The Playbook Of Online Dating.
@SpeCialeDDoC454 12 сағат бұрын
Ill say this. Re listen to the introduction. Dr. Smith demonstrates the tactical empathy that he has at least a cursory understanding of the various factions on the battlefield. Its easy to watch a video where he focuses on a topic and blow a head gasket about how he doenst get "it." "IT," of course, reveals which particular axe the viewer has to grind.
@tanyamiller6083 13 сағат бұрын
I'm that girl....was raised in an ultra religious cult, where love of God was the only love accepted. I've been struggling my whole life not even knowing how to accept love. I love a man who is an avoidant. I never trust, I was always punished as a child. I was always out the door at the first sign of problems, as an adult.
@AttachmentAdam 13 сағат бұрын
Tanya, your story is incredibly brave to share. Growing up in an environment that restricted your ability to experience love and trust has undoubtedly had a profound impact on your life. Healing from such deep-rooted trauma is a long journey, but it's possible. I encourage you to reach me through [email protected] so we can talk about this in private and in more detail. I'd be happy to share helpful resources and tools with you.
@maisitag 14 сағат бұрын
Wow. Great explanation
@AttachmentAdam 13 сағат бұрын
Glad to hear you think so! Was there a specific part that stood out?
@Passport2Pleasure 15 сағат бұрын
I agree with lot of your points and want to add that children do well with consistent, stable relationship examples regardless of gender or number of partners as long as they are actively engaged with the wellbeing of said kiddos.
@Passport2Pleasure 15 сағат бұрын
And congrats on 15 years of doing the work and reaping the rewards!
@AttachmentAdam 15 сағат бұрын
Absolutely. How can we help them immerse themselves in that sense of support and community?
@matthewmiller8297 16 сағат бұрын
Adam, would you mind slowing/calming down your delivery a little? As an avoidant man, one of the things that brought me to your channel (and led me to buy your course! :) ) was how soothing your voice and manner was. It made me feel so relaxed, and understood, and safe. I felt like you got away from that a bit in this video, and had just a hint of the high pressure salesman in your voice. Not sure if it was intentional, but that's my feedback.
@AttachmentAdam 15 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for this. I appreciate your feedback and will keep it in mind for upcoming content.
@954dreamer1 16 сағат бұрын
Rotational dating and being super strict with rules in the first month and monitoring and replacing really helps you avoid toxic/avoidant ppl. Do it with men/friends/ etc etc. monitoring super close and being open but quick to cut off early in the first month
@AttachmentAdam 12 сағат бұрын
It's also crucial to recognize that not everyone who exhibits certain behaviors is inherently toxic or avoidant. Some people may simply need more time to open up and build trust. Have you considered exploring other strategies for building healthy relationships, such as effective communication, setting boundaries, and developing strong self-esteem? A combination of these approaches can create a more balanced and fulfilling dating experience.
@954dreamer1 12 сағат бұрын
@@AttachmentAdam I’ve considered creating strict boundaries for who I entertain early on. People can exhibit anything they want, no one including me needs to accept it or adapt to it. New people are strangers who should be looked at with strict eyes. Communicating with strangers who already display signs of incompatibiltiy leads to disasters
@shivam497 18 сағат бұрын
Need help......Me anxious n ex avoidant. I broke her heart n she had finally removed me from socials after tryin to win her back in the month.wrote her a apology lastly n she said take care like in a peaceful way.She has said it hurted her so much n she was hangin onto it for long n never ever will come back.Will she ever come back or shes already completed all stages of movin on?
@AttachmentAdam 17 сағат бұрын
This sounds like a complex situation, and it seems like you know what hurt her hence the apology and trying to in her back. How much time has passed since you last talked?
@ATK6424 19 сағат бұрын
Wish I knew of your videos and advice four years ago. Thank you for your thoughtful insights and knowledge.
@AttachmentAdam 16 сағат бұрын
It's encouraging to hear that this content resonates with your experiences and offers valuable insights. It's never too late to learn and apply this knowledge.
@Definightly 19 сағат бұрын
Is vasopressin involved in trauma bonding?
@Vishfeast 19 сағат бұрын
I find this topic very fascinating, not for the intended use of how to get a man to bond with a woman, but more of the experiences I had with other men that were bonded to woman "through" the delusion of being a friend. As someone who I believe has done well with navigating friendships and encounters with woman. In my twenties one of my biggest points of contention in life was overstepping imaginary boundaries with the men that the woman i was seeing/friends, was deluding these guys as "friends". Having 10 years of experience in construction, being in a career where you are away from home for most of your time. It's very common to have what is called a "work wife/husband", which is essentially a micro cheating relationships on a project where you act as almost a couple, but with/without sex. As of now, I have been on 3 project where I had justified means and wasn't truly stepping over any boundaries interacting with woman on the project, but to my disappointment. These men that were attached to these woman, saw me as a threat. Instead of checking their own behavior (requited love), I was ostracized from projects just because of jealousy from senior management men that had crushes on female colleagues that were showing me attention. These guys had wives and kids at home, and my career was jeopardized by f'ing worksite flings.... Last year I met a woman, who has ADHD, and we ended up clicking very well and she became a very close friend. We never had intimate encounters nor were dating. At the time we hung out all the time and she was also in a low spot trying to figure out what he meaning was in life. I figured since she was a very intuitive hands on learner, she would fit well in construction. I got her a job and her life was becoming way more positive and she had such a positive outlook in life. Just by simply her telling this "guy" she was fooling around with that I got her a job and was helping her out so much. He decided during a Christmas party, to have 3 and his other guys come approach me and threaten me.
@starvolcano2549 20 сағат бұрын
What I don’t understand is why there are so many videos and KZfaqrs are “helping” partners of Avoidants tolerate or adjust how to deal with Avoidants. As much as I appreciate the insights and are helpful to better understand them, it feels as though their partners are given more hoops to jump through inorder to stay with them. The help out there needs to be targeted towards Avoidant types and what they need to do to heal or understand about themselves in order to know how to have a relationship and appreciate the ppl who bend backwards first you. I cannot help but think that the ppl who make these videos are Avoidants and want YOU to adjust and work around them. Similar to Narcissist but not the same.
@AttachmentAdam 16 сағат бұрын
I hear you, and you make a valid point. The thing is, avoidants need to feel a sense of safety and security before they're able to open up and steer more towards secure attachment. The closest person to them is probably their partner and not just someone on KZfaq telling them what to do. Of course, there are some avoidants, and even anxious or disorganized styles who are reluctant to change or to acknowledge their behaviors and patterns. BOTH partners need to put the effort and work. Let me know if this makes sense.
@ginabellido8689 20 сағат бұрын
So stepped back and went no contact with the man I’m with. Idk what to do anymore without feeling so rejected. What should I do?? I’m lost
@AttachmentAdam 16 сағат бұрын
It sounds like you're still in a relationship together. How long have you been in no contact?