@sentinel8758 3 жыл бұрын
I still don't understand how someone is targeted by this. Does this require you to download something from the play store that is actually a fake app disguised as a normal one, or are they required to know the target's individual phone system information?
@dvorakpetr 3 жыл бұрын
You download a malware masked as "New Hello Kitty Adventure" game from Google Play (or elsewehere) and play it for a while, launch your regular "Bank of America" app, and you are presented with fake phishing screen. That's basically it... Attacker does not neet to know anything about your device beforehand, they can prepare the attack after you download the malware and launch it.
@sentinel8758 3 жыл бұрын
@@dvorakpetr Thank you, that clears things up very well!