@nicholasmacioce924 26 секунд бұрын
Witchcraft is evil. In the real world and in the star wars universe. At least in the Clone Wars the nightsisters were portrayed as evil. In this show, witches are being portrayed as a sympathetic possibly altruistic group. Headland, Filoni, and Kennedy need to have a long chat with God The Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Then they need to get their butts out of Star Wars.
@kco455 Минут бұрын
We don't care about lesbian witches. Disney can go to hell because that is what they're promoting.
@JumpingJack6 Минут бұрын
It is difficult to believe anything could be worse than The Last Jedi, but here we are.
@Lions10Fish0 2 минут бұрын
How many people in the bible has god killed vs Satan his brother and whos more blood thirsty? My money is on the so called good guy
@justinchase7663 3 минут бұрын
100000% agree. Disney needs to hit reset and actually get people that are knowledgeable and passionate about the star wars world and can recapture the original aura of the force or what it means to be a real Jedi. Even in any of the new ones from sequels on they miss out on the wisdom and forethought put into the originals…. Dialogue in most newer movies just sucks anymore. Writing for all shows and movies has been getting progressively worse over the years too.
@mkhud50n 5 минут бұрын
Based people are just as triggered as woke people now. 😂 Who cares what critics say? They’re always wrong. You have to figure out mysteries, they shouldn’t be explained before it’s even halfway done.
@slicerneons3300 5 минут бұрын
I am very glad to see they are getting the appropriate level of public shame for releasing junk and calling it Star Wars. Shame.them.until they surrender. Then shame them.for.surrendering.
@scimbrelo 7 минут бұрын
I assume this is some kind of tax scam or other money scam because there was zero way they thought this was gonna be well received.
@kdoggforever 7 минут бұрын
I really wish everyone would stop acting like Kathleen Kennedy doesn't know what she's doing. She knows her time is almost up so she is doing everything she can to damage Star Wars so it can never make a comeback. Kennedy is not stupid nor is she incompetent. She knows exactly what she is doing. She has tried for the last decade to kill George Lucas vision and remake Star Wars in her image and hoped the fans would love it. She has failed miserably. So now she's going to kill Star Wars. Period.
@poubelle_blanche 9 минут бұрын
I am getting off the bus here. Disney sucks, they ruined star wars. And the 'devil' does not exist, neither did Jesus, so I could care less if pipe leo was gay, you still pray to Jesus, and Leo WAS Jesus best friend. Better writing, less politics. And I am not with these religious zealots.
@thaddeussharp1 9 минут бұрын
I personally like Ashoka, and all it did, especially with Thrawn, Anakin, the World Between World, and Mortis Gods But ya, much of SW in the past 10 years has be bad.
@davidtaylor5204 10 минут бұрын
Now, DON'T WATCH! Don't hate watch the Acolyte. If you need to watch it, get twenty of your SW fan friends and watch Acolyte as a group to keep the ratings as low as is physically possible. Maybe a drinking game. Slam a shot of Mead every time they violate cannon. Scratch that. Think of your liver. Just don't watch it. Cancel your subscription. Watch the original movies, and then watch anything before Disney bought Star Wars. Maybe even watch classic movies from before the turn of the century. Move on. There is no future Star Wars.
@DukeSlystalker 10 минут бұрын
"Leonard Part 6" is one the short list of worst movies of all time. It currently has a 20% RT audience score (I think it has risen significantly in recent years). It cost 24 million 1987 dollars. That's about 66 million 2024 dollars. Diznee has spent 540 million on 3 episodes for a 17% RT audience score.
@padawanmage71 12 минут бұрын
I honestly do not know where SW could go from here. It really feels like the Titanic crashing on that iceberg and too many with blinders on.
@RossM3838 13 минут бұрын
In the entertainment world homosexuality is very chic and they think that the market for it is big and the rest must learn to accept it in everything.
@samhui9517 13 минут бұрын
Can’t wait until audience score drops below 10% 😂
@isaacmontoya9636 15 минут бұрын
I can believe Satan definitely had a hand in this, and I’m not one to get all conspiracy or preachy on anyone but it makes sense, because I remember Star Wars was loved by all, if not a good chunk of Americans of all ethnic groups even gay groups. Of course you know the devils end goal is to destroy the world, whoever thought Star Wars, a film series loved by all would be the perfect skapegoat (Pun Not Intended)
@FirstCastMedia 15 минут бұрын
All I have to say about this whole series of events so far, and I'll be honest I haven't watched any of it, but I've seen enough... All I have to say is YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYIKES!
@druviseglite 15 минут бұрын
Scisoring Wars: Acolyshite - Brought to You by Dismal Disney. Like this slop or you're biggoted, - ist, nazi... yada, yada,
@grjt4 16 минут бұрын
I hate to say this, but Disney does not want the original fan base anymore. They have chosen the hill they want to die on and that’s this new woke queer agenda.
@Everescale 17 минут бұрын
Boycott all Disney star wars movie and TV show is the only way to make them pay
@mjhickson4339 17 минут бұрын
F disney , im done. I hate that they own the rights to marvel and pixar too ruined everything. Im gonna build a curated bluray collection. I have had it with modern content, woke crap and streaming platforms becoming tv with commercials and jacking up the fees. I declare MUTINY!!
@CADIMUSCARNAGE 17 минут бұрын
Disney just needs to rip the band aid off and dump the rest of the episodes all at once. Just get ahead of all the press, let true fans give their opinions, followed by a good 3 to 5 years to hit a hard reset, fire KK and Fioni, and create something new and better
@Paul_1971 17 минут бұрын
Great thumbnai! l😂
@donovanbradford8231 17 минут бұрын
Seeing that thumbnail made me flash on the canteen scene only instead of Han asking Luke and Obiwan if they'd ever heard about the Millennium Falcon, Han is asking them if they've ever heard about Star Wars The Acyolt. Obiwan 🤨 "should I have?" Han 😏 "it's the most inclusive Star Wars series ever made. It has a RT Score of 96%" Luke pulls out his phone 🙁 "17, it's got an audience score of 17%" Han "what you think you could do better" Luke "you bet I could and actor it better too ever hear of The Joker" One walk to the hanger and three episodes of The Acyolt later. Luke "WHAT A PIECE OF JUNK"
@zzygyy 18 минут бұрын
Own this on 4k blu-ray. Still one of the best scfi horror movies.
@mjhickson4339 19 минут бұрын
Wow. It’s about time ppl stopped watching this crap.
@StefunnyStrange 21 минут бұрын
I had a first date with a guy yesterday and he said he loves the show. There will not be a second date. That’s pretty much all I needed to hear. Is this an overreaction on my part or am I justified in ghosting him?
@AbstractM0use 4 минут бұрын
Depends. Did you tell him you hated it, first? He might have just been trying to appeal to you in case you liked it. (However, that's not very cool either. Better to be real) Is that the only thing you didn't like about him? It's probably a good indicator that you won't have much in common or agree on a lot of things, and you might as well not waste each other's time and move along.
@bruceyoungberg6771 21 минут бұрын
GODZILLA MINUS 20, bad math joke 😂😂
@p90497 22 минут бұрын
I did cancel Disney plus. Chose other as my reason which opens up a text box for you to type in... Made it clear what I thought of the Acoshyte...
@NJDavis 23 минут бұрын
That was good editing at the beginning Bro! 🤣😂🤣😂
@randyclark6010 23 минут бұрын
It’s not just Star Wars. Every year the month of June will be a baffet for LGBT. Last year it was Bud Light. The year before that was Nike. The year before that was Gillette. What cool thing next year will get a massive diarrhea dumped on? Whatever is popular at that time I suppose.
@JustMe-om2dk 24 минут бұрын
Andor is the worst Star Wars show. I haven’t watch an episode of this show yet.
@67fremen 24 минут бұрын
Just don't support anything disney let them lose the fans and continue putting out garbage that no one wants.
@Trubble-306 24 минут бұрын
Big twist, the white mother is the master and they refer to her as he because she identifies as male, because males can carry children too. Lol
@SithScorp 24 минут бұрын
How much more garbage does the world have to be subjected to before people lose their jobs? How much more garbage needs to be unleashed upon the world before Disney purges KENNEDYFILM and starts over.
@user-ok2hn5ek2f 26 минут бұрын
Everyone prop Dave up. He was involved the entire time. Sell Lucasfilms please.
@jojo-up8eo 30 минут бұрын
it's because, my beer says, crazy people, don't know they're crazy.😂😂😂😂
@BloodguiltyGaming 31 минут бұрын
Coach hits all the nails on the head again! We are you are not the problem with Star Wars
@PoopLord-mb1gz 32 минут бұрын
We'll Disney is run buy a sick cult. Let's go for 15%!!
@berettaroadchronicles9637 32 минут бұрын
The worst part is those trying to defend it
@Greatscott24 33 минут бұрын
This isn't a failure for them. This is their intended outcome. Do you think they're unaware this show takes a massive dump on Star Wars canon?
@scoutdynamics3272 34 минут бұрын
Feminist fantasy vs reality: Where are the man hating lesbian feminist fish breath fighters rising up where the men are failing and put the Russian patriarchy bin its place ?
@piratebob711 36 минут бұрын
At this point, anything they make going forward might as well be called "Weekend at Bernie's" instead of Star Wars. Seriously, the few months I took off from all Star Wars news helped me break off all Star Wars ties except for Ep. 1-6. I feel more centered now. I am impervious to anything they do from now on. I am not here for Star Wars content, I am here for EBN, X-Wing, The DA and other people I truly like. That is what I am back for. So, news about the real Star Wars and discussion will interest me. Also news about other movies and shows. Otherwise, I am just here for friends. :)
@piratebob711 27 минут бұрын
OH and just to be clear, EBN encompasses all hosts.. not just the channel. X-Wing, The DA, etc meant their channels. Those are my top 3. :)
@Ixorpehc 36 минут бұрын
Earth to Leslye Headland: it's not about you. Even when George Lucas was producing his classic Trilogy, it wasn't about him either. The purpose of Star Wars is to give HOPE to fans that good will always triumph over evil. That philosophy is nowhere to be found in The Acolyte.
@kaligath6616 37 минут бұрын
I heard word in ep 4 they are introducing pronouns.
@piratebob711 32 минут бұрын
One thing that is funny about all that is that by the time we get to Episode 1 all that DEI crap is gone. So it didn't survive to that point in the timeline!
@PrezidentJafar 38 минут бұрын
south park was spot on that is crazy
@thedarkleaf6286 38 минут бұрын
Sounded to me like Rosario said: "We are grooming your kids to be gay."
@Shrike1988 38 минут бұрын
I am hate reviewing it. I watched it for free. I hated it. So I gave it a terrible review.
@m.malina6797 40 минут бұрын
"More....More!....MORE!!!" - Kylo Ren