@EricGourlay Күн бұрын
This is beyond reality if the document I have is what he’s just sayin. 😒 12:08
@pruittjosh1 2 күн бұрын
10k hours is casual? Day one ish player and almost every night ,only at half that amount of time in the game and when it started we played like 5 hours a night haha. I promise you,my squad and others who arent masters or pred level only have a k/d of like 1 to 1.5 on roller.
@achilleze 3 күн бұрын
lol you try to make it soooo mysterious. It's simple - cheaters cheat. Cheat developers makes cheats. Losers cheat
@blind-af 5 күн бұрын
Apex isn't dying. Its dead. And the cheating is why. Respawn/ea should be ashamed of themselves. Ruined a great game.
@silverbullet3004 5 күн бұрын
next time please remove the cringe Apex Things logo from the bottom or hide it
@nosduhs147 5 күн бұрын
Didn’t think anyone would make it this far, but you won’t stop us from cheating 😂 Bismallah
@davedesave5311 6 күн бұрын
just quit gaming best decision
@-DeZiRe- 6 күн бұрын
He always peaks at lan for some reason. But never has a stable team. Plays with 5 different teams and different team names a year. Yet still always performs.
@Cold84 6 күн бұрын
I figured I would share my thoughts as it came into my feed, I watched this video months ago and thought it was so interesting how you beat your close range score in one day, then doubled it, I've brought this up to friends how broken aim assist is. I finally decided to test it myself a few weeks ago after solo's getting shit on repeatedly by obvious controller players in the killcam. Hadn't played controller regularly in years, I was addicted to warzone on controller, so it's not like I have zero experience, but not in years. Now I have 1.5k hours on mnk, I'm not even really good, my best is solo q'ing to diamond, so I'm not one of these 0.8 kd complainers but still not good enough to even consider myself good lol. Plugged the controller in not even expecting to be competitive, and I tied the most kills I had in solo's day 1. I couldn't believe it, it shook me, ever since then how I view the game has changed, I thought it was much more competitive than I was lead to believe. The guns literally feels stronger and buffed compared to mnk. I didn't find long range to be as disastrous as you did as long as I had a long range scope which I need on mnk anyway, definitely missed more shots than on mnk, but I'm rarely one clipping a guy long distance with mnk, I'm hitting more shots but who knows how much that even matters vs hitting shots on roller still, and no comparison to aimbot close range. Also, why I thought aim assist wasn't overpowered initially was I was addicted to the new warzone, compared to that it feels like aim assist doesn't exist in apex, so holy fuck that game. Tho I'm the same as you that roller just isn't fun to me. If I had to switch to roller I would just not play. I can play all day on mnk and not be bored, but a few hours after roller and idc anymore. I kinda wish I never did that and still lived in denial because all I see and think is aim assist when dying - which is exactly what happened to me when I quit the new warzone. It's the most frustrating thing that a roller player can just randomly aim and hit those shots needed that you have to try so hard to get on mnk lol. Tho the game makes so much more sense to me now, it takes significantly less to do what do are so no wonder I get shit on. It is so crazy they allow aim assist to be so overpowered and put mnk at such a disadvantage, I can't believe we are at this point. I think the fix is to give mnk a little aim assist. Many people are mnk purists who want no aim assist, but I just want to have fun at the game, put me at less of a disadvantage, if you're not going to give aa a nerf, give me a buff. I think it works really well in halo, I hope more games go that direction cause no one is nerfing controller since it dominates games like this. It's also so crazy to me how there can be ANY mnk players that are pro at this game. In a 1v1 the pro caliber controller player just wins. At a disadvantage against pro players? Idk how its possible.
@allgood9912 6 күн бұрын
How you gon make this after making a banger with the dezign video? This just feels like 10 minutes of you not being able to take gnaskes balls out ya mouth 😭😭😭
@mwboy3897 6 күн бұрын
This doesn't seem like hate to me. Just a doc on a pro player.
@TheGoldenApex 6 күн бұрын
I love this video so much holy crap😂😂😂 Gnaske is so funny so having a video make about him is awesome!!! I wish I wasn’t already subscribed, so I could subscribe again!!!🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️
@robotcookie830 6 күн бұрын
the "only you" song gave me ptsd from farcry 5 lmao
@DrDisinfect2402 6 күн бұрын
someone reuploaded this same video by the name akanumbers, copyright strike that bitch rn
@andreasfragos4817 7 күн бұрын
that didnt age well 😑
@franceb3156 7 күн бұрын
Thats what happens when you got nothing to lose 😂 well played. who cares if they didnt win? they had fun! then brooo, they fought fanatic in a game during Lan, last 2 teams and that was one of the best moments in ALGS.
@WhyWillWizardry 7 күн бұрын
@WhyWillWizardry 7 күн бұрын
nice music
@bbygirlk94 7 күн бұрын
10/10 video
@zoefenning211 7 күн бұрын
Sadly, he’s done it again :/
@feehlztv4395 7 күн бұрын
how can you leave out the double res round 5, stopping DZ from gaining points/winning?
@nasmboyd1573 7 күн бұрын
You forgot to add how he stopped DZ from winning 😂😂
@blippiwithaclippi3197 7 күн бұрын
Moch has the best taste in music
@izmeqfenner8130 7 күн бұрын
the art of Gnasking
@Justdubbb 7 күн бұрын
Etta James in the intro section? You sir have good taste
@rekthereaper3760 7 күн бұрын
Hands down one of my favorite dudes to watch . Love when i come across a video with him in it . I click!
@cashadvancecentersofky4805 8 күн бұрын
Gnaske Is Str8 Passion o7 til I die, he got zaine back...GOAT!!!
@cashadvancecentersofky4805 8 күн бұрын
He's a genius igl also
@donna509 8 күн бұрын
What is this elite ahh music selection for an apex video
@0maxk_ 8 күн бұрын
Gnaske is mechanically shit but he has big brain
@kamilkariye491 8 күн бұрын
Bro this story has so many holes in it . Gnaske has had an amazing career placing top 10 in most lans with multiple roasters. He’s a lan proven igl not just a EU player
@guesswhothis 8 күн бұрын
Damn bro nice video
@ahmetcoper4029 8 күн бұрын
Laughing stock of apex XD
@sedraniM 8 күн бұрын
0:59 dat head!
@lenk1432 8 күн бұрын
Faide glazing is crazy, he just spams zips and plays in bot lobbies
@ajuicycatsteak 8 күн бұрын
He would destroy you in a 1v1 100% lol
@lenk1432 8 күн бұрын
Gnaske is the goat lmao
@nyxeffectz2913 8 күн бұрын
keep ‘em coming bro
@mariankowalski9797 8 күн бұрын
Hard stuck gold LMFAO!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
@lenk1432 8 күн бұрын
That seasons ranked was actual hell, it just goes to show how horrible hmmr was, that even pro players were having issues with it, respawn makes the worst changes to ranked all the time, again and again
@mariankowalski9797 8 күн бұрын
@@lenk1432 What are you talking about man... I hit the highest rank ever in that season lol
@karabacon_ 8 күн бұрын
​@@mariankowalski9797 because youre bad at the game, thats the point. Low level players were only matched with low level players even in high ranks, so its basically freepoints, preds were only match against preds even if they were in silver so it was nearly unplayable to any high level player soloqing.
@mariankowalski9797 8 күн бұрын
@@karabacon_ Thats how it supposed to be! Let preds play with preds! Other way its to easy for them!
@gregoryjames7696 8 күн бұрын
You're right about everything. He's a killer, but he's dumb as a rock. Just wish KCP had stayed in Apex.
@ElJuk3B0X 8 күн бұрын
I’ve never been more entertained by a player in Esports before and that’s why Gnaske is my Goat🤘
@TriGGzDowN 8 күн бұрын
Instant Sub bro excellent video 👌
@LiGMa-pk5jg 8 күн бұрын
needed this lore
@ULIKTHESE 8 күн бұрын
zach is 100x more of a clown than gnaske
@theeznuts 8 күн бұрын
W background music
@kaystephan2610 8 күн бұрын
The thing is (and I don't mean this in a condescending way): this topic is made a big deal in videos like this but the reason why EA doesn't really care about this is PROBABLY very simple: the revenue still comes in. That's at least my guess. I mean think about it: these people go to great lengths to conceal their identities to avoid any trouble. Even if you go to great lengths to catch them, chances are you will only catch the middlemen doing the distribution. And then what? They might sit god knows where. Maybe in China or Russia. And even if you get them not that much will happen to these middlemen as they only distributed. Meanwhile the actual creators remain free. They just set up a new website and sell their cheats again. And even if you get the actual creators, for everyone you catch three new will pop up. It's just too lucrative. I mean think about it: you make simple cheats. You sell them for, say, $4 or so. How many people will buy them? if 10K people buy them you just made $40,000. easy money. And if it's larger you can make hundreds of thousands or MILLIONS. It's too lucrative and it's like the Hydra. And then there is probably many that operate alone which makes staying hidden WAY easier. So many you will never catch. It's a losing battle. And for what? Apex rakes in loads of money. Just look at these shitty "premium deathboxes". Everyone ridiculed them but I see loads of them in every game. Cause people pay for that trash. And so on one side you gain nothing if you were to invest a lot of money into cracking down on some cheater networks (success not even guaranteed) but you would spend money. And on the other side people cash into this game anyway. So why care? From an economic perspective it makes no sense and we all know there is only one thing EA cares about: money. I have also kinda just given up. In my beginning times in Season 4 (that's when I really got into it; played since S1 tho) I edited every recording of a cheater (like clear cheating, crystal clear aimbot and all) and sent it into customer support. But eventually you realize that it's pointless. Now, many years later, I am just like "Yea he's probably cheating" so I report em, assuming it doesn't do anything anyway, and Q into the next match (on the occassion where I play). It's pointless 🤷‍♂ And economically speaking they have no incentive to care.
@roflantigran9676 8 күн бұрын
Zach is about to stop making 9k a month with his team getting destroyed after the Lan
@Mcsmokey1995 8 күн бұрын
Shout Out to the GSD days. The real ones out there know.
@liamd8918 8 күн бұрын
I knew subscribing to this channel was a good idea. Keep it up man 🔥
@yuno_4731 8 күн бұрын
Honestly think gnaske is a good igl, his mechanics are eh, don’t really like the guy but can’t deny that he’s a content machine. W video
@valerianaether 8 күн бұрын
Good video with some Incredible music choices
@HamkkeTogether 8 күн бұрын
I met Gnaske for the first time when they lose that contest against TSM, but I started to like Gnaske and o7 team, when they made E8 Zachmazer life become bs in LAN. I truly dislike Zach so that contest was such a great moment to watch ALGS LAN.
@giggyziggy 8 күн бұрын
the music slaps my guy