Sean Carroll: Exploring Quanta and Fields
Susannah Fox | Rebel Health
Chip Conley | Age is Irrelevant
@BestFitSquareChannel 10 минут бұрын
I recently viewed the conversation between Geoffrey Hinton and Dr. Li held at MaRS discovery District auditorium in Toronto, hosted by Jordan Jacobs, managing partner and cofounder of radical ventures. This wonderful, remarkable conversation, hosted splendidly by Mr. Patil, is the topping of all toppings. For me these two conversations are superb companions. I am most impressed with Dr. Li. Dr. Li is unabashed, humble, exhibits kindness, genuineness, generosity. A North Star. Dr. Li’s sharing of the lesson she learned from her mother while caring for her is no better example of how Dr. Li sees “The Worlds I See.” A remarkable human being. Thank you for this privilege. Best wishes.
@ili626 Сағат бұрын
But beyond the basic idea of bespoke tutoring, how soon will this book be out-of-date?
@bobtarmac1828 2 сағат бұрын
With all sorts of swell robotics everywhere, Ai jobloss is the only thing I worry about anymore. Anyone else feel the same? Should we cease Ai?
@familysdickerson2192 4 сағат бұрын
They want California more safe but the police are out there killing people in California gang members have guns walking around California like it's something to do writing citizens listen to the government and they don't carry their weapons
@familysdickerson2192 4 сағат бұрын
Are tasers the police don't need nothing in it that's the thing like like the police want to sit there and carry guns and point on my people for their safety but what about the public safety nobody's thinking about that like even this police chief that that is on here he's not thinking about that he's not thinking about nothing he thinks it's not okay to carry guns to protect yourself but that's wrong
@familysdickerson2192 4 сағат бұрын
Dim light on all police officers stop using guns completely they do not carry on they do not have them in their car they don't have nowhere damn that's just like saying that we don't need all right we're not entitled to them
@jellyrcw12 7 сағат бұрын
Amazing interview. Thank you for sharing
@girlmeetsreggae 7 сағат бұрын
I absolutely love Tamim Ansary ❤️
@williamfell1802 8 сағат бұрын
Bill O'Reilly book about killing Kennedy, what a joke
@williamwalker39 11 сағат бұрын
This technology is only for gifted students that want to learn. It it is not much use for most that do not want to learn. For this real teachers who have been educated how to teach and motivate students are needed. This is even more important now with the advent of social media, which is completely distracting students.
@fabiofrank6567 14 сағат бұрын
Buying of Zapruder film was the biggest “Catch and Kill” suppression in history.
@paulcottreau8222 17 сағат бұрын
no not true
@robertsilverman3803 21 сағат бұрын
From the first time I listened to Al Franken speak I wanted this wise and gentle man to become president of our country, and I still have this desire. He has all the qualities that makes him a great leader, at the time we desperately need his skills.
@michaelwatson2743 23 сағат бұрын
Annie, are you the same woman listed in the opening credits on the Tom Clancy’s series “Jack Ryan”?
@sjinvestors250 Күн бұрын
Do you guys have a club in Miami
@maddog3768 Күн бұрын
Is he ashamed to use his full name Salman, he wants the hide he is a Pakistani ??
@callmebigpapa Күн бұрын
@50:10 In reference to WGU ....probably 10 of my teammates have gone there and loved it. Sal's comment is not surprising.
@jle4433 Күн бұрын
Good, let's put ourselves out of our misery
@samuelloncarbecominghumanproj Күн бұрын
Sal Khan should be Secretary of Education...
@ericboisseau6215 Күн бұрын
Reagan was forced Overall replubs are not good for middle class
@homescholed Күн бұрын
50:50. Which is more of a performance; telling the truth or “staying relentlessly on message”?
@jeffswingdancer8302 Күн бұрын
She gives the woke too much credit -- they weren't that smart. Perfecting bullying is what allowed them to capture so many institutions. During a discussion, if challenged by facts that they can't refute they, just shut the other person down by calling them a racist, or transphobe, or bigot. When you can do that, you never lose an argument.
@DataJuggler Күн бұрын
I could have graduated college at age 10 if I had a class size of 1. When you have 29 students you have to wait to 'Get It' for each subject, you slow down the ones that do on that subject. By the laws of math, 50% of teachers are below average.
@DataJuggler Күн бұрын
3:25 AI will enable you to be anything you want to be. You won't be able to get a job to pay for your student loans, no matter the career field you choose. On the bright side, tenured professors that make lots of money to do nothing at all will lose their high pay.
@ronamain8689 Күн бұрын
Why don't politicians study Christopher Hitchens?
@schmetterling4477 Күн бұрын
They probably do, but he had a unique talent. One can't learn that.
@oldspammer Күн бұрын
Reference videos Glenn Loury Jordan Peterson uncomfortable truth behind economic inequality KZfaq KZfaq Jordan Peterson tells you why Social Scientists are terrified of factor analysis who's behind the mixing agenda in advertising by "Aaron Kasparov" Some people are no one's friends and give everyone hypocritical do as I say, not as I do advice. Genes project the evolutionary process into future generations. Dysgenics is where your children are told to couple up with and have their children with backward people who have extremely low mental acuity, known by Charles Darwin's second book as dead ends. Every large family knows that certain of the siblings are much smarter than the others. The average general intelligence falls about halfway between the two biological parents. Psychologists have said that the head start program worked nicely for the first few years, but after adolescence, the subject students reverted to outcomes completely commensurate with that of their early measured general problem-solving abilities. Thereby, no amount of extra spending on unfortunate people is going to double their innate cognitive acuity. Identical and fraternal twins have been studied in so far as behavioral similarities. The findings have been amazing because they support that nature dominates by a HUGE amount over that of nurture. Reference videos KZfaq Dr Nancy Segal identical and fraternal twin studies ted talk KZfaq Genetics and Intelligence Robert Plomin Numerous head injuries and prolonged exposure to heavy metal toxins can spontaneously eliminate nerve cells. Reference video KZfaq How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Damage - Uni. of Calgary
@oldspammer Күн бұрын
Computer-driven education can be reward-based. The information, moral or immoral, is rote memorized. Psychologist behaviorists such as B.F. Skinner, and others used reinforcement learning to train animals to do tricks. Our kids can be fed the latest fad theories and political thinking that might strongly suggest some really toxic ideas are great, when NOT really. For example, it is immoral to not enslave people by high tax levels so that unfortunate people can get more free stuff when nothing is for free, and the national debt is on an exponential rising curve. To see how terrible ideas can be popularized by the education system, see Charlotte Iserbyt full interview. We need more smart people, but some people have been taught to strongly dislike their genetic heritage by being falsely name-called as slave owners/traders, oppressors, etc, when actually people who looked like the Christian abolitionists were the ones spearheading the end to slavery worldwide. To prove that they are not racists, they have babies with the most backward people on the planet so that their offspring's mental acuity falls way below their own and above that of the low income individual who kicks them to the curb after they became pregnant. Reference mudshark urban dictionary Reference image median household income usa graph by ethnicity
@nacs Күн бұрын
What a fantastic interview -- both Khan and the host did a great job.
@italukr 2 күн бұрын
Reminds me of two Mensheviks giggling about the Bolsheviks platform just before they were sent to the Gulag.
@yaaraamozig4862 2 күн бұрын
Thank you🙏
@therealchriscriner 2 күн бұрын
I think one of the biggest benefits could be the data that is gathered around the most prompted questions by kids around various subjects. New learning programs can be developed as they become more intuitive regarding common areas of struggle. Kuddos to Sam Khan and everything he has done for education.
@ehkeshani 2 күн бұрын
I used khan academy all the time, now I'm teaching my son to use it too.
@cknut9252 2 күн бұрын
It’s not been 8 decades it’s been closer to 6, it’s been that way since after the Cuban missile crisis. I won’t deny it’s been that way since then.
@foxdeath9784 2 күн бұрын
Chat gpt is just trap to make the people Less cognitive and less intuitive to wards the nature ....😂😂😂😂
@justgivemethetruth 2 күн бұрын
I just saw this as a podcast, and your conversation was great. So many thoughts occurred to me during this conversation that I cannot get out in a YT comment, but thanks, I think the country needs reminding that we are, we have to be, a country, and we are not doing well. I felt a lot of that had to do with politics, and specifically the Republicans ( David Brooks ) party, but it is not all the Republicans. The equality divide being mentioned was interesting, as I always watch David Brooks on PBS Newshour, and now I think of his Zooming from his obviously opulent house wherever, and I wonder where he is coming from - though he does seem sincere and concerned. I just hope something happens to turn this around, and I think it has to do with everyone realizing that last realization from David, the quote from James Baldwin about, when you look at another person, that could be you, and how his party, that he has explained and supported have been separating from economically and politically and then blaming - and I wonder if that connects with the awful rabid antisemitism we see, as somehow that gets detoured to Jews in a way, because I just don't get it. I really appreciate this ... and I do hope David Brooks has gained a little depth to himself! ;-)
@Human0906_ 2 күн бұрын
How do you feel about VAD with chronic pain with no treatments left available?
@rychei5393 2 күн бұрын
Meanwhile, traditional seat time school are trying to save money by using a ceiling past which they won't help a student excel... Also, how do we teach kids to avoid confirmation bias? Also Google is a horrible ad monster these days; it's hard to do real search these days.
@miss_tech 2 күн бұрын
The fact that she did a talk at google is hilqrious
@alyasagan3620 2 күн бұрын
Basically all rubbished..Hong Kong was outside instigated, Tibet gdp went to the roof and the people were happy and Xinxiang was a lie...US cannot get along with China by spreading lies
@stephenhollomon3251 2 күн бұрын
This case points up the whole absurdity of hate crime legislation. It’s another facet of law that can and will be weaponized by one group against another.
@jahbloomie 3 күн бұрын
America is confronting her truth crisis. Now I’m wondering if the current leading political celebrity and recently convicted criminal is our karma for straining at gnats and swallowing camels. It has NOTHING to do with party, and everything to do with truth and Justice.
@mnasera 3 күн бұрын
There are reactionaries, true, but on the ground many just want to politely decline to adopt some of the changes which oppose their religion, culture, or in general their world view. It is undeniable that some of the changes in modern times have rightly corrected many undue violations against woman. However, the charges in the family structure have created at least some stress within the society. Can the higher rate of divorce in liberal societies compared to more traditional societies be an indicator? The pyramid family structure has been there for a long time. Some would argue that it served its purpose well to maintain the society in time when feudal or otherwise structures were too weak to provide many needed services. This obviously was at the expense of supression of woman's rights and in many cases oppression of them. Still a case for maintaining the pyramid structure, even in the context of the charged family structure, can be seen based on the argument that the critical role of a woman as a mother would constraint her to realize some of her abilities whereas a man would have less such. This sacrifice isn't artificial. Woman have done this throughout history, it is nature to them.
@SonaBrown 3 күн бұрын
I love her. She should consider running.
@gilliani.4328 3 күн бұрын
A wonder full conversation that inspires contemplation. Thank you ❤
@hannahkirchner1656 3 күн бұрын
"Thomas Jefferson is pretty creepy," is a comment I heard him make in another interview. Sigh. Somehow I hoped Teedee's great-great-grandson would have something better to say.
@Yes-bk9cl 3 күн бұрын
❤Always two there are - "The Master" and "The Apprentice" - and none of them are "AI" - but instead naturally connected to the true Wisdom of The Universe❤
@themoonman-4 4 күн бұрын
Bravo Gentlemen, well done
@la-tuya8100 4 күн бұрын
This sounds great but how about all the students who have learning disabilities?? Is the AI going to accommodate all these students?? Remember that there is a brain behind all these technology…kanmigo are you translating all these the h in Spanish or other languages,??? Ohh please not all words translate verbatim…. If you want khanmigo or conmigo you must hire language instructors to work with your software developers……😏🧐
@geoffreyjohnstone5465 4 күн бұрын
I think I would also like Justice for RFK, Sirhan Sirhan and Lee Harvey Oswald
@scare6262 4 күн бұрын
When do think we will have this nuclear war, what year ? Someone drop a year ?