The Price of Freedom
14 күн бұрын
Brussels Free Speech Declaration
Why they call everything far-right
Populism is here to stay
2 ай бұрын
Confronting therapeutic education
@eugeneclark5316 Күн бұрын
Carbon sequestration has not been successful on a commercial scale. Global Carbon capture machines are science fiction. Net zero is larest distraction to allow capitalist to do business as usual, burn fossil and accumulate wealth, until the end, at which time they believe their wealth , armed guards, and bunkers will save them. They believe mass die off of humans would be beneficial, given they will not be the ones dying. This is why they are increasing risk of nuclear war with Russia and China. In a word the oligarchy running world is mad
@lesleycassell Күн бұрын
This is interesting from the Met Office ….
@ciniplex26 Күн бұрын
Sweden needs to put ban on immigration from India
@Jammyhorse Күн бұрын
If he was here now, Galileo Galilei would have something to say about the ‘consensus of science’ and ‘the science’……
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Күн бұрын
No consensus of scientists refuted Galileo. The Catholic Church did. Not even remotely the same, and not even remotely the equivalent of the ELEVEN separate studies that confirm today's scientific consensus of PhD-level, publishing climate scientists from around the world and the 80 academies of science that publicly endorse the consensus position.
@davecolledge9814 Күн бұрын
is this what is called far right extremism, unbelievable
@StressRUs Күн бұрын
The day to day year to year Surface Air Temperature anomaly today is 0.25 degC compared with 2023, so, if this trend continues unabated, we may well see 2.25 degC over the 1990-2020 baseline next year and 3.0 degC increase by 2029. These numbers may be seen on the EU's C3S "Climate Pulse" web page. All the rest is BS, so do your homework.
@bdnevins Күн бұрын
Please provide reference for the Marsha Mc Nutt policy of not publishing climate skeptic papers. 1:11:00 (Lindzen).
@najatnaoom4773 2 күн бұрын
I hope it is not too late to take measures..even the christians in the arab countries are becoming lass and less in numbers because of your politics
@najatnaoom4773 2 күн бұрын
Europe might become Islamic because the west government impairs Christianity..
@BCSTS 3 күн бұрын
I so appreciate all the MCC discussions I have been watching re these issues discussed here, the panel on net zero/climate change agenda et al ! This is a great service with such urgent issues, not only for Europe, but definitely for all western democracies ! THANK YOU ! (Canada)
@BCSTS 3 күн бұрын
Looking for medical/psychological answers in everything tries to fill the huge gap we have deveolped due to abandoning critical thinking, spiritual reality/God as well as importance of family ! BTW at the same time this continues to make the powerful & extremely wealthy corporate elite even more powerful/wealthy, especially Big Pharma ! The trans movement, gender ideology you refer to infiltrating schools is the height of downgrading family/parenting....and creating life long patients !
@BCSTS 3 күн бұрын
Re redefining right/left....What you aptly describe here is soooo very true also in USA & Canada ! It is a dangerous falsehood !
@BCSTS 3 күн бұрын
Larger viewer numbers are urgently needed for this important issue
@supershoreman 3 күн бұрын
Try he fragility of intellect revealed by criminalizing intense dislike by a selected synonym is contemptible.
@drstrangelove4998 3 күн бұрын
It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future. Anonymous
@kechu289 3 күн бұрын
While Europe and the USA are getting to outer-space with rockets and satellites, islamism is getting into Europe with a democracy-decaying culture.
@thegbgfamily 3 күн бұрын
The big scam with EU has been the ruling class has been luring the peoples into a belief they cared about us, talking about a proxy revolution, called the "green revolution" while wehave been blind regarding the local problrms the other nations peoples has had all along. Now we realize we ALL HAD THE SAME PROBLEM while being hindered even defending ourselves.
@SteffiReitsch 3 күн бұрын
AAHAHAHAHA Look at this. The old climate science deniers are still at it , trying to instill doubt with a lot of blah blah blah , as weather disasters breaking out all over the place. Whatever, we're doomed. Humanity currently pumping out more CO2 than ever before.
@gerardmoloney433 Күн бұрын
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 Күн бұрын
@@gerardmoloney433 Your check from the fossil fuel industry's propaganda department is in the mail. What that insidious propaganda leaves out is that while CO2 is great for plants (up to a point), the warming that accompanies it is damaging to plants. Heatwaves have TRIPLED since the 1960s, according to the EPA. Heatwaves decimate crops. So do extreme precipitation events and droughts, which have also increased. Crop losses from heatwaves and drought across Europe have TRIPLED over the last fifty years, accroding to a 2021 study in Environmental Research Letters. Farm productivity globally is in fact 21% LOWER than it would otherwise be without global warming, according to Cornell University. And ask Canada and Greece what they thought of their record wildfires last year. In 2015, the Amazon suffered a record drought that killed an estimated 2.5 billion plants and trees. It was supposed to be a once in a thousand year event. Yet last year it happened again, only worse, with 26 million acres burned up in wildfires. Rain forests don't normally burn. Keep in mind that the Amazon supplies a substantial amount of our oxygen. As a nuclear fusion reactor, the sun is amazingly stable, never altering its output as we receive it on earth by more than about a half a degree up or down, even over centuries of time. As a climate CHANGER, it pales in comparison to greenhouse gases, which can spike temperature by 20 degrees or more. You should also know that the sun's irradiance has actually WEAKENED over the past four decades, according to NASA, yet we've continue to warm. Last but not least, the sun is not capable of warming the lower atmosphere (troposphere) while simultaneously COOLING the stratosphere above it. But that's what's happening. Only a greenhouse effect can do that.
@squeaker19694 3 күн бұрын
The dream of net zero is not as rediculous as the dream of never ending growth. We can have net zero but we would have a vastly different way of life. We cant have never ending growth unless we figure out how to mine other planets and live on other planets once weve trashed this one.
@BCSTS 3 күн бұрын
It is much more nuanced, complicated than you present....discussion, debate, knowledge, true the only wise way forward !
@BCSTS 3 күн бұрын
Incentives for developing 'regenerative farming' can restore not only drastic health improvement for humans, but also can take the 'dead' soil filled with poisons that kill the micro organisms, and pass on poisons to plants/animals/humans
@Berengarry 3 күн бұрын
Let’s hope the elections will show the populous’ view
@Berengarry 3 күн бұрын
And it looks to be only the beginning
@REwing 3 күн бұрын
History explains how empires develop then destroy themselves. Humans are sheeple, they comply with government mandates, they are always the majority, mainly because they are brainwashed and end up braindead by government MSM. There are never enough ‘Doubting Thomases’ to change the tide of thoughts.
@scarabee-sb4wo 3 күн бұрын
I agree with Sylvie Perez. Ultimately, wokism is bleak, constraining and boring and young people don't like those things : At some point, young people may end up destroying wokism out of sheer gusto and a love for life, mixing it up and having fun. I imagine some sexy music band embracing every woke interdiction just to piss everyone and have fun. That would be refreshing.
@scarabee-sb4wo 3 күн бұрын
I think wokism mainly comes from voids in academia and media : I mean, those humanities professors have to justify their existence so they invent concepts that are then relayed by the media (who also have to find stuff to talk about) and then it just becomes a new thing we have to discuss, and it takes a life of its own. Humanities professors don't have to follow the same strict rules as hard science professors in terms of scientific methods, so they just create new concepts, believe their own bullshit and bask in their own ego.
@scarabee-sb4wo 3 күн бұрын
The west still has PTSD from WW2 and nazism... They don't trust the right's call to arms against wokism because of the proverbial "slippery slope"... But that's changing too. We'll find words and ways to speak against wokism while still protecting our humanist ideals.
@eab83 3 күн бұрын
I wish Dr. Lindsen would have been able to give his entire speech.
@tonyandersson5256 3 күн бұрын
Where are professor Linzens time to talk?
@scarabee-sb4wo 3 күн бұрын
About moral courage : At some point, I believe we will reach a critical mass of people who are just sick of it and vocal about it. But it's true that the social media lynchings we've seen in the past years put fear in a lot of hearts.
@rmh9771 3 күн бұрын
The Digital Services Act is the means by which this enforced correct?
@scarabee-sb4wo 3 күн бұрын
Canada was a perfect soil for wokism : A strong influence from the US, a constant desire to be nice and "do the right thing", a weak national identity that couldn't conterpoint the woke tendancy to divide everyone in separate groups... Quebec was a bit less affected because the predominance of the french language provided some sort of buffer to anglo-saxon trends, but it's still a problem, especially on funded national media. But I also believe the tide is turning: Wokism is crumbling under its own absurdity and let's be honest, most people are just sick of it. I also believe wokism (the recent surge of wokism anyway) was a visceral reaction to the election of Trump - the obscenity of that character, the lies, the intellectual dishonesty.... I hope Biden gets re-elected so we can keep our minds cool and wake up from this destructive woke trend. Hopefully Republicans will eventually choose a more sane, less polarizing candidate. If Trump gets reelected, I fear wokism will come back with a vengeance... Thanks for the interview, it's a breath of fresh air for those who want sanity back in public discourse.
@BCSTS 4 күн бұрын
The politicians/Corporate power telling the scientists what to study...what to say...YES THIS IS IT !
@BCSTS 4 күн бұрын
Calum is extremely difficult to hear (especially because he also speaks very fast) !
@michaelnichol8115 4 күн бұрын
You went on Channel 4!!! 😧The loudspeaker for Oceania. Mick the Hick.
@michaelnichol8115 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for that. Nice to hear a civilised discussion without juvenile fanatics shouting everybody down; won't hear any of this on the mainstream media for morons: "We owe most of what we know, not to those who have agreed but to those who have differed." Charles Caleb Colton. Mick the Hick 😊
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 3 сағат бұрын
"Mainstream media for morons?" You mean the media outlets that tell it straight, just as the scientists present it to them, rather than Murdoch media (Fox News, Sky News Australia, Wall Street Journal, NY Post and many more) who deny, deny, deny the science and bash renewable energy simply because owner Rupert Murdoch also co-owns a fossil fuel company, Genie Energy and sits on their board?
@alhampton1211 4 күн бұрын
The panelist that said he sees a major supporter/fear monger is from Protestant religion, is possibly correct, BUT the group(s) he notices are almost all from the liberal or extremely liberal side and not from the conservative side of religion. Those same people are very politically involved, so I think what he is seeing IS the political side of these people/groups. Absolutely zero of my friends who are conservative believe any of the crisis agenda.
@kechu289 4 күн бұрын
Islamists have actually exploited the notion of peaceful co-exisistence as it rhythms with their rhetoric that islam is centred around peace. The massive Islamism infiltration indicated in the wonderfully informative presentation has been catalystised by the democracy championed in the west which emphasises blitching society of cultural values. Islam is very conservative and has taken advantage of the created values vacuum and they will ever fill it.
@majlutkymaly5015 4 күн бұрын
Tusk do niemiec wypad
@iancormie9916 4 күн бұрын
One might also see centrakist unelected edicts by the European Civil Rights groups that stop illegal immigrants from being reported. This was one of the reasons Britain left the EU. A decision that weakened the EU and Britain..
@emergentform1188 4 күн бұрын
Just like when the cough, when the liars start going to far, brave professionals stand up and shut it down. Much to them all!
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 3 сағат бұрын
Who exactly are the liars? The 99.9% of publishing climate scientists who form the consensus on climate change? Or people like Richard Lindzen, who has taken money from OPEC, western Fuels and Peabody Energy?
@gnoelalexmay 4 күн бұрын
30:38 - please scrutinise the various totalitarian moves by global "health"! The WHO Treaty was recently rejected (hallelujah!) - but the same forces you are discussing here are using "threats to public health" - especially communicable disease - as the perfect global collectivist weapon against freedom. They won't see this as more than a setback, and will continue to achieve authority above nations. Meryl Nass is an expert in this area, as is Kat Lindley. Thanks for your work 🙏
@ksgraham3477 4 күн бұрын
Ah, "Human impact." So, it isn't COW FARTS!
@eletfestok 4 күн бұрын
Good conversation, interesting podcast
@AT-bq1kg 5 күн бұрын
The question i have is why you guys werent paying attention to all of this when it was being set up? Its a bit late now its all been put in place. Thanks for nothing 😂
@carlasoto6760 5 күн бұрын
This is a horrific ideology and the politicians and the public are too afraid to act
@lucianamalan6585 5 күн бұрын
Get Muslim out of Europe.. When you realise it will be too late. If they want to come they must take your rules other wise they must stay in their country. Lady you make a big mistake.
@peterbee88 5 күн бұрын
Guys it's great that you're finally getting on top of the awful sound you started off with, but you don't need these fkn big booms taking centre stage. Arrange them so they don't take the main in shot foreground. Joe Rogan and all the other big podcasters seem to be able to do it.
@anacerar6810 5 күн бұрын
Elimination of Co2 = Elimination of all living beings😢😢😢
@Tengooda 4 күн бұрын
Since nobody is suggesting the "Elimination of Co2", your comment is simply irrelevant. The most ambitious suggestion re. CO2 is to reduce its atmospheric concentration back to 350ppmv, which where it stood in 1989, and which was already higher than it had been for over a million years.
@anacerar6810 4 күн бұрын
You are unfortunately an uninformed fool. Co2 was much higher thousands of years ago and the planet was booming with greenery precisely because of higher co2 content. The trees I was talking about were chopped off all over our CITIES, while the injured and half dead trees are adorning the heavily forested Slovenia. ( most probably because of all the toxins sprayed from the sky that destroy the earth) Also, what is the point of planting new trees,if many of them are diseased before they even grow, while they are chopping down ancient trees in ancient forests all over the world, including places like Germany . If you are foolishly concerned about the co2, because, perhapsl you only watch the main stream propaganda (that mutes and drowns out any different opinions) ,than ,perhaps ,you should be concerned about your own existence, since you are (like everybody else) "polluting" this planet with your own breathing. One of the podcasts I recommend you to watch is Jimmy Dore show, so you can get better idea what monsters that rule us, are trying to achieve 😉 Also Redacted , dr. Drew etc.
@Tengooda Күн бұрын
@@anacerar6810 1. You are unable to refute the truth of my previous post and simply resort to insults, irrelevant and inaccurate waffle about trees, and finally you reveal why you are so misinformed: you appear to get your misinformation and paranoia from a TV show. 2. The last time atmospheric CO2 was as high as at present (over420ppmv) was in the Pliocene, some 4 million years ago. It is true that atmospheric CO2 was much higher (well over 1,000ppmv) much further back in Earth's history, but it is also true that, as a consequence, the average temperature was much hotter than present, with trees growing near the poles and with no permanent ice. Were such conditions to return in the near future, sea levels would rise by around 70 metres and a mass extinction event would occur, as has happened previously whenever temperatures rose RAPIDLY as they are doing presently. 3. Breathing is not a source of the increase in atmospheric CO2, and is not pollution. If you had any understanding of this issue, you wouldn't write such uninformed nonsense. 4. I am a scientist. I understand this issue because I have good grounding in geology, physics and chemistry, and have studied climate issues for decades. I obtain my information and understanding from the scientific literature, not TV shows.
@anacerar6810 5 күн бұрын
CO2 is a gas of Life. More there is the greener the planet and therefore more oxygen produced by the greenery for us.😊😊😊 And jet ,I've seen more trees 🌳 chopped down here in Slovenia in the past 5 years then ever before in my 50+ years of life. Where are the activists protesting about that or the wide spread pollution present all around us?😢😢😢 Loved this discussion ❤❤❤
@Tengooda 4 күн бұрын
Many of the people most concerned about CO2 and global warming have been campaigning for restoring woodland cover for decades. Perhaps you haven't been listening.
@pascalbercker7487 5 күн бұрын
This may be one of the reasons why France will be voting for the RN - a far right party - for the European elections in 2 weeks.
@vsotofrances 5 күн бұрын
It doesn't matter if they want to grow...The fossil fuel will end and if the earth ecology is not broken enough , we will see it.