Lost S06 On Location - The Candidate
Lost S06 On Location - Ab Aeterno
Lost S06 On Location - Recon
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Lost S06 Extras - LOST Recap (1080p)
Lost S06 Extras - Bloopers
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Lost S06 Extras - A Hero's Journey
Lost S06 Deleted Scenes - On Guard
Lost S06 Deleted Scenes - Parched
Lost S06 Deleted Scenes - Fatalities
Lost S06 Deleted Scenes - Epiphany
@nerdnalist 2 күн бұрын
Garbage TV show.
@DavidBatson 3 күн бұрын
Man, Lost was wild. I miss it
@MargaretTejeda 4 күн бұрын
I felt like she should have regret it for not being with me when i fell in the hospital it was a very special memory
@MargaretTejeda 4 күн бұрын
I felt like she couldve been there for me when i got hospitalized with a kidney hypertension condition it shouldnt have ler her push her it is like a gift i gave my mom on Mother's Day and it was my sister's turn to give my mom a Mother's Day 5 years ago i got hospitalized
@3rdlegbrigade258 5 күн бұрын
I don’t remember this episode whatsoever…
@misslyka1366 5 күн бұрын
2024, anyone?
@jamestoney6108 7 күн бұрын
hurley sounds like such a cult leader
@claushellsing 9 күн бұрын
How much money did he offer them ?
@Grow5ft 9 күн бұрын
I'll say it again, this would have made an excellent addition to the series finale.
@LucasAlmeida-dz5xh 9 күн бұрын
I think Walt is gonna be the next protecter after Hurley retires
@CrAzYpotpie Күн бұрын
What makes you think that? This video where it says just that? You are a detective!
@livingnatural4295 11 күн бұрын
Cant help but wonder where the funding came from.
@livingnatural4295 11 күн бұрын
This opens up a whole new storyline. There is a whole new world of questions.
@Dan-Ellis 15 күн бұрын
I can’t believe this has my favourite audiobook narrator in it 😮
@BlackWind-rx5il 18 күн бұрын
I've always had a theory that not only Walt of course become the next guardian after Hurley....but we've *already been shown Walt as the future guardian* in the show. Let me walk you through it...probably won't be short though. I think the Guardian/Protector of the Island has certain abilities and the people that thorughout the shows are believed to be "special", either outright being called that or being in Jacob's lists and cave are not just those who "were like him", but those who shown early signs of those abilities. With the exception of Desmond, who has acquired one "by chance". First of all, the guardians *do not experience time and space normally* . Guardians don't age, as Jacob is shown to remain the same after gaining his abilities and he even "gifts" that to Richard as well. But not only that: - Guardians can also *project themselves into different places* even in different times while remaining on the island. Basically, they're in 2 places at once. Jacob shows this by being several places off the Island at many points in time. - Guardians can *transfer their mind back to a different moments in the past and future* , up until the moment of their death. That's the ability Desmond gains after the incident at the hatch and that Faraday's mother has as well, for admittingly I don't know what reason, maybe she gained it by accident like Desmond did. (another possibility is Jacob gifts the current Leader of the Others with one of his abilities and judges them by what they do with it). I think Jacob shows that ability when he appears as a child to MIB and Sawyer. Sawyer sees him, which means he's not just post-death Jacob as a ghost. It's not even because Sawyer is a candidate, Jin is a candidate too but Jacob after dying tells Hurley Jin would not be able to see him because he's dead. That means that is Jacob *before dying* transferring his mind to a point in his past and then projecting himself into the future. That is an ability I think he's only partially blocked by his future death. Other "lesser" abilities I think the guardians have are: - *Highly unnatural leadership skills* , as in the sense that they're able to motivate and convince people to a deep level, when they speak, others mostly are compelled to follow. For example, MIB tells Richard not to listen to Jacob or he wouldn't be able to oppose his will. - *Talking to the ghosts* , who are those people who can't move on from the Island because they have "unfinished business". - *Unparalleled survival istincts* and great resilience and resistence just in general. - *A deeper connection to the Island* which makes them capable of even healing faster when they're on the Island. That's how Jacob chooses his "candidates" to replace him. He knows he's gonna die soon, because he can't transfer his mind to a future version of him who's not there because he's dead, nor he can't project himself too much past that. So he's selecting among those who shows characteristics that align with the Guardian powers, as being a guardian a creature "out of space and time", they might unconsciously tap into those future abilities. For example: - Jack has the leadership skills, but in different ways so do Sawyer and Hurley. - Hurley, of course, also speaks to ghosts. - Locke has the deeper connection to the island, which heals him. - Sayid, Kate, Jin and Sun all have strong resilience and resistance in the face of strong adversity and traumas in their lives. I know people might think these are abilities Jacob "gifted" them, but I don't think that's what it is. I think with his "touch" Jacob make it so that MIB can't hurt them, like his mother did to him and MIB. He tells MIB straight up "you can't hurt them". He made it so. Of course, not all of them become guardians, but those similarities with his abilities, along with them being lost and directionless, is what makes Jacob think one of them is his direct successor. But the biggest proof of this is *Walt himself* . Walt, as a child, shows he can project himself in different places. But being he's unconsciously tapping into the powers he will be given when Hurley passes the job to him, he can't control them. That's why when he appears from the Others boat to Shannon and Sayid, he's speaking backwards. He doesn't know what he's doing. Just like when he tells Locke to not open the hatch, he's just catching glimpses of the future, like Desmond. But most importantly of all, he appears to Locke, slightly grown up from the kid he knew, and tells him what to do. This is not child Walt unconsciously using his future abilities. This is future Walt, transferring his mind back to a younger version of himself and then projecting that image to John to motivate him to move the events forward as they need to happen. That's "the work he has to do" Hurley talks about here. He would know Walt did that, because he and Ben were there when Locke told the story to Sawyer. Also, Walt and Hurley's obvious guardians abilities, which he did not gift them with, is what makes Jacob confident of his plan. He knows to have those abilities, they have to have become the guardians somewhere in the future. So he knows *there is* a future. He just need to find "the bridge" to that future. Jack is that bridge.
@Communist-Doge 27 күн бұрын
Who was paying them for food drops? DHARMA ceased to exist. Did the Others pay them anonymously?
@dwoodard5717 28 күн бұрын
God i miss this show. Best ever, i dont care what anyone else says.
@mollymcdade4031 Ай бұрын
This scene’s writing isn’t the best but I adore the way Ben takes off his glasses and changes from Leader Of The Others to Alex’s Dad. Those glasses in this scene are his ‘mask’ of evilness that he wears to obey Jacob, which is what is causing the rift between him and his daughter - who he would do anything to protect. It’s when his loyalties to Jacob and Alex come into conflict that he tries to keep both and loses the one that really mattered more.
@guyledouche7939 Ай бұрын
The only thing missing from this is a parrot in the mental hospital somewhere saying "Hurley"
@brodull1142 12 күн бұрын
The Hy Bird that Dr Pierre shows inside the cage? Probably dead
@2kbrosofficial734 Ай бұрын
@2kbrosofficial734 Ай бұрын
@cdr861532 Ай бұрын
It sucked that they wrote Walk off the show because he grew too much. They 1000% could have left it as a mystery as to why he was growing so fast, and then tied it into him being special and being on the island. Having the POV from a little kid was always interesting to me (even though Walt could be a brat).
@dianaswistowich513 Ай бұрын
Hiro is to sexy for his own good.😍🥵
@littleitaly5194 Ай бұрын
With it coming to Netflix July 1st 2024 this is more important then ever. Thank you
@Jdawson1912 27 күн бұрын
It's on Hulu now
@iken1308 22 күн бұрын
Woah I just finished watching the show today, wtf!!
@perpetuummobile100 Ай бұрын
so if Hurley and Ben look for Walt to give him Jacob´s job when Walt is more or less 20 years old it means Hurley was the protector of the island for only about 10 years....which is nothing compared to Jacob....which is kind of a bummer...
@BlackWind-rx5il 18 күн бұрын
Sure, but that was what was needed. Walt "had to become the guardian". Because he's shown to be the guardian at one point in the show, we just didn't notice. Remember when he "appears" to Locke? That's future Guardian Walt helping John do what is needed to move the events forward. That's the exact same ability Jacob has. Jacob appears as a child to MIB and Sawyer. Sawyer sees him, which means he's no ghost (not because Sawyer is a candidate, Jin is a candidate too and post-death ghost Jacob tells Hurley Jin wouldn't be able to see him). Guardians can both transfer their mind to other moments in their past (like Desmond does) and he can project himself into other places while still being in another one (like Walt does). He probably can combine those to project himself in the future from the past. Basically, guardians experience time and space differently, kinda like certain characters in another JJ Abrams work, the series Fringe. Hurley and Jacob would know Walt appeared to Locke, because they were there when Locke told the story of it. That's the "work" he has to do.
@RealBono Ай бұрын
Why isn’t this guy in more stuff? He demonstrated he has a lot of talent during his time on this show and he seems like a really friendly guy irl who’d be easy to work with. I’ve only seen him in the Dark Knight series outside of Lost.
@mygaffer Ай бұрын
The scientist actor was great in The Tick as Arthur's step dad.
@mollymcdade4031 2 ай бұрын
Rewatching this and it’s so strangely wholesome to see Ben having gone through some serious friendship-therapy. I interpret the line ‘pretending to be something your not’ to mean both a callback to him pretending to be Henry Gale and also his whole facade as the leader of the Others (it was all a necessary pretence, when in reality he was just a heavily traumatised nerd with a complex)
@jjseandxcefree 2 ай бұрын
@happyhippychick81 2 ай бұрын
Why Michael and Walt weren’t in the finale?
@halajawhary4480 18 күн бұрын
Because walt didn't die yet he's still protecting the island after hurly and Michael is on the island whispering and stuff like that mostly because he's not forgiven for what he did
@user-cv6rg7wd6n 2 ай бұрын
Survivors of the Dharma Initiative.
@Sillybillyilly 2 ай бұрын
Everyone should remember that walt grew tall too fast for the timeline of the show. I think the plan was originally for Walt to protect the island. I also think Walt is the one person that was still alive
@nimayahya5243 2 ай бұрын
I have watched Lost for more than 10 times! Cant stop it! My all time favorite!
@nickdaman23 2 ай бұрын
So we never know how Walt ended up in that mental hospital, and got his name changed
@theemptyatom 2 ай бұрын
Loved the original show, hated the ending, and this is even lamer
@Ostro1980 2 ай бұрын
So Walt is Richard now?
@halajawhary4480 18 күн бұрын
No he's Jacob now
@Ostro1980 18 күн бұрын
@@halajawhary4480 What is Hurley then?
@soulowmon 3 ай бұрын
Confirmed lost is in the MCU 😀 hydra was cooking
@PierreNgo 3 ай бұрын
This is the most clever and funniest bonus feature on a DVD I've ever seen
@Jjusmaxx 3 ай бұрын
The bird saying Hurley lol wow I can’t believe this wasn’t officially part of the ending of the show. This is not included on Hulu. Hydra Island. Dr. Chang using his real name and telling us the rest of the videos will have him under an alias. Explaining that room 23 on hydra island was specifically for brain washing “hostiles” (the others!) who believed in an ‘island deity, Jacob!!!!’ This ties together so much! Crazy. Also, has anybody else noticed every time we see an orientation video, someone says, “we’re gonna have to see that again.” 😅 Ben & Hurley going back for Walt. Walt being at Santa Rosa. Under an alias!!! Keith Johns!!! 😂😂😂 This is such a vital part of the show! I really don’t think very many people have seen this. I wish there was a continuation of some sort. There really should be.
@hanslanda58 3 ай бұрын
4:41 no kidding
@dr.julianbashir9193 3 ай бұрын
Without a doubt, there will be some form of prequel/sequel or spin-off based on LOST at some point in the future. It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.
@SterlingSimmons22 2 ай бұрын
I hope so, the show is already 14 years old now
@Ostro1980 2 ай бұрын
The only prequel that would work is way back in the ancient hyroglifics times. The temple, statue, etc. If done right, could be really cool. A sequel just causes problems
@dr.julianbashir9193 2 ай бұрын
@@Ostro1980 Or perhaps a spin-off that is loosely associated with LOST, like another Dharma Initiative experiment, in a different location and with a different context.
@Ostro1980 2 ай бұрын
@dr.julianbashir9193 The characters from LOST were so memorable, that even the perfect prequel idea could bomb even if executed perfectly. I agree that at some point it will happen. I guess we'll see.
@dr.julianbashir9193 2 ай бұрын
@@Ostro1980 Yeah agreed, I would not have any faith in such a project if it where to be announced. You are right about the memorable characters... Whatever prequel/sequel/spinoff gets made, it needs to have very memorable characters with backstories. The setting and themes could be different from LOST, but if the characters are memorable than they would have achieved the correct goal.
@stephaniemartin-ward4578 3 ай бұрын
My favorite character from one of the best episodes of my all-time favorite show.❤
@stephaniemartin-ward4578 3 ай бұрын
Nestor should be a much bigger star. He's gorgeous, talented, and apparently a nice guy.
@1101millie97 3 ай бұрын
She is so grounded that if I were to meet her, it would take a moment for me to recognize her as 'Tauriel'.
@joesnow3984 4 ай бұрын
At first I thought Hurley was just gonna be adjusting the menu of what gets dropped lol.
@NaratorZ 4 ай бұрын
Hurley = New Jacob
@NaratorZ 4 ай бұрын
@chebaca8 4 ай бұрын
Daym being an actor looks difficult. Thats a 15 hour work day!
@Zeus_Sama 4 ай бұрын
Just finished my 6th rewatch. It hits better everytime. The characters, music and stories. Truly an amazing show and one of my all time favourites
@saulolemos628 4 ай бұрын
Heaven is where you finally find your friends... ❤
@pedrodurigan6071 4 ай бұрын
Is this the full epilogue?
@user-hu9vi7nk1l 4 ай бұрын