| Make WoT GREAT Again! | War Thunder |
@Nucleus281 21 сағат бұрын
The T-72 ural is trash if that was a T-72AV that wouldn’t of happened.
@xiverisx Күн бұрын
Yeah currently veteran players do not have a need in game to grind crews and i am not a fan about it, true that current skills are more powerful, but i was a fan of bigger variety we had before with a feeling that your commander getting stronger and stronger after each battle and you are getting closer and closer for 1 more skill (personal little achievement`s which made you proud + those crews would become even more special to you)
@milad7764 Күн бұрын
They removed the only part of the game that was actually matter.
@krypton7807 Күн бұрын
Thanks you saved me money lol
@rogerpoole8253 Күн бұрын
As a 10 year veteran (With a few gaps admittedly) I totally agree with you. I do miss that target of 25 skills
@kashyapiluri1560 Күн бұрын
Can u pls make more like this
@jonnopillz5709 Күн бұрын
FUCK yeah, and ooooh.... 😂
@Larry.y.lawrye Күн бұрын
Sheridan missile tipo cazacarros?
@fabiantavarez888 2 күн бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly with this been playing for 10 years and after that update I find myself just playing less and less which sucks cuz I love the game
@Baz2107ABTOPROM 2 күн бұрын
Класс у меня такой же танк есть в танк блиц
@user-po7ub3zk5m Күн бұрын
В блице у тебя канон-яга а тут чет с птуром походу
@Baz2107ABTOPROM Күн бұрын
@@user-po7ub3zk5m нет у меня прям в точь в точь хто танк
@genekelley7579 2 күн бұрын
🛑🛑 Agreed! 💯👍
@Armchair.extraordinaire-bo5mv 2 күн бұрын
For the people saying the current crew system brings balance, no it doesn't not at all. The damn tanks in the game aren't even close to being balanced, even in the same tier or era. WG has power creeped so much shit in the game it's one of the reasons i don't buy anything.
@Armchair.extraordinaire-bo5mv 2 күн бұрын
I'm okay with nine skills, but i think they should add a prestige system to them though. And i think they need to add more or improve the equipment for tanks.
@Armchair.extraordinaire-bo5mv 2 күн бұрын
Mauses be sneaky m8
@davidc1878 2 күн бұрын
I think the reason Wargaming made this change is because of a problem online multiplayer games that have been around for many years will face: a huge disparity between the veteran players and new players that only gets bigger every year. One of the major complaints about matches is that they often end so quickly. These would be the games where a single unicum gets 9 or 10 kills in a single match. When you have a veteran player with maxed out crew skills (or a platoon of such players) who basically wipe out an entire opposing team in a few minutes, you are not going to keep new players around or even casual players. It would be worse if they didn't change the crew skill system because a new player (with a crew with, say, three skills or less) could face an opposing player with twenty five skills. It is difficult trying to maintain a game where you cater to the unicums, the veteran players, and the whales but at the same time have to try to attract new players with no experience and skills to the game as well as retain casual players. The ironic thing is that there are veteran players and unicums complaining that there are so many noobs playing the game or that noobs are allowed to simply buy a tier ten tank without any experience. It is ironic because the unicums are the most dependent upon a constant supply of noobs coming into the game and should not be complaining. I mean, it is the noobs and less skilled casual players who are killed by a unicum when he gets nine or ten kills during a match. Wargaming has been trying for years to keep a reliable supply of noobs so that KZfaqrs can make videos of their latest ten kill match and Pool's medal... and they do this by making the game easier. It is kind of a Catch 22 problem.
@riojasvictor 2 күн бұрын
Im on the 1A3, and damn I'm getting ammo racked constantly . Thanks for tye info
@tjger0164 2 күн бұрын
The perfect video for an old 8 year veteran of WOT console.
@quantumkaos94 2 күн бұрын
I'm enjoying this tank so far. Great review as always 🤙
@kevingonzales7499 2 күн бұрын
Rikki, you haven’t said anything about the new changes, I love them, atgm’s are more controlled now. ERA 3 is playable again!!!! Hope your feeling better!!!!
@AlanDocherty-rh1xl 2 күн бұрын
Agree 100% I have only been playing seriously for 7-8months but as I have become slightly better and a bit more experienced I have been frustrated that I there are only 4 equipment slots and 9 skill slots. As many have pointed out by the time you have selected the essentials you only have a very few left to allow for any degree of customisation. If wargaming are worried about it becoming too complex for beginners just have a default/recommended configuration button for those that want to use it. Please, Please wargaming, listen to what Riki is saying
@Jean-FrancoisROGARD-sq6jv 2 күн бұрын
Please, no more lessons, no more tips, no more "how to" ! This game is a big fake from begining to end and 80% of players are idiots (and they'll remain idiots with the vest teachers in world).
@Jean-FrancoisROGARD-sq6jv 2 күн бұрын
And week end are TERRIBLE, you get all the shit of servers.
@toby7504 3 күн бұрын
Always room for a leclerc in my garage along side with the standard leclerc and Peace Sells. That KW leopard was a bit expensive, but if its on discount one day l might get that also.
@evanatkins654 3 күн бұрын
I do like 9 max skills, it brings a needed balance. Imagine starting wot today with a one skill capitan. I had my iron mace capitan to 15 skills before 6.0 and was crushed when he got neutered. But grew to appreciate the balance 9 max skills brings.
@kingdomhopemin 3 күн бұрын
I think this video is rather elitist. Who are the so called 'golden cohort'? I suspect these few are rather outnumbered by players who joined post 6.0 (whatever that was/is). The game sounds far more accessible than it ever did and you don't have to play it for years or for hours on end each day to progress your commanders. I hope WG don't change it to accommodate the old guard
@Armchair.extraordinaire-bo5mv 2 күн бұрын
The problem is, it will quickly stagnate for any players wanting more depth and reasons to keep playing. And then they will find out there isn't one especially when they start noticing the broken MM and RNG sooner or later. And then wargaming has lost a nother player.
@FlippDogg75 3 күн бұрын
Ammoracks in WoT need to be this glorious!
@jacobsekela8691 3 күн бұрын
The absolutely shocking theft of our crews after Update 6.0 left many of us utterly devastated, including myself. When asked why this was done, the Devs said it was to “make the game more fair for new players and level the playing field.” Well, as a veteran player of 9+ years, I say this: to HELL with the new players. I had worked SO hard and spent SO MUCH MONEY on getting my 17-skill German medium tank crew to where they were and that effort was stolen from me. 6.0 was always about dumbing down the game for a new generation of absolutely horrific players and those who didn’t care about actually learning how to play the game correctly. WWE? Hot Wheels? 6.0? It was ALL to cater to noobs and wallet warriors and an attempt to wipe out the game’s veteran players. And look where the game is now, 4 years later … it’s on life support.
@hanspetermarschall4449 3 күн бұрын
agree 100% 👍👍👍 i felt betrayed After 6.0 and the Game become more and more an Arcadestyle Game. Coldwar era 2-3!!!
@bathin7941 3 күн бұрын
thats how it will be at a distance if the temp was hot and on tarmac or ocean . I dont know about a desert.
@scooby1k500 3 күн бұрын
6.0 demonstrated how wargaming see their customers. i.e dumb cash cows. Nobody asked for the changes they applied in 6.0. As a result most of the veterans left the game, because the game was ruined over night. The game has improved significantly since then, but without the old crew system its worse than pre 6.0. Wargaming have never admitted they were wrong, and their stubborness will prevent them from bringing the crew system back.
@Cammy1RHF 3 күн бұрын
my borsig was maxed out as was my TD's. I was so bloody annoyed when the skipfire of 6.0 came out i binned WoT for a year
@Christian-qu8zi 3 күн бұрын
The limit of 9 skills for all crews in WoT ensures some sort of equal competition. Just recall as a rookie player how we were completely destroyed by fully leveled up players. This was not encouraging. Pleasing veterans is not the purpose of any game.
@dirkbullet 3 күн бұрын
Crews were just part of it. Merc frankenstien tanks, lacklustre maps, and endless power creep have stopped me playing after 10 xbox years. ( still have much prem time and loads prem tanks) but i find the whole experience MAKE ME UNABLE TO EVEN LOAD THE GAME as my fury instantly builds in the very first era 3 game i attemped to play last week after not playing at all from xmas or jan 2024. I like to enjoy games NOT loose my temper like I have never done over a GAME ever brfore. I thought cW had saved it. But then missiles and the one shot kill type tanks and silly yolo mobiles. These things have no place in an MP shooter with no re spawns when you are playing with your mates. Nor does arty in WW2 that can now act like front line tanks.
@BushWackingHomestead 3 күн бұрын
They need to fix matchmaking out of 61 game I've played yesterday 17 of those games were 15-0 blowouts absolutely ridiculous!
@korbendallas5318 3 күн бұрын
The saddest thing about the change: Today's three-skill crew (which you can simply buy) is more effective than a pre-6.0 crew with all 25 skills. It's not even close.
@korbendallas5318 3 күн бұрын
The worst argument for the new system: Crews are much more effective now. 1) Yeah dude, and you think the guy in the Red tank doesn't know this? It's not an advantage if everyone has it. 2) ...everyone except beginners. The difference is _brutal_ if you don't have at least three to five skills.
@korbendallas5318 3 күн бұрын
I think you left out an important part of the crew skill mess, and one that _can_ potentially be fixed. I don't know how many years ago Downgrade 6.0 happened, but I still remember the exact buttons you had to press eg. to move a new crew into a premium tank for a training session. It's "X<left>X". The best suited crew? Simply "XX". Move it back into the original tank? "XX" again. I still play a lot, and I couldn't tell you which buttons you have to press today. A _lot_ more than just three. The difference is so strking that any developer with a soul should cry himself into sleep every night just thinking about it. It can be fixed. For starters, disallow entering battle without a crew. It's a very, very stupid idea and gives new players an immense disadvantage. (Implicitly, make standard crews cheaper to buy, at least for new players.) Second, put changes between nations into its own menu item. (IOW, simply allow to un-country a crew for gold seperate from moving it around.) That _drastically_ shortens the list of crews/tanks you are presented when doing the most common thing, change within a nation. Third, give us useful filters. Before 6.0, the only way we could filter crews was by tank type, and that was plenty, because it worked so well with the other restrictions.
@ALiteralTank-je5kf 3 күн бұрын
This is one of the many of the problems with the game I 4 full perk crews witch is a lot of work after 6.0 all was gone so 😢. friends I still know Won't come back because of the changes of 6.0 did. One of the new things I really hate is the new reticle that they have added is horrible an I really don't know that they add the Centre dot is really big and all so Impedes on accuracy 2. Quite a big extent in cold war , slightly less water as the ranging is different. A good fix would be to 2 separate hud and reticle I believe this would be a good way to be able To make the game more time period accurate. To cold war and ww2 it would all so be a Quality of life improvement. My last problem bring back tiers 1 an 2 because 6.0 was Released The fact that they removing them was buried among the update patchnotes Thanks was not spoken about clearly The removal of them
@TimTam-ws8so 3 күн бұрын
Maybe grow up
@ALiteralTank-je5kf 3 күн бұрын
How long have you been playing?
@TimTam-ws8so 3 күн бұрын
@@ALiteralTank-je5kf 2019 warships . Just stirring the pot LOL
@ALiteralTank-je5kf 3 күн бұрын
@TimTam-ws8so I was just wondering that's all
@TimTam-ws8so 3 күн бұрын
@@ALiteralTank-je5kf Warships player Hardly play wot. But have a mouse and a very trained up crew . I take a look at tanks once or twice a year .And i just played a game and i got 5 kills and everyone else had 1 .And i am a noob WOT player i dont know anything . Second game i got 7 kills LMAO
@korbendallas5318 3 күн бұрын
Excellent idea for a video series! Two bits of personal perspective: 1) At some point I got a couple of Bogatyr crews. I usually prefer long-term "perfection" over short-term minmaxing, so I went through all my Soviet tanks, picked out those using AP or APCR as premium rounds. I then assigned the Bogatyr crews to those tanks to maximize the skill's effect. Of course now I had to train these fresh crews up to at least acceptable levels. Hours of involvement and gameplay for what frankly is a mediocre skill, just because it was special. Now I don't think I have the skill on any of my ~200 nine-skill crews. 2) I still remember the excitement I felt every time I received a new skill on a high-skill crew. I looked forward before it happened, counted down the XP required, put the crew into more premium tanks than I otherwise would have. I played a lot before Downgrade 6.0, and I played a lot since. I received so many nine-skill crews during the downdate that I only ran out recently, and therefore I still haven't trained a nine-skill crew from scratch. A complete section of the game removed for years.
@hawgpit5274 3 күн бұрын
I usually agree with everything you post, but i can't on this 1 man. I don't really care for the current system, it's like you say, very bland and cookie cutter. I don't think turning it back into a long slog of a grind is the way to fix it though. It did turn off a lot of new players, and gave the players who had a ton of time to play a real advantage. The skill gap between players was getting to be very lopsided. Now I do think they need to add something super grindy to the game to give veteran players something to work toward. I just don't think it should be something tied to player power.
@drosera88 3 күн бұрын
I think the biggest problem with crew right now is that there are at least 4-6 skills you have to have depending on the tank because they are more or less essential and put you at a huge disadvantage if you don't use them. How you "build" your crew boils down to just the 3-5 remaining skills you have left. My idea is that they should add two extra slots that are tank-class specific. Each of the extra slots give you a choice between two or three skills specific to that slot and you can only choose one for each slot, that way you can choose some of the more specialized skills without sacrificing a slot you could put a way more useful skill in for something that will only be useful every so often. Some of the less used skills could be thrown in these slots (ex: make rollover recovery and trick driving light tank only skills). They also need to make some of the lesser used and useless skills more viable by either combining them (ex: combine firefighting and fire prevention and buff the firefighting benefit), or adding additional benefits (ex: make gunsmith more viable by adding a small passive accuracy, reload, and/or gun durability buff in addition to the increased accuracy on damaged guns, make comms technician more viable by giving your allies in radio range a view range buff and/or making it so that targets you spot are lit up for a few seconds longer). Another idea would be to take some of those essential skills and just build them into the commander in some other way. Everyone takes sixth sense, so either make it just a default mechanic or combine it with something else.
@demohobgobln 3 күн бұрын
What I would like to see is having a 9 Major skills crew and then having an additional 3 skills added that would be considered minor crew skills bringing the total to 12. This would still keep things balanced but would provide a more dynamic build option across tanks. As of now everyone needs uses at least the same 4 skills to start and doesn't leave enough room for build diversity. You could have for example minor crew skills could include armor angling, swimming lessons ( yes that skill should return) Deadeye etc etc. Riki tell me what you think of this idea and maybe you could add to it and pass it along or make a video on it.