The Sopranos Iceberg Explained
The Halloween Iceberg Explained
The Mortal Kombat Iceberg Explained
My Top 10 Lost Episode Creepypastas
My Top 10 Favorite Creepypastas
11 жыл бұрын
@karisbish 2 сағат бұрын
Everyday I learn something new about The Sopranos, what an amazing show all these years later we’re still dissecting it
@AltagraciaRosas-gh7bi 3 сағат бұрын
i think killing tony in front of his family makes sense since they did that to phil but i dont think real mafia guys would shoot wife & kid...
@AltagraciaRosas-gh7bi 3 сағат бұрын
couldnt the 3 symbolism just as well be bobby sil & tony deaths? or maybe just the trinity and not related to number of deaths?
@robertgoulet7886 9 сағат бұрын
The red chair reminds me of the red background behind Paul on the "Let It Be" album cover, feeing into the "Paul is dead" theory.
@robertgoulet7886 9 сағат бұрын
Members Only jacket guy looks like Zelenskyy.
@isaiahmiller3180 Күн бұрын
Bo Rai Cho exists: MrGstar321. “And I take that personally!”
@GetKoLikeYoFatherUsedTo 3 күн бұрын
“How bout that pricks face when he saw that gyatt 🫨”
@josephc8440 4 күн бұрын
Am o losing my mind or is this video hard to watch. It’s good but the edits make my head spin
@williamshakespeare9815 4 күн бұрын
24:49 can't believe I just realised that was David Chase.
@maryhough8041 4 күн бұрын
"He was a good man, wasn't he, Phil?" - "He was, I loved him like a brother in-law." Idk why but that line always makes me chuckle. The fact that phil, even when phaning empathy, has to distance himself from Vito lmaooo
@nonamernobrainer846 4 күн бұрын
29:03 is the funniest thing I've seen in a while, good going
@Elusory 4 күн бұрын
Haha I don't even remember what inspired me to do that. Thanks!
@AfkAustralian 4 күн бұрын
4:00 "she was a beautiful innocent creature" im pretty sure tony was talking about the horse that ralph just killed
@Elusory 4 күн бұрын
Tracee was a thoroughbred, as Sil points out
@darkoanton5 7 күн бұрын
The Shah of Iran was gay? I never got that.
@valeriedubach882 8 күн бұрын
Why does everyone keep saying Paulie shakes hands behind Tony’s back? You can see Tony turn around and see Paulie while is hand is still touching the other guys hand.
@absoFNlutely 9 күн бұрын
I'm gonna watch this video, watch this video.
@TheNYJets15 9 күн бұрын
In the end we see Butchie sell out Phil and Paulie clearly sold out Tony…Paulie especially felt betrayed by Tony over and over the last 3 seasons and Phil, he was off the reservation…Little Carmine takes control of the family and odds are Paulie was put in control of the NJ family.
@austinfuller8323 9 күн бұрын
Man who else votes they make a modern day remake starring Patrick Parici and Meadow that ties together Tonys (and potentially Carmella and A.J.s) murder as well as shows Patsi rise to the top as new boss and rivalry between him and Paulie as the mystery of Tonys hit leaves you guessing and gets strung together. Little Carmine rises to the top as the Mastermind pulling the strings the whole time, pretending to be a incompetent idiot but really a strategic genius. He hints around at this telling the story of Versailles and the architect outshining the king, being killed for it. Also Furio making a re appearance and maybe even Junior and Juliana Skiff making cameos as well. It would be a almost guaranteed hit based off the Already massive Sopranos fanbase, from the OG viewers to its revival and new generation fans like me who were too young or not born when it was originally aired....
@gking44 10 күн бұрын
That’s the horse he’s referring too, pie oh my, was the victim of Ralph’s arson fraud on the barn
@HandsomeBastard 10 күн бұрын
Tracy wasn't "around 18", she was 20. As for Tony killing Ralph, he was talking about the HORSE ! Did you even watch the show ?
@bigounce612 5 күн бұрын
i always took it as he was referring to both tracy and the horse. tony never forgave ralphie for tracy
@tsako1856 11 күн бұрын
Fiber optic cable
@akauknowbetta 11 күн бұрын
Cats are just weird
@Covencraft 11 күн бұрын
WTF is a Sam Hine? There's a holiday called Sowen.
@thatdude3938 12 күн бұрын
- paulie wasn't sent to kill the russian guy, just to collect the money - dumping asbestos simply shows tony's character degradation. from caring about ducks to "whatever" - nobody would rape phil or rich in the can. they were made guys and even capos, this would be instant death sentence for anyone involved. moreso, made guys often serve their terms in "special" conditions (shown well in goodfellas) - it is shown in the series that tony killed ralph exactly because of the horse and not the girl - there is absolutely no way that tony's family was killed in the end; even his death is unlikely. made guys, especially bosses, are never killed in front of their families, this is the rule - made guys are not 100% untouchable. boss has the right to order them gone, so no "hypocrisy" here And et cetera
@flubzee 11 күн бұрын
You countered your point right after. “Absolutely no way that Tony’s family..” As you said, made guys are not 100% untouchable and Tony Soprano stirred up a lot of shit for a lot of years.
@thatdude3938 11 күн бұрын
​@@flubzee It doesn't matter. If he has to go, he had to be whacked elsewhere. Far away from family members. This is the same reason why US mafia used car bombs so rarely (common thing in Italy), and was very careful not to harm law enforcement people (once again, Italian mafia never had this rule). Basic survival stuff. The people who don't follow these rules usually don't end well even by mafia standards Sopranos is well researched show, it has a lot of direct quotes of actual stuff that happened and uses many real world guys as inspiration for the characters. If you have read about Mafia in US, you would recognize many historical events mirrored in the show Authors won't slip such important detail
@thatdude3938 12 күн бұрын
Surprising lack of understanding of the show and general mafia stuff while delving into unnecessary overthinking
@markdavids2511 13 күн бұрын
Tony was a demon
@mreoooooooooooooooooooooooooow 14 күн бұрын
What happened to the Livia's ghost section?
@GustavoHermano505 14 күн бұрын
None of this proves Jimmy really likes big tits and little feet.
@frankib8620 14 күн бұрын
people say that Vito a fuking finook
@FreshlinoSanchez 15 күн бұрын
Greatest show? That aint the Wire
@BossBellini 15 күн бұрын
Let's not forget that Meadow was also called "guardian angel" outight in Burroughs' narration during the opening of the last season.
@J-Nova 15 күн бұрын
It genuinely surprised me how deep the Halloween fandom and continuity goes. Although I’m not real big on curses or additional info on Michael, it’s still interesting to learn, and leaves tons of food for thought
@yugofukovski7271 16 күн бұрын
Tony was talking about the horse not Tracie lol
@tazchanday2422 16 күн бұрын
They all got phucked
@tazchanday2422 16 күн бұрын
@Gameboypxht 17 күн бұрын
Kotal getting the d’vussy, never saw that coming
@ermazy 17 күн бұрын
Less of a melting pot more of a salad or kaleidoscope, where cultures mix and come together but still stay dinstinct from one another in certain ways.
@filmgeekstudios4393 17 күн бұрын
I feel like any attempt to nail down a "definite" ending negates the entire purpose of the finale.
@Johncenasuncle 17 күн бұрын
Did you know Phil actually cooked grilled cheese on the radiator when he was doing 20 years in the can?
@MrCoolcnwk 18 күн бұрын
I always thought Phil & Vito were lovers. Not only how bad he wanted to kill him, coming out of closet when he killed him, and taping Vito’s mouth soon as they grabbed him so he wouldn’t say anything before Phil got to kill him.
@eclipsethefox4397 18 күн бұрын
Shao killing Jerrod makes the most sense, the retcon makes 0 sense
@Princejoker2023 18 күн бұрын
You forgot about the downloadable content still in Mortal Kombat 9 then nobody can use
@harrr53 18 күн бұрын
Pretty sure Tony mispronouncing Hannibal Lecter is on purpose. There is a long list of Tony and other characters showing their lack of education by getting names, terms and phrases wrong. They also double up as comedy, but I feel the show is making a point that these people are fundamentally uncultured despite being clever in a worldly sense. My favourite one is when Chris wants to say New York is seeking to create dissent among their ranks, but actually says they are trying to spread dysentery.
@harrr53 18 күн бұрын
Tracy was stated to be 20 years old.
@Jahdoesyt 19 күн бұрын
Could you also live the music soundtracks for vids
@Jahdoesyt 19 күн бұрын
Make more vids please
@NKWTI 20 күн бұрын
Are people really so stupid as to ask if it's a real person? People in the chat do not give me hope for humanity.
@RoganBits 20 күн бұрын
Meadow never succumbs to the pitfalls of youth? Did METH. Convinced Chrissy to sell her METH. Gets trashed on alcohol, and trashed her grandmas home. What pitfalls are worse than METH? LMFAO.
@baconeater4133 20 күн бұрын
You probably know this and just didn't mention it, but Member's Only is the name of the fashion brand which produced that jacket. Just in case people are wondering. "Made In America" is also referencing "Made In New Jersey", which was a potential title for the series before "The Sopranos" Was chosen.
@baconeater4133 20 күн бұрын
The guy that did the Super Bowl analysis video is unhinged. I recommend not watching it. He gets mad at people in the comments who disagree with him, and treats his own assumptions as canon. Felt super gross after watching video and reading comment section
@thatdude3938 12 күн бұрын