Reflections on Regret
2 ай бұрын
Gay Trans Men
4 ай бұрын
Exciting Life Update
4 ай бұрын
Narcissism in the Trans Community
Free Speech, Eh?
5 ай бұрын
Nonbinary and AAP Are Not The Same
A Tour Of My Wiccan Altar
6 ай бұрын
How I Went Crazy For Two Years
Box Braids On Straight Hair
8 ай бұрын
“Trans People Are Like Trees…”
I Screwed Up
10 ай бұрын
10 ай бұрын
@BL-N3xus 13 минут бұрын
Seriously? Who the hell cares? I'm sure your husband sure doesn't care about it. You still look good. Next!
@ChinLicker 37 минут бұрын
Your a good person, and very clearly a good wife. I hope you enjoy the rest of your existence with your family, don't let the morons get to you please.
@leesmallone3680 4 сағат бұрын
There's a English chick on Instagram who says one-liners about her ginger hair and gets ten thousand likes in a couple of hours. She said that most of the dudes are old men from USA, saddo, s before they die 🤔
@leesmallone3680 4 сағат бұрын
These guys fall in love with the ideal and not the woman.
@proudinfidel7791 5 сағат бұрын
Older men also know from experience that no matter what resources he brings to the table, most Western females will always be on the lookout for a better deal. A woman will never love you the same way you love her. She doesn't love the man, she loves the lifestyle he can provide for her. Unlike men, her love is conditional. Be smart, guys. Never, EVER put a ring on it. Once you do, the sex will dry up and she will start looking to move up and move on while taking your children and half your net worth with her. If you're looking to be loved, buy a dog.
@asdfxcvbn746 13 сағат бұрын
3:00 what i'm hearing is "I stopped because its men's fault" as if there isn't enough content online already, of women on social media blaming men for literally everything under the sun. & if you don't know why there is so many angry men, then you had no business doing manosphere videos in the first place. its easier for a woman like you to write it off as "he didn't have his life together" & frankly, the manosphere didn't need another voice of a woman, brushing off there problems when 80% of suicide victims are men. you don't know the male experience firsthand & until you've had that, you really have no place to speak on it anyway. I've always thought the idea of women commenting on manosphere related topics was dubious because women almost never know what they're talking about when it comes to the male experience & when they do know, its usually points regurgitated from other men in the manosphere. women like RomaArmy, JustPearlyThings profiting off the manosphere. their points are correct, but they are all lifted from Rollo Tomassi's "Rational Male" book, so their opinions really add nothing to the conversation anyway. the reasons you gave for why those men are angry, do cover a subsection of men, but you don't account for all the societal factors that leads to the rest of the men's unhappiness. factors like unfair divorce laws, alimony, unfair child custody laws, paternity fraud, dating apps being heavily catered to women, schools & college universities being overly catered to women, men being assumed guilty in domestic dispites (see Johnny Depp) no due process for men, men being sent to prison on a woman's word alone & being assumed guilty because he wasn't born with a vagina, male & female student getting drunk having sex together, neither remembers what happened so they assumed the male is a r*pist, kicks him out of college & revokes his scholarships & forces him to register as a sex offender. male kids being pumped with ADHD drugs because they aren't docile like girls, stunting their brain development & growth, forced circumcision, society prioritizing breast cancer over prostate cancer... I could go on & on about double standards & unaddressed male issues in society, that are adressed by the manosphere, that you'll simply write off as "incel anger" because you're a woman & you have not had the male experience to be able to speak on it. the manosphere ill needs another female voice brushing off men's problems. we got enough of that already.
@Scrap5000 14 сағат бұрын
You remind me so much of so many young women that I went to school with / worked with in my office career. So amazingly well spoken, educated, and profoundly deep. So glad the algo recommended you!
@georgekaptur5160 14 сағат бұрын
Nothing beats hearing the inner workings of the independent contractor stripper
@jjss6512 15 сағат бұрын
It must have been hard finding a husband while being a stripper.
@Mr59Kenzo 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing that, I had a brain aneurism after the surgery to fix it cased a stroke I had to relearn to walk and it did change my personality I was angry about it for a while but I realized the anger did not help me so I had to learn to adapt to a new life my wife wanted something different so we divorced but we have remained civil to each other for the sake of our kids I consider her a good friend she has always been there to help me when I needed help I am 64 now I don't necessarily want to date though I would like to find a companion to spend the rest of my life with. maybe I'll find the right person one day. your husband is a lucky man that you are so loyal to him. you are a beautiful person inside ad out.
@zentience 16 сағат бұрын
Dont make manosphere videos because the "sphere" has become polluted; but it would behouve the silent men who are genuinely looking for help. Dont let people beat you down. Angry, bitter, nasty isnt specific to men, its also women...people in general. Take care of your husband and kids. Hope your family is well. I have been a huge proponent of self-improvement, but I hold both men and women accountable. Dont give up because of men or women, put out your message; you never know who will hear a supportive message and the impact it might make on their life.
@questprotector 19 сағат бұрын
the depth of your integrity is obvious.
@questprotector 19 сағат бұрын
"before the kids tear the house apart." nah. 😂
@andrewbradford8585 19 сағат бұрын
I need your voice option for when AI can be our companions
@Mathghamhan 19 сағат бұрын
Just recently found your channel and enjoyed your videos. You don’t deserve that. Take care of you and your family, like you have been. I wish people in general had your level of tenacity.
@seamusconlan9673 20 сағат бұрын
Despite the tragedy of your husband's brain tumor you've been a loyal and loving partner to him through the ups and downs of your great adventure together such is the course of real love. Wishing you and your partner better days ahead. I'm happy to see you without the pink hair in braids an older guy. Still awesome.
@projectaletheia8707 20 сағат бұрын
As a red pill man my self, I understand your frustration. I took what I needed from the red pill and now use the tools it provided to live an amazing life. I’m happily married with amazing children. Looks like you are doing the same. Good for you. I wish a long healthy life for you and your family. Stay by his side, no matter how hard.
@zandig666 20 сағат бұрын
I don't buy in to the whole mgtow thing however my last couple gf's were spiteful and vengeful, and a few local spiteful haragueing cajoleing women yet I just try and get along but I think a lot of woman act like empowered bullies 😂😂 from a single man's point of view
@DaveG-qd6ug 20 сағат бұрын
I always enjoyed your older videos. The recent one in the kitchen with your kids was really nice too. I don't have kids but it reminded me how awesome they are. thanks.
@evilways124 20 сағат бұрын
Just wondering, how you afford to get by, you seem to have a decent size house and a modern car yet neither of you work. Do you have alternative income streams?
@oakleavesandonions771 20 сағат бұрын
@@evilways124 Oh no lol. We work our asses off. I’ve watched him put in 12 hour days and work on weekends for ages. At one point I took a full time job at Walmart to help make ends meet. We haven’t had a vacation in years. Life is tough. That’s why the brain tumor went undetected for years- we really just thought he was tired.
@SteveJonesOwnsDSP 20 сағат бұрын
Yup, sounds like this topic attracts the worst and most toxic of them. Not worth it unless you're trying to sell something to profit off of their grievance. Leave it alone to make your life better and less stressful
@villaespesa1 21 сағат бұрын
I used to watch almost all your videos, and I enjoyed your balanced, wise, and insightful take on life, dating, and relationships. I'm sorry about the tumor news. I'm playing for better times ahead. You're a common sense voice that is needed in these chaotic times . God bless you 🙌 🙏 I do understand if you don't make another video. Your family needs you.
@oakleavesandonions771 20 сағат бұрын
@@villaespesa1 Thank you so much. I feel bad because I got bogged down by a very vocal and very negative minority, when the majority of interactions I’ve had here have been very positive. I think in future videos I really need to focus more on the positive side of things and, as they say, ignore the haters.
@villaespesa1 20 сағат бұрын
@oakleavesandonions771 There are haters in the space, and they pollute some serious issues with their binary extreme views. That's true. They don't have the nuances or insights yet, and maybe they need to see your take on life. Darkness can only be fought with light and ignorance with wisdom. Good luck to you and your family.
@jaymylotto8134 Күн бұрын
You gave him hope when you said: "I need to think about it". It's amazing to me that you don't understand that.
@oakleavesandonions771 Күн бұрын
@@jaymylotto8134 I was barely old enough to legally enter a strip club, and I had virtually no dating experience. He was a 70 year old man who presumably had a lifetime to get his shit together. But I was the one who was supposed to understand all the ins and outs of how to politely turn down a total stranger asking me to go and live with him? And you’re “amazed” I didn’t do it perfectly the first time? Jesus.
@antonboludo8886 Күн бұрын
Young men in strip clubs will fuck the young strippers.
@JeffreyWalker-zl9dx Күн бұрын
I'm 55. Is that considered old? Hell I used to be 17. Dam what happened.
@oakleavesandonions771 Күн бұрын
@@JeffreyWalker-zl9dx That’s okay. I’m 37. This video is 5 years old, and the events that I described are old enough to drive a car lol
@JeffreyWalker-zl9dx Күн бұрын
@oakleavesandonions771 yes they would be 😆
@JeffreyWalker-zl9dx Күн бұрын
@oakleavesandonions771 37 is young!!! In your prime. No gray hair yet!!! Lol
@ajjohnson9686 2 күн бұрын
I can tell you have stories 💯 percent
@zandig666 2 күн бұрын
Taking a break is totally acceptable I like to keep all my activities at a level where it doesnt feel too daunting and that includes breaks !!!!!✌️✌️ One of the reasons why i haven't kept adding weight to my workout regime is it could feel like too much work on those days im not feeling great or have too much going on. Consistency is the key 🗝 to any discipline ✌️✌️
@josuealfaro6711 3 күн бұрын
Yep, I can totally relate to your story. I worked as a bouncer at a strip club back in 2010 in New Orleans near the French Quarter and saw plenty of men go head over heel for some of the dancers. They don't realize those kinds of women only see you as a client and business transaction. Hell, I dated a couple of strippers from the club off hours, and trust me, the juice is not worth the squeeze. Basically strippers are great bedroom fun but horrible for relationships.
@EVsAreWorse4earth 3 күн бұрын
bro what do you expect? handsome wealthy 30 yr old men? they dont need strip clubs
@oakleavesandonions771 3 күн бұрын
@@EVsAreWorse4earth Actually, I met quite a few men in their 30s, but that’s not what I was after. I was looking for a guy in his mid-twenties. Moderately good looking. Didn’t matter if he had money or not. But he did have to be smarter than me. Turns out guys like that don’t have much need of strip clubs, either. But I found one just the same. I only needed one, after all. :)
@EVsAreWorse4earth 3 күн бұрын
@@oakleavesandonions771 it doesnt matter you cant expect it to not be mostly old men at strip clubs. respectable and good men dont go to those places
@oakleavesandonions771 3 күн бұрын
@@EVsAreWorse4earth That’s not true. In my experience virtually everyone filters into a strip club sooner or later. Bachelor parties happen.
@sandblast5636 3 күн бұрын
Old men all Democrats like Joe Buydin.
@elijahwilson1422 4 күн бұрын
The more guys she has had the less any one of them will ever satisfy her and in turn the same Woman that's been around too much will want a guy that has been with so many Women he lost count years ago. The problem is she probably won't be able to keep him and will expect some guy less experienced with Women and easier to get commitment out of to put up with her and her kid(s). But she'll NEVER STOP shopping around in her head and Heart.
@oakleavesandonions771 4 күн бұрын
@@elijahwilson1422 Y’know. The problem is that I see way too many men on the internet oversimplifying sexual dynamics. They assume all women who have had multiple partners are the same and that all men fall into either a chad category or a gullible shmuck category. And they don’t realize that humans are human. Humans are individuals. Being aware of trends is valuable, but expecting all humans to robotically follow those trends is completely unrealistic.
@elijahwilson1422 4 күн бұрын
@@oakleavesandonions771 no, we just don't want to put ownership on public property or have to question whether the kid(s) are not actually those of another Man.
@tookalook1 4 күн бұрын
Absolutely right on track. Tthanks for your confidence you inspired to me 👍👍👍❤️🇨🇦
@RandomPerson28337 4 күн бұрын
Are there any correlation between childhood trauma and the desire to become trans?
@RandomPerson28337 4 күн бұрын
Dont limit yourself intelligence is intelligence and as someone who did go off to University and graduated with a degree you have the potential to be a great social behaviour analyst. Invest in a psychological related degree and aim for a Ph.D its not to late. You have the mind of a true scientist.
@RandomPerson28337 4 күн бұрын
Excellent study and analysis
@Mr59Kenzo 4 күн бұрын
LMAO that was good 🥰
@FreestyleAllTheWay-ik4gm 5 күн бұрын
Strippers are like cult leaders….. they love bomb you to get you to give them money. They don’t care about you (the male customer). Stay away from them. They are not worth associating with. There are healthier activities to partake in.
@joeaquilino19 5 күн бұрын
Look at this waist of money 💰 talking 😂
@oakleavesandonions771 5 күн бұрын
@@joeaquilino19 Oh? And what exactly do you have to add to the conversation?
@peterphoenix6471 5 күн бұрын
wow u waffle on a lot...
@oakleavesandonions771 5 күн бұрын
@@peterphoenix6471 And you had to take the time to write the words out to let me know? You do realize how the algorithm works, right?
@Mr59Kenzo 5 күн бұрын
My first thought is why do you have a rooster if you have the chickens for the eggs no judgment just curious, when my kids were young my wife wanted to get 5 chicks for the kids to experience. they all grew up together one f the chickens got sick or weak went out on morning and 4 of them were dead the 5th had picked them apart. if your getting lots of eggs you could sell them or give them way to friends who eat eggs enjoying the videos. I listen to NPR at night it gets just boring enough to put me to sleep easily only drawback is I've had some really strange dreams that when I woke up seemed to be related to what was on the radio lol
@oakleavesandonions771 5 күн бұрын
@@Mr59Kenzo We also eat the chickens. Or at least that was the plan. So far I’m the only member of the family who isn’t grossed out by eating them. But roosters can be useful in other ways. They can keep the hens from getting too aggressive with one another. Another issue is that when you buy chicks from a breeder there is no 100% guarantee you’re getting hens. So we get roosters whether we want them or not. Most of the time I solve that problem by eating them, but Reginald is lucky. And he’s actually pretty good to the ladies so we’ve kept him around lol
@Mr59Kenzo 5 күн бұрын
@@oakleavesandonions771 thank you for the info appreciate it
@brontoab1 6 күн бұрын
"Gross old dudes" ironic probably coming from a gross young dude.
@CharliRay 6 күн бұрын
Pole dancer ? Is that another word for stripper at a strip club XXX or did you work for the circus 🎪 as an acrobat ?
@stoneskipper7625 6 күн бұрын
Big Daddy? Hahaha. This is what happens when porn becomes reality.
@ri2894710 6 күн бұрын
Blah, blah, blah - just take your clothes off sweetie. . .
@nomoremrniceguy007 6 күн бұрын
I go by Big Daddy on tiktok to laugh when people call me it. The best part is I've had buddhist monks and priests say it. 😅😅😅
@user-nw3in4li9x 6 күн бұрын
i also got a one in a life time offer, and you will love it! from now on you can do what you are doing now. continue doing you. there is just one rule. wait for it.. wait for it.... you just have to call me Big DADDY! ;)
@user-nw3in4li9x 6 күн бұрын
sweety you need a man to take care of you. ;)
@hannahm.9881 6 күн бұрын
This type thing is why i went with DDC. This is a horrible game to play with people's lives
@Boomerbox2024 6 күн бұрын
I'm sure that after 1600 comments it's already been said but I just can't resistant: I guess your nose rubbing client was really Inuit.
@oakleavesandonions771 6 күн бұрын
@@Boomerbox2024 Actually, I think he was Russian. Didn’t speak much English, but really liked the closeness. Edit: And also, even after 1,600 comments, I’m still happy to hear from you. :)
@Boomerbox2024 6 күн бұрын
@@oakleavesandonions771 I really enjoyed the video, and it was just what I needed to hear. I get the feeling that my little joke was too little. I was not suggesting that he was Eskimo, only that he was "Into it."
@Mr59Kenzo 6 күн бұрын
your posts are delightful
@oakleavesandonions771 6 күн бұрын
@@Mr59Kenzo Thank you :)