@connorlandon4465 20 күн бұрын
Reddit Comment- “After re-watching the house meeting yesterday, I'm surprised how well Tyler handled the whole fight. He rebutted every accusation by Bayleigh immediately, while being the (much) calmer person. I'm only bringing this back up because I feel like this was the moment the FOUTTE alliance changed their opinion of Tyler, for the worse, when in retrospect, he handled it very well.” From ShrimpShackShooters_
@MrCameraOn 23 күн бұрын
God I HATED Tyler and LOVED that Bayleigh got the last laugh in the end.
@DarkWinter48 Ай бұрын
Bayleigh's daughter with Swaggy C looks like a mixture of her and Tyler. 🤐
@abbydevereux Ай бұрын
how are you going to put me in a house with four gorgerous guys Im trying to win money Tyler really hot, Faysal Hot Winston very hot and Brett really hot
@spidertubethecoolguy2576 Ай бұрын
5:47 I’m so glad she mentioned Swaggy C
@robertsherman871 Ай бұрын
The person who is yelling louder is ALWAYS the liar!
@Reality.juiced Ай бұрын
I member.
@yilakhailemariam8842 2 ай бұрын
Why is this girl yelling
@LaurieC-zg1bj 2 ай бұрын
This was a crazy fight between Bailey and Tyler
@t.thunderstreak1112 3 ай бұрын
I remember watching this season and expecting it to have multiple fights like the prior season. Instead, BB20 had THE fight. That, and Blockstar vs Brett, which was comical and meh.
@makedramccan 3 ай бұрын
S/O to the white woman sticking up for a black woman..
@wizardkumaanimations9984 4 ай бұрын
This would be a great time for Vanessa's "If this is your idea of an apology or making it up to me, you've got a long way to go goodbye"
@Creole202ChildlikeFaith 4 ай бұрын
Brown women... we can and should NOT implode to explode this way. Trust me by God's mercy I still have a great job in the Federal government. Even in the military I survived this anger spirit God delivered me from anger
@Creole202ChildlikeFaith 4 ай бұрын
Angry brown woman...
@michelski3528 4 ай бұрын
Tyler is a wimp
@prowolf633 5 ай бұрын
I would love it if Bayleigh could return in a future Big Brother season
@gundhamtanaka8202 6 ай бұрын
Its disturbing how many comments here are defending this animal attitude from Bayleigh. Let's be honest here, she's a piece of shit. Just look up the scams her and swaggy are involved in. And Taylor didn't do anything wrong, he was just playing the game.
@gundhamtanaka8202 6 ай бұрын
Its disturbing how many comments here are defending this animal attitude from Bayleigh. Let's be honest here, she's a piece of shit. Just look up the scams her and swaggy are involved in. And Taylor didn't do anything wrong, he was just playing the game.
@gundhamtanaka8202 6 ай бұрын
Its disturbing how many comments here are defending this animal attitude from Bayleigh. Let's be honest here, she's a piece of shit. Just look up the scams her and swaggy are involved in. And Taylor didn't do anything wrong, he was just playing the game.
@gundhamtanaka8202 6 ай бұрын
Its disturbing how many comments here are defending this animal attitude from Bayleigh. Let's be honest here, she's a piece of shit. Just look up the scams her and swaggy are involved in. And Taylor didn't do anything wrong, he was just playing the game.
@parzivalpower3587 6 ай бұрын
Bay: screaming her brains out Also Bay: you over here acting crazy, you’re out of control shut up… 🤷🏽‍♂️
@frogsaw8252 6 ай бұрын
everyone rewriting history in these comments is cracking me up. bayleigh saying she didn’t say she was gonna put up angela even tho they showed a clip of her literally saying she’s going to and then y’all saying tyler is the one who lied is crazy LOL.
@thefoxoflaurels3437 7 ай бұрын
It’s interesting because I think for the most part they’re both right. And they seemed to genuinely lose disrespect. Tyler definitely comes off as a slightly gaslighting douche at the end. It’s a game and he totally got to defend himself but that made his cutthroat game look even more hard to stomach to that jury.
@thefoxoflaurels3437 7 ай бұрын
I think they crushed on each other but ended up with other showmances.
@kgrimes842 7 ай бұрын
I adore Bayleigh BUT Tyler was right and anyone who watched that conversation would see it! Tyler asked if Angela would go up and she said yes. I do wish somehow they could have worked things out and she could have stayed longer because I loved her! The rest of her alliance sucked but she was great
@kyletelfer4193 8 ай бұрын
Bayleigh is the one loosing her mind. Just because your yelling and screaming doesnt make you right. Get a hold of yourself.😂😂😂
@starpetite 8 ай бұрын
neither of them were right here, but the lengths people are going to to shit on bayleigh is ridiculous... let me preface this by saying i'm not a fan of either tyler or bailey (i dislike both of them), since apparently that matters. shes a human being with emotions, not everyone is able to act like an emotionally absent robot after being isolated and ostracized by the house for a week. all she was asking for was an apology, tyler could've ended the conversation there by just saying sorry even if it wasn't sincere. neither of them had to drag it out for that long. people in the comments acting as if its some sort of crime to Have Emotions is borderline sociopathic, especially considering that both of them made amends in the end... i promise you, tyler bb20 will not jump through the screen and kiss you on the mouth if you fight tooth and nail to ensure he's a victim of a big bad wolf in this situation lmfao, and speaking as if you'd outplay either of these folks when placed in the same situation is just hilarious. that's not even mentioning how people are taking this clip as an excuse to be both racist and sexist, like what the hell does her being a black woman have to do with any of this lol? it's not as if she's the first person in the history of the show to have a meltdown. saying "it's just a game!1!1 dont take it so person!11!" while only touching on this meltdown and ignoring the unnecessary emotional condescension exhibited by the other side of the house is extremely hypocritical, don't act like tyler was an absolute angel towards bailey leading up to this meltdown becausee, unless you didn't watch the show, this is false. bailey isn't crazy or psychotic (some of you don't even know what that word means), but she needs to learn how to better manage her emotions in order to express them both in a timely and appropriate manner. and since it needs to be spelled out, tyler isn't a massive scary villain either; he just should've seen this coming with how he treated her, especially when resisting to say a simple 5 letter word. not to mention that, if you want to say bailey's a baby for crying afterward, then by that logic, so is tyler. people are still commenting on this after two years, so i figured i'd join the club as well and throw in my own two cents. i swear it's clear that TV has oversaturated some of your brains to the point where you dont even know how normal people behave in the real world anymore. it's not always in black and white, someone doesn't always have to be "right" in a situation. p.s: the bayleigh/swaggy c gofundme(?) scandal was disgusting, absolutely scummy behavior, 100%. but not only does it take place long after bb20, but it has nothing to do with this clip, that is a separate conversation for another time. also spreading misinfo by saying they "stole from a cancer patient" is embarrassing, please read into the entire situation before making a fool of yourself by bringing up a completely irrelevant topic, which is also incredibly disrespectful to Kevin and his family.
@kailahanna9174 8 ай бұрын
Y’all saying about Tyler lying and manipulating but that’s what BB is😭 like expect the unexpected
@crowkid5553 8 ай бұрын
People need to realize this is a game, even if I do think tyler should've won the game, and I do understand why Bayleigh reacted like that, plus they both amended fences in bb22.
@MrStonetyler 8 ай бұрын
When someone has to scream like that, they lose all credibility. Just can’t even listen to it. Most likely a lib.
@ProfessorSetterby 9 ай бұрын
Bay is dramatic but Tyler is super condescending! I can see how he could rile someone with her personality type up like that.
@Snakeyyyyyy 9 ай бұрын
i don’t see how anyone can actually think bayleigh is in the right here? unless you’re a woman and you’re just biased.. for one, this is a game. A GAME. there is no reason you should act this way over a game. there is no reason you should act like this PERIOD. this is childish. i don’t care if you’re a man, woman, white, or black THIS IS CHILDISH. and the nerve to say tyler is a child when he remained calm and collected while bayleigh screamed and cried like a child. bayleigh is entitled and thinks she is incapable of being wrong, yet another child-like quality of hers. they also literally show the clip proving tyler is right.. i don’t think bayleigh was trying to lie in this situation though, i think she just didn’t pay good attention to the conversation she had with tyler, which caused this misunderstanding in the first place. the only thing that tyler was wrong about, is that he should have apologized for how he acted towards her at the table when he thought she was the hacker. he was right to act that way is she had been the hacker, but since she wasn’t he should’ve apologized about that. either way, neither of them are entirely in the right, but tyler is definitely more in the right than bayleigh. AND, a grown adult acting this way ESPECIALLY on live television and OVER A GAME is just embarrassing.
@KittyGamingTunes23 9 ай бұрын
Tyler gaslighting Bayleigh is honestly disgusting.
@JayZer0 9 ай бұрын
Remember when Bayleigh stole money from a cancer patient? She was a nightmare inside and outside the house.
@BaracudaFTW 9 ай бұрын
Tyler was literally just Paul 2.0 minus the likability
@violasdaughter 9 ай бұрын
drama drama drama. we luv it😁
@cookielafoo3848 9 ай бұрын
Not only was Tyler gaslighting, he treated her like crap. And from Day 1 they trusted each other a lot. Tyler had a huge crush on her but once he realized she was with Swaggy, he didn’t care how she felt about him. And was okay with her not voting for him which turns out was a vote he needed. On top of that she was pregnant. And shortly after this miscarried.
@JonessaY 9 ай бұрын
As a queen should ❤
@ethansherfey4227 10 ай бұрын
I’m sure Tyler’s a nice person IRL but in terms of the game he’s a sneaky, manipulative player… that’s how he almost won. I think had he apologized to Bayleigh, not thrown her under the bus/lied to her to protect his ass in the house meeting, he would’ve gotten her vote and won 🤷🏻‍♂️
@sweetnasty2423 10 ай бұрын
People rewriting history in this comment section is crazy. Tyler never said she should put up Angela. He threw out Angela’s name to Bayleigh to fish for info. Since Bayleigh wasn’t the greatest at the game, she took it as “oh he’s saying ‘what about Angela’ because he wants her up”. Neither is necessarily lying, Bayleigh just read the situation wrong. Also everyone using word like gaslighting, lying, manipulation…..yeah…that’s the entire point of the game. Bayleigh blew up over basic BB stuff.
@mattcrane1301 10 ай бұрын
Watching Sam be the one to give Bayleigh the blanket while having quite literally ZERO allegiance to her at all, thoroughly re-enforces the idea that this car fire of a season didn’t deserve Sam
@AFW51209 10 ай бұрын
I’m js saying this. People in this game take it way to seriously. It’s just a game. I get there’s money on the line
@frankiieboii21 10 ай бұрын
Til this day , Tyler still never did anything wrong. He simply played the game of BIG BROTHER! He didn’t lie, & he didn’t treat her in anyway disrespectful. Bayleigh has consistently shown us how much of a baby she really is & should stay off challenge shows.
@ZyFox 10 ай бұрын
I hate Bayleigh she's an annoying drama queen that always wants to start crap
@epicintegral5647 10 ай бұрын
black people
@brandongarcia3478 10 ай бұрын
Angela was the evil b
@zachstapley5585 10 ай бұрын
Having that kind of meltdown is the worst strategy ever... I understand that it's probs difficult in the moment. She should've kept her cool and played more behind the season.
@Kameron347 10 ай бұрын
The comments are literally split in half right now
@joshs8273 10 ай бұрын
Even though I think tyler was in the wrong, I really just don’t care due to my absolute hate of Bayleigh lol
@adidasoccer1111 10 ай бұрын
Don't they do psych tests before they go on the show?