@ahmetgunduz4012 5 күн бұрын
@user-ud6de7mn1k 6 күн бұрын
Whre banat republic?
@editefendi5498 9 күн бұрын
Irak savaşı kazansaydı peki 2003 teki savaşı 💀
@starcluster2593 15 күн бұрын
whats the song?
@anneteunlinsen715 9 күн бұрын
Ay caramela
@majorperson9753 25 күн бұрын
Persian gulf !!
@osamah7741 27 күн бұрын
الفيديو مليان أغلاط ١- الإيرانيين لم يحتلوا البصرة بل أحتلوا الفاو وكم قرية شرق العمارة ٢- الغزو العراقي للكويت كان عام ١٩٩٠ وليس ١٩٩١ ٣- الإتحاد السوفيتي لم يكن موجود عام ٢٠٠٣ ٤- الأمريكان في غرب العراق دخلوا من خلال معبر الرطبة الحدودي مع الأردن.
@alipasdar 29 күн бұрын
This video has two mistake one of them the flag of Iraq before gulf war only has 3stars And one of them the king of kuwait during the gulf war was sheikh jaber not sheikh saad
@Yousuf.S_156 Ай бұрын
الديكتاتور الفاشل
@user-cz6vg4em1d Ай бұрын
Persian Golf
@kurd971 Ай бұрын
Biji kurdistan 🌞
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
Bji kurdistan from a persian brother❤🙋
@kurd971 28 күн бұрын
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Ай бұрын
It's not even an exaggeration that Poland saved through the victory in the war 1919-21 against the communists Europe and maybe even the whole world. Indeed, the Polish victory against the Bolsheviks had also an extreme European impact but also even a global impact. According to the British politician and diplomat Lord D'Abernon, who was part of the inter allied Mission to Poland in 1920, during the Polish-Bolshevik war, the 1920 Battle of Warsaw was one of the most important battles in world history because as he said "had the Battle of Warsaw ended with a Bolshevik victory, it would have been a turning point in the history of Europe. As there is no doubt that with the fall of Warsaw, Central Europe would have been left open to Communist propaganda and Bolshevik invasion." So long as the Bolsheviks were preoccupied with the Civil War, they had nothing in mind beyond their survival. But, having conquered the Russian heartland in the course of 1919, they began to heed the dictates of their ideology, which told them that the Communist Revolution should be exported from Russia to the rest of Europe. The Second Congress of the Communist International deliberated in Moscow between 19 July and 7 August 1920. Lenin spoke of the increasingly favorable odds for the accomplishment of the World Proletarian Revolution, which would lead to the World Soviet Republic. The road to Europe opened up when Germany lost the First World War and signed the surrender on November 11th 1918. The German troops then systematically retreated from the occupied lands of Ukraine, Belarus and other Baltic states. They were immediately followed by the Bolshevik Red Army, fulfilling Lenin’s orders to begin its “freeing” march west. This operation had a telling codename according to the Polish river - “Vistula”. Because the aim of the coming Bolshevik attack should be Poland. The most important job of the Bolsheviks was to break through to Germany and Austria which were filled with revolutionary atmosphere. To do that, they needed to get rid of the “barrier”, meaning, as Joseph Stalin wrote, “the national states which wound up between the two huge sources of revolution in the East and West”. One such barrier was, first and foremost, Poland which just regained independence following the defeat of Germany and Austria. On November 17th 1918, at the Red Army briefing, its commander Leon Trotsky predicted the sovietisation of Poland and Ukraine as “the links binding Soviet Russia with future Soviet Germany” and the first stage in building “the Union of European Proletariat Republics”. Poles lived also at the territories of modern Belarus and Lithuania, which were invaded by the Bolsheviks. A Polish Self-defense was created there, counting 10 thousand men, which was part of the Polish Army and its commander, Gen. Władysław Wejtko followed the orders of Chief Commander Józef Piłsudski. Between the 3rd and 5th of January 1919, Polish self-defense units tried to defend Wilno on their own. However, in the face of an overwhelming opponent Poles had to retreat from the city. Thus, the Polish-Bolshevik war actually began on January 3rd 1919, although not formally. The march West was accompanied by the creation of puppet Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Soviet republics. On January 8th 1919, the Soviet newspaper “Izvestia” announced the creation of the Revolutionary War Council of Poland, a cornerstone for the planned communist government in Poland. Later by order of the Bolsheviks, the Provisional Polish Revolutionary Committee as a Polish puppet government had been formed to organize administration of the Polish territories captured by the Red Army. This puppet government had very little support from the ethnic Polish population and recruited its supporters mostly from the ranks of minorities, primarily Jews. With these additional resources from conquered Poland and the Baltic countries, the communists planned to advance further into the west. Poland should be the "Red Bridge" for Communist ideology to the West. So conquered Poland should serve as a red bridge to conquer all of Europe. The aim of conquering other European states as well is also confirmed by the order of Mikhail Tukachevsky called “Red Napoleon”, commander of the Western Front of the Red Army. In his Order of the Day he wrote in July 2, 1920: "To the West! The fate of the world revolution will be decided in the West. The way to set the world on fire leads through the corpse of white Poland. On our bayonets we will bring happiness and peace to the toiling masses of mankind. March on Wilno, Minsk and Warsaw and onward to Berlin over the corpse of Poland!" Tukhachevsky also boasted that his men would be "galloping through the streets of Paris before the summer was out." By the way, Tukhachevsky was one of the first military commanders killed in Stalin's purges in 1937. Tukachevsky called Poland white Poland because the communist propaganda called free Poland white Poland. The term whites were used to designate anti-communists. But the Polish victory prevented setting the world on fire by communists. So the main reason for the outbreak of the Polish-Bolshevik war the threat to Poland’s independence by Bolsheviks, as well as the attempt to implement the idea of a permanent revolution, and the export of the communist revolution Europe-wide but actually worldwide. What is also worth noting the fact that if Poland had been conquered by the communists, the Baltic states would have been conquered too. Poland was therefore allied with Latvia in this war. Poland and some few others European countries were not infected by the red virus. In Poland the overwhelming majority of the population was anti-communist. But Poland was the absolute exception in Europe! In various European countries at that time there were strong communist movements that would have supported the communists in their advance. Moreover, there were also attempts by the communists to take power in other parts of Europe! So these are examples of communist successes outside the Bolshevik state at the time of the Polish-Bolshevik war. The Hungarian Soviet Republic was the communist state of Hungary from 21 March 1919 until 1 August 1919 (133 days). Until the anti-communists prevailed and abolished this Soviet republic. The other communist republics and communes have survived just as short as the Hungarian Soviet Republic but that makes it clear that there were strong communist influences throughout Europe. The Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic more commonly referred to as Red Finland, was a proclaimed Finnish communist state that ruled parts of the country during the Finnish Civil War of 1918. Another example of an attempted communist takeover of power in Europe was then the Alsace-Lorraine Soviet Republic of 1918 in France. The Limerick Soviet was one of a number of declared Irish soviets that were formed around Ireland 1919. The Slovak Soviet Republic was a short-lived Communist state in southeast Slovakia in existence from 16 June 1919 to 7 July 1919. Commune of the Working People of Estonia existed from 29 November 1918 to 5 June 1919. In 1918, announced the formation of the Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic. A communist revolutionary Red Guard was founded in Austria and an attempt was made to proclaim a Soviet Republic. Like in Hungary during the German November Revolution, the communist Karl Liebknecht proclaimed the communist republic in Germany on November 9, 1918. But the communists' seizure of power then failed, although later there were repeated attempts by the communists to gain power in Germany or parts of Germany. Like with the Bavarian Soviet Republic which was a short-lived communist state in Bavaria during the riots of 1918-19 in Germany. Then there were another attempts by the communists to come to power in German areas. The Bremen Soviet Republic was proclaimed which was a short-lived state in Germany, existing for 25 days in 1919. The communist Spartacist uprising with the goal of an all-German Soviet Republic were armed battles in Berlin from 5 to 12 January 1919. I'll continue my explanation in the next comment.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Ай бұрын
Continuing of the comment above: Bolshevik propaganda was strengthened in many European countries and e.g in Germany, posters appeared with a Red Army soldier freeing the country from chains. The congress of the Communist International issued an appeal to workers in all countries, asking them to forestall their governments' efforts to aid "White" Poland. So the Bolsheviks, as part of a huge propaganda action under the slogan: “Hands off Soviet Russia”, mobilized communist parties and leftist trade unions across all of Europe to work against Poland. Many western journalists were on the payroll of Bolshevik propaganda. Workers and dockers in various European countries were sympathizers of the Bolsheviks also refused to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles against the Bolsheviks. The refusal of the dockers in Gdansk (Danzig) was particularly unfavorable because all deliveries to Poland were to be made via this port. Also the British trade unions followed the Communist propaganda and blocked British military supplies to Poland. So the Trades Union Congress and Labour Party responded by threatening national strike action and established Councils of Action to resist any possible efforts by the British government to supply Poland with arms or other supplies. On August 6, 1920, the British Labour Party published a pamphlet stating that British workers would never take part in the war as Poland's allies, and labour unions blocked supplies to the British expeditionary force assisting Russian Whites in Arkhangelsk. French Socialists, in their newspaper L'Humanité, declared: "Not a man, not a sou, not a shell for reactionary and capitalist Poland. Long live the Russian Revolution! Long live the Workmen's International!" Since the communists had enough supporters all over Europe after the desired victory against Poland the communists would have in Europe either provoked revolutions through agitators or they would have intervened militarily. If the communists had conquered Europe, which was by far the most economically important continent at the time, they would have had a good chance of "exporting" communism worldwide as well. That this is not an exaggeration can be seen by comparing the strategy of the communists after World War II. Even in these later times, communism was "exported" to countries around the world, and as a result there were countries around the world ruled by communist dictatorships. After 1945, as in 1919, the communists had the goal of a world completely dominated by communism. The goal was that virtually every country would become communist. That is why the Polish victory of 1921 definitely had not just a European impact but also a global impact. Here I also explain the reasons for the Polish victory! The French and British support was not crucial to the Polish victory how often it is falsely claimed. The Polish victory in the war against the Bolsheviks 1919-21 was the result of the superiority of the Polish army, the Polish army command and the Polish secret service. The Polish soldiers had much higher combat morale than the soldiers of the Bolshevik Army. Because the Poles fought for the freedom of their homeland and were determined to defend their country. Critically, the Polish Army benefited from a vast influx of volunteers. Even Polish women volunteered to fight! Even battalions of women fought at the front for Poland. One of this Polish female soldiers was Maria Wittek which would become the Polish Army's first female general. In fact most Polish soldiers were anti-Communists and despised Bolshevik ideology. The soldiers of the Red Army, on the other hand, fought for the spread of an ideology in other countries. Bolshevik soldiers were supposed to fight for an abstract political idea. It is very likely that the majority of Red Army soldiers were not communists at all. Many were forcibly recruited and did not want to fight at all. The communist propaganda told the Red Army soldiers they would be greeted as liberators however, they quickly realized that they were viewed as enemies by the Polish population. In summary, it can be stated that the Polish soldiers were much more motivated to fight than the Red Army soldiers. The Polish high command led by First Marshal Piłsudski showed its superiority on various occasions such as at the Battle of Warsaw. The Polish high command understood the course of the front and the situation at the front much better than the Bolshevik high command. Piłsudski and General Rozwadowski knew that the only way to defend Warsaw and prevent its encirclement of the city was with a counter-offensive. Their plan was to exploit a weak opening between two Russian fronts. The plan that he and General Rozwadowski thrashed out was for Polish forces to secretly regroup at lightning speed and then strike at a weak point between major Red Army battle groups. After this advance, the Polish Army would then be in a perfect position to deliver the decisive blow. Piłsudski knew how important the coming battle would be and took direct command of this army. The plan worked and the rapid Polish drive north managed to split the Bolshevik fronts and threw Bolshevik army into confusion and chaos the Red Army started to disintegrate. In the following months, several more Polish follow-up victories saved Poland’s independence. It was a hard-fought battle, which took place in August 1920 near Warsaw and ended in a decisive Polish victory over the Red Army. It was won by the skill, discipline, and determination of the Polish defenders, by the patriotic spirit of a large numbers of volunteers, and by Marshal Piłsudski's brilliant counterattack, which stopped the Bolshevik offensive and with the counterattack, the Bolshevik troops were forced to flee. I'll continue my explanation in the next comment.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Ай бұрын
Continuing of the comment above: Bolshevik propaganda was strengthened in many European countries. The congress of the Communist International issued an appeal to workers in all countries, asking them to forestall their governments' efforts to aid "White" Poland. So the Bolsheviks, as part of a huge propaganda action under the slogan: “Hands off Soviet Russia”, mobilized communist parties and leftist trade unions across all of Europe to work against Poland. Workers and dockers in European countries were sympathizers of the Bolsheviks also refused to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles against the Bolsheviks. The refusal to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles of the dockers in Danzig which at the time was mostly inhabited by Germans was particularly unfavorable because all deliveries to Poland were to be made via this port. Also the British trade unions followed the Communist propaganda and blocked British military supplies to Poland. So the Trades Union Congress and Labour Party responded by threatening national strike action and established Councils of Action to resist any possible efforts by the British government to supply Poland with arms or other supplies. On August 6, 1920, the British Labour Party published a pamphlet stating that British workers would never take part in the war as Poland's allies, and labour unions blocked supplies to the British expeditionary force assisting Russian Whites in Arkhangelsk. French Socialists, in their newspaper L'Humanité, declared: "Not a man, not a sou, not a shell for reactionary and capitalist Poland. Long live the Russian Revolution! Long live the Workmen's International!"
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Ай бұрын
Continuing of the comment above: Bolshevik propaganda was strengthened in many European countries. The congress of the Communist International issued an appeal to workers in all countries, asking them to forestall their governments' efforts to aid "White" Poland. So the Bolsheviks, as part of a huge propaganda action under the slogan: “Hands off Soviet Russia”, mobilized communist parties and leftist trade unions across all of Europe to work against Poland. Workers and dockers in European countries were sympathizers of the Bolsheviks also refused to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles against the Bolsheviks. The refusal to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles of the dockers in Danzig which at the time was mostly inhabited by Germans was particularly unfavorable because all deliveries to Poland were to be made via this port. Also the British trade unions followed the Communist propaganda and blocked British military supplies to Poland.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Ай бұрын
So the Bolsheviks, as part of a huge propaganda action under the slogan: “Hands off Soviet Russia”, mobilized communist parties and leftist trade unions across all of Europe to work against Poland.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Ай бұрын
Continuing of the comment above: Bolshevik propaganda was strengthened in many European countries. The congress of the Communist International issued an appeal to workers in all countries, asking them to forestall their governments' efforts to aid "White" Poland. So the Bolsheviks, as part of a huge propaganda action under the slogan: “Hands off Soviet Russia”, mobilized communist parties and trade unions across all of Europe to work against Poland. Workers and dockers in European countries were sympathizers of the Bolsheviks also refused to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles against the Bolsheviks. The refusal to load the support supplies for the fighting Poles of the dockers in Danzig which at the time was mostly inhabited by Germans was particularly unfavorable because all deliveries to Poland were to be made via this port. Also the British trade unions followed the Communist propaganda and blocked British military supplies to Poland. So the Trades Union Congress and Labour Party responded by threatening national strike action and established Councils of Action to resist any possible efforts by the British government to supply Poland with arms or other supplies. On August 6, 1920, the British Labour Party published a pamphlet stating that British workers would never take part in the war as Poland's allies, and labour unions blocked supplies to the British expeditionary force assisting Russian Whites in Arkhangelsk. French Socialists, in their newspaper L'Humanité, declared: "Not a man, not a sou, not a shell for reactionary and capitalist Poland. Long live the Russian Revolution! Long live the Workmen's International!" Since the communists had enough supporters all over Europe after the desired victory against Poland the communists would have in Europe either provoked revolutions through agitators or they would have intervened militarily. If the communists had conquered Europe, which was by far the most economically important continent at the time, they would have had a good chance of "exporting" communism worldwide as well. That this is not an exaggeration can be seen by comparing the strategy of the communists after World War II. Even in these later times, communism was "exported" to countries around the world, and as a result there were countries around the world ruled by communist dictatorships. After 1945, as in 1919, the communists had the goal of a world completely dominated by communism. The goal was that virtually every country would become communist. That is why the Polish victory of 1921 definitely had not just a European impact but also a global impact. Here I also explain the reasons for the Polish victory! The French and British support was not crucial to the Polish victory how often it is falsely claimed. The Polish victory in the war against the Bolsheviks 1919-21 was the result of the superiority of the Polish army, the Polish army command and the Polish secret service. The Polish soldiers had much higher combat morale than the soldiers of the Bolshevik Army. Because the Poles fought for the freedom of their homeland and were determined to defend their country. Critically, the Polish Army benefited from a vast influx of volunteers. Even Polish women volunteered to fight! Even battalions of women fought at the front for Poland. One of this Polish female soldiers was Maria Wittek which would become the Polish Army's first female general. In fact most Polish soldiers were anti-Communists and despised Bolshevik ideology. The soldiers of the Red Army, on the other hand, fought for the spread of an ideology in other countries. Bolshevik soldiers were supposed to fight for an abstract political idea. It is very likely that the majority of Red Army soldiers were not communists at all. Many were forcibly recruited and did not want to fight at all. The communist propaganda told the Red Army soldiers they would be greeted as liberators however, they quickly realized that they were viewed as enemies by the Polish population. In summary, it can be stated that the Polish soldiers were much more motivated to fight than the Red Army soldiers. The Polish high command led by First Marshal Piłsudski showed its superiority on various occasions such as at the Battle of Warsaw. The Polish high command understood the course of the front and the situation at the front much better than the Bolshevik high command. Piłsudski and General Rozwadowski knew that the only way to defend Warsaw and prevent its encirclement of the city was with a counter-offensive. Their plan was to exploit a weak opening between two Russian fronts. The plan that he and General Rozwadowski thrashed out was for Polish forces to secretly regroup at lightning speed and then strike at a weak point between major Red Army battle groups. After this advance, the Polish Army would then be in a perfect position to deliver the decisive blow. Piłsudski knew how important the coming battle would be and took direct command of this army. The plan worked and the rapid Polish drive north managed to split the Bolshevik fronts and threw Bolshevik army into confusion and chaos the Red Army started to disintegrate. In the following months, several more Polish follow-up victories saved Poland’s independence. It was a hard-fought battle, which took place in August 1920 near Warsaw and ended in a decisive Polish victory over the Red Army. It was won by the skill, discipline, and determination of the Polish defenders, by the patriotic spirit of a large numbers of volunteers, and by Marshal Piłsudski's brilliant counterattack, which stopped the Bolshevik offensive and with the counterattack, the Bolshevik troops were forced to flee. I'll continue my explanation in the next comment.
@user-ed2ev9re7g Ай бұрын
@user-ed2ev9re7g Ай бұрын
@M.33457 Ай бұрын
I don't know why the Arab race is always superior to the Persian race. They are foreigners. I think Omar bin Al-Khattab taught them their lesson😂😂😂
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
Yes lessons of abululu(piruz nahavandi) USA,turks,jews,persian, everynody ruled arabs lol
@user-xj9rf7jp8w 23 күн бұрын
لابد ملخ خوردن و پابرهنه راه رفتن برتری داشتنه😂
@SORENA_FAR 23 күн бұрын
Bro really said = allah asghar👨🏾🐫🐪🧑🏿‍⚕️
@RandomGuy-xq5ku Ай бұрын
So apparently it's okay for Poland to invade and occupy Belarus and Ukraine but it's NOT okay for Russia to invade and occupy Belarus and Ukraine according to the comments 😒
@Cooolholio28 Ай бұрын
Sir, this is the modern day, even poland wouldnt be allowed to do such thing today
@BEST_MAN98 Ай бұрын
ايران لم تاخذ شبر واحد من العراق صحح الفيديو
@GreaterOfIran Ай бұрын
العراق لم يأخذ قطعة من تراب إيران أيضاً :)
@BEST_MAN98 Ай бұрын
@@GreaterOfIran صح!؟
@yonessadeghi2723 Ай бұрын
​@GreaterOfIran تو باید با اون ملخ خور فارسی حرف میزدی
@relampago2805 Ай бұрын
This has some innacuracies, for example, Manuel Azaña wasn't the president during the war.
@icecream9660 Ай бұрын
USSR 2003?
@SafavidEditz Ай бұрын
Arabs Was Tribes In East Arabian Peninsula Persians Invaded All The Lands Surronding Persian Gulf after that arabs goes to iran for better life quality And After Alexander Then After Romans Arabs Expanded More And More Tribes By The Rise Of Prophet Muhammad The Arabs Conquered Africans And Middle Easterns So After That They Call It Persian Gulf But After 700 Years Nader Shah Afshar Invaded Lands Surronding Persian Gulf And After He Dies Iran And Arabs Afghans Georgians Becomes Tribal And Now The Gulf Is Between Some Countries Originaly Its Persian Cause We Found That Gulf
@m7264 Ай бұрын
The Arabian Gulf, against the will of the Iranians, are sons of bitches
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
It is pereian gulf
@Pan_Irani Ай бұрын
This is called PERSIAN Gulf War
@basilaldarwesh7791 Ай бұрын
اين تحرير الفاو 1988 ...بقيت الاراضي العراقية محتلة حتى نهاية الحرب ...خطأ في الخريطة ..العراق استعاد اراضيه كلها ابتداء من تاريخ 17/3/1988
@lifestyle6939 Ай бұрын
First, thanks for the video and efforts But as an Iraqi, i would say : most of the information is incorrect 🫣, like may other videos on internet full misinformation
@mahdishwdapor7121 Ай бұрын
You should say Persian gulf🤫
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
فداك امي و ابي يا عراق ❣️🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶❣️
@DyarMala21 Ай бұрын
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
@@DyarMala21 اعنك غلله
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
@@DyarMala21 لن ارد عليك باخلاقك
@simonwiggins8570 Ай бұрын
The League had an opportunity to take Istanbul and they got distracted and then fought among themselves. Wasted opportunity.
@sovietrecyclebin Ай бұрын
What's the music from 6:40 to 11:20 called? Saat 6:40 ile 11:20 arasındaki müziğin adı neydi?
@mememanbehindtheshadows546 Ай бұрын
USSR in 2003? 🤔
@Abarth370 Ай бұрын
Presian Gulf
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
الخليج العربي
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
​​@@sataralkhafaji2713 pereian gulf الخلیج فارسی شاخاب پارس
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
@@SORENA_FAR الخليج الـعربـي شئتم أم أبيتم
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
@@sataralkhafaji2713 پارسی حرف بزن دلقک خلیج فارسی شاخاب پارسی بژی خلیج فارسی زنده باد شاخاب پارسی
@Abarth370 Ай бұрын
Persian Gulf
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
الخليج العربي غصبا على ابوك يا عجمي
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
​​@@sataralkhafaji2713 proud to be ajam Because namus arab is under the israel Go save your arab mom from the israel army
@DyarMala21 Ай бұрын
Only Kurdistan forever
@minecraftoyuncusu5485 Ай бұрын
İraq, İran Turks, Arabs, Kurds, they are all alive. You cannot call it Kurdistan.
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
@Black_Wish Ай бұрын
When two people fight each other
@M.sadra83 Ай бұрын
حماقت صدام این بود که فکر می کرد ملت مسلمان ایران تسلیم او خواهند شد.
@M.m4567y 2 ай бұрын
iran is strong ❤💪 saddam is not think iran is a strong
@soloboy2593 2 ай бұрын
عندما كان سنة العراق بالحكم حطمنا ايران كما حطمها اجدادنا...لكن الكورد و الشيعة خنجر في خاصرة العراق
@M.m4567y 2 ай бұрын
کصشعر نگو ما ایرانی‌ها جلوی شما وایسادیم شما حتی نتوانستید به مرکز ایران برسید ما حتی مناطق اشغال شده توسط صدام را دوباره گرفتیم شما عراقی ها شکست خوردید ایران قوی تر از آن است که فکرش را بکنید ایران قوی ❤ایران بزرگ ❤
@SORENA_FAR Ай бұрын
آره سنی های عراق از ایران‌شکست خوردند از آمریکا شکست خوردند از اسراییل شکست‌خوردند از‌کوردها شکست‌خوردند
@noerwinaar9162 2 ай бұрын
Video has many different errors
@aanomad 2 ай бұрын
Not accurate. It did not happen like this
@Its7louis 2 ай бұрын
الفيديو عبارة عن خريط ولا يمت للواقع بصلة
@Grtbhgfe 2 ай бұрын
Больной человек Европы
@user-yq2jj6ix4t 2 ай бұрын
كوردستان 🇭🇺🦅
@sataralkhafaji2713 Ай бұрын
@Marshal-lee 25 күн бұрын
​@@sataralkhafaji2713 اکعد راحە لا اطکک ࡅٜߺܦ߳ߺࡅ࠭ߺݏࡉ𐬠ܘ߳
@sataralkhafaji2713 23 күн бұрын
@@Marshal-lee بحلكك
@hsssshot-mi9wh 2 ай бұрын
you mean persian gulf war
@omarfarooqkalson1505 2 ай бұрын
The USSR didn't exist in 2003 12:24
@AAA-gb1lm 2 ай бұрын
@AAA-gb1lm 2 ай бұрын
@chip599XX_VGRLeader 2 ай бұрын
H W Bush and his Son W Bush actually wants to stop Saddam after they did in 1991 and 2003 that Saddam was Executed for Crimes against Humanity.
@amodi-ld2nt 2 ай бұрын
The gulf war was in august 1990 not 1991. So many wrong info in this video
@Ali_iraq2005 2 ай бұрын
Where is the Iraqi offensive 1988?
@emarjip 2 ай бұрын
Sadam was a pan arab warrior ,fuck him
@marzipezeshk6569 2 ай бұрын
It is persian Gulf, not Gulf
@Tawjihi-2007-_-M 2 ай бұрын
Arab gulf
@marzipezeshk6569 2 ай бұрын
@@Tawjihi-2007-_-M Since when is Arab Gulf? Oh i remeber 1971.Where was dubai before 1971? Of course invaded by British😂 what was the name when you were in school?
@Tawjihi-2007-_-M 2 ай бұрын
@@marzipezeshk6569 Throughout history, he was Arab and had no relationship with the country that surrounded him, but rather with the people that surrounded him. In 1925, Iran occupied Ahwaz, and the people of Ahwaz were Arabs.
@marzipezeshk6569 2 ай бұрын
@@Tawjihi-2007-_-M Are you taking me to history? Marco Polo 1273 he travelled and said: I arrived in Persian Gulf about 800 years ago. In Achamedian and Parthain and Sassanid empire era, all of them named persian gulf even greeks about 2500 years ago called PERSIS GULF. I am taking abount 2600 years ago, since greeks to the newest one Marco Polo all of them called it .PERSIAN GULF. LONG LIVE PERSIAN GULF. PERSIS GULF
@Tawjihi-2007-_-M 2 ай бұрын
@@marzipezeshk6569 Published in the Small Atlas in 1634 by the cartographers Mercator and Hindus, it shows the Gulf, with the name written on it in Latin(sinus arabicus)
@Al-Araby-Net 2 ай бұрын
‏‪10:30‬‏ You regained that land, but you didn't mention it on the map.