BubbleSMP S2 Launch! - 18/5/2024
Candyland Hide n seek - ?/11/2023
Super Mario RPG 👀  - 24/11/2023
9 ай бұрын
Mother Nature Build Event
9 ай бұрын
Genesis SMP Launch Day!
10 ай бұрын
GenSMP - Waking the beast
10 ай бұрын
10 ай бұрын
@gdplayer176 6 күн бұрын
He does the swag walk
@The_Vagrant Ай бұрын
1:05:10 ashswag really is thanos, bro became a villain and then goes to his I have no enemies arc
@itsaiqgamez54 2 ай бұрын
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Thank you god for feeding the vods channel, as a member of the “I physically cannot watch bubbles streams bc timezones” gang, we are forever grateful for your services. This will supply us with food for another month or so, you have saved our lives. To any families who have had the unfortunate experience of losing a loved one due to the great bubble vods starvation, we are deeply sorry and will provide backup emergency fanart services for an extended period of time. Now we will commence with the ritual sacrifice to honour our god, bubbles in the chat. (This is a joke, don’t take it seriously, bubble’s community is not a cult at all. Mhm totally.)
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Silly moments 34:21 - imagine someone copy pasted their signature on the entire piece of fanart like a stock image lmao 35:18 - “arrrggh! we need to get bubblebrooke back for this!” “Oh wait but I don’t want to upset bubble, bubble might be sad :(“ 35:36 - literally anyone else on the server: Yeah! Kill them! When it’s bubble: Oh noe bubble might be sad :(( 44:52 - “BECAUSE SOMEONE WONT EXPAND THE BORDER-“ “Not naming any names of course” Also bubble calling him a emoji faced yellow tellytubby: 51:33 - bubble practicing gaslighting the server that the water never existed in the first place 53:03 - gen smp is dehydrated so they hydrate bubbles instead 1:48:49 - smol
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Silly moments: 7:11 - “Bribery!” “….” “Physiological torture!” “….” “Murder!” “Very. Right.” “Yayyyy! :DD” “Wait no I don’t want to murder people, I want to make friends :((“ 8:38 - *pokes head out to check time “You’re stuck in here with me, what horrible torture for you.” 9:45 - “This is Barry.” TBC 12:52 - “bok bok boking their way to freedom” 15:27 - door struggles 18:47 - tbf derapchu is the richest person on the server
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Silly moments: 23:15 - “Something abt eating wood, I don’t think that’s good for your health dude.” “It tastes good :D” 24:40 - “Im experiencing a sapling deficit right now, what’s happened to the sapling stock market? I tell you what it’s freaking plummeting.” 25:00 - “Hi there! My tree is defective, how are you?” 50:48 - “I’m going to be the prettiest princess :D” 51:18 - “I’m breaking the amethyst stock market. Is there a amethyst stock market? Probably not but I’m breaking it rn.” 53:30 - bunny bubble is canonically god 55:23 - “window shaped heart” 58:10- “I’m the Easter bunnyy!” “But instead of chocolate I bring you flesh!” 1:00:12 : “You have been purged from the inventory, goodbye forever, have a good life.” 1:00:19 - “Bubble bunny doesn’t hide eggs for children, she hides the childrheh!” “Wha- a- hehe“ “Accurate.” 1:20:03 - “two small, one big” 1:21:03 - “That was hilarious, 10/10 whatever you just said.” 1:23:03 - “I’m a great dreamer, I have many dreams.” “Some of them tell me to murder people, but I ignore those ones, I look at the nice dreams.” “You should listen to those ones, I think you should :]” 1:23:17 - “oh- hello :)” *the creeper approaching really slowly 1:27:53 - “We are like the chipettes and he is like dave” 1:41:03 - “spoon” 1:43:01 - “-and here the two minecraft players learn how to boost each other in the air. And off they go, galloping off together into the sunset, skipping and dancing through the flowers, on their way to commit a murder :)” 2:08:22 - wise words bubbles 2:24:26 - “What’s your calling in life?” “Carrots mostly, but I can’t seem to find any :(“ 2:24:34 - “-and the flesh of my enemies, but that’s a future project :)” “Did you just say the flesh of your enemies?” “Nonononono I said um friendliest frienemies :D” 2:24:50 - ashswag repeating stuff like a broken record 2:25:50 - where did all the wood go? Someone took them. not me tho mhm totally 2:31:43 - “A- Ju- Be -Are you good there?” “Yeah. Uh-“ “You appear to be perishing.” *pluto took a bath for too long “Oh-“ 2:32:21 - “ohhhhh ok have fun with dying :D” 2:32:33 - “cm’here u lil birch tree, cm’here!” 2:37:08 - “Oh ok lemme just walk over to the ed-“ “Oh noe never mind :/“ 2:41:12 - “I’m going to count down from 30, and if the rain doesn’t stop I’m going to kill god >:(“ 2:44:12 - goofy chase scene 2:44:40 - rain rain go away come again another day 2:48:00 - sad pickaxe :( 2:49:50 - same energy as falling asleep and waking up to this 2:50:06- another goofy chase scene 2:50:36 - ashswag says the stuff in a funny way 3:10:35 - “that’s 150 calories right there.” 3:12:07 - “gasp, licon!” *jumps off cliff 3:12:48 - “that’s ashswag with the toaster noises.” 3:14:16 - squeaky bubbles aaa 3:13:09 - flip 3:58:05 - not silly but it’s a victory in itself and um silly noises 3:59:33 - “oh that that made them hesitate a bit-“ 4:10:10 - “Someone in chat just said your doing a stardew valley.” (Credits and big thanks to fin, they are amazing) 4:41:42 - “Do you feel Bonita?” “I feel bonita.” “Good bc u look bonita!”
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Silly moments: (there’s a lot, I know) 8:41 - “Vidcon can suck it, I have lava buckhehh heh *sniff” 14:31 - “Try not to die and then we collect their bones! :D” 15:45 -“oH I aPPeAr tO be LoW oN hEaLtH” *casually strolls into lava “Ah ah wazoni true e fairyyyyy tales” “This is fine :D” 17:06 - “maybe I shouldn’t have squeezed your brain, maybe it’s somehow my fault” 19:18 - “lookatmeandmylilbunnyearslookatme nomnomnomnomnomnom imlilbunnylilbunnymnlilbunnymlilbunski” 19:25- “On the bright side, Otter said I can have some of their bones.” 24:52 - “I need your bones people” 26:27 - AAAAAAAAAA 27:55 - “You can’t get out, there’s a world border idiots!” “Ow.” “Well they can still snipe me though” 29:30 - “Haprrap brown dye” 30:03 - dude just died and the llama be like i saw nothing 34:14 - ocarina moment for the resub 34:52 - ocarina moment episode 2 35:46 - ocarina moment episode 3 36:17 - ocarina moment for the rewatch episode 4 37:03 - “I’m aliveeee heh, west virginiaaaa heh” bubbles are u ok u sound drunk 2:09:26 -“IS THAT A SUBSCRIPTION?” Ocarina noises
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Silly moments 10:53 - stuck right there :l 1:10:21 - “No.” “Yeah.” “No :/“ “Yeah :D” 1:11:06 - “Parsnip?” “Parsnip.” 1:18:06 - “Oh is this part of it? I thought it was like a weird tennis racket!” 1:23:51 - “they’re not rotting, they’re just pointy :D” 1:40:45 -“Eat you stupid sheep! Eat!” *the sheep gives you a bombastic side eye
@bubblebrookevods 2 ай бұрын
just fyi i am very much enjoying these timestamps please continue
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
@@bubblebrookevods Good to know :D
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 3 ай бұрын
Fav time stamps: 21:31 - “Hi Npc! Hello, welcome to the- I hope you need the- I really need the- Oh thank you for helping out!” 52:49 -“Like a little boing little balloon” 1:31:40 - “Does that mean you can play more at gen?” “Yeah” “Yayyy, nvm die! :D” “Yes ma’am” “Yeah wack yourself in the eye! >:]”
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 3 ай бұрын
Silly moments
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 3 ай бұрын
Silly moments :3 1:07:26 - “I used your brain as a stress toy, and now it’s deformed.” 1:45:28 - “Can you talk as fast as you can in the British accent?” Moments before disaster. 2:18:07 - bubble bread chaos 2:26:17 - “the thing, the thingy with the thing and the, the- and the peekaboo and the I found you, and the oh noe” 10:26:41 - “It’s an ashswag, look at him. Prancing through the fields like a- like an elegant gazelle, look at him leaping through the air entering the carrot exiting the carrot. Look at him, prancing, slowly. An ashswag in the wild. This is a uh what a rare moment this is.” “Hello bubblebrooke.” *bubble leans on the grass block awkwardly “Wassup, I didn’t describe your whole entrance the whole time- Heyyyyy :]“
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 3 ай бұрын
Yipee sniffer hunting!
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 3 ай бұрын
Don’t mind me just saving silly moments hehe 10:32 - “I’m like a fish that hasn’t been fished.” 11:39 - “People don’t take hugs and friendship as a currency on this server” :( 12:40 - “owwwoauhwaooroseeerooseeeeeeewhywouldyoudothistome:((( Oh I’m fine, oh I’m fine :)” 13:34 - “As- As- As your boyfriend, yeah you should fire him. :)” 16:32 -“ J-just text her, ‘Hey dellilah can u make a house on gen not for any particular reason, definitely not have any ill wilehhehe’” 18:09 - “Do they have immortal enemies in this kids show?” 1:19:09 - ocarina moment 1:20:00- eHem, ocarina time woooo
@jerichodashley2821 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for building it for ashswag
@SpaceAstronautDonutPizzaLoving 3 ай бұрын
Quick question. Did Ashswag ever eliminate you at genesis smp during his villain arc?
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
Apparently he has killed her before his retirement but I don’t think it counts as “elimination”
@Cloverleaf689-iv5dz 2 ай бұрын
But I wouldn’t know, the only source of bubble stream content I get is from the vods sooo
@Heavenly_Demon_God 3 ай бұрын
You’re awesome
@user-qu3ql8uw8x 6 ай бұрын
Yeah this is amazing
@Netbug009 9 ай бұрын
It was such a blast to watch this live!
@cutthesky 10 ай бұрын
thanks for uploading this one!!!
@millos7191 10 ай бұрын
"promo sm"
@FunkVT 10 ай бұрын
absolutely adorable and fun good vibes, I'll be tuning in over on twitch for sure!
@SuperKeuryBros91 11 ай бұрын
Love this game😎
@olivermielewczyk7186 11 ай бұрын