Welfare Benefits & Housing - 17 July 2024
Higher Education In 2024 - 1 July 2024
@johnsmith-dg8wn 14 күн бұрын
Beware WBUK what she is saying to your face & what she is saying behind your back are two very different things, please read for yourselves: Offensive comments by Mary Inman & Constantine Cannon & Georgina Halford Hall: Constantine Cannon Offensive Comments (A sample): 1)”I noticed Mr Patrick had ‘Neglected’ to provide the date with his signature” - Mary Inman 2)”By the way the client called the paper himself to explore the idea but didn,t get very far unsurprisingly”- Mary Inman. 3)”When is this torture going to be over” Mary Inman regarding myself. 4)”As predicted might happen the client Mr Patrick is extremely anxious and e-mailing us about the issue daily” 5)”We,ll be able to put this to bed with Andrew and stop the nonsense” - Mary Inman 6)”The client as always is getting Antzy” - Mary Inman. 7)(Slightly simplifying it for him), I hope that will satisfy him, though experience suggests it probably wont” - Richard Pike 8)”He,s too Volatile and wouldn’t trust him to project the right image on camera” - Mary Inman 9)”Please gag him” Georgina Halford Hall Whistleblowers UK 10) “Totally hear you and appreciate/understand/share your concern. Client was hell-bent on speaking with the press. Believe it or not, I was able to steer him away from worse comments! Let's talk later” - Mary Inman to Georgina Halford Hall CEO Whistleblowers UK. 11) “He does not retain information that we send/provide and prefers to escalate matter & become difficult” - Mary Inman 12) “I imagine you have little interest in Mr Patrick’s other allegations but, for completeness, we should note that the SRA disposed of Mr Patrick’s complaint without taking any further action.” Richard Pikes view of the SRA,s warning letter for offensive communications between Mary Inman & Georgina Halford Hall 13) “He Parroted back to me” Mary Inman 14) “He,s back to torment me, I thought his WB matter was over” - Sara Vickery Practice co-ordinator 15) “When is this torture going to be over” Mary Inman discussing me. 16) “The call went well. Thankfully, he was not interested in speaking to Andrew Patrick" Mary Inman. 17) Mr Patrick provided screenshots of the emails between Ms Inman and Ms Hall. These emails make comments such as ‘gag him’, ‘keep him away from…’ and ‘no good can come from his engagement’. - SRA 18) However, Mr Patrick was able to provide evidence of the emails and it is understandable why Mr Patrick is not happy with the comments made about him by Ms Inman. SRA 19) “I don’t think we will ever get Andrew to a point where he,d write something that provides a wider context” Mary Inman 20) “He is very difficult to corral and keep on message”. Mary Inman 21) “Client Disappointed (aren,t they all!?)” Mary Inman 22) E-mail subject “Ironic” “Ands theres more….” Richard Pikes sarcastic reply to my e-mail of complaint 23) “Sigh….” In response to the complaint I was making as Richard Pike forwards e-mail to Mary Inman 24) “It’s a shame he forgot everyone else who was involved” Richard Pike in response to a positive feedback I left them in the initial stages, I had mentioned - him, Molly Knopfler Constantine Cannon, who else he expected me to mention I do not know. 25) “I think you have just been introduced to Andrew Patrick……… Doesn’t mention who he is until the end of the message assuming we know…….” Sarah Vickery Practice Co-ordinator 26) “He is getting impatient again” 27) “He,s like clockwork with his requests” 28) “Given our Andrew Patrick connection, I’m including a link to the recent New York Times story that includes quotes from him regarding his False Claims Act case against the Pure Collection for evasion of U.S. customs dues. Thought you’d get a kick out of them”. Mary Inman. 29) Mary Inman found by the Californian Bar as "Offensive Personality".
@Prolikescheese 16 күн бұрын
A Solicitor and a Financial Advisor in England are embezzling the inheritance of my minor children in Northern Ireland. They got an injunction to stop me exposing them. But they got it in England. I am treating it as null & void because an English court does not have jurisdiction
@clubclick.online2057 2 ай бұрын
I don’t have any human rights at judge avent perjury guildhall and royal court of justice and false imprisonment and torture by magistrate pace 78/1 legal aid lie all my life and CPS failed all data 30 years
@user-fk4zf3dq1e 3 ай бұрын
Just asking. Does Ian Mac Donald KC still practice ?
@GraceMann540 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this
@estherrayos 5 ай бұрын
I still am waiting for a reputable lawyer against all the fraud committed by the Corrupt Barnes Firm in downtown Los Angeles I found that online as well !! I’m telling you well orchestrated bunch of morons but I just sat back and watched it all play out I’ve had enough !
@ArabellaTresilian 5 ай бұрын
Thank you. Very useful.
@hussainsyed2089 7 ай бұрын
Two take-aways: 1. Child Defendants require lawyers to have a unique skillset which include: centering the child, ensuring there are measures that safeguard their full participation in proceedings and empathising with their perspective of the world. 2. There is a real danger of miscarriages of justice if the skills and knowledge gap is not adequately addressed; more lawyers need to train to effectively advocate for child defendants. Big up just4kids law!
@user-zk6wr6rj6p 7 ай бұрын
@CommunicourtIntermediaries 7 ай бұрын
Fantastic webinar! Thank you very much for making this session available to all. We'll be sharing the video with our practitioners and recommending it as CPD.
@ArabellaTresilian 8 ай бұрын
A wonderfully hands-on and comprehensive overview of the nuts and bolts of proposing and preparing for mediation.
@jB-fx2mx 9 ай бұрын
With these illegal migrations, the US is indicating that being unlawful is ok and acceptable. How can the US expect laws in this country to work if they don't practice what they preach?
@revdrstu 9 ай бұрын
By deffination the train companies of the UK going on strike for major events such as the 50th aniversey or Pride might be considered an offence as they are protesting and caused distrubtions and financial loss to two or more persons., not just pride but many other evens including some of faith have been severely disrupted at financial loses to multiple people across the country, therefore the train companies have commented a public order offence under the sections describe, please comment?
@20kevron 10 ай бұрын
Does BOTC has the same visa free access as the UK passport?
@carbonicoyster5907 10 ай бұрын
90% of domestic abuse is committed by women against men.
@vikvargas2118 11 ай бұрын
Who is following BLM. They are awful Company. Don’t listen to them.
@carbonicoyster5907 11 ай бұрын
Welcome to communism
@dbvnyc Жыл бұрын
Back in 2010, our BOTC Campaign (Trent Miller and David Varney on NYC) was actively pressuring the UK Government (with the assistance of the late Lord Eric Avebury, and when he passed away, continued by Baroness Ruth Lister to change the law regarding children born out of wedlock before 1 July 2066. BOTC (F) route. Discrimination against BOTC Mothers with children born abroad was BOTC (M) also remedied in this legislation. A significant helpful change for British Overseas Territories families. He raised his concerns about BOT"s being left out during a debate in 2014 on removing the same discrimination from children born out of wedlock to mainland UK fathers. A campaign led by Tabitha Sprague (also based in NYC) initiated those changes. As part of our campaign, we engaged the services of Elizabeth Ruddick (formerly of Wesley Gryk) and Adrian Berry (Gardens Court Chambers) to advise. In 2022, it was brought home by Diane Baxter (Wesley Gryk). We also actively engaged with the British Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA), led by Janice Panton (Rep. of Montserrat Govt) and Kimberley Durrant (Rep of Bermuda Govt.) Adrian Berry provided an in-depth briefing to the group, which they took away as part of the consultation process. In 2019, the government listened and made the right changes-just some background. The Chagossian community asked our campaign to help get them added to the NBB2022. Our campaign, working with Rosy Leveque, Jerome Simon, and Chagossian Voices (Chagos community), Alex Finch (Fragomens), Diane Baxter (Wesley Gryk), Jane Whitehead (Home Office Nationality Directorate) Adrian Berry (Garden Court), Baroness Lister, and Henry Smith MP, using the language of Henry's failed private members bill, modified it to a time-limited version. After further pushing in the House of Lords by Baroness Lister, after much resistance to change, the government finally accepted it for inclusion. Significant achievements that should not go unnoticed. A genuine team effort.
@paulstevens6929 Жыл бұрын
Stalking by electronics is a crime and he should be behind bars for the rest of his life he's wrecked mine since he left school and I was 19 yrs old.
@paulstevens6929 Жыл бұрын
They have acces to public records and can and do motivate criminals to carry out there illigal acts of any kind and of course the instigator walks free.
@paulstevens6929 Жыл бұрын
Northampton Borough Council have jumped onto bandwagon with this individual cops call him steeeee roid man biceps steers others to do his dirty work known as electronic rape.
@vikiestracener259 Жыл бұрын
First of all, get out of the schools quit being pushers of evil laws. It's because of people like you that poke your nose into business. This shouldn't be especially around children. You use the gay community d to promote laws against. Gay human beings when you came up with the gay pride and celebrating gay for 30 days. When you only give Jesus Christ 1 day of celebration. You cause a lot of problems in this world is organizations like yours. No one had no problem with gay. Normal people were for the marriage of gay. Love is strong, but when you have people like you in your platforms. Be indicted to human beings with lies. And twisted words, you're evil because you're promoting something that you should not. Gay people are no different than normal people. 2 men, 2 women, man and women, there's no difference. You only difference between dim human beings is their sexual preference, and you to bring out the gay population and tell them that they have a right to prance up-and-down the road and to be around the yoi. Have a problem with what's up? Sexual preference should be private. It shouldn't even be a topic in any organization. They have the same rights as normal people, but you put out that there's a problem, and then you make problems happen. You wanna know why people are upset with gay pride? Because you're narrow to switch your pushing onto the youth. And your laws that you're putting into goverment promoting the Antichrist. Because that's what it is you're promoting evil. Causing unrest with the events that you put on display laws that you put in place. You need to look at the mirror and see who you really are. Celebrating gay pride for 30 days, make it in a national today to celebrate sexual preference. You better tuck in hide. That is a sin If gays don't want to be harassed, the maybe they shouldn't be out in public and making themselves well known in front of a TV show because when the gay population decide to rip bibles the word of God and bully someone that's reading the word of God. At a gay pride, Parade people that parade up-and-down the road half naked celebrating their sexual preference. People that has Christian that believes in a creator that made creation knows that this is against God to celebrate a sexual preference in front of children or to be around children, none of these gay pride people, including you have any education to be around children or even educate anybody else with your garbage. You're falling away from Jesus Christ. My question is to you to all of you in your organization. That loves to spill out your lies. To promote to make you look like you are intellidebt which are my eyes you promote. Things in your organization that you have no business in you, not. You're another branch, there's so many branches to all governments around the world with garbage. None of you know what the h*** you're doing with humanity? You're all just a butt to dictators controlling freaks. You don't work with humanity. You go against humanity, and you take the gay population. And you put them right on top. So you can make more division more anguish amongst human beings. You are a b****, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Your whole organization ought not be ashamed of yourselves. My question to you after you leave your flesh. Where do you think you're going? Do you really think that you're going to go to the gates of heaven? Look how you are here in this world. Look what you engage in. Is it to benefit the humanity the creation of this world? Me personally, I'm angry with all of you all of these organizations, that's actually. Confused Disappointed Created hate crimes. Yeah, organizations like yours is what causes hate crimes, not that people. Causes hate crimes. It's your words that you influence hate by the stupid laws that you give. It's your fault that there's hate crimes in this world. It's all government's fault. Because of garments and organizations like yours that causes unrest in this world
@vikiestracener259 Жыл бұрын
Yup, everything you guys doing is being recorded in the book of life against humanity d. Wow, aren't you guys gonna be in lots of trouble when you leave? You are flesh because I know where you're going. And it's not to heaven. You make decisions like this idiotic c***As you do to the Americans and other citizens and bring in illegals to bombard. Their taxes, so we support illegals not good of you. Not good of your organization to go against humanity. To fit and put in your garbage to society. It's a shame that you make decisions like going against the grain of the creator that made creation. You are some sick people.
@vikiestracener259 Жыл бұрын
Wow its a blackhole right in front of you all for eternity
@vikiestracener259 Жыл бұрын
@jamess1442 Жыл бұрын
Netpol guy nails it
@goldmemeber2000 Жыл бұрын
This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing your detailed analysis for the public to hear.
@bestkingworldmyservice1984.1 Жыл бұрын
Respect proof facts and evidence that makes settlements uk refugee camps and NHS and case visa application to be barred uk london roots great family roots istabtionly article 8 little e deputation deportation needed not option needed bail too mend variability
@reesfleming4247 Жыл бұрын
My channel is good
@VictorG-vh9lj Жыл бұрын
Good to restore law and due process.
@VictorG-vh9lj Жыл бұрын
Often it’s not about litigation capacity. more as lack of access to justice due to bad legal advisers
@scotthenry3401 Жыл бұрын
This legislation is so far reaching and open for corruption that im shocked it been allowed. I think the biggest part we should worry about is the economic part, where it can be granted if the uk economy is at risk!!! So does that mean illegal means of generating money, bad banking practices, money laundering could be granted immunity if its being done for the economy, like helping prop up a failing economy prehaps...?
@onelife7247 Жыл бұрын
Many thanks to all for uploading this update on moratoriums and amendments to the DA Act. Will definitely review / check out the Council of EU docs. (2022) and points raised concerning the intersectionality of Discrimination. 43:00 ref. provision 4. of the DA Act and it’s impact on the obligations of the tier 1 local authorities: keen to hear from Eleisha et al concerning the plight of DA survivors of English/BRITISH origin and dual citizenship who do not have any dependents. There is currently no immediate provision for housing where there are no dependents in the household from which the woman needs to escape. Also need to address cases where the LA is inadvertently / deliberately complicit in the perpetuation of DA against women.
@onelife7247 Жыл бұрын
BTW: Turkey apparently withdrew from its own anti-violence against women convention in 2022 kzfaq.info/get/bejne/aJifl6V7krq8e3U.html
@eprohoda Жыл бұрын
‘sup?, Garden-that is amazing done~farewell.🤟
@waroncorruption5986 Жыл бұрын
I'm wondering if you'll considering adding links for citations as I'm unable to find any online reference to Race v Home Office [1994] 2 AC 45; or Rawlingson v Rice [1997] 2 NZLR 651; both as noted by the second speaker.
@davidgleeson9225 Жыл бұрын
I have a case against Asda and Etihad for the same accusation which is false by i have no idea how to dock my paperwork into the courts or even find a lawyer who can see through unlawful dismissal Can you help
@johnsmith-dg8wn Жыл бұрын
Georgina Halford Hall is to Whistleblowing (CEO of Whistleblowers UK) what a wet fart is to a swiming pool.
@neiljohnson7249 Жыл бұрын
Really good information. Thank you
@neiljohnson7249 Жыл бұрын
Really good information. Thank you
@LRS80526 Жыл бұрын
Liberalism is a mental disorder rTard…walk away from the demoncrap party indoctrination
@namusuforna886 Жыл бұрын
Radicalised communities?
@misscogito9865 Жыл бұрын
Is it legal for the government to push for laws that threaten democracy?
@shanepenner936 Жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for you Aussies. When will you say no?
@christopherstewart9821 Жыл бұрын
@Jackie157_ Жыл бұрын
That's the problem no accountability for them at the top but such much accountability for the employee
@Jackie157_ Жыл бұрын
Care companies just as bad if not worse some hide behind big charities name's but are a business
@anastasiaholtom4706 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing this discussion. It was hard to listen to at times, due to the subject, but very enlightening and educational.
@hayleydoherty9557 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you, very informative. I have just started doing a course in Domestic Violence as I would like to start working in this field. Do you take volunteers on ? I live in Bedfordshire
@fossilfreelondon1939 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for providing this incredibly useful public service