"You Can't Be Asian with Round Eyes!"
Why Hmong Don't Want To Be East Asian
This Election Might Be One Big Joke On Us
Best American Cities For Asian Families
Should Asian Guys Be More Kevin Nguyen?
Why I'm Raising My Son In TAIWAN Over America
Why Tourists Keep Disrespecting Japan
Why Basketball Is Like Martial Arts
INSANE Asian Food Crawl Thru QUEENS!
@Hemperzzzz Минут бұрын
Who’s that gay guy singing at the end ..
@ShubhoBose 4 минут бұрын
South Asians and west Asians having large eyes is almost the norm. Why are only east or southeast Asians being thought of as asian here?
@jinlee9778 5 минут бұрын
All the Chinese history you read of hmong people are wrong. Chinese historians only tell you the winner side of the story.. Hmong lost the great war against the chinese. Hmong was forced to flee south. All hmong that flee south are of nobles/ scholars, high ranking merchants or has a high ranking political/military background.. basically the hmongs with brains. Thats why more hmong decedent's from south eastern Asia are more successful in whatever they do. Any hmong that still live in China and call themselves Miao are the ones who surrendered to the chinese. Those that didn't flee and has brains/prestigious got hanged throat slit. Also, Miao is a derogatory term use to label the hmong people during those harsh times. Now a days with the newer generations brain washed by Chinese officials and historians they now think the term Miao means something beautiful. Hmong split into 2 groups after the great war, southern east asian(the ones who fled south) and eastern asian ( the ones who surrendered) Why would we(southern asian hmong that fled south) want to be label as eastern Asian as our once sworn enemy slaughter our great ancestors take over our land by force. We the hmong people that has fled south and live there in peace for many generations we should and be identify as "southern east asians". Lastly, if you're a "miao" hmong and don't live in the u.s and your grand parent did not come from southern east Asia you should "stop".
@meis 8 минут бұрын
I stopped the video at around 40 seconds. My trust towards Chinese Americans remain to be zero.
@OGtruthserum 22 минут бұрын
My first white girlfriend had no idea I was Asian because I had beautiful Vietnamese eyes. That why I say if you are not East Asian, you aren't really Asian according to Americans.
@Laurence0227 22 минут бұрын
Uh.... 1/3 of Taiwan has big round eyes, what the fuck are they talking about :P
@melzerr 23 минут бұрын
In different circles this has come up here and there. James Baldwin put it writing to be weary of the liberal just the same.There's been a lot of performative acts to the point where now some Black folks have been skeptical with Juneteenth becoming a "federal" holiday but still so little resolution to actual issues. Not to mention that kneeling and the Kente cloth was pretty outrageous.
@tzenzhongguo 26 минут бұрын
I moved from Cali to the mid west in this state that borders Canada I’ve been mistaken for Korean by white people a lot.
@maxiong7557 31 минут бұрын
It's just a word people... Noone cares
@hr-g4640 34 минут бұрын
just like mixed race black people, they are black, but they can't be the leaders and the face of the black community because then you get your Rachel Dolezals and Shaun Kings people who are not black but larp as black because in black face they look mixed
@whizkid00000 36 минут бұрын
Korea is such a superficial country. The fact that K-POP and K-Drama carried their image and these people feel like they superior somehow is funny. Without US aid they would have been a 💩 hole.
@P.90.603 36 минут бұрын
Talking about race and nationality is kinda like talking about what city/neighbhorhood somebody lives in, what kind of job they have, where they go to schoool, etc. It's like we're constantly trying to size each other up.
@Maiseevang 40 минут бұрын
Bro just said Mongolia. SMFDH. That's when I stopped listening.
@user-vg4vj1xv1v 40 минут бұрын
Thinking? It's all in the library books.😅😢😂
@fongthao1902 40 минут бұрын
Simple "Asian"
@manchu-qu9mw 42 минут бұрын
US greedy hegemony think they are so great. She like to f**k up the world doing all the destructive deeds to benefit herself.
@neutraliserjanine 43 минут бұрын
Education is important or we will live in an idiocracy society. Go back to med school, Andrew.
@weifan9533 46 минут бұрын
It's not uncommon to see Asians with round eyes. The majority of Southern East Asians (which include Far South Chinese and SE Asians) have medium to large eyes, it's only the Northern East Asians (North Chinese, Koreans, Yayoi Japanese, Mongols, and Manchus) that have small eyes.
@Normalman777q 38 минут бұрын
… small eyes means you are civilized… if you have eyes like mine it sign of culture!!!
@TypeFirstName 16 минут бұрын
I really don't think so. Many East Asians like Korean, Japanese, chineses do have large and round eyes and including myself. It is just you want to justify your belief.
@dragonofparadise 48 минут бұрын
I have moved beyond the want to visit again to the I want to move there permanently. Hate having to come back home after taking a trip there and always have reverse culture shock when I get home. Japan is so much cleaner, safer, respectful and affordable to live without being a slave to the landlord or the bank. I remember one time I stepped off the plane just to get cursed at by some cranky lady in the airport because I was not "walking fast enough" and then drove through the ghetto filled with homeless beggers. Yup stuck back home again Sigh........... time to go from tourist to immigrant.
@rootsgaps7710 48 минут бұрын
May I use this episode on my channel?
@TheSmokey1523 49 минут бұрын
It’s not that it’s not cool. It’s up to the individual to discover it, it requires more from the recipient as it’s not easy to understand. It’s not as homogeneous and westernized as J and K pop culture. Chinese history and philosophy and roots go deeper and are much more varied. Even in the language itself, Mandarin and Cantonese have very huge vocabulary and language, they don’t generally borrow westernized words. Chinese history and culture is much more complex and they are more connected with their own history through the language and customs than Koreans and Japanese, who are much more westernized. It’s easier for westerners and Chinese Americans to understand one type of Chinese culture, generally Cantonese American culture, but in China there is much more than one type of Culture, this complexity cannot be truly appreciated through something as simple and shallow as pop culture. Also, i don’t really think most mainlanders or non American Chinese gives a damn if people think their stuff is cool or not. Chinese have been in the habit of inventing or doing stuff that suits themselves for thousands of years. They are also currently inventing and building some really cool, advanced things, contributing a large share of scientific discoveries, etc. It’s just that as Americans, we can’t give them credit because we have a beef with their government. Our western journalists also participate in very biased reporting, which is part of our Cold War propaganda. I noticed a pattern these last several years that were too blatant to ignore.
@priscillaferguson267 50 минут бұрын
My daughter’s mother-in-law living in Las Vegas during Covid was attacked and brutally injured at a local park while she was watching over her 3yr old grandson. Mine you, this woman weighed no more than 100 lbs with a very small body frame. Three people physically attacked her breaking her jaw, nose, cheek bone, left arm, and a collapsed lung. There’s no doubt in my mind that the xenophobia, bigotry, and ignorance has definitely escalated in our community’s.
@RomeJohn 51 минут бұрын
How can Korea be more proud and superior of their appearance? They even have never held the Miss Universe title.. 😅
@ravenstone366 Сағат бұрын
@hildaortiz7537 Сағат бұрын
I’m mexican and did ancestry dna and discovered that I have a four Japanese cousin I was surprised
@Appl908 Сағат бұрын
Most of us don’t even know who we are. 🤷‍♂️😂😂
@maiher8635 Сағат бұрын
I think a Hmong person will view this based on their family's immigrant history. Idk but my family only did 2 generations in SEA before coming to the US. We're also now 2 generations in the US. My family did not stay long enough to be that influenced by SEA cultures. Plus, my family is still pretty traditional and our traditions are most similar to the Hmong people in Southern China. Yes, my dad went there and found his direct family line. You can trace yourself back if you know older people and some unique last name traditions. The issue is, most Hmong kids nowadays don't know anything about their cultural tradition. My younger brother thought our culture was more similar to SEA. But he doesn't even know his own traditional culture..much less, any SEA culture really. So no idea how he even came up with that in the first place. I yold him, at most, you probably relate more to being an Asian American who grew up eating SEA food with immigrant parents. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@TouHer-ej1ry Сағат бұрын
Southeast Asian. Hmong migrated from south China into southeast Asia
@AeraYoo Сағат бұрын
I dub him Asian Superman, ‘Murica
@dtna Сағат бұрын
Don't worry about it. At one time in history, we were probably all chinese.
@P.90.603 45 минут бұрын
And your mom was probably a concubine..but why you bring up the past when it's irrelevant??
@raptagon2303 Сағат бұрын
13:23 This is what a fall looks like, the beginning of one anyway. The crumbling of the west. The rulership of Alexander the Macedonian's descendants is about up. When a Nation is divided against itself that Nation cannot stand but have a end. When I say Nation, it doesn't mean a single country. I'm talking about a bloodline of a people, a tribe. Alexander's tribe which is the first colonizers. His people lightened up all the other nations/tribes that was originally melanated. That's just a side effect though, this thing is spiritual. That CAIN SPIRIT.
@josephgee2515 Сағат бұрын
Democrats didnt want the Hmong here, same like Thais, Viets, Koreans, Armenians, Salvis, etc, etc They also tried blocking much of our enclaves here inSoCal, they used to bash our windows at businesses for having signs in our own languages, attack kids for their Parents "Mansionization" of homes because they wrongly thought it would bring down the value of their homes in The SGV but, it had the opposite effect where median home values are just over a million dollars now. Then the Old "Asian Hate" thats been around forever, not "because of Trump". Democrats used to attack Minorities so often, many of us Minority Groups had to form "Protection Groups" to protect from these Violent Leftist Attacks. Them and their "F You Chino", "F Reagan", "F Bush", "Go Back Where You Came From", "Theyre here because of Republicans" verbiage when attacking us from which many of the 80's and 90's Asian Gangs, Armenian Power & MS-13 came from. We fought back so hard, we took "green lights" in the streets and institutions. The most violent Democrats were Mexican Sureno Gangs, Skinhead Types (they had more numbers and a presence back then) and punk rockers. Areas around Dodger Stadium, Historic Olvera Street, DTLA, neighborhoods around Long Beach, Pomona, Artesia, Van Nuys, The SGV werent safe for Non-Latinos (many times) or for Asians & Blacks to be out and about. Lots of the now gentrified areas today were war grounds.
@PinHengChen-CCS Сағат бұрын
David, first time seeing you without a hat. You look a gazillion times better without a hat. Every time you wear a hat, you look a bit shifty. Don't know what led to you constantly wearing a hat but, ditch the hat.
@di3appl3 Сағат бұрын
SEA here. Doesn't matter where you are, as long as you look asian, a racist us citizen will tell you to go back to china.
@LaoLishLife Сағат бұрын
It does matter in representation for allocation of government funds. Like it or not. Asians coming from Southeast Asia are newbies. If our community needs more financial help, that means we need to show that we need it. Otherwise, the money will go elsewhere. And don’t kid yourself that we’re better off without help. We didn’t come to the USA to suffer. We need veteran welfare and recognition.
@herbertthewaterrat Сағат бұрын
The one thing that scares the elites is unionized working class people. They look down on the mechanic, plumber and hairdresser. Their entitled kids pick up on this sentiment and pass down their contempt through the generations. The irony is that now in 2024 people that can work a trade with their hands are highly prized! Their trade will always be in demand and make money. Also this is another reason elites hate Trump, he has an open, real way of communicating with working class people that the educated snobs hate.
@fabi0681 Сағат бұрын
Brazilian born Japanese here, people always asked if my brother and I were mixed, but no, both our parents are 100% japanese. It was more frequent when I lived in northeastern China due to my husbands work. The place we least called attention was Japan, we were very plain there.
@WaynesWorld12 Сағат бұрын
Some people asked me if I was mixed and I tell them I'm half Chinese and most be very surprised 😂
@Jprager Сағат бұрын
A tall tail sign of Asians is no eye lashes. I still remember that meme of a Panda, 🐼 with no dark eye circles
@arthyzlive3987 Сағат бұрын
im a tall vietnameze guy with tall noze bridge and i am very pale, allmozt all people think that im from greenland, ezkimo,inuit.
@FISHchON Сағат бұрын
I’m Hmong and I don’t give a 💩 about these bs classifications lol. Who F’n cares. Worry about your self and your 🍞.
@still__4twenneclicc457 Сағат бұрын
We have a Thao reunion comin up
@user-gt1wr1vh3i 2 сағат бұрын
I point at a driver when I think they are going to move when they are not supposed to.
@enkhzayazundui1063 2 сағат бұрын
Seem very complicated. Either follow the history or follow today’s DNA which is more likely SEAsian. Mongols are Eastern central Asian.
@aryankarki688 2 сағат бұрын
btw some south asians don't call themselves desi, for example, nepalis that arent madhesi, dont call themselves desi
@mrjackiemoua 2 сағат бұрын
a fantastic trip.. uhhuh.. we migrate from mongolia and china.. whats the issue?.. i'll take origins over where i was born.. i dont care what hmong is classified as
@shamibudu 2 сағат бұрын
i'm 100% Chinese but have been questioned for being mixed/HAPA/whatever throughout my life. People need to get that not all East Asians have monolids and flat faces - there's well over 1.5 billion of us out there.
@onlineonlineaccount2368 49 минут бұрын
@shamibudu People need to get that not all East Asians have monolids and flat faces ....well the majority do.
@yalvi 2 сағат бұрын
I don’t really care but I do think Hmong people are closer to East Asian… culture and language. I have a lot of Chinese friends and I observe our cultures to be very similar, like postpartum. If we didn’t get pushed out to Southeast Asia, we for sure would be considered East Asian.
@kouleeofficial 2 сағат бұрын
If we’re being real here, we are all African’s since the very first humans are from Africa. And if you really want to be real here, when the first humans were here on earth, the word “Africa” or “African” or “human” didn’t exist. So we are just who we are lol.
@user-gt1wr1vh3i 2 сағат бұрын
I like listening to these discussions. 👍
@hmoob704 2 сағат бұрын
I identify as a seahorse.