@jamesordwayultralightpilot Күн бұрын
I really wish people would treat the headset like a camera when they are streaming/shooting a video. It's beyond difficult to appreciate any footage when your head moves frantically around and rushing to explain what you see
@jollyjulian 20 сағат бұрын
Yes - totally agree. It's a hard habit to break, being in VR and looking around like we naturally would. I know I need to work on that even more. It hard to begin with, cause I'm a naturally "moving" communicator. So I do need to try to stop doing that when talking about the game while in VR... LOL.... thanks for the reminder!
@davidparker1383 Күн бұрын
I hate vr haters they are slowing us down. Vr is awesome
@jollyjulian Күн бұрын
I'm there with ya - hating for hating sake I hate.... wait.... you know what I'm saying.... LOL
@bluffmaster901 Күн бұрын
Actually, I am planning to buy the Quest 3 this month. However, the issue is not about money; the Quest 3 has not been officially launched in India. We Indians are feeling very disappointed with Mark. After hearing that the Quest 3 was launching, we expected it to be available in India, but Mark has not launched it here. Why hasn’t he launched it in India? Truthfully, if he had really thought that this technology should reach all people, he would have given it to everyone... but he didn’t do that. He believes that money is important, so he’s launched this technology in places where he can get money. That’s where he’s making a profit.
@jollyjulian Күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm VERY bummed that you can't get a Quest 3 in India! I hope that Meta and Zuck want to have it available there, and probably some international red tape keeping it from happening or something. Not sure. And it very well could be that they don't see enough profit for the costs to get it available in some other countries, but I believe that will change soon. They really do want the headset and Meta ecosystem to be as global as possible in the long run. Fingers crossed you get it there soon. thanks for the comment, my friend!
@bluffmaster901 2 күн бұрын
@jollyjulian Күн бұрын
You bet - see my response above.... hope they are coming that way!
@bluffmaster901 2 күн бұрын
@jollyjulian Күн бұрын
Thank you so much 🙂Means a lot, and honored to have you as a subscriber and viewer, and fellow VR enthusiast. Welcome to you!
@jimjack3447 2 күн бұрын
very interesting thank you
@jollyjulian Күн бұрын
My pleasure - love this VR stuff, for sure!
@jimjack3447 Күн бұрын
@@jollyjulian Is Visage like HL Alyx, ready to VR direct from steam?
@haydenryleesellers 2 күн бұрын
I have a rift and quest 2
@jollyjulian Күн бұрын
Loved both of those headsets, and still have my Quest 2. I keep it mostly for fitness stuff and such. Great headset still, even as much as I love my Quest 3.
@Koniving 2 күн бұрын
I'm afraid to get VR games from the epic store, because the epic store has no meaningful way to connect a VR headset to the program in question. I have meta-brand headsets. They don't activate with non-meta/non-steam games, as there's nothing bridging that connection. Ah, the unrealVR mod, that'd work.
@jollyjulian 2 күн бұрын
You got it - the UEVR mod, coupled with either steamlink or virtual desktop (I'm partial to the later) will connect you to the EPIC games just fine. Works great most of the time, and the number of games it gives us access to is wonderful. Not a PERFECT solution, but amazing for what it is.
@dtz1000 2 күн бұрын
Youve really sold this to me. I wouldn't be interested if it was 2D.
@jollyjulian 2 күн бұрын
Same here - but what I have played of it - was pretty fun. Will probably pop in and play a bit more. Thanks for the comment, and enjoy it if you pick it up!
@WOojerVest3andQuest3onMe 2 күн бұрын
Aww, man this looks cool! I appreciate the heads up on this free game. I already have epic so all I got to do go get the game. Fantastic! I just bought one off the Meta Store that plays like this game. "Witchblood" it is actually pretty good. Would be great to get more of these style games. I would love to play some Contra and Ghost N Goblins this way.
@jollyjulian 2 күн бұрын
That's great - and I have been following WITCHBLOOD a bit. Have not picked it up, but I am playing a bit of MAX MUSTARD on the Quest 3 native, and enjoying that a lot. Really does show what a "made from ground up for VR" platformer game can be like.... enjoy the game if you pick it up!
@WOojerVest3andQuest3onMe 2 күн бұрын
@@jollyjulian Max Mustard is one of the best that I have played on the Quest 3 it is like the Super Mario for VR I haven’t finished it yet. But, I am far into the game I believe I am on the fourth map. They definitely need more games like this one. But, the Mixed Reality is where I think this Quest 3 shines the most. Have you try’s Miracle Pool…? This is one of the best mixed reality games I have played so far. It is amazing. I highly recommend it.
@vir2plus 2 күн бұрын
you remind me of billy mays :D
@jollyjulian 2 күн бұрын
LOL!! Okay, that made me laugh... but I can sort of see that. Oh boy - not a good thing... LOL!
@davidlucena6797 3 күн бұрын
I have played this way back when it released, a great metroidvania right there. Man, I gotta go back and properly finish it.
@jollyjulian 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, and in VR , might have a whole new level to it for you.... I'm enjoying it so far. Not being a HUGE fan of side-scroll games, I'm enjoying it in VR more than I thought I would.... :)
@xander396 3 күн бұрын
Thanks, love free goodies:)
@jollyjulian 3 күн бұрын
Free. Good. Yes. Nothin' wrong with that. Thanks for the comment.
@NovaGeddon771 3 күн бұрын
So in few words, the Meta people are upgrading their unsold Quest 2 with a better processor and selling it as the Quest 3S. I find this a very cheap move by Meta.
@jollyjulian 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm not sure it's quite that simple, but it's not far off. I believe it will have the better PASSTHROUGH as well, so it's not really a Quest 2. But, I hear what you're saying. I can understand why they are doing it, as it will probably sell more than the Quest 3, because it will be almost half the price, but I still think the Quest 3 is a MUCH better headset overall. Good comment!
@Za_TA 5 күн бұрын
Can I ask question and same for all who commenting. Which direction you ceiling fan spins from video perspective?
@jollyjulian 3 күн бұрын
Hmmmm - is this a trick question? :)
@kontrolledkhaos4853 6 күн бұрын
Just bought my first vr headset and it’s quest 3 and arrived yesterday and I’m using it for vrpc games racing sim and American truck sim
@jollyjulian 5 күн бұрын
Fantastic - congrats, and welcome to VR! The sims (racing and flying) are among my favorite experiences in VR. I think you're going to love it!
@J_Madison 7 күн бұрын
I’m bored. Should I buy a quest 3? Is VR any good?
@jollyjulian 6 күн бұрын
Ooooh - you opened pandora's box with that one! Well, obviously, if you ask me, YES! Get a quest 3, and VR is really incredible. That is NOT me being "fake" amazed, I can honestly say that VR has become a large part of my life nearly every day in some form. I'd say give it a shot. If you order from Amazon, you can return within 30 days (at least if you're a prime member). So, yes! Try it - I think you'll love it.
@J_Madison 6 күн бұрын
@@jollyjulian deal. I just ordered it - thanks!
@GhostShot-mk9tq 7 күн бұрын
“ Toxic positivity” is NOT a thing . Uninformed and inexperienced people stating their opinions as facts IS toxic though lol . VR still needs a userbase , most has to be centered toward new users , adults don’t adapt to VR as easily as kids . Meta is spending to mass adoption and working on everything in the tech . Plus about a thousand other factors outside of gaming . People trying to talk about the “ state of VR “ without taking these factors into account are merely guessing and most likely wrong because they aren’t considering them . Reviews of games shouldn’t be that hard . Separate personal opinion and preferences from facts . Be able to understand why others like genres you may not . Flat out take an online journalism course or something to understand the basic principles of reporting information I guess lol . You can be as positive and opinionated as you want , as long as it is tempered with unbiased information and keep um separate lol . There is A LOT more “ toxic negativity” in VR then whatever they are complaining about though . From those that have been in the longest and feel slighted by meta being extremely shortsighted and ignoring that we wouldn’t be here without what they are doing . I play all kinds of stuff , just like games . Some think what they like about VR is the ONLY thing good about it ….. screw them lol . Keep on keeping on . Positivity being looked at as a bad thing is if people are being disingenuous… that isn’t what’s happening . People don’t figure out what they like in VR and try random things and random genres . Then blame the creator for liking a game they don’t ….. that’s dumb . As consumers we need to figure out what we like in VR which requires trying random stuff till you find it … They are complaining about the process of figuring out what kind of VR genres they like lol Then just blame it on someone they listened to but didn’t understand .., hence why being clear is so important . Good luck bud . There are a lot of opinions in the VR world … problem is most are from out of context and missing information that makes that opinion more then bias . For what it’s worth I think what you do is very good . Also the “ positive “ reviewers grow exponentially faster then the negative reviewers. There are channels from pcvr days that haven’t grown since quest barely because all they do is complain about the most popular headset and it’s games . Effectively running off ANY potential new subscribers because they most likely just bought a quest….. lol . Your good dude .
@jollyjulian 6 күн бұрын
Okay, you just said SO MUCH of what I'm feeling, and you said it even better than I could. Truly a strong perspective on the climate of VR right now, and the importance of INFORMED critique, taking into account not only what YOU like or dislike, but what others may feel as well. Really a fantastic comment, and I truly hope others see it as well. Hope to run into you in VR sometime. I think we would have lots to talk about. Keep VR-ing!
@fezzz78 7 күн бұрын
What i want is a Quest only for PCVR, without the chip and battery ect, for a more affordable price.
@jollyjulian 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, with Meta going "all in" (for now, anyway) in standalone VR, I don't suspect they will do that anytime soon, and since they are subsidizing the Quest headset and losing money on each headset sold, they want people only in their ecosystem at the moment. But that would be a great thing, and someday, I think we will have that. Would obviously have to be cabled, but that would be something.
@fezzz78 7 күн бұрын
Please turn down the music in the "background"!
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for the input - sorry it was too loud for ya! Toning it down a bit for future vids.... :)
@fezzz78 7 күн бұрын
@jay-j6l 7 күн бұрын
i'm never buy a partnership brand, they always get abandoned immediately. relationaships go sour and human nature being what it is, one of the companies will go out and make something new and better. end result, the partnership headset dies from lack up updates and long term support.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
I hear ya! Getting ONE company to stick with something is tough enough, much less two or more. Looking forward to seeing what happens!
@User_Unknown_15 7 күн бұрын
I guess the question is when do you want to purchase because it will be like this for every model.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Very true. I tend to look at it as, if you wait for the next best thing, you'll ALWAYS be waiting. But also depends on how much discretionary dollars anyone has. If can only get one headset every 5 years or more, makes it harder to just jump in with what we have.
@davidlucena6797 7 күн бұрын
One mindset that I try to follow is that even though I do consider a content creator recommendation and verdict, I will also consider the chance of me having a completely different experience with anything I'm interested. Many times have I looked at an experience that others have praised to heavens and back, just to realize it is not for me which is okay, like some horror games that I am sure are awesome but would literally kill me if I tried. And another point that made me follow this very channel is, that above all the views and recommendations, it is clear that you are being honest about what you say. But then again, we can't blame other content creators for going for what nets them more views, aiming for the negative stuff, the doom and gloom and titles with bold words in all caps. I'm glad you seem to really enjoy what you are doing here, we don't get many content creators like you these days...
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Wonderful comment here, and I've had that experience as well - something that was very highly rated (or opposite), and I experienced something very different when playing myself. Horror is definitely one that can be very subjective, as each person finds different things "scary." I'm glad you appreciate the tone of my approach here, and I intend to keep going that way for sure. Loving VR, and pointing out what could be better along the way. Thanks!
@kattamaran 8 күн бұрын
I own a quest and i cant tell how many times i bought a game because of positive reviews, just to refund it after a couple minutes.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Truly subjective, for sure - possibly because VR is so much more "personal." Everyone has different aspects of VR that connect with them, and things that don't. I've had those experiences as well....
@viewersforme839 8 күн бұрын
has anyone seen the anime "solo leveling" imagine a game/ menu like that for AR on the quest 3. where its like "do 100 push ups, 100 situps, 100 squats, 10km run" every day and you unlock gear, rewards, dungeons, for the ar game. and you get fit doing so
@viewersforme839 8 күн бұрын
and there are like custom dungeons that pop up around you that you can fight to level up and unlock new exersorsizes and gear to fight the dungeon in, and skills and magic.
@hggpi 7 күн бұрын
i think if someone just made a good Vr mmorpg that would be the closest to the korean regression manhwa thingy
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
I've not seen this yet, but that sounds intriguing to me. I do love fitness in VR, although the sweat is an issue. So I use my Quest 2 for exercise, and take the face gasket off so it's open and let's more air through. I'll have to check this out!
@SargonDragon 8 күн бұрын
I've been watching Mr VR Voice's videos for some time now. I typically agree with his criticisms like VR game mechanics and controls often being poorly implemented. They are valuable critiques I hope the industry will take to heart. _However,_ I often do not agree with his overall conclusions about a game or the industry. These seem very jaded to me. This has really struck home with me because I had previously avoided buying some games after watching his scathing video reviews of them digging into their janky aspects. But then I ended up buying a game, Arizona Sunshine 2, and playing a lot of the way through it before seeing Mr VR Voice's video slicing that game to pieces. I did agree with many of his criticisms, but I also felt that a portion of them were only because he never played past the tutorial level. Moreover, I didn't feel that the janky aspects he was complaining about and highlighting actually destroyed the game as a whole being fun. Mr VR Voice goes on to question the sensibilities and/or integrity of anyone who disagrees with his conclusions like this. According to him, if I enjoyed Arizona Sunshine 2, then my standards are very low, or I'm not being honest with myself, or I'm getting caught up in the VR hype train, etc. I think Mr VR Voice goes too far when he suggests that there's something wrong with anyone who holds a different overall opinion than he does. He's very focused on the armpits of a game, and that clearly ruins it for him. I see those same armpits and agree with him about them, but I feel he often misses how much fun the rest of the game is because he's so focused on the negative. I've realized I can't trust his reviews as being indicative of whether I will personally enjoy a game or not. I'm with you that just being in VR in itself makes a game significantly better than flat. VR is a new wild west, and it's not as developed and mature as flat gaming is yet. But to me it's akin to going from silent movies to movies with sound. Maybe the early audio wasn't done well at first and there were problems with silent movie actors not being practiced in speaking roles, etc... but having sound makes the movie better than even the most refined silent movies anyway. Just inherently. That's an opinion. You could have someone who appreciates the older, more mature format more, but that doesn't make my opinion invalid or mean I have low standards or something. That person's critiques about low audio quality could be spot on, and I agree. But I still prefer my movie with sound. That's how I feel about VR. I'm not interested in flat games anymore as a medium. It's all old obsolete technology to me. The comparisons to flat games mean little to me. I'm more interested in comparisons relative to other VR games and where the VR industry is at as a whole. And that has generally been getting better over time, so I think some positivity is warranted.
@davidlucena6797 7 күн бұрын
No matter how well informed and experienced one might be, they should never place their own opinions as superior to anyone else's, that is a good point and one reason why I also don't consider game reviews when picking my next game anymore. I would say that we can benefit from every content creator out there as long as we are able to filter these out, and remember to give ourselves a chance to like or dislike something even if the all-knowing reviewer said otherwise.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Love this - a very well stated, and personal, look at this! And I agree with what @davidlucena6797 said as well. I think all view points are valid, but we have to take many in, and then, ultimately, form our own opinion. I also think that, the more we find creators who have similar sensibilities to our own, the more we can look to them for first impressions, and maybe be more likely to have them be close to what we might feel. Thanks for the great comment!
@chazcov08 8 күн бұрын
Genuine Julian!
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Love that! I'm nothing if not.... who I am. LOL (for good or bad)
@faz323 8 күн бұрын
At 80 I've been 2d game playing for as long as I can remember (Moon Lander on a 1970 PDP-8 with a teletype !!) so I feel that I'm fairly qualified to talk briefly about the present state of VR. Like computerised telescopes are to the average Joe, VR is, and always will be, a niche product. Attempts by manufactures to attract the masses is never going to work. That Meta tv advert where a man uses his Quest 3 to assemble a baby's cot is an unfortunate joke. I agree with you, Julian, I would rather play a graphical poor game in VR then a Ray traced master piece in 2d, but, and it's a big but, it's not for everone and I'm afraid it never will be. But like amateur astronomers with their state of the art computerised marvel or Radio Hams with a 5000 pound transreceiver, VR in its present state can only be for the technical curious amongst us. VR is a wonderful hobby and long may it continue. Thanks for your brilliant and entertaining videos.
@SargonDragon 8 күн бұрын
The comparison to telescopes or ham radios is a false analogy. Those are both examples of technologies which are inherently niche. The subject in itself is only interesting to a small subset of the population no matter how good the technology gets. By contrast, VR is an evolution of video gaming, and video gaming has broad appeal. The only thing that makes VR a niche right now is limitations of the technology and limited content. What happens when VR technology reaches the point of surpassing flat monitors in every way? You could argue that it never will, but at that point you're not arguing that VR is inherently niche. You're just arguing that the technology will never be good enough. And I think that's a poor bet to take.
@faz323 8 күн бұрын
@@SargonDragon Point taken. I stand corrected.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Love the conversation started here between you and @sargondragon! These are the discussions I love to see. No one being snippy or cruel - just people with differing outlooks talking about a thing we all love - VR. I think you make some great points, @faz323. I think the biggest challenge to get VR / AR to the mainstream is the PHYSICAL aspects of the tech more than anything. This is something you wear, and not two people (or faces) are the same. I'm anxious to see where this goes in the future, for sure. I do believe that AR, at the very least, will be mainstream. It's only a matter of time. VR, I also believe will become very mainstream, but maybe not to the level of, say, smart-phone adoption. But AR GLASSES? Oh yeah. I could see those being as big as smart phones some day. A ways from now, but maybe in the late 2030s?
@wollis3802 8 күн бұрын
Hya Julian ;) I have to admit i that, at first, i thought you sound like the stereotypical used car sales rep. Buit following you was great idea and now i get your honest vibes too. I haven't seen the video you refer to, and chances are pretty slim that i will, because he sounds like a machine generated voice and i like genuine vids with real people narrating. Yes, he surely has a point, because one can hardly tell if the video is bought or not, unless the channel clearly states it. But to be honest: IMHO VR is the best invention since sliced white bread. Admittedly there are good, bad and ugly games. But i noticed that my PC on its own gets way less screen time since i hot my electrical dreamcap. Examples? Today i went on a trip through Bankok and then Tokyo. I was up on the ISS and after dinner i'm gonna patrol a virtual city for replicants and run other police errands ;) Better visuals - sure, i'd buy those for a proverbial dollar - but what we have now is the best that's currently available. So why not sing a little praise but keep the drawbacks on the radar? No need to bash VR -especially not for clicks - keep doing what you do the way YOU want it! Best redards from that old German fart. 👴
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
love this comment so much - and always welcome people from all over the world into our little Virtual community here. Good to have you hear. Love the used car sales rep part - I know where you're coming from. Sometimes it's hard to get on board with someone who is really excited about something, without it feeling like "hype." But glad you're enjoying the honest feelings coming at ya! You're getting some really great varied experiences in there, and that's so awesome... the "traveling the world" and "experiencing real things you maybe won't ever get to" are some of the things I love about VR the most. Hope to run into you in VR sometime soon!
@blackholeguy1529 8 күн бұрын
i have always thought vr was kind of primitive (although that might just be the games i'm playing) so seeing that this might be a (virtual) reality is pretty cool news to me
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
You bet. So much depends on the hardware, and the specific exprience. When you get good hardware, and a game that is really immersive that pulls you in with the world building, story, and mechanics: MAGIC. VR has come a long way over the last 8 years or so. Thanks for the comment!
@mikemiles3077 8 күн бұрын
I've been into VR for about a year. The biggest reason I love VR, I'm 56, and my aiming skills continue to deteriorate, mostly cause I'm lazy. I love how VR let's me point and shoot...or stab etc. The immersion is wonderful. I've only mostly played RE 4 and Golf+ with the DriverElite club (I'm addicted). I purchased a few games from Meta and about 5 games from Steam, Half Life: Alyx, Red Matter 2 and others like them to help support both platforms. I played Red Matter 2 for about 30 minutes. I can't wait to start that game alone. Sorry for the short novel. I appreciate your attitude. Thanks Jolly Julian!
@hggpi 7 күн бұрын
thats actually kinda cool. for me its always suprising when older people play any video games at all, but vr? playing VR is like playing DnD. Something that only the biggest nerds do, its the hardcore. or at least that is the vibe i get from this community.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Great comment, and love your enthusiasm for VR. We are right around the same age, and having been a computer gamer of some sort all my life, it hasn't been till VR that I felt - CONSUMED. In all the best ways. I look forward to hearing more about your VR adventures as you go forward, and I have to play RE4 yet! I've played RE7 all the way through, and loved it so much in VR. Thanks for the comment - great stuff!
@simonsuperm8ncroucher 8 күн бұрын
Have you got your new PC yet ?
@davidlucena6797 7 күн бұрын
He did, check out a video with his unboxing/review.
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
I did, and I'm liking it very much! More updates to come, but have been playing with it a TON over the last few weeks. Really pushing it in MSFS2020 - the HOG of VR!
@simonsuperm8ncroucher 8 күн бұрын
love you attitude towards content 🤩👍👍👍👍👍👍
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Well, appreciate that very much - thank you!
@yoan4152 9 күн бұрын
Eyes are on Meta AR this autumn
@jollyjulian 7 күн бұрын
Very curious - I think this has the chance to be huge, especially in the next 5 to 10 years. But really want to see what they have been working on!
@Zakariah1971 9 күн бұрын
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
LOL - the headset prospects, or the video itself? Jury's out on both. LOL
@Zakariah1971 9 күн бұрын
Google is not a hardware company. Recall the Google cardboard 😂 Here is the state of the art: Apple Vision Pro: Work productivity Varjo Aero: Premium Gaming Metaquest 3: Dumpster SCLERAscope: wearable tumor screening
@jdarg4163 9 күн бұрын
And the playfordreams MR headset is the best headset in the Horizon as its the Android Version of the Vision Pro and its also cheaper
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
An interesting one to keep our eyes on, for sure!
@jdarg4163 9 күн бұрын
Google is also working with Nintendo on their XR headset also and that headset will sell more than the Samsung's headset
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
I'd not heard that one, but it doesn't surprise, as both Google and Nintendo have played around in VR over the years. Hopefully they do create something great!
@Toots_McPoopins 9 күн бұрын
But they "announced" their collaboration to make this back at Galaxy Unpacked in February 2023. They may have changed course when the AVP was released, but they were already working on this. kzfaq.infogUM2wYKdxDA?si=aJqZFJG1uAAX41gj&t=3231
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
Great point - I don't remember if they were partnering specifically with SAMSUNG (and possibly Sony) back at that point, but you're right - -- they did seem to be brewing something with Qualcomm at that point!
@doozerakapuckfutin 9 күн бұрын
Actually Shakespeare was talking about pencils ✏️ 2B or not 2B that is the quill tip … sir
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
LOL! Okay, nicely played.... FYI, I got to play Hamlet in a production of that play in my town once.... do like me some Shakespeare!
@doozerakapuckfutin 8 күн бұрын
@@jollyjulian I use to smoke hamlet cigars …
@doozerakapuckfutin 8 күн бұрын
I got a basic understanding of Shakespeare from the film renaissance man (Danny DeVito) now it’s my favourite film - I actually learned something teachers could not teach me . Cast of thy nightly shadow . Basically… stop morning… am I right ?
@hearmeout1966 10 күн бұрын
Quest 3 is the VR place to be. It’s only getting better!
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
I'm there with you - have so much to love about the Quest 3. While it's not "perfect," I'm not sure if it is possible to have a perfect headset for everyone. But this is pretty damned close, especially for the price. Thanks for the comment!
@hexshadow6647 10 күн бұрын
Don't buy the new one either, just dont.
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
Yeah, with the Quest 3 available, I just can't recommend the Quest 3s, unless saving EVERY penny is necessary. Totally understand if that's the case, though.
@_nom_ 10 күн бұрын
Google tried and failed. In fact everything new they do is a failure. The current CEO is terrible.
@jollyjulian 9 күн бұрын
That is the thing that has me worried. They just don't stick the landing when it comes to most tech. We shall see! Thanks for the comment.
@wollis3802 10 күн бұрын
Hi Julian^^ I think the release might be tied to one of the bigger holidays. Might be Christmas in the west, or, if they have an eye on the asian market as well it might be after chinese New Year, when last generation hardware becomes obsolete and new tech is pushed into the market. Other than that i'm gonna stick to my 6-month rule. I bought my Quest 3 in June, so most likely December this year.
@jollyjulian 10 күн бұрын
I think that is a pretty safe bet. Somewhere around December of this year would be very interesting! Looking forward to hearing more details as they come out. Thanks for the comment!
@holgerheinrich2992 10 күн бұрын
Absolutely not. The Quest3s will be a significant downgrade to the 3, meant to adress less wealthy customers to get sales going. Less features, probably worse specs, but the s will not be an upgrade at any rate.
@jollyjulian 10 күн бұрын
For sure - totally agree with that. Will be step up from the 2 (with the gen 2 chip, and probably the newer controllers), but missing much of what I love about the quest 3. However, if it gets more people into VR, I'm all for it. I just REALLY hope the Quest 4 (or whatever it ends up being called) will have the pancake lenses again!
@davidlucena6797 11 күн бұрын
Having more competition keeps the market healthy, but if I'm being honest, I hope the next generation of Qualcomm chips takes a little more time in the oven, this will give devs more time to fully utilize the current chip. Releasing the new one too soon might not be the best for every other device that still uses the current gen, some of them are less than a year old.
@jollyjulian 11 күн бұрын
A great point, and I agree totally. Having a bit of time in between actual releases of the new tech does give time to innovate with what we have, and not just always be chasing the next BIG new thing. Great comment!
@davidlucena6797 10 күн бұрын
@@jollyjulian indeed, besides the games announced to be exclusive to Quest 3, I would like to see what else can be achieved when developing exclusively for the Qualcomm XR2 Gen2, Batman Arkham Shadow is nice but I want to see something akin to Asgard's Wrath 2, an open world with focus on exploration. I'm hoping that Skydance's Behemoth will be everything they can do best, we need more games with colossal bosses 😆
@Robosapien-jj1zy 11 күн бұрын
Can it use my prescription lens from my Quest 2 on a Quest 3?
@jollyjulian 11 күн бұрын
Sadly, no. The lens size and shape is completely different. I had to order a new set for my Quest 3, but worth it.... wish there was a way to adapt the Quest 2 ones for the Quest 3 though!
@MrCrocofish 8 күн бұрын
I saw someone was offering 3D printed adapters for Quest 2 lens to Quest 3
@SjaakSchulteis 11 күн бұрын
At this moment I'm still exploring and enjoying my Quest3, which I have since last year. No need for a new headset (yet). I'm also busy finding the right AR/XR glasses, like Viture or Xreal Pro. They seem to me more comfortable to use. Now I'm sitting with my Quest3 in my lazy chair, watching KZfaq. The library is floating next to the browser in front of me and am typing on the keyboard floating in front. Crazy amazing times!
@jollyjulian 11 күн бұрын
Truly great times to be living (in the real world, and the virtual one)! So glad to hear you're using your Quest 3, and watching media on it as well as gaming. So great for that! And, I have the VITURE PRO glasses, and while they are a great way to consume media when you don't want to have a VR headset on your head, the experience in the Quest 3 is still better, in my opinion. But I do like the Viture Pro glasses, and will be great for traveling and such. and, I've found it a good use outdoors when I want to do some writing and such. Can look through them, see the real world, and have the google doc open in front of me. the FOV is not great, but not too bad (for AR glasses), and the OLED screens are nice. Brightness is good, and dimming the glasses for use in BRIGHT light is great.
@nicholascampbell2497 11 күн бұрын
Tempted to get a meta quest 3 . Is it much better than 2? I.e worth upgrade? Use case ironically is netflix , and a few games.
@jollyjulian 11 күн бұрын
Great question, and in my opinion, having both Quest 2 and Quest 3 - the Quest 3 is very much worth the extra money. IF (and only if) you feel you will be using it at least once a week or more, in my opinion. And, if main use is for media watching, the Quest 3 is MUCH better for that. Clearer visuals in every way. So much better! Hope that helps... I have a few videos on my channel about that as well, so feel free to check them out. Thanks for the comment, and enjoy!
@gambino1877 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the tip on clearing the browser cache. I've been getting an error message for months on Quest 3, and it works like a charm now.
@jollyjulian 11 күн бұрын
Great to hear, and glad that worked! My pleasure - enjoy NETFLIX in the headset!
@trentstegvz 11 күн бұрын
Just got my quest 3 have rokid max for movies
@jollyjulian 11 күн бұрын
I think you're going to love that new headset! Here's to some great VRing for ya!