@Robebabu Күн бұрын
Can you over-water tomatoes if they are in a planter?
@WisVeggieGardeners 15 сағат бұрын
yes you can over water in planter you want the soil to be damp 2 inches below soil level use your figure to check also adding natural mulch leaves straw pine needles even shreaded papper will help
@studiorobo 10 сағат бұрын
Overwatering is a common term but I find it misleading, in the same way that a diagnosis of a calcium deficiency misleads people to thinking there is a lack of it in their soil. When people say that a plant was harmed by overwatering, the actual problem is that there was root rot caused by a lack of oxygen. Roots will gladly take oxygen that is either in the air or dissolved into water. This is (one reason) why a non-compacted soil is important for plants, it allows root access to air. However, water itself absorbs some air on contact, dissolving it in. This really only occurs substantially when there is a lot of movement, like small beads or streams of water moving through the air into the soil. Over time, the dissolved air will disperse out, so unless the water is moving while contacting air it will not uptake more. If a large potion of the root system is stuck in this de-oxygenated water, and lacks enough contact with air, then it will essentially suffocate, causing the roots to die and rot away. So the solution is have a porous soil that keeps a very good amount of water but drains enough to allow all unabsorbed water to drain out. This lets the roots have access to enough air and water both. In the case of tomatoes and other nightshades, root crops, squash, cucumbers, melons, and many more, they also want a very consistent moisture level. This stops the plants from going through frequent cycles of getting water then drying on loop. When a plant that has fruit is dehydrated, it will begin to take water from the fruit itself to try and survive. Once you water again after the plant does that, you will notice the fruit getting stretch marks or even bursting. Consistency also stops nutrient deficiencies that cause problems like blossom end rot. If a plant could truly have too much access to water then hydroponics would not be possible. There are many different methods for hydroponics but they all take measures to ensure the roots will have access to oxygen in some way. When I do hydroponics I fill an entire bucket with a nutrient solution to the top and put my seedling in a small net pot in the lid. I keep the water topped up but put an airstone in the bottom hooked to an air pump to cause bubles to form and the water to move, splash, and absorb. So in my case, my entire root system is submerged but the water is constantly getting oxygenated. My hydroponic plants even grow far better than traditionally grown ones.
@krystalluvs6 Күн бұрын
That was very informative thank you!
@dustyflats3832 Күн бұрын
Definitely seen the reason for blossom end rot in a video. The yard was brown, there was extreme heat, the tomato leaves were curling and I know they added bonemeal and Tums (needless) and no irrigation. It was definitely from lack of even moisture. The Epsom salt thing I’m still testing when I get a chance. I moved a weak shrub rose and added a 1/4 cup Epsom salt and up popped a very strong shoot. Now it could be because I moved it also. Some say to add a small amount (tsp/gal) to liquid fertilizer for peppers. Not sure, but I have a lot of peppers and could try it on a couple. It gives a small amount of magnesium which is all that is needed and our soils are magnesium poor.
@WisconsinEric Күн бұрын
yes a tsp of epsom salt to gallon of water is the way to go. Been doing it for indoor and outdoor gardens for 15yrs. I never added it directly to soil as I feel it is easier to control the TDS/ppm if mixed into water
@WisconsinEric Күн бұрын
Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur are Secondary Nutrients, not Macro or Micro as said in this video. Dolomitic lime is Calcium and Magnesium. Gypsum is Calcium and Sulfur. Epsom Salt is Magnesium and Sulfur. Langbeinite is Sulfur, Potassium, and Magnesium Magnesium is needed with iron for chlorophyl production. Sulfur aids in essential oil production for both pest resistance and favor/medicinal value Most of Southern Wisconsin has a limestone aquifer so the ground water and tap water is high in calcium and magnesium. If using rainwater small amounts of the Secondary Nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur may benefit veggies and medicinal plants
@armchair22 2 күн бұрын
Got enough commercials??? Didn't bother watching.....
@WisVeggieGardeners 2 күн бұрын
@armchair22 thank you for your message we and no youtube channel that has over 1000 subscribers has any control of the ads or ad length and channels that do not want ads have no choice youtube puts them on every channel.
@657449 2 күн бұрын
I can dig them up but it is just too hot
@jadelemaster3107 3 күн бұрын
“If it makes you feel good”…. So purchasing a man made product rather than using a natural source makes you feel good? You should try it before you put your non-expert advice out there. I have used it on roses for years and within days I see a very positive difference. Are you by any chance selling an alternative?
@WisVeggieGardeners 3 күн бұрын
We are just stating fact for actural science that have been tested and shown to have very little if any effect for the effort put in we are not selling any alternative just workign to correct the lies that are out there and the click bait people belive links www.gardenmyths.com/banana-peels-garden/ ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=42910 link www.bhg.com/gardening/gardening-trends/banana-peels-in-garden/
@pedeeewing3655 3 күн бұрын
Thanks there are lots of baloney out in the world about gardens then people think your the devil if you suggest triple 16
@jefferythole8988 5 күн бұрын
@lifecrisis88 7 күн бұрын
There was absolutely no reason to remove it lol
@iowagirl806 7 күн бұрын
Love the puppy in the background!
@stacewizer 8 күн бұрын
Do it anyway
@PlantD_withJae 8 күн бұрын
All I heard was I'm just growing it for nothing but it's growing and looking good 😂
@goldbeanie9638 9 күн бұрын
Mine grew two heads that are connected together.
@raymonmata 9 күн бұрын
Can this water be used for survival. In a grid down situation. I collect it in a plastic barrel. And use for the garden.
@WisVeggieGardeners 9 күн бұрын
Though it may be safe for plans, it is generally unsafe for drinking. Unless you boil it and filter it, otherwise it. Can I have some harmful chemicals? But when used in the garden, the soil has a buffering capacity that can protect itself from those potentially harmful chemicals
@A3Kr0n 11 күн бұрын
So which one is better?
@Yorokobi224 12 күн бұрын
Mmmm garlic scapes
@producteats8585 12 күн бұрын
Hello, would you like to recommend which brand company who provide okra seeds? I'm going to import to Indonesia.
@IndelibleHD 13 күн бұрын
My town!
@mltnetwork 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. What is the best place and way to order some Organic Stevia Seeds?? Thanks!!
@PPLIR 17 күн бұрын
@evedalley8214 18 күн бұрын
Thank you very much 💚
@davewanamaker3690 19 күн бұрын
You make more sense than others I have seen for our problem. We will go to the garden store this week. Thanks.
@Tree-thingz 19 күн бұрын
Chop and drop the leaves?
@Tree-thingz 19 күн бұрын
I appreciate the fun fact!
@JunnAiStampwa 20 күн бұрын
Fuel for the hydrogen generators after the process of electrolysis
@patrickzeigler7512 21 күн бұрын
They should be placed 13cm from the ground for optimum effectiveness
@dustyflats3832 23 күн бұрын
Wish I started a decade ago ripping out invasive and aggressive plants that were here when we bought the place. I usually don’t use chemicals in the garden, but I think it’s needed. I look at the habits of plants closely now. A new landscape can take years to develop. We took out a mess of locust trees a few years ago as they are weak, messy and too close to the house. I instantly loved the looks of a couple varieties of redbud trees and they stay small. I created a nice outline, moved statues and added arborvitaes as a backdrop. It is far from finished, but it’s coming together. Succession crops and fall crops is an art form in itself. It’s tricky because of climate change and gauging how much you will need and when. The one issue with fall crops is the lack of daylight slows growth.
@RobbiePfunder 23 күн бұрын
fantastic, informative, helpful, wholesome video. thanks
@barbaraperrin6049 24 күн бұрын
How come all of my peas dried up and have a power all over
@WisVeggieGardeners 24 күн бұрын
It sounds like they had powery mildew
@JOURNEYTZION 24 күн бұрын
Thank you! 😊
@trill000 24 күн бұрын
Luckily, my landlord said my balcony plants are okay. Everything else has to go for everyone.
@jenntek.101 25 күн бұрын
I did the same thing 10+ years ago. I barely have to do anything for the up-keep. Mine are 3 pallets long, and one pallet wide. I'm adding more beds this year; The way our economy is... you need to grow as much as you can to save cash... its better for you anyway.
@carolsawgle3462 25 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the information.. I kept digging them out on my lawn and in a couple of weeks later I found them in different places.. my neighbors don’t cut their lawn 🤬 so I thought somehow there were seeds coming from them and blowing into my lawn. What you said makes sense, I’m going to get some of the vinegar at Home Depot if they have it and do what you suggested. Thanks again
@robinmiller5256 25 күн бұрын
Hello from Illinois where it is already 90+ and very little rain. I am working on next years garden based on better shade coverage and more heat tolerant plants and more flowers.
@milliewilkins2823 28 күн бұрын
Shredded cardboard and wheat straw is what ive used for 4 yrs now. It works very well. I then mulch with shredded cardboard as well. I also add these szme things when i plant in the ground. Make a trench, maybe 6 in deep, put in the cardboard and straw, acd bsck the dirt. Then plant, mulch with either one or both of those items.
@PoisonShot20 29 күн бұрын
My question is this: Where does this nasty prikleling creeping come from? I bought my😮 house in 2005, and didn't have this plant in my yard, about 4 years or so it started popping out. Bird seeds? Chicken food from store? For sure it is. not from rain!🤣. I hate this thing!
@IVOrganic Ай бұрын
Awesome interview with our mutual friend, Enoch Graham! Happy Gardening 2024!
@dustyflats3832 Ай бұрын
Great show! Right on about how much water it takes to rehydrate soil once it’s been parched. Very good info about canning and where to find trusted instructions for canning today. There are many who follow canning procedures from their ancestors, but should not. Once a week the local news takes a few gardening questions and we always joke-Do you have your lilac questions ready? Because someone always asks and that was your first callers question 😂😂. To rejuvenate lilacs I cut out all the old thick limbs. Generally flowering shrubs are pruned right after flowering otherwise you risk cutting off next year’s blooms. They prefer alkaline soil. We had severe drought last year and I cleared out a very old stand. A lot of rain is helping it come back and it will take a bit to get blooms back as I cleared out a lot. Generally don’t take more than a third of shrub. The boxwood shrubs get winter burn and your caller was in MI. I have found a light wrap of burlap in winter and watering well before freezing does the trick. Dogs and cats that spray boxwoods will kill it. I believe boxwoods can get a fungus that attacks as well. Holly😂😂about cutting suckers off tomatoes 😂. I tried it one year and sunburned the tomatoes. There is No Way I could keep up cutting suckers and Yes Joey it does take away from production. I’ve heard topping peppers can give you more peppers, but someone who use to do it no longer does. For one it slows the plant down to bush out and believe you get more peppers, but not as large of peppers. I never pruning either of benefit in my WI garden.
@dustyflats3832 Ай бұрын
This is interesting because I started some tomatoes, peppers and onions in winter sow containers and wanted to see how they compared for production to indoor starts. I think the peppers will need to be started inside because they always do well in the fall and frost hits. It does seem the tomatoes instinctively know to catch up. The onions I should have had in right away because they are day sensitive. Next year I will start onions right in the garden under a clear tote to pluck out in early spring. Z5a, WI.
@bulletsbbq2576 Ай бұрын
Good to see someone who has more weeds than me lol I like your plugger I’m using a drill and auger
@andyb4236 Ай бұрын
I’m not looking for size, I’m wondering more about the color.
@WisVeggieGardeners Ай бұрын
Thank you it will always be purple these in the video the other based on varirty will be the same color during the full growing time
@SteviiLove Ай бұрын
Have you ever tried growing 4th of July tomatoes? I got one plant of it yesterday not knowing but from what i read, it's the only non cherry tomato that can be ripe and ready by the 4th of July at the earliest.
@WisVeggieGardeners Ай бұрын
I have not heard of them I looked them up an 49 days to harvest this would depend of when you can get them in the ground based temps thank you for the the informtion
@Raynecloud11 Ай бұрын
Ive been searching for when to exactly take the board off and you just answered it in a minute compared to my hour of searching. Thank you
@WisVeggieGardeners Ай бұрын
Glad I could help!
@33Astrologer Ай бұрын
Joking 😢
@d.haskins3840 Ай бұрын
Love Matt Owers, great info!
@WisVeggieGardeners Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@emcmann879 Ай бұрын
They always seem to do so much better too
@WisVeggieGardeners Ай бұрын
yes for sure
@oliviastar3812 Ай бұрын
is that a 5 gallon container?
@WisVeggieGardeners Ай бұрын
Yes it is
@michaelclaxton-garrison201 Ай бұрын
Eat the Thistles. Every type is edible. God's gift.
@salvatorebaleno9807 Ай бұрын
100th like. Thanks for the info. I was going to use the greens but i saw in the comments you said they arent really good for that.