American Reacts to Canadian Memes | #17
American Reacts to Moving Day in Quebec
American Reacts to Canadian News | #19
American Reacts to Canadian News | #18
@hazyanimal9816 26 минут бұрын
As a Canadian, that Canadian accent sounds like a bizarre offshoot of the maritime slang.
@bperras 44 минут бұрын
The mall has a pirate ship. It used to have an animatronic fire-breathing dragon but that got decommissioned about a decade ago. It used to have submarines but they were replaced by paddle boats to tour the lake with the Santa Maria. The movie theatre that used to host the dragon also has an IMAX screen. The amusement park is called Galaxy Land but used to be called Fantasy Land until they were sued by Disney but the hotel kept the name the Fantasy Land Hotel which has theme rooms. The narrator of the video mispronounced a lot of the names and had shots of places not in Canada. The shot with the outdoor Bourbon street was from the actual one, not the one in the mall. The shot with the Ukrainian flag is of Kiev in Ukraine. Wetaskawin is a city far south of Edmonton and Elk Island Park and the Ukrainian Village are closer to an hour's drive east of Edmonton. West Edmonton Mall is the world's largest 23:38 indoor shopping centre. We don't have Buffalo, they're Bison. Similar, but different. Alberta is rich with dinosaur fossils as it used to be a massive sea millions of years ago. The Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller in southern Alberta is the place to go if you're interested in Dinosaurs. In the winter, Edmonton also offers Skiing at Rabbit Hill and many local children learn to ski there. Telus World of Science is another museum-like educational experience worth checking out and the annual Taste of Edmonton festival is on par with Epcot Centre at Disney World for representing foods from around the world. I'd say the main highlight of the city is the food. There are some phenominal restaurants in Edmonton. K-Days used to be Klondike Days, which was a celebration of the gold rush which is the reason the city was settled, is an annual carnival that lasts for two weekends and the weekdays inbetween and has all the classic carnival rides, games, and foods along with an in door trade show, circus performance, and petting zoo. It's great for kids though it usually takes place during the hottest part of the summer. Edmonton has a zoo but it's very lack-lustre, and there is an active night life.
@TheConnor6901 49 минут бұрын
Do you think I'm Canadian? :)
@tiffcook3524 52 минут бұрын
As a born and bred Albertan, I attended the Stampede every year of my life before Covid, never missing it and have even worked there a few times in the past. The Calgary Stampede is one of the most fun times you will ever have as you celebrate authentic Western Canadian culture, which is distinct and just as historically rooted as American western culture.Calgary is an awesome city and I highly recommended visiting and attending a Calgary Stampede if you ever get the chance!
@Justean2010 53 минут бұрын
Caesar is made with Clamato juice (tomato and clam juice combined). A Bloody Mary invented in Canada is the same as a Caeser but only made with tomato juice.
@louisech1963 54 минут бұрын
Technically the Senators are nominated by the Prime Minister. The Senate is dependant on the party in power. The Governor General had the power to stop the law years ago but not since 1867. We don't vote for the Prime Minister. Criminal laws is federal and civil laws are provincials.
@louisech1963 56 минут бұрын
The most important status in Canada is the Governer General who represent the King or Queen.
@Justean2010 Сағат бұрын
Did you say Spam???
@Justean2010 Сағат бұрын
The Montréal Smoke Meat is the best. I’m from Montréal, transferred to different cities in Canada, coast to coast, and trust me, you can’t beat Montréal Smoke Meat. A restaurant Shwartz (spelling?) is very popular. I eat smoked meat only in Montréal.
@louisech1963 Сағат бұрын
But you are selling the rights to water to companies like Nestlé. Our water is controled by the government and people would fight to keep it for everyone. Water should be nationalised so no companies can take it all. We also have restrictions about water ex: not allowed to water the lawn in some days and not allowed to water your drive way at all. We don.t sell water. Hudson bay is salty water. People won''t let companies take control of water and sell it for profit without any control. The USA could do better by cleaning the water they are using.
@pjimmbojimmbo1990 Сағат бұрын
Tyler, You are Not an Average America, You acknowledge that there are more Countries on the Planet than just America.
@louisech1963 Сағат бұрын
Education in Canada is cheap but since people always want to get everything for free and they have to pay part of the fees they think it too much. Compared to the US it is a joke. You can get some help as student loans and scholarship also.
@Justean2010 Сағат бұрын
Poutine was invented in Québec in the fifties. Meat pies/tourtière is popular especially during the Christmas. Her first definition of Tourtière, very very rare. You can make maple syrup drinks.
@stevenbalekic5683 Сағат бұрын
It's not just ignorance...Americans are told that their country is the best by politicians...this filters down to the education system and how history is told. For the US, 4th of July is a day of independence and freedom from the opression of the British. It's a huge deal to you and it takes up a huge part of your school curriculum. In the UK and other countries you are seen as treasonous rich folk who were greedy and didn't want to pay tax that the UK was spending to fight the French (who the UK were also technically fighting to protect the US colonies from) but the French used that "rich guys rebellion" to help fight against the UK by helping.
@louisech1963 Сағат бұрын
This is absolutly not true for Québec. lol The cultural ghetto is true for the first generation. People have to learn the language and feel better with a community sharing their culture.
@louisech1963 Сағат бұрын
You get see faster in the US because a lot of people don't have access to health care.
@Tina-oq3di Сағат бұрын
Talking to the locals is good advice but they will also be interested in you. We love to learn about different places and ppl. We were on Granville island and sat at a table where some German ppl were talking. We struck up a conversation and they were so excited to talk with Canadians. They laughed when they said here in America and we said no, your in Canada. They laughed and said oh yes, you don’t like to be called Americans. I said because we’re not, we’re Canadian. They said ah, yes now we understand.
@louisech1963 Сағат бұрын
Houses are expensive depending on the area you choose. It is different if it is in town or in the country. In Vancouver you won't find a house below a million. If i would sell my home to go to an appartment i would be paying more in rent then i do in my morgage. I am a teacher and the union left out the dental insurance because it was too expansive.
@albatross1779 Сағат бұрын
I didn't realize so many of these were only a Canadian thing. I heard Smarties is some time ago, but I for one can't normally distinguish what's only available here, and what is available here and elsewhere when I see it in stores. It would be odd to me not seeing some of these chocolate bars around. Then again, when I go to the States I certainly zero in on snacks I can't get here, so I'm generally not too put out about needing my usual favourites when I'm traveling there.
@stevenbalekic5683 Сағат бұрын
Polymer banknote technology was developed in Australia. The one cent and two cent coins were discontinued in Australia almost 30 years ago.
@albatross1779 2 сағат бұрын
Yes, poutine at fast food restaurants is so common it's actually strange for one that serves fries to not have poutine on the menu, and McDonald's poutine is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. In any case, if you ever find yourself in Canada, perhaps you should try a rootbeer in restaurant. No, you don't get to keep the mug, and it's only available for dine-in, but there's nothing like getting it in the freezer-stored mug, and let's not get started on the root beer floats. I think you can buy A&W mugs too.
@alwynemcintyre2184 2 сағат бұрын
In Australia we have food bank which supplies food from supermarket's across the country to people on government benefits, also there's oz harvest that supplies restaurant meals to the poor
@mackenzieserger7241 2 сағат бұрын
Winnipeg sucks
@Kacchonkers 2 сағат бұрын
When he said that they dont have a pin on their cards my jaw dropped, like excuse me what????? You're asking to get robbed
@kimbauer6666 2 сағат бұрын
I've lived in Terrace and Kitimat, which was the first place i ever swam in the ocean... right across from the Alcan plant, lol. Probably not my smartest moment. But yes, it is very beautiful in the Coastal mountains.
@XxKidnoffxX 2 сағат бұрын
77% of all our exportation are to the USA. And Trump want to stop that, that's why Canadian don't want Trump...
@darlenelim8972 3 сағат бұрын
I'd take the cold any day over tornados and earthquakes. And summers here are HOT. Just the other day it was almost 40c on the prairies. As far as gay marriage we legalized it 10 years before the US. The US has always been near the bottom when it comes to keeping up with other industrialized countries.
@munchkin0.o 3 сағат бұрын
so many lakes = so many mosquitoes xD
@sergebrunet4218 3 сағат бұрын
I was 11 years old ! it was magical ! some great memories ! From the car parking to the Expo Express train passing beside the Habitat 67 and the ships To the Expo and later in the day ending up at La ronde ! lol ! Even the Queen came there and Walt Disney and so many big figures ! can t forget something like that ! 😎
@That_one_girl125 3 сағат бұрын
Its all true 😂❤ love the videos there funny though
@williammartin2349 3 сағат бұрын
the most Stanley Cups won by a player is 11, Henri Richard during the 50s 60's and 70's
@kristinseivewright6961 3 сағат бұрын
The 25 cent is a caribo
@munchkin0.o 3 сағат бұрын
oh yea quebec french has different words than france french xD especially in institutions and important documentation stuff and then there's the accent x (french canadians were at first criminals and who*res lol we're the descendants of em!)
@deathshocker77 3 сағат бұрын
You do know Canada sells power to the US Thought to add in Alberta has about 300 years of oil under it but the problem is, it like sand oil and cost a lot of money to turn it into oil / gas / more things
@williammartin2349 3 сағат бұрын
The Rock stole his nickname
@sergebrunet4218 4 сағат бұрын
Hi ! Well, as a Canadian Trucker, i ve been hauling from the huge aluminium plant in Kitimat, right there , next to this huge gaz plant ! I was pulling B-Trains from Smithers BC. to Vancouver, BC. Some local drivers would go load the aluminium on flat-bed B-Train trailers ( 60 feet on 2 trailers ) and bring them to Smiters terminal and i would pick it up there, already loaded and tarped and bring them to Vancouver terminal ! Heavy loads ! 90,000 lbs of Aluminium + the trailers and tractor....that s heavy ! going up and down the hills ! lol ! So now you know that Kitimat is not new as a productive town ! 🤠Hauling in many oil sand plants in Alberta is another story i will share when the topic comes up ! lol ! 😎
@MadisonV-t7c 4 сағат бұрын
We still have that reputation till this day we have the best and longest sniper shot in history and we still help people in need unlike USA lol
@StupidGuysYT 4 сағат бұрын
In elementary school we all tried to run like him. Two hops on one leg, then a small jump with the other. This brings back so many memories. Thank you, Tyler
@drslv6389 4 сағат бұрын
I love @JosephD (Joseph debenedictus). Totally goofy with his American friend, but they truly explore us-ametican differences in real time! The CFL game in Calgary was the best.
@tazkol 4 сағат бұрын
i think one of my favorite things is when you encounter those americans who are all 'land of the free' and 'greatest country on earth' and getting to point out to them that canada has beaten them at war 3 times and we still have there original presidential portrait of George Washington, lol.
@iancurrie8844 4 сағат бұрын
"Wait. Hold on. This is in the Mall?" No, it absolutely isn't. The AI has just taken random images. That is NOT West-ed.
@iancurrie8844 4 сағат бұрын
most of the pictures/videos presented as "West Edmonton Mall" are absolutely, positively, NOT West-Ed. Where you can see six different levels? Yeah, that's not West-ed.
@StupidGuysYT 4 сағат бұрын
Bathroom and washroom are used interchangebly Yooo, i spelt it right the forst time. Also i am canadian Edit: first time
@iancurrie8844 4 сағат бұрын
That's not how you pronounce Muttart. Not even close. What a joke this AI nonsense is.
@erinwoodward5658 4 сағат бұрын
Lolol When America says they are energy independent they forget to mention the fact they get 70% of Canadas oil to refine and sell back to Canada as part of free trade. Canada pays for defence with the oil and other resources. Canadians pay higher gas prices then Americans even though we produce more oil then we need.
@iancurrie8844 4 сағат бұрын
Edmontonian here. This video is NONSENSE. Also, that is definitely, absolutely, not how you pronounce Wetaskiwin. However, cars DO cost less there.
@LillianMcKlarkson 4 сағат бұрын
I live there and you can go to the mountains I recommend grotto canyon and go see drumheller the museum is the goat 🐐 and always go down the elbow river on a inflatable so fun I did that with my friends when I was young and Calaway park is so fun family friendly the animals at the zoo love people lots of parks and the gorillas are always breeding and studio Bell I love it I went there for a school project and it was amazing spark is awesome they have a water, jungle gym , and a theatre with some
@LillianMcKlarkson 4 сағат бұрын
Ice cream 🍨 that is made with the idea of planets 🪐 and a movie theatre and last but not least the Calgary tower and there is a restaurant there yum and the glass floors I think are bulletproof 😅 but hell no yeah the restaurant moves in a circle ⭕️
@richardzagozeski892 4 сағат бұрын
bachelor party still applies
@kevinhartung4671 4 сағат бұрын
Well I am Canadian. With a change in government we could be a world power house. In oil and natural gas we are like fourth in the world. Potash we are number 1. Same with uranium. Not even counting our agriculture.
@dickbong3661 4 сағат бұрын
To explain the fight hug, hockey fights actually have a pretty strict code of conduct (albeit on the honour system), and the biggest one is that you don't swarm people in fights. If a fight breaks out, a players job is to pair up with someone from the other team, and either also start throwing hands, or just hang back and make sure your fight buddy isn't getting involved either, because you don't want one guy being beaten up by five other players while his teammates are all off having a water break. So usually that just means two opposing players standing beside each other, but sometimes they can have a little fun with it and go for hugs or whatnot; it's not exactly uncommon to have friends on other teams after all. The only players not expected to pair off are the goalies, just because they're so far apart and it's such a pain to move in those huge pads that they just kinda both wait in their respective nets for the game to carry on. ...Usually. The best fights of all are when the brawl happens to be going down right on a net and drags the goalie into it, or when a goalie actively gets involved because he wants to throw down. Then the other goalie is morally obliged to leave HIS net, skate across the ice, and start trying to awkwardly beat the shit out of his counterpart. You haven't lived until you've seen a full twelve man brawl on the ice, it's glorious. Goalie's getting the bloodlust is a truly special occasion.