgets and has record breaking revenue while profits keep going down.. sounds unhealthy to me and still the FTC just stands there watching it happen.. I actually hope that the whole gaming industry collapses and I'm sorry for the people who work there but come on.. this isn't sustainable while Nintendo figured it all out 40 years ago! Quality + Creativity + Innovation + Low Production Costs and pass it on to the next generation and let them grow.. but somehow the industry didn't need the Seal of Approval and even now some players find Nintendo games to expensive.. so blame yourselves if it crashes.. I'm still buying Zelda & Mario day 1 for 60€ or 70€ and 99% of the rest 1 year later with 70% or 80% discount cause the average game is just a boring and soul less bugfest barely worth 20€ and 40€ complete with dlc and by then a game got around 20 patches in that 1 year so it should be playable by then.. Gamepass is the gift that keeps giving it's perfect as buffer to wait for discounts and to play in the meanwhile.. it's basically a discounter & quality checker all in one xD Anyways i don't think the FTC can accuse MS of lying in court cause there's no proof and even if there's a hint of doubt with the judge and or jury there isn't a competitive service for XB Gamepass cause Sony and others don't want to compete there.. it's still by far the best service for the money so if consumers aren't happy with the price and content then they should pass and buy bugfested games instead... Not that MS has done great.. they pulled enough stunts and yeah that's corporation's.. also Phil gave me the best Backwards & Forwards Compatibility + Controller Support and he gave me Gamepass and thanks to him MS invested in XB library to compete with PS and i hope things will change for the better if XB gets more market share and if not let it all Crash & Burn.. cause I'm not going to pay these prices like 80€ for that quality.. No frickin way!
@peachjackson3856 18 сағат бұрын
That kid Icarus game looks and seems so awesome but it cramps my hands to no end. Sucks because I really wanna play it! Oh and great video. Thank you for taking the time to put it together!
@kevinlachance669 20 сағат бұрын
Do we think that Xbox raised the price cause it added COD, or do we think they would have raised it and by the same amount without COD. I think COD does add a reason for the price raise. They want more people to join, so the price raise doesn't make sense if you are trying to grow in numbers. COD would certainly grow numbers but they added $2 more a month which isn't too bad but I think they justified the price hike by announcing COD being on the service day one to they do go hand and hand. It may be hard to prove that since we are in the middle of extremely high inflation but we're not going to act like the price didn't go up just as they add the Activision games and that's just a coincidence to the price going up. I don't know why we're defending Microsoft for making gaming more expensive. I love Xbox, and I love gamepass, I'm not routing for them to not get blowback when they raise prices. We should still bitch and have courts look into and maybe during discovery they will find something or maybe they will settle and oth ca move on. They certainly raised prices while adding more to the service which is good. At least they aren't just raising prices without adding the Activision content, that would have sucked.
@zybch 22 сағат бұрын
PSVR2 was likely non-back compat with psvr1 because of the difference in tracking (inside-out vs outside-in). Most of the psvr1 games I played have had patches or (annoyingly) paid updates that enable them to work with the new headset, but its still annoying that the VR api sony implemented was incapable of providing games the inputs needed for the older vr games to 'just work'.
@chrisz198234 22 сағат бұрын
I own a series i had mine for about 3 years now and i buy all my gsmes only i dont subscribe to gamepass im glad there going after xbox again
@christonchev9762 Күн бұрын
noone is gonna buy a PSVR 2 on PC if they don't have one cause its way to expencive and offers near the same things as the Oculus or the rest of the PC VR headsets tho they are cheapper and as for the lawsuit we are not even in the August of the month and they are talking about September of this year and tbh i got Suicide Squad for free from Amazon Prime on the EGS and even if they offer me free Concord i still wouldn't claim it cause atleast Suicide has a SP Mode
@Finsta1966 Күн бұрын
We all know who’s funding the lawsuit (Sony) and Microsoft calls Sony a valued partner,the same partner that will stab you in the back and try to put xbox out of business
@Mcfarlane321 Күн бұрын
I've been dreaming for years about a remake of the Legacy of Kain games. Please tell me the Soul Reaver remake is true
@oldschooldogy316 Күн бұрын
I am an XBox fan, but I am glad that they are getting sued again. I hated it the first time and was glad that Microsoft won and was allowed to complete the acquisition. Now I wish that Microsoft would have lost just because they raised the praise of GamePass by $3 before they even really started adding Activision Blizzard games to GamePass. That's why I didn't renew my GamePass Ultimate subscription when it expired 2 weeks ago and I probably won't. Actually I didn't renew my GamePass Ultimate subscription or my PS Plus Premium subscription when they expired 2 weeks ago because neither one of them are worth it anymore.
@MrNickpeck36 Күн бұрын
I loved those games! I miss my Dreamcast :D That lawsuit is pretty funny, "causing financial harm"... Video games are a luxury, not a necessity, so if you can't afford it, that's a you problem.
@damnyoukira Күн бұрын
Sony doesn’t seem to understand live service games. You need a bunch of free players to give the people who pay for cosmetics and battle passes someone to play with. Then some of the people who just wanted to play for free will start buying a few things here and there. They’re for a continuous revenue stream not just a big payday on day one. Hell divers worked because it looked like something new not because people thought $40 was a good price for games.
@technicallyme Күн бұрын
Microsoft did say that the console version of game pass didn't have xbox live previously and the new price was adding xbox live and coming it a bit cheaper then getting the two seperately. Not defending just stating the response There's a 100 dollar adapter from a third party company that gives you all features on psvr on pc. I think Sony is doing this just to not make it the best place to play psvr games
@vasanthkumar-rd3vq Күн бұрын
I hope concord fails....
@SheepAmongG.O.A.T Күн бұрын
All you need is a corrupt judge, and there's a lot of those going around these days.
@AshleyPoole-ow7hj Күн бұрын
Anybody know who’s behind/funding the gamer law is it sony😂
@technicallyme Күн бұрын
Microsoft did say that the console version of game pass didn't have xbox live previously and the new price was adding xbox live and coming it a bit cheaper then getting the two seperately. Not defending just stating the response
@plasticlife283 Күн бұрын
Sony being smart? 😂 They navigate business decisions like a blindfolded person in a maze! 😂🤣😂🤣
@dustinc2561 Күн бұрын
Microsoft probably should have waited until 2025 to look at raising GP prices.
@jake_llc Күн бұрын
I remember buying Soul Reaver for the Dreamcast at Toys R Us, back in the day as a kid. These games had some of the best TV commercials of all time.
@davidhujik3422 Күн бұрын
They signed the papers not to raise prices or fire anyone. They did both! So yes it goes againsts what was agreed upon. So by law stop shilling for xbox and lets them reap what they sow.
@RevivedSaiyan Күн бұрын
The ftc can go F off.
@SupaScott17 Күн бұрын
Ftc is just mad mad that ps doesn't get cod content 1st anymore
@spankrocketgaming294 Күн бұрын
The cma forced Microsoft to take Activision blizzard games off xcloud so in a way they caused gamepass ultimate tier to be a degradaded service hence harming consumers. The irony
@majorpeepo Күн бұрын
CMA out here fucking things up like usual
@spankrocketgaming294 Күн бұрын
@majorpeepo it's crazy . The thing is i bought a firestick for gamepass and I can't play mw3 or or diablo 4. I have to use moonlight to play cod
@majorpeepo Күн бұрын
@spankrocketgaming294 what's moonlight?
@delivrex Күн бұрын
the lawsuit is good it will keep microsoft in check if they ever think of further price increment in the fututre after this
@Finsta1966 Күн бұрын
The ftc should watch Sony as well but we all know Sony can do whatever they want
@Willgoes Күн бұрын
Love your sarcasm Jay. Always wise and pertinent. Thanks for your excellent job.
@natejoe9924 Күн бұрын
Yeah but it's only so we were one and two they should really start with blood omen when the first game the story is not going to make any sense I don't know why they're starting off with so Weaver one and two I played them all it doesn't make any sense to start with a soul Weaver but anyways I'm just happy that these games is coming back even though the two games that they're starting out with doesn't make any sense
@natejoe9924 Күн бұрын
I know I read the article I definitely can't wait for these remasters even though I think blood Omen should come first I don't understand why they're making soul Weaver one and two when they don't even come first newer players is not going to understand the story and why Kane is bad but whatever I'm still looking for to these games
@ViridianFlow Күн бұрын
My phone bill just went up. Thanks ABK
@shahgyy Күн бұрын
@@ViridianFlow it doesn't have anything to do with inflation smooth brain
@ViridianFlow 23 сағат бұрын
@@shahgyy Source: Trust me bro
@shahgyy 15 сағат бұрын
@@ViridianFlow nope that's definitely not it. Look at the inflation % then look at the % xbox raised the price. The numbers don't lie. Don't blame me just because you're not informed
@andrewbarker8631 Күн бұрын
The price increase came with a diminishing of services. I hope the FTC punishes them accordingly
@jehannesweggen 16 сағат бұрын
That's the whole gaming industry.. prices increasing for hardware and software and services while the quality goes down.. why should MS be the only one who gets punished ? so far XB has the best performance for the money and so far XB Gamepass has the best content for the money.. but yeah the price increase and removing day 1 games suck..
@IlIiliIliIl 9 сағат бұрын
@@jehannesweggen Microsoft is the only 1 that signed to say they would increase the price or degrade its quality 😂
@MrHelicx Күн бұрын
How can you contradict yourself after making that saying joke about the lawsuit. How can a new tier be a degradation. And the new tier is nothing but ps premium
@plasticlife283 Күн бұрын
Ya people that say otherwise are stupid, can't read, or just want Xbox to fail.
@CARLGULA Күн бұрын
I played the Concord BETA and the game just isnt fun. Theres absolutely ZERO fun factor. It's another mindless, fps hero shooter that feels incredibly generic. The game does nothing to make me care about the characters or why they're even fighting in the first place. As far as Xbox goes, gamepass ultimate is the the BEST deal in gaming even with the price increase. In 2023 alone subscribers were given access to over $9000 worth of games. Not just massive AAA games but indies and everything in between. Gamepass has a little bit of everything which is exactly what's kept me subscribed for years now. Happy gaming ✌️
@MichaelKitup Күн бұрын
Thanks for the video and enjoy your weekend Jay
@derektweed Күн бұрын
The fact that they said call of duty would be in game pass for console day one with no price increase but then took day one games from game pass standard and raised prices on the only version that gets call of duty is clear to me that the price increase is due to the acquisition.
@golddragongaming1 Күн бұрын
So the fact that every other service raised its prices is irrelevant to you even though logic dictates that one look at every relevant fact rather than cherry-picking facts?
@derektweed Күн бұрын
@@golddragongaming1 come on, they can hide behind cleverly chosen words but we all know they removed day one games from standard game pass because they didn’t want to put call of duty in it. So they can get more money. It’s very calculated but easy to see.
@PM4K Күн бұрын
At this point inflation has been going on so long, I think it's made up. Inflation can stop anytime, but now it's a conveniently vague excuse. The lawsuit is stupid but I wanted that known.
@countquackula8539 Күн бұрын
Stalker delayed. No talk of that. 😂😂
@ViridianFlow Күн бұрын
Because it's not a big deal. Ukraine is still actively getting invaded by a hostile war force. They have other things to worry about. Complaining that someone in a safe country doesn't get a game as soon as they like is massive first world privilege.
@michaelanderson9947 Күн бұрын
imagine complaining about a Dev team stationed in a country actively in war with Russia hasn't released their game. several members actually are or were fighting in the war one of which died. the game isn't more important, stop crying like a btch
@michaelanderson9947 Күн бұрын
xbox has plenty of other stuff coming out, if you wanna pony up and cry over stalker. we'll atleast concord is dropping soon lol
@sonysoyboysaremadeoftears.7404 18 сағат бұрын
LMAO! And all you have is concord to look forward to lol. Oh well, by the time stalker 2 releases in november concord will have already set the world record for the fastest dying game in history and remember it was only possible on the pisstation 5 lol must be the power of that SSD huh? lmao
@countquackula8539 17 сағат бұрын
@sonysoyboysaremadeoftears.7404 Playstation fiscal report is out, and it's whooping the Xbox. Concord is a live service game. These kinds of games will not always hit big like Helldivers 2. Hellblade 2 was a complete flop both in sales and rentals. It's the only Xbox game out , too. What are you bragging about, lmao? 🤣 Astrobot will also be another big seller for Sony. Your less powerful box isn't even getting Wukong. 😂😂😂
@ThatArjun Күн бұрын
I wish the court would ask them to revert the prices 😂
@EvadXocliw Күн бұрын
After ABK was used as an excuse to shut down Tango GameWorks and Arkane, I want to see the deal blocked and shut down.
@games4you485 Күн бұрын
Jay stop talking about inflation... how much we as gamers are we going to defend companies with that inflation talking point? C'mon games are digital now And do You think they will decrease the price once "inflation" goes down? I don't care
@KyleSetFire Күн бұрын
Well yes they will. If the $ crashes and becomes worth half as much then business can either decrease prices to stay competitive with other business who will decrease their prices to stay competitive, or be massively overpriced in their market and lose customers. Basic man. Keep up.
@games4you485 Күн бұрын
@@KyleSetFire I think they won't because they know people will pay
@IlIiliIliIl Күн бұрын
​@@KyleSetFireyeah that's right. Inflation increased 4 percent max in 12 months and gamepass has only risen 30 percent in the same time period. But you ate right. Defend a trillion dollar company. I hope you have shares 😂😊
@KyleSetFire Күн бұрын
@@IlIiliIliIl Last month, Sony raised the price of all its PlayStation Plus 12-month subscriptions globally, across all tiers, by roughly 30%. In a new interview, PlayStation’s top business executive defended the decision, insisting the company had to “adjust” to market conditions. If one trillion dollar company is going it alone, they're in the wrong. When the entire world economy is inflating to the point a loaf of bread is 100% more expensive than it was this time last year.....I'm capable of being rational.
@IlIiliIliIl Күн бұрын
@@KyleSetFire that was last year and nothing has been said for this year regarding psplus 😂 use Google 😂
@Dmanplayer723 Күн бұрын
MOD! not game....
@daniel_debo Күн бұрын
FTC are about to take anthoer L proper embarrassing
@poseiidon2029 Күн бұрын
@@daniel_debo They took loads of L’s against Microsoft over a software acquisition in the 90’s right up until they succeeded in breaking up Microsoft
@daniel_debo Күн бұрын
@poseiidon2029 Well they won't win FTC protect Sony bet Microsoft lawyers sat laughing at them clowns
@poseiidon2029 Күн бұрын
@@daniel_debo FTC do not protect Sony, they just saw an opportunity to use Sony like a puppet in their quest to block the deal
@daniel_debo Күн бұрын
@poseiidon2029 They don't protect Sony lmao yeah right let's leave it at that because I'm not only one who thinks that Gamepass price goes up a bit and those clowns trying to make a case it's cring and embarrassing
@poseiidon2029 Күн бұрын
@@daniel_debo They don’t and before you rush to label me as a Pony my dad works for Microsoft
@stewarde17 Күн бұрын
Wrong! Playstation never raised their base prices only decreased the amount discounted the yearly subscription but the base price are same as before and even with yearly increase is less then buying month to month. This not same as xbox where they no only got rid game with gold but also changed their monthly base prices.
@KyleSetFire Күн бұрын
"Last month, Sony raised the price of all its PlayStation Plus 12-month subscriptions globally, across all tiers, by roughly 30%. In a new interview, PlayStation’s top business executive defended the decision, insisting the company had to “adjust” to market conditions." Be quiet. Ya desperate.
@stewarde17 Күн бұрын
@@KyleSetFire True the price changed for 12 month sub if you resub however false that the price is more then it would cost for 12 individual months before the supposed raising there by not a raise in price just a change in the amount discounted for getting 12 month sub. Your holding playstation to different standards then xbox who is raising their base prices. playstation cost $9.99 $14.99 and $17.99 a month at launch of the tier system and still cost that price today. The amount discounted for getting 12 month sub is just that a discount deal no different than xbox 1 dollar deal.
@adamuser8246 Күн бұрын
My Netflix basic plan increased from 9.99 to 11.99 now they are discontinuing 11.99 plan and now I am moving to standard plan 15.49 This Must be because of the MS Aquisition ..of
@stewarde17 Күн бұрын
Difference is netflix is expanding to not only gaming but also into sport entertainment by bring in the wwe and other live content. Gamepass has been decreasing it value not improving.
@ltzJB Күн бұрын
@@stewarde17 how has it decreased in value?
@stewarde17 Күн бұрын
@@ltzJB well first time lost game for gold and this time your losing day and date for mid tier.
@ltzJB Күн бұрын
@@stewarde17 you're entitled to your opinion, but I don't agree.
@IlIiliIliIl Күн бұрын
​@ltzJB well that is easy to answer, they increased the price and removed day 1 games from console. They literally are charging more and giving less. Now defend it fanboy 😂
@user-rl2jl8zx1c Күн бұрын
Soul Reaver is one of my favorite trilogies. Although I’ll admit, I played them recently and the controls don’t hold up. Hopefully they do the remasters justice. It’s a definite cop for me.
@hilldiddy2281 Күн бұрын
It’s funny the price gets raised when a call of duty hit the service
@Ben-fl3xk Күн бұрын
Haiku the robot is AMAZING
@daRealB-Rex Күн бұрын
While I'm fully prepared to pay the price for GP Ultimate, I am tempted to try out Game Pass Standard. I rarely play games when they launch and I'm mainly just playing Minecraft, CFB 25, and FH5 with friends currently so I'll probably just downgrade to the Standard tier.
@ltzJB Күн бұрын
@daRealB-Rex Same. I'm waiting to see how long day 1s will be delayed for GP standard before I downgrade though.
@daRealB-Rex Күн бұрын
@@ltzJB I’m also looking to see what parts of the existing library will go to Standard. I have a feeling just day one games and EA content will be omitted.
@ltzJB Күн бұрын
@daRealB-Rex As far as I know, it's ea, day 1, and xcloud. Once they release all the info I'll make my decision.
@daRealB-Rex Күн бұрын
@@ltzJB I rarely use Cloud so I forget it exists. As long as like the games I like to play stay, idrc about missing the day one stuff. Usually games are unplayable day-one and I don’t get hyped for many games anymore so Standard will probably be the plan for me.