@bobbygee2528 Күн бұрын
Thank you. I was looking for the(official) brakeet top view camo scheme and your video has the best view.
@lycanoftheunderworldselene 7 күн бұрын
IYO who makes the best 1/72 diecast planes?Corgi, hobbymaster or JC wings.
@lycanoftheunderworldselene 7 күн бұрын
Good info on the planes,but your camera is on a different plane to what you are talking about.
@polyteclegendgoldentiger1225 7 күн бұрын
Sounds much like my childhood. Having to take turns on the phone. Or not being able to get through when someone else was on the line
@johnmontonye9660 8 күн бұрын
"Unfortunately we're in a situation where we have two shit choices." Well said. I'm with you, Misha. Love your perspective, very much in line with my own.
@CasterMedicus 9 күн бұрын
On a different note: Is life really not that good anymore? Do humans have a worse life nowadays than 30 years ago? Might it be possible that only perception has changed when u watch too much of the news?
@CasterMedicus 9 күн бұрын
If we learnt one thing from time travel movies, like back to the future, going back in time makes things not always easier 🙂
@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 9 күн бұрын
obama force pro life people to pay for abortions. That is evil
@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 9 күн бұрын
when i hear someone say they loved school, i think, yep, that is a weirdo
@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 9 күн бұрын
i remember reagans speech when he said, mister gorbachev, stick this wall up your bum
@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 9 күн бұрын
america failed long before you were born. Long before anyone living today was born. America was always a hoax in that those in power never really meant what they said about freedom and rights and all that jazz. They only feed the mushrooms enough doo to keep them in their growing racks
@azalkathegunpowderdragon9439 9 күн бұрын
Honestly as a gen Z im just sick of it all. From the squabbling to the 2 party system.
@fire1777 10 күн бұрын
There are boomers in there 60’s they are capable of serving. Now the older boomers is another story. But look at the young leaders? MTG, AOC, Cori Bush, Gaetz. So the young ones ain’t so great either.
@chrischiampo7647 10 күн бұрын
Good Morning Misha as a Kid of the 70’s-80’s I Can Relate 😎😇
@MrDave5259 15 күн бұрын
I worked on the TA-4J. Loved that bird.
@poigmhahon 18 күн бұрын
Misha...really?....it's not really a cabin if it has central air. Enjoy!
@misha5670 17 күн бұрын
Yup, and I love it lol.
18 күн бұрын
NICE Green
@ABrit-bt6ce 18 күн бұрын
That's turning out to be a really nice little house. Those bugs though...
@chrischiampo7647 18 күн бұрын
Morning Misha and JRoe 😀😊😀👍🏼 Cabin Is Bigger Than My 1st House 😇 Glad You Are Almost to The Completion Stages 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@F.J._Claes 19 күн бұрын
Does it not say Eaglemoss right above the "Hero Collector"?
@ericsennert7933 20 күн бұрын
I'm not sure if this video aged well or not. However I'd sure like to know what's going on with them.
@audiehollon4292 22 күн бұрын
Keep all three
@stonehalo1632 24 күн бұрын
I dont vote lol none of them have my or my family's librties or freedoms in their best of interests.
@stonehalo1632 24 күн бұрын
And besides not voting keeps the blood they spill with my tax dollars off my hands lol
@misha5670 23 күн бұрын
We have the thing our founding fathers aboslutely did not want; a ruling class. Old Washington was spot on when he worned of the party system. Pretty smart guy IMO.
@stonehalo1632 23 күн бұрын
​@@misha5670yup cause it always eventually undermines the people and their liberties.
@misha5670 17 күн бұрын
@@stonehalo1632 And that is what I am loyal to. Not just my own liberties and wants, but I try and remain aware of my fellow citizens' rights and needs too.
@williamroberts1819 27 күн бұрын
@DantheGif 27 күн бұрын
It looks great. The dead Troopers look great
@chrischiampo7647 28 күн бұрын
Really Coming Along Great Misha 😊😀
@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 28 күн бұрын
Have you picked out a spot where you are going to bury the hitch hikers?
@misha5670 28 күн бұрын
Of course not! burying them would be wasteful. Completely unrelated question, would you like a bowl of homemade chili?
@chrischiampo7647 28 күн бұрын
@@misha5670Ummmmm Chili 🤤🤤👍🏼
@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 28 күн бұрын
@@misha5670 I would go for a bowl of hitch hiker chili, but i do not trust your chili because you might trick me and do something gross like put deer meat in it instead.
@misha5670 27 күн бұрын
@@corruptduboiscountyindiana5058 Alpaca chili
@charlesdowrick2075 29 күн бұрын
Your presentation could use some help.
@chrischiampo7647 29 күн бұрын
It’s The Spock Live Long and Prosper Hand 😀
@chrischiampo7647 29 күн бұрын
You Set It Up Just Right Misha 😀 Darth Vader Is Cool 😀
@davidcoleman2796 Ай бұрын
It is a shame your camera work was so bad . The Val was a cool plane .
@widehotep9257 Ай бұрын
Interesting from a historical perspective, but this is one of the worst semi-auto designs ever. NEVER carry one for self-defense. The fatal flaw is a slide-locking mechanism that remains locked open until a LOADED MAGAZINE is inserted (the slide locks open if magazine is empty or if there is no magazine in the pistol). If you get a failure to eject malfunction with a spent casing stuck in the barrel, the only way to clear the jam is: 1) remove magazine, 2) stick a ram-rod down the barrel to push out the casing. It is impossible to work the slide back and forth to remove a stuck casing like you would with a modern handgun.
@Pavia1525 Ай бұрын
I’m positive you don’t care, nor should you, but as a messenger… they are tar and feathering you over at the AK Files. Oh well…
@misha5670 29 күн бұрын
Correct, I don't much care. I keep my personal / private feelings off the main channel, and rarely talk politics at all. This is my personal space and where I can discuss my thoughts and concerns. Truth is firearms and the 2A should be for every American, even Liberals. Its not something only Conservatives can stake a claim to. I said my peace and now my heart & mind rest easier *shrug*
@slackerman4161 Ай бұрын
Misha did these models come with a pilot or did you add one ?
@johnmontonye9660 Ай бұрын
I fully agree, Misha. Way to go.
@jkh62 Ай бұрын
Enjoy your TDS.
@phils8084 Ай бұрын
I always appreciate how reasonable you are about pretty much all of the topics you cover, controversial or otherwise.
@misha5670 29 күн бұрын
Thank you, reasonable disagreement is not only welcome but even a positive. I've learned a lot from debating friends and can even change my stance if the arguments are convincing enough. But for that to happen, tehre has to be a foundation of mutual respect.
@chrischiampo7647 Ай бұрын
Great Job 😀
@oldsouthmike65 Ай бұрын
Confederacy of Independent systems "CIS"
@evoasus2286 Ай бұрын
Misha, I appreciate the candid honesty in the video. It honestly wasn't what I thought it was going to be. Regardless of where we disagree, I will be here for the combloc content and for the differing political options.
@misha5670 29 күн бұрын
I have polite debates with friends all the time. I actually enjoy that and since i don't relaly take politics personally, just because someone holds a different stance from me, it doesn't feel like a personal attack.
@chipsdubbo5.56 Ай бұрын
Extremely ironic!
@SuperMeatMachine Ай бұрын
Cast is fine. You won’t know the difference
@burmiester1 Ай бұрын
If anyone thinks that trial was fair they need their head examined. The jury didn't even need to AGREE on what crime was committed for Christ's sake
@scott_hunts Ай бұрын
There are a few things I disagree with on the whole voter fraud thing. The 3 am state flip looked incredibly suspicious when analyzing how votes came in over time, there was a video on instagram of some guy burning a pile of ballots (less than 50, it didn’t cost anyone an election, it was just scummy and a dumb thing to post), and the article about election fortification that was spread around afterwards definitely implied something was up. At the same time, going through the whole rigamarole to put trump in office would have made a lot of people very angry and I honestly believe he probably would have been assassinated. It would have made the summer of violence look like a flash in the pan. I’m not sure if trump would have won if voter fraud wasn’t in play. He certainly wasn’t as popular as he was in 2016 so there’s a very real possibility that any fraud that did potentially happen just made the gap in electoral votes or maybe even just the popular vote bigger. I’m no fan of Trump, his foreign policy is whatever the last person he talked to said was a good idea, his constant trolling of the opposition and inability to take the high road kept people constantly angry and made it impossible to have a civilized discussion with your political opponents, he promised a lot for gun owners that he didn’t deliver on, and he’s a sleaze ball who was friends with Epstein. All that being said, American elections at this point are a popularity contest between two geriatric sleaze balls who probably diddled kids and make everyone angry about minor differences between neoliberalism and neoconservatism. I’ve given up on a political party that truly shares my views ever having any form of power, but I still cast my vote for the least bad option every time. In the competition between scumbags who don’t care about me, barring some massive development I’ll be voting for the orange man in 2024.
@scott_hunts Ай бұрын
After finishing the video, there are a few more minor details I disagree on, and quite frankly I think January 6th is a nothingburger, and that the Republican Party should be puppeteered by as many people who can manage to pull it off, but for the most part I agree with you. A lot of your criticisms of his at the end of the video are points I have voiced in conversations with friends and family. It won’t change how I vote though. I understand that he’s a bad leader, a bad person, a habitual liar, doesn’t know how to do his job, and only cares about himself. But I’d still take him over the other guy.
@misha5670 Ай бұрын
I can appreciate your concerns over the 3:00 AM dumps and the video of the burning; but there are logical explanations for both. That's what i did back in late 2020 and early 2021, i looked into every claim I could find, and most every time, there was a reason or explanation that made since. More importantly, the election fraud side never did poke holes in those explanations, instead just going along and ignoring them as if they didn't exist. You can google "fact check 3:00 AM Dumps" to get started and see some of what I am talking about for yourself. One that was true that surprised me was that case of those ballets hidden under a rock....yeah, that actually happened *shrug*. As to a kid diddler, as many immoral things as Trump has done, I honestly don't think he has ever hurt a kid like that. Again, i want to be as truthful as possible and i don't want to knowingly label him with such a horrid crime. That said, he did probably know J.E. was doing his thing with kids, this is very likely true based on a couple of Trump's offhand comments. Either way, thank you for being civil and I appreciate your POV.
@misha5670 Ай бұрын
@@scott_hunts Thing is, if someone is a liar, bad leader, immoral person, etc...then how is it possible for him to lead the country in anything like a positive direction? How often do bad people produce good, moral results? Would Trump uplift America? or would he drag it down to his level? Which outcome do you really feel is more likely?
@scott_hunts Ай бұрын
@@misha5670 It’s my hope that due to his advanced age he’ll be unable to take on as many roles as he did last time, and like Biden has he’ll have to rely more on advisers to actually get things done. I don’t think he’ll help the nation with any of its major problems, but I think he might make some domestic policy changes that would align with some of my political beliefs. I don’t think Biden has a chance at fixing those problems either, and despite having a more coherent foreign policy (especially when it comes to Russia and Ukraine), his domestic policy runs counter to a lot of my beliefs. I remember reading about the explanation for the 3 am vote dumps a while ago, and I remember not finding them particularly convincing; my home state had an issue in the 90s where an election was decided by thousands of votes that were conveniently found in a candidate’s garage, maybe that makes me more suspicious of other claims, idk. I think trump is more open to alternative solutions in domestic policy, which are the kind of options we need to look into these days. Granted he probably only wants them so he can be put in the history books next to people who did things that actually mattered, but I don’t care about his motivations here, only the potential to try something else. Biden’s economy hasn’t been great to me, it’s hit me in the pocketbook pretty good. Granted that’s not all his fault, but I think having someone with the magic (R) next to their name in the highest office in the land might help investor confidence, and therefore help the overall economy. I don’t have any more proof for the pedo stuff beyond what you’ve probably already heard, but it was enough to convince me. Maybe we’ll be lucky and they’ll both get sudden onset dementia forcing them to drop out. But I won’t count on it. I appreciate you being willing to have a discussion on this, not many people are willing to do that these days.
@misha5670 Ай бұрын
@@scott_hunts I think Trump is mostly all talk. He tells people what they want to hear. And i don't feel as if he has advisers; he surrounds himself with 'yes men'. if folks around him tell things he doesn't like, he fires them, and we all know how much Trump loves firing people lol. I do wish Trump was more than man he says he is rather than being the man he actually seems to be. I didn't much mind his first term. What I do mind is his behavior since the 2020 election. He is actively undermining our electorial system and now also our court system. Knock those things out, errode trust in them, and you greatly destablize any democracy. What Trump is doing isn't for Americans or even his voters; its for himself. I truely wish this wasn't the case, i really do. I am no Biden fan but I've had to be honest with myself and come to terms with the reality we're living in. Trump has conned a lot of good people.
@stonehalo1632 Ай бұрын
AR guy versus AK guy, HK versus cetme and etcetera until nausea. I subscribed to dales school of thought "dead is dead I don't care how we get there"
@misha5670 Ай бұрын
This is more of a building question. FALs are very home-brew, garage gunsmith friendly.
@scott_hunts Ай бұрын
If you are getting into FALs you may as well go all the way and get a forged one.
@chrischiampo7647 Ай бұрын
Forged 😀😊😀 Is What I’m Going With Misha 😊
@jackjohnson291 Ай бұрын
Misha-you’ve seriously lost it. Again, screw trump, but good lord almighty, you’re on a bender. You have been seduced by propaganda, and I’m frankly, embarrassed for you. Record set straight: He has countless pictures with the disabled. He was, after all, a US President. See the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act for an example, along with probably countless others from events and signings.
@jackjohnson291 Ай бұрын
From the other shorts you released on this, it seems fair isn’t something you’re at all concerned with here. Your channel, your vent, so do as you please. For what it’s worth, I don’t trust or like Trump any more than any other politician, but I’m not going to lose sleep over flaws of his character nor defend them. You worked in politics and government as much as I did in undergrad. You should know more than most about what goes on behind closed doors. It’s all a cesspool. Please don’t tell me you actually believe one side is any different than the other. But if we leave the politics, animosity, and bias aside, the whole prosecution and proceedings of Trump’s trial was a farce. Your very vocal resentment is just a small example of why. No former president, especially in today’s time of hyper charged polarity, can ever get a fair trial or unbiased jury. I’d say the same thing if he walked or if it were Biden on trial, which is why the process is so incredibly important. If you care at all about the things you argue against, the things you describe in his character, you should be appalled in how this was allowed to take place in our country, no more or less than Hunter Biden getting convicted for what’s being called a crime yet is also a constitutionally protected right. Then again, I likely know where you stand on that as well (convenience waffling of law vs sticky principle). Perhaps you didn’t follow the case very closely, but if you did, you might want to check your compass again and leave the piety at the door. You’re eagerness to use the label “convicted felon”, though accurate, suggests you believe the process and proceedings were by the numbers and impartial. Neither are accurate descriptions, not at all, but I suspect you’ll be hearing much more about it in the coming months and years. What you seem to be glossing over is the fact that if it can very publicly happen to a billionaire, former US president, then it can happen to anyone. What does that say about this country? What does it say about the rule of law? The future of the constitution? What does that signal to the world? What does that mean for the future of western democracies? That speaks far louder than anything surrounding this issue, certainly far more than being shocked when we find out a politician doesn’t care about certain people, certain issues, or tells lies (that’s literally every single filthy politician on this earth). Be more than that, because this issue is bigger than that. People happy to settle a politically charged domestic dispute with partial justice, as though it somehow validates and/or invalidates anything but the rule of law, are exactly what has brought us here, and it’s the exact kind of crap that is supposed to separate our country from the sort we fought to resist. Now, is Trump’s case the best to make an example of on the merits? No, not at all. He is very likely, in fact, guilty of many of the crimes he was convicted of, and I’m not here to defend him. That’s not what’s at issue. It’s all about the process. Our social contract depends upon it. I stand on principal beyond any party or convenience and say this was a sham trial from day one, and while I’m confident higher courts will agree, that’s actually not something I would celebrate. I’d be happy that the system corrected itself, but it would also produce a failure at the same time. If he is truly guilty of committing the crimes he’s been accused and convicted of, then the partiality of the court, judge, and process should absolutely enrage you, as it will mean he then walks away scot free and can stand behind 5th amendment protections.
@jackjohnson291 Ай бұрын
Misha-you’re letting a politician live in your head rent free. Deep breaths and let it go. But while you’re at it, I hope you have the same venom for Biden…and the rest of the politicians we’ve seen in our lifetime.