KITTY KITTY! | Stray Part 1 (BLIND)
@wr41thx29 9 күн бұрын
51:46 This is Ed's safe jump setup, that's why it didnt work.
@wr41thx29 9 күн бұрын
36:33 Ok, you have to recognize this punish was pretty sick and the player had really good awareness. I'd steal this lol. Anytime you are in a mirror match, always a good opportunity to steal some tech from the opponent to add to your game if it feels hard to deal with / strong.
@SpectralStar 9 күн бұрын
I thought it was dope af, I just couldn't say anything because I was concentrating on how to come back from this lol. Clearly there was no coming back unless the guy started drinking heavily and I gave him 100 dollars to lose lol.
@wr41thx29 9 күн бұрын
40:03 Ok I lol'd really really hard. You need to put this in a youtube short somewhere. I just want to say that from when I first saw you on youtube to where you currently are at, you have improved like 20xs over with your bison. More good options, fewer bad impulsive ones. More patience, better anti air. It's been a really short amount of time too.
@SpectralStar 9 күн бұрын
You definitely brought about a much needed change in my playstyle. I feel like I might survive competition better at EVO, and beyond. I've got the street fighter fever and the only prescription is more (Cowbell) Street Fighter.
@necrov23 9 күн бұрын
@SpectralStar 9 күн бұрын
@@necrov23 thanks again brother! 😂
@cammy.whammy 10 күн бұрын
a year late, but holy copium 😭
@wr41thx29 12 күн бұрын
1:28:39 You have absolutely no physical evidence for cheating on this gief player. He does not have the w/l rate to even consider the fact he is cheating. He random'd you out and you played recklessly - clean and simple. He did not perfect parry everything you did, he did not auto jump or auto drive impact everything you did. He has a 47% win rate at diamond 4 with almost 1800 matches. Please check back into reality my friend. This kind of thinking is borderline toxic and I know from talking to you personally that you are better than this.
@SpectralStar 12 күн бұрын
@@wr41thx29 You are right. I will make amends for this as well.
@wr41thx29 12 күн бұрын
54:00 you one and done'd him. 1:27:16 you owe grilled cheese an apology.
@SpectralStar 12 күн бұрын
@@wr41thx29 I realize that I'm the real POS, and I will apologize to Grilled Cheese. I didn't even remember doing that to hime and I feel ashamed of myself.
@wr41thx29 12 күн бұрын
Get ready to check your ego, because you NEED to take this to heart: Your mental is slipping. You are so concerned with winning and losing ranked matches that you are stunting your own growth in favor of your ego...which is getting crushed when you lose and a bit out of control when you win. What matters is HOW you play, not whether you win or lose. You have acknowledged issues you have, but are so concerned about winning / losing ranked matches that you don't make any conscious effort to fix your issues. It's getting bad enough to the point that you are one and done-ing opponents instead of trying to learn, adapt, and clean up your play, or learn a matchup. You did this twice and I'm only 57 mins into the stream (and a nice chunk of that time isn't matches). - You make unsafe, yolo decisions on an IMPULSE in desperation to win or even just to hit your opponent randomly. Slide kicks, random non OD psycho crushers, random jump ins with light buttons that turn into nothing but the occasional scramble situation / stray hit, Immediate Drive Impacts as soon as your opponent is in the corner. Jumping towards the corner randomly which just puts yourself in the corner...often when you are burnt out, or close to burn out. - You attempt to suffocate your opponent with expensive, lazy, offense that is poorly layered and not thought out whatsoever with the exception of scissor kicks on hit...and even then you continue to mash the same loop on block....this is why the Gief player spd punished you repeatedly, because you were lazy and doing scissorkicks unsafely after your normals were blocked instead of hit confirming. - Your button presses are autopiloty, leading to you getting whiff punished. You have to discipline your presses. error on the side of BLOCKING if you are not confident. VERY IMPORTANT You do not give yourself enough time watching and observing your opponents to try and see what they like to do, and asking "WHY" are they doing this. Not trying to be mean, but you need to relax more and focus on improving your play, NOT WINNING VS LOSING! :) On a positive note, i like the shimmy you've been doing after scissor kicks on hit. Some of your punishes have also improved. Work on your neutral, anti air, and focus on planning your hits, for what comes NEXT, not in the direct moment.
@SpectralStar 12 күн бұрын
@@wr41thx29 Thank you. I'm going to read this over and over again to make sure I have it in my brain while I'm playing.
@wr41thx29 12 күн бұрын
@@SpectralStar You gain so much more from losing and asking yourself "why" did i lose than you do winning, because it is very possible to win while playing in an unsafe, unclean manner (especially if your opponents are the same way). Look at losing as an opportunity to grow and improve by consciously recognizing what you are doing wrong and taking actual effort to fix these issues. If ranked anxiety is making you antsy to press / go in recklessly on your opponent, randomly throw out unsafe options, try casual matches with the intention of improving single things in your game vs trying to win. Dedicate matches and rounds to nothing but anti air. To timing meaties. To sitting in the corner and learning to take throws and look for jumps / shimmy / di.
@wr41thx29 12 күн бұрын
@@SpectralStar Your thinking around 1hr and 1 min in is def the right track.
@necrov23 14 күн бұрын
the GOAT
@SpectralStar 14 күн бұрын
@@necrov23 💪🤠👍 thanks brother. I hope you wake up in the morning and say "dang, I'm a handsome son of a beep! Appreciate you brother!
@necrov23 14 күн бұрын
@@SpectralStar haha thanks man! ill have to try and start that morning self talk lol would be good!
@Noname-ud4he 14 күн бұрын
Goodbye old friend
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
2:07:01 DI this. Anytime a gief whiffs or you block a lariat, you can get a drive impact punish.
@SpectralStar 13 күн бұрын
Going back and looking at these over and over. So obvious that I need to DI 😂
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:52:31 This was because you did a 2nd jab on your counter hit. OD Scissors is comboable after a CH jab, but your 2nd jab is no longer a counter hit. This is why you hit confirm with cr. mp after counter hit jab. Also, you REALLY have to be setting these up with intentional frame traps to hit confirm them, not off stray jab counter hits.
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:47:26 This situation is due to your autopilot for drive rush cancels. This is why we need to stop doing them so much, esp if you have 3 bar or less. Also that bison was a MASSIVE jumper. Gotta recognize those players and anti air repeatedly.
@SpectralStar 13 күн бұрын
@@wr41thx29 thanks for the advice. My last stream I felt like I got 80%of my anti airs. I am slowly noticing more and more of my opponents habits. Crazy how that makes things 100 times easier.
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:45:47 Good punish, good improvisation on the combo!
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:33:43 safe jump setups are great! The only thing they really lose to is perfect parry, which is difficult to time (2 frame window). They bait dps, lead to high damage combos on hit, and lead to large plus frames on block. The problem is bison only gets them from very particular hits.
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:26:30 Here is where you should be using back heavy kick. It's slower and more active , thus a little harder to mistime early. Also it's +1 instead of +0 so you can enforce that mind game. It also strips away drive gauge. He chose wakeup mash, if you had hit him with back heavy kick, that would have been game. Don't feel bad, meaties take practice and that whole match was a single interaction in favor of either of you, so it was VERY close.
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:23:23 This was bad luck mostly due to a few factors. You were late on your punish, but at least you recognized what to do and did the right thing! Also, you were in burnout, which meant that your timing had to be faster / there was a possibility your sweep would not have been fast enough to punish. However, you at least reacted to punishing sweep with sweep, which is 100% the right step. You played a Bison where you blocked like 4 sweeps without a punish, so attempting the punish here shows you are trying to improve on punishing sweeps.
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
1:06:45 YES! I love this. Perfect. Ask yourself "What can i do?" Then try changing it up. I know it sounds obvious but you'll be surprised how many people just keep doing the same thing even after saying this because they auto pilot and fail to adapt. I want you to note that you did LITERALLY 3/4ths of giefs health off mostly standing medium kicks to stop him from moving forward.....and then he started jumping because he got frustrated. lol. The lvl 3 getting you was because you started jumping and got antsy. Happens.
@wr41thx29 15 күн бұрын
The cammy on your first match was getting away with a lot of jumps after making you block jabs. Look for those patterns and shift your focus to anti air more. Those types of playstyles are very annoying and will get you tilted into making mistakes. They all have hard counters however.