@FlakoBarrios Күн бұрын
Why don't you study the religion more in depth you might find out more things in the future you will regret especially when you marry a Muslim man be very careful before you do it find out everything he will be allowed to do to you
@dF_fallz 2 күн бұрын
How about you don’t sell out your ethnic and cultural identity and kin to a foreign religion, culture, and people that have absolutely nothing at all to do with you or yours, and only seeks to destroy and replace it?
@Strongfire06 4 күн бұрын
you reverted not converted we all born muslims. sory i too late 2years resoponding for old video but yeah.
@okgotthat 14 күн бұрын
What happened comeback I just found you
@Airwolf106 16 күн бұрын
Islam ideology=cult.
@MaryMarijaa 19 күн бұрын
Im an ex Muslim, and you know what lead me to leave Islam? Learning more about islam. Once I studied the Quran and read the Hadiths, I was so disgusted by Mohammed. He was not only a pfile, but also possessed, a nympho that even had sex slaves, he hit women (Aisha both admits and denies it, poor girl was groomed), calls us mentally deprived. And speaking of possession he was so deceived by the devil that he even had sex with a pillow thinking it was Aisha and admits that the devil put false revelations in his mouth, that Allah „allegedly“ later corrected and claims that this happens with all prophets. But why did the devil never managed to do that to any other prophet in the Bible? and why is Mohammed the only prophet that god never spoke to personally but only thru an angel, when in the Bible god spoke to so many people personally, even to pagans. Why would he then not speak to his alleged most beloved prophet? Also Islam and Mohammed fit all the criteria of the Antichrist and false prophet mentioned in the Bible. The Bible warned us about Islam hundreds of years before. I know that Islam has many beautiful teachings but people always ignore the disgusting ones. You won’t find such disgusting teachings in the Bible. I’m a proud Christian now. And Jesus has done miracles in my life. Hallelujah! Please don’t be deceived like I was. Read the Bible and study it and pray for god (not allah) to show you the truth. He will. There’s a reason why the countries with sharia law are the most miserable ones. The western washed out Islam version is not the true version of Islam. Islam is violent and sexist. The more you study the Quran and Hadiths the more you will realize.
@noname-oi2jh 23 күн бұрын
Jebreel AS taught the prophet SAW a time-window within which Muslims can pray each Salah, not a specific clock hour. For example, morning prayer can be prayed from dawn ( about an hour before sun rises) to sunrise. You can search for each prayer time-window on the net. The Azan is the starting time for each prayer. Look for the ending time for each salah.
@KashifKhursheed-ng1vk 25 күн бұрын
Stop trashing the planet with the packagy plastics
@Evan.280 25 күн бұрын
I’m a Christian and love my faith. But I do enjoy hearing about other faiths. We’re all descendants of Abraham, nothing but love
@MaryMarijaa 19 күн бұрын
No, we’re not. Islam is the Antichrist by Bible’s definition. Mohammed fits all the criteria that is mentioned in the Bible of a false prophet. I’m an ex Muslim, Christian now. Islam is not a Abrahamic religion, it only claims to be. But my love still goes out to all Muslims. They’ve been deceived, like I was for many years. We need to pray for them. 🙏🏽
@shalootys 28 күн бұрын
U do mistake in prayer no problem allha see ur love and fear only so hello muslim and other religions people do prayer no problem
@gestureofendtimes1693 Ай бұрын
Hello mam, if a man die for Allah then he will get 72 virgins in heaven, on the contrary, if you die for Allah how many groom will you get?
@MohamedSalahhhh Ай бұрын
اولا بارك الله فيكي ثانيا بعض الملاحظات البسيطة : نرفع السبابة اليمنى وليس اليسرى نسلم جهة اليمين اولا ثم اليسار الزى بجب ان يكون غير مجسم بمعنى ان البنطال غير مناسب .
@geess007 Ай бұрын
Most converts leave after realising the bullshit 😂. You have to go through it
@muhammadwaheed4067 Ай бұрын
Mashallah congratulations
@MoeedKhan1979 2 ай бұрын
regarding your last 5th point about different prayer times, its worth mentioning that one mosque prayed in first hours of the prayer time while the other mosque prayed at the last hour of the praying time. so both are true and correct. islam has no contradictions.
@MoeedKhan1979 2 ай бұрын
islam is perfect way of life. it will not come in human so easy. it wants struggles, sacrifices because islam is most precious thing in the world. so take it easy and learn step by step. God loves just your moves for learning his message. praise be to God who give us islam
@kamalkrishnabaral 2 ай бұрын
मुर्खका मुर्ख्याईं असाध्यै हुँदा रैछन्।
@Ohbrodda 2 ай бұрын
This is a religion that likes to conceal the wrondoings of their prophet and the consequences of his actions. He was a political and religious authority during his time. He commanded in multiple battles that were not defensively but offensively. He would demand 20% of all booty to be his no matter what. He enticed people to join him by leaning into their lustful desires about women. For example, if you win the war you get to have sex slaves and if you die you get sex slaves that are half angel and woman in heaven. He was a revolutionary man of his time as he got rid of idol worship which were popular at the time with pagans. Unsurprisingly he couldn’t resist the urge to marry a 6 year old girl named Aisha and raped her at age 9 because a child cannot consent. I dont care how good she was at anything. I can be a great violinist at age 7 that doesn’t mean im ready to have sex mentally and physically. That marriage alone doomed girls in the middle east for 1400 years because he not only permitted it and but he legitimized it by doing it himself? No any muslim man can fulfill his immoral desire under cloak of holiness. His moral character is where we derive our ethical standards. I find it hilarious that people say this was a thing of the past when it’s going on right now in the counties where sharia is the law. There was an articla about a 8 year old yemeni girl who died of her injuries. You judge a tree by the fruit it bears and Islam has many rotten fruits. The greatest false prophet of all time, Mohammed, son of mutah. I didn’t even go into what it says about the jews and christians but Ill leave this here: Chapter 2:191-193, 5:33, 8:39, 9:5, 9:29, 9:123. The references about sex slaves 4:24. The reference about hitting women 04:34. The reference for child marriage 65:04. Other references: * Chapter 7 Verse 157 * Chapter 33 Verse 37 * Jami* at-Tirmidhi 2613 * Sunan Ibn Majah 2839 * Sunan Abi Dawud 2155 * Sahih al-Bukhari 2926 * Sahih al-Bukhari 5825 * Sahih al-Bukhari 5133 * Sahih Muslim 1478
@theprofessor78678 2 ай бұрын
The importance of studying Quran with a proper teacher: Once there was an Imam in the Mosque leading the prayer, reciting the Quran loudly and beautifully. At the back,in the ladies section, a lady kept reprimanding her small son by saying, "If you don't stop misbehaving, I am going to TEAR you like how this Imam is tearing the Quran!" Then she repeated the same reprimand to her son for a second time. After the prayer was over, the Imam approached the lady and asked her what she meant by her reprimand insisting that he was reading Quran as best he could. She replied, "You call that reciting?!". The Imam asked her as to how she would read the Quran. She went to a place outside in the courtyard where there was a natural flowing fountain of water nearby and began reciting the Quran. As soon as she began, the fountain immediately ceased, and the imam was taken aback, awestruck. He pleaded with the lady to please teach him how to recite the Quran in such a powerful way that it affected nature. She refused the imam saying that her husband would not approve but referred the imam to her illustrious teacher. The imam left and travelled for a long while until he found the teacher and began studying under him. After studying with the teacher he returned back home. On his way, he needed to relieve himself so it was a time when there was no toilet paper and people used sand. So he grabbed a lump of soil and said Bismillah and the soil turned into gold. So he did the same again and the soil turned into gold again. He repeated this and the soil kept turning into gold until the teacher appeared before him in a vision and said to him Do not say Bismillah or the sand will keep turning into gold. Just use it as is.
@generalleigh7387 2 ай бұрын
How can Islam exist in America considering it violates human rights such as beheading?
@maraudalpha4345 2 ай бұрын
salem wa allikoum , je suis musulman de naissance . être musulman est d'avoir pour mission d écrire son livre de bienfais par les actes et les prières de chaque instant de jours d année tout le long de votre vie . avant que l ange de la mort ne soit la .se livre sera lu le jours de la rétribution ( jugement )remettre cela a plus tard c est trop tard . car au moment de mourir plus rien n as d importance de la vie si bas . dette , voyage, sortie , mariage etc. réussir sa vie future après le décès est d une importance cruciale . car il s'agit de la vie éternel . l enfer ou le Paradis ? je pense que le choix est vite fait pour tout le monde . n avoir aucun doute pour se convertir a l islam , le doute est l œuvre du sheitan (le diable) quand Allah vous a montré le chemin de la vérité , le sheitan essai de vous détourné . alors alléger , facilité vos actions pour débuté .car vous aller être éprouver alors faite du pas a pas avec sincérité pour que le plaisir et l intention soit . pour être endurant dans la connaissances , de l islam mais aussi dans vos acte de bien faisances ..( mon commentaire arrive un peu tard peut être insha allah il servira a d autres personnes) a salam wa alikoum
@user-rm7lj2yc4s 2 ай бұрын
the truth from ex muslim... is it evil that kids get married at a small age? is it evil that you hit females? is it evil that you prevent adoption because prophet muhamned couldn't hold himself when he saw his sons wife half naked and fell for her? is it evil that a prophet takes 12 and 30 slaves? is it evil to sell slaves in market? is it evil when the art is haram? is it evil that when a person steals you cut off his hand? or if you do normal intercourse you get stoned? or you get passed away when you say that you are not convinced by the religion or say anything against it? is it evil the females have no rights or cant speak or do anything cuz it haram?
@sam_mirza 2 ай бұрын
Here’s something interesting and please verify for yourself. You can call God or Allah, Rahman, Elah, Khuda, Jehovah, Rab, Elohim, or any beautiful name: Check this: //Quran 17.110 Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by WHATEVER NAME ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."// Most beautiful names belong to God, so we cannot restrict people from calling Allah by another beautiful name. There can be a lot more names in many other languages where Allah has revealed his books.
@sam_mirza 2 ай бұрын
Here’s something interesting and please verify for yourself. You can call God or Allah, Rahman, Elah, Khuda, Jehovah, Rab, Elohim, or any beautiful name: Check this: //Quran 17.110 Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by WHATEVER NAME ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."// Most beautiful names belong to God, so we cannot restrict people from calling Allah by another beautiful name. There can be a lot more names in many other languages where Allah has revealed his books.
@mahmoudb4869 2 ай бұрын
5:15 a slight correction sister; you don't have to wash yourself every single time as long as you're in a "wudu-state" meaning as long as you haven't used the toilet or haven't done a wudu breaking action like (releasing gas etc.) you don't have to rewash yourself
@SCOTT77100 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha if you say so Einstein. islam=Samil/Samael aka The Satan, Duh derp, derp--should I make you look dumber @Staystill0
@happydays1607 2 ай бұрын
Why do you stay than ?? you don't cover your head??
@akb8065 3 ай бұрын
Alaykum Salam ❤
@tahaahmed-wl9rs 3 ай бұрын
I'm a Muslim by birth, basically lslam is simple and natural.Maybe lot of people even Muslims would not agree with me ,but there is no Clergy in Islam.There is the Muslim and Allah.
@Islam4Europeans 3 ай бұрын
Al Hamdulillah Great video. I've been Muslim for 21 years. I talk about these issues at length. I wish I knew that the Muslim community wanted little to nothing to do with improving the relationships with our non-Muslim family and community. They don't feel comfortable in non-Muslim spaces, and our people don't want to associate with Muslims, by and large. Converts should collectivize into a cohesive sub-community for our collective survival. Some Born Muslims have been against this idea because they say it causes "division." They have their own organizations, forums, restaurants, and have a general wolf pack mentality. Converts should do likewise, or else your average Westerner is going to have a very difficult time being the only Muslim in their cultural sphere. That doesn't mean we have to seperate ourselves from the Muslim community, but we need to work on our own issues. Allah knows best.
@marthell6159 3 ай бұрын
I’ll never understand why a woman would convert to such a misogynistic religion.
@HereItsNow 2 ай бұрын
They Had knowledge and knows which is real lol
@marthell6159 2 ай бұрын
@@HereItsNow Islam is a death cult and Muhammad was no prophet, he was a warlord.
@mjollnirteormyn6288 3 ай бұрын
Poor girl 😂 I feel especially sorry for Western people who convert to Islam
@HereItsNow 2 ай бұрын
Feel poor for yourself 😂 get an education
@sam_mirza 3 ай бұрын
You said Halal @ 2:10 What’s Halal? Isn’t it declared in the Quran? In the Quran If you are allowed to eat something, then it’s Halal. The food of the people of the Book is allowed in the Quran, isn’t it? Check //Quran 5.5 This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The FOOD of the People of the Book is LAWFUL unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good).// Furthermore if someone tries to declare Halal/Haram with their tongues Then check this: //Quran 16.116 Do not falsely declare with your tongues, “This is HALAL, and that is HARAM ,” fabricating lies against Allah. Indeed, those who fabricate lies against Allah will never succeed.// -- FYI: The beliefs of the People of the Book were the same as today-when the Quran was being revealed - coz you see the same points addressed to them in the Quran about their beliefs which you see today.
@you.got.gapped.racing44 3 ай бұрын
I think that your job as a new Muslim is to follow the Quran and hadith, unfortunately, there are many people who don’t eat halal or do haram things and spread corruption, but these people have failed allah, they act like us but they are there for nothing but spreading corruption, like isis, so it is rewardable to guide them back to allah and allah will love you for inviting people to Islam, I personally engage in inviting people to Islam, and one of them is in the process of converting tabarakallah, but you are still learning as a new revert, it’s preferred for you to use this time to mostly study the Quran and Hadith and get your rulings from there and if you gather the necessary information to start guiding people then do so because it’s loved by allah, Inshallah that time comes very soon because you seem to be very intelligent Allahuma barik.
@IWB-Global 3 ай бұрын
I’m a born Muslim and I agree with what this beautiful and straight forward sister said. Nothing start with perfect application for any subject. Just start and other secondary issues will come in the right time. Even for us who were born Muslims can not do it all. Rewards are earned according to your deeds
@user-zo5fk2go2b 3 ай бұрын
Please exmuslim adam seeker Yasmin khan, ahmed,sahil,sachwala if check stream with proof u shall 100% get answer
@mfaye5549 3 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say jesus loves you guys ❤
@SCOTT77100 3 ай бұрын
So u converted to Hasatan aka islam, I'm starting to think u white girls don't have much intelligence.
@HereItsNow 2 ай бұрын
Your grammer says about ur education,knowledge and intelligence lol😂
@abdar-rahman6965 3 ай бұрын
*Wise-Sister: In Islam; in order to enter in Paradise; you need just one Book which Prophet Mohammad and his companions ONLY left behind, and that is Quran only **6:19**, 6:114, 10;15, **25:30**, 28:85, **50:43**, 17:9, 16:116. They left behind NO ANY OTHER manuscript. If you will follow all laws and ethical codes of Quran, sincerely, IshaAllah, you will enter in paradise 17:9*
@abdar-rahman6965 3 ай бұрын
No five Ritual prayers in Quran=Islam. Rituals are USELESS 2:177. Five Rituals are invented by Clergy. In Quran, prayer is >> Philanthropy 2:177, 2:115. Core Message of Quran is Peace, Justice, Philanthropy 60:8-9, 2:190, 4:135, 2:177. Sole one True Path of One God "Islam" is easy but Clergy has made it difficult. Hijab is optional culture; not Islamic law=Quranic law
@Whitemen921 3 ай бұрын
what a nice suggestions, sister! May Allah help you more & more in practising Isalm. Ameen
@jandaniluk4465 3 ай бұрын
Do you agree with the husband beating disobedient wife? Or a man having four wife’s ?
@HereItsNow 2 ай бұрын
She agreed with nice religion which keeps female as queen
@FajarSumirat-jj1oq 3 ай бұрын
Hi Jannah! How are you doing? Where do you live by now?
@henkka8157 3 ай бұрын
stupin girl
@MohamedAlnuaimi71 3 ай бұрын
@fisal24 3 ай бұрын
1- If you will remain unhijabi woman throughout your life, it's better than you miss a single prayer (salat), because prayer is more important and is the first thing a Muslim will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection. 2- Yes, Islam doesn't change people’s culture if it isn't haram, for example, the Arabs allow the marriage of cousins, while the Bosnian completely prohibit it. 3- There is no individual or group that represents Islam because they are human beings and humans make mistakes. 4- You must follow the evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah, but anything else, you have a choice whether to follow it or not.
@admanassas1853 3 ай бұрын
Before converting (to any religion): 1) Does the religion GUARANTEE you an eternal assurance of Salvation when you die and meet God 2) Is your conscience (what's RIGHT and WRONG) violated in any way upon considering the Prophet's own morality
@chrispaige8880 3 ай бұрын
We know - with metaphysical certitude - that Muhammad was NOT a prophet of God for innumerable reasons. Let's highlight just a few: 1. He went to a cave for his revelations - a place that EVERYONE at his time & place would have considered a place to seek demons, not God. 2. Not surprisingly, therefore, he believed that he had encountered a demon - his wife had to persuade him it was God. Can you name another prophet who wondered if he was hearing from God or a demon? Even in the Muslim sources, his God/demon confusion is unique. 3. Notice the effects of this encounter on him - entirely unlike anything any other prophet experienced. (No other prophet wanted to kill themselves after experiencing God.) 4. His "god" told him to sleep w/ a nine-year-old girl. 5. He said that if he were a false prophet, God would cut his aorta. Then, when he was dying, he said he felt that God was cutting his aorta. In other words, he thought he was a false prophet suffering the punishment that God would inflict on a false prophet. 6. The Quran is filled w/ errors and contradictions. There are too many to list, but ask yourself this: how does God come down each night? It's always night somewhere, so either he's skipping portions of the planet or he's always coming down. Or why does the Quran say Allah made Adam w/ his two hands - does he have hands? If it's just a metaphor, how is Adam's creation unique? Didn't God create everything? Or notice that the fractions God decreed for inheritance don't add up - can't God do math? 7. Why doesn't Allah know how many sleepers there are in the sleepers of Ephesus story? 8. Why does Allah think the sun sets in a pool of muddy water? 9. Why do the earliest Islamic sources say lots & lots of the Quran was lost? Why don't we find anything or anyone claiming perfect preservation until CENTURIES later? 10. Where are Uthman's Qurans? If they're lost, why aren't there any records of how/why they were lost or what was done to look for them? How were multiple copies held in different locations by different people all lost w/o a trace? 11. Why does the Quran use words that were borrowed from other languages? Take the word Muslim - that's from Syriac. So how did Syriac speakers anticipate a word that God used in the Quran (written before time itself)? 12. Why did Muhammad teach that there are 7 flat earths, one on top of the other, and that all of this rested on the back of a whale?
@user-kz2mm6fz6l 3 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 if u don't follow islamic rules there is no value of your converting
@muhammadbilalali9412 3 ай бұрын
love from Pakistan .......