Primitive Loom to Make Warm Shirt
@InkognitoInkognito-xk4ew 4 минут бұрын
Ты молодец! А сделай примой эфир! Тебя же снимают на камеру!Что бы все обалдели от тво.его разу
@Robocop-qe7le 22 минут бұрын
@chillenchilla4 40 минут бұрын
TOOTH BRUSH? RAZOR? or is it a bunch of small clips LOL cus i dont see him foraging 4000 calories a day to keep his body weight living a lifestyle like that
@frafro100 Сағат бұрын
If you dont want to harm your fingers when picking prickly pear, you should use a cannuga. (davide)
@alanmacmillan6957 Сағат бұрын
incredible skills
@jakob2746 2 сағат бұрын
he is eating far more than what is shown in this video. It's impossible to sustain his body size with such primitive food. Unfortunate that it's not an authentic video
@nikolayivanov1449 3 сағат бұрын
A stern man, the stove is on the street and he himself is trembling like a girl.
@Ylamona 3 сағат бұрын
Чад вы великий человек. Я мечтаю увидеть как вы кушаете в ресторане, а не жёлуди. Дай Господь вам всего, что вы хотите. С уважением из Украины, Лейла.
@caropetitjean 6 сағат бұрын
@somashekharam5429 7 сағат бұрын
Rajiv Kumar sir everybody understand, But the INDI peoples not understand the process.
@cosano6523 9 сағат бұрын
nice eating my friend
@user-js2zw5io8d 11 сағат бұрын
This dumb shit ofcourse is done by a clown called Chad.
@Negative0one 12 сағат бұрын
6 years 😂😂😂stop please...nothing is true
@user-or8ij9uy3k 13 сағат бұрын
@woodpa-3d-panel 15 сағат бұрын
Imagine: if there is Chad Zuber, then somewhere there is Virgin Zuber
@ThanksGol-ul2wt 19 сағат бұрын
Do you always live there? Beautiful
@reinaldocamilo8222 20 сағат бұрын
@Ezra_Lusk 20 сағат бұрын
Мне одному интересно чем он там бреется? В первой половине видео
@capncheeks 21 сағат бұрын
@Neuro_nActivation 23 сағат бұрын
Where's the goddamn iron age?
@miras9567 Күн бұрын
His face always well shaved... Probably a cheat...
@4gcinc898 Күн бұрын
" плодородный край " "залипательный" мужик!
@4gcinc898 Күн бұрын
очень глиняная местность 😄
@4gcinc898 Күн бұрын
к постапокалипсису готов !
@greniernicole3980 Күн бұрын
Bravo Monsieur…faut vraiment le faire….
@joseluismoralesperez7537 Күн бұрын
Que idiotez ,que engaño, que mentira.....
@esonua Күн бұрын
зато есть камера go pro
@MathildePerrin-gr2rn Күн бұрын
Donde se ha filmado esto? Creo que solo en el Mediterraneo coinciden las bellotas y los nísperos...
@samanthasimental3788 Күн бұрын
I kept seeing you eating alot of prickly pears in your videos and i kept saying to myself, he is gonna regret that. They are so good its hard to eat just one.😂😂😂😂
@samanthasimental3788 Күн бұрын
I was taught that anything that oozes white is bad.
@samanthasimental3788 Күн бұрын
The nopal you were eating with egg is also great for your hair and skin. It hydrates.
@laszlomajor8651 Күн бұрын
In the background: tu tu🚗
@SuperElwira Күн бұрын
You are for sure great master or it is another television show and military program for kill all wild animals because they wanted to take all lands for farming. If we all do this kind of living there is no wild animals left. We must think HOW TO PROTECT WILD ANIMALS and help them grow, because they don't have kids. They can't migrate and in ZOO the don't have kids and you eat them in wild...... We have to save them. Eat plants please...... vege diet heal. Hunters eat meat and were more AGGRESIVE. Farmers eat more plants and were calm. On Ukraine was people living tradditionally with their culture, cloths and songs, and they wasnt eat meat- only in winter, they keep meat only for hard times. Vege diet heal many people from hard diseases and diet without salt and sugar, GMO food, nitrats in food. USA destroy all anchient cultures and now they are trying their way of living but others kill by giving them polluted food and water? They do this with people from my country and Ukraine who wanted more comfort and money. Drunk rich people kills others-depopulation. We wasnt control population growth, but all animals do this and all wild people have abortia - they killed girls when is too much and man is going on the war. When is too much war there is more girls and they have more children. Wild Indians dont have war, they was only play for territory not fight and the same wild animals they dont hurt each other much during fight. Now wild aimals get more agressive because humans take their land but I read books from 60's about animals behaviour- they wasn't so agressive like today. We are killing nature so nature is killing us. All animals migrate, soon we come back to gladiators fights? For this who wanted.... all countries kills their soldoers and prisoners by drugs and spreading guns. Military man and scientists can't rule the world because they dont have any feelings no any EQ Intelligence, they are too much separate from family on labs and wars, jobs so nobody love them and they don't love nobody. Rich people have no love. They dont know art and music, so cant control fear. They have PTSD. In America soldiers are in charge, people with war trauma. We was have the same in Roma when Judes was throw outside Roma. They was have people who wanted kill cezar and guards, they was opportunists like Jesus. People love them but after that cross them for every small mistake- when they get captured because their hope die and they was controlled. Barabas was a brother of Jesus. Idea and antidea: evil and god. Nature doesnt know morality, but Nature is intelligent and good. Nature protect live and keep in balance. Human wanted do this but humans dont understand love. Wild monkeys without teritorry where they can travel makes more sex. Animals don't eat more they need and dont kill for fun, but while humans take animals territtories they are go revenge and die-humans wins. We need feed wild animals not kill them. Protect them. them- talk with biologists. We dont need war and we need. There is too much of us. Just gave people right to not go to the doctor, eutansia and abortion and make suicide if they wanted too, so war will stop. Don't LET THEM cut trees and pollute water, because we all die.
@SuperElwira Күн бұрын
What you do when your teeth have pain or you broke the leg? Or when you get sick? I discovery that our body is healing ourselves. My knee is recovered without operation. My tooths is by themselves recover-sugar destroying them and our body and sugar we have in supermakerts and fast food- it kill us. This is hudge business and depopulation program. They killing animals in wild Nature. We don't have fish. Sea DIES. Wood DIES. Polluted rivers DIES. Sea, ocean and forest this is our counciousness, our Intelligence. We are one. Forest is our brain. Wood animals too-they sniffing for us, feeling magnetic fields so we can observe changes. Animals are our eyes and ears and nose. We can't LET DIE our mother Nature. Please do something. Please talk with capitalsts about deforastation, kilking fish in Japan and China- learn them how to grow arrtifical fish farms not take from the nature- they doing this because capitalist wanted use sea water for atoms, bur dolphins live only close to the land we will kill all. Please STOP KILLING DOLPINS IN JAPAN. Stop throwing atom waiste to the sea and wood. SCIENTIST goes crazy they think they can create GMO spiecies- no we can't. It was a lie. There is no any clones. In zoo animals dont grow. They die and we cant stop this. Sugar and palm oil farms on Borneo- food in supermakerts is a weapon against humanity because humanity is going too far, but aggressive capitalsts don't eat this. This weapon kills only pure people who love each other and Nature. They build cities and get sick because gouvermant don't wanted to pay for their retired. This is sad truth. Someone is using us. Our power and intellectum. All knowledge from universities is going to one hands to USA and real inventors are rubbed from their concepts and their carrier is blocked. Please help Poland , Russia and Ukainento survive wirh their BEAUTIFUL tradditions and music. Please check Russian, Bulgarian, Polish choires used in Hollywood industry. POLANSKY in USA- his family was killed by agents. The Pianist movie-also polish artist. Novi singers. Look africa and jazz and blues music developmant. Jazz vocalists die from using heroine like Billy Holiday. Opium wars. Now rapers is using marichuana and alcohol. All Poland is blocked because we know history about holocaust- it was IBM, NASA and Ig Farben and Hugo Boss, so now this is Dow, Dupont, MONSANTO-BAYER, Sygenta, NASA, Blackrock, Blacwater. They create holocaust and still all inventions from Deutchland, Russia and Poland. They lut those prisoners from camps to the Israel in 5 Alijah and USA, is controll Israel with maybe some people from EU- they just kill scientist and soldiers after use. Throw out workers after use. Carrier makes only soldiers. Dont believe in wlrk and competitions. Talented and strong people are destroying and killing. Karpinsky -polish inventor create PC computer and blue ray not Apple, so CIA catch him and destroy him. HE was living with pigs on the village and nobody see his notes. They wanted make him crazy like all. Read biography of physics. Their carriers was blocked and families killed. Ukraine invented the biggest airoplane and atom bombs on the world but americans and russians can't allow for this. NATO and USA unarmed Ukraine and promise protect people but nothing happend. They take their fields. Greece was the biggest sea cargo but they destroy it. Nazists still control planet-only genealogic trees can find them. Nazist run away to USA and build the country fulled of pain and suffering- drugs, sex, too much work and slavory. We need to cure them from war trauma- americans. People are like golems they wanted only money. They go crazy. USA is too paranoid, too much aggressive, and too much imperailistic, so they practive survival not love. Where is his family? He is alone. Sometimes we need to stay alone but there is no love in families. They see terror everywhere and wanted to kill all who have their own way of THINKING. Amricans CANT deal with trauma from war and 9.11. They affraid of revenge for all what they to the world, but this is Nature program when is too much people. They must start to repair their mistakes otherwise they go crazy and kill all of us. Their counciousness is this what they concentrate on- war and military, they learn kids in school about war and rivalisatiin, after this sport and rivalisation- and in television is more aggression. STRESS push you to bigger consumption. I don't feel rivalisation. This is stupid. One time I win, another you. All sport is for rivalise like war. Some people is better in singing some other in mechanics.
@SuperElwira Күн бұрын
We killed each other because we dont understand each other and our role in Nature. From holocaust medicine is making experiments on us- again because it was before in Roma we have all contemporary medicine and tools. Aseptic. Surgeries but capitalsts kill all and wanted to build all from the start because they think they are better Gods. Utophy. Promise land and order. There is no any order who can build nations. We are reapiting the sams mistakes all the time. We are building hudge civilisations and inventions and after that kill each other like Aztects. We goas more and more stupid. Probably it will be another world war if we don't save Nature from GMO- capitalsts wanted to save Nature or build new GMO Nature and humans because they go totally crazy about controll. They will destroy all. Do not support the system. Find a way to grow plants and eat plants without pesticides otherwise we will all die. People who choose their own comfort and hedonism will die. Soldiers are so AFFRAID drink water from wild that they are putting chlorine and kill themselves. There is a lot desinformating leads you to kill yourself by alcohol, drugs or other. I always drink water from wild and nothing is happening. I even try to do injections without any aseptics- nothing happend. I try to wash dishes with only water-nothing happend. I sleep with dog in one bad- nothing happend. THIS ALL BACTERIA AND DIRT HISTERY IS A LIE. IT CREATES ONLY HOMOFOBIC PANIC. We dont need all industry to live. Americans lies us with resevats-this is not anchient people living in the jungle, people wasnt hunters. We can see that in real tradditional villages, but is simple to feed world by meatz because fields destroying forest. We throw too much food. Supermakerts are not well provide. They produce too much, use too much oil for transport- this is only for take power and control over the countries and kill all, destroy all. Oligars are alcoholics. Mad people. Scientis too. Prists too. No love. Zero respect to others, paranoia and fear, violence. Anchient people was fruit eaters, but plants are dying because of farming. Farmers, doctors, soldiers,physics take all controll. Economists. They are get hipnose with GMO theories and superhuman, clones-this is false. There is not innof food. We need to grow plants in wild repair wild Nature and grow wild animals not kill wild animals. WE NEED PROJECTS FOR RECOVER NATURE. IN THE ZOO WE CAN'T MAKE WILD NATURE GROW, ANIMALS. IN THE FOREST ANIMALS DON'T HAVE KIDS AND GO CRAZY IN ZOO, THEY GO AGGRESSIVE. There is no any clones and GMO animals. They wanted to create uthopy. You wanted to preparar yourself or humanity for war, but war is destroying everything: plants, animals all. Guns is too much powerfull. We need depopulation, but we don't have EUTANASIA AND ABORTION, antoconception people wanted to decide when they die. They feel this system is wrong so they makes suici...des. Old people ask for death they dont wanted to be cured and live in pain.. Big Pharma is feeding us like animals by corn too 300 kilos wage and after that heal. They treat us like pigs, make experiments on us. They give you sugar and after all "heal" sugar disease, but sugar change your mind and create addictive mind not creative, makes you slave. Same salt we have in food a lot of SALT and sugar and it works for win and loose, for penalty and gift , pleasure and not pleasure place on your brain for endorphines and noradrenaline. Sugar is destroying your brain and in 1st generation you can heal sugar disease by diet. In second geberation you may have genes destroyed and sugar disease, so they will give you sugar meds: insuline from body is cooperating with glutaminian. Look for Talidomid experiment they gave to us. It was making genes mutations also pestocides in next generations... Nature have counciousness, but you can't here it while you kill it. Wood is our Intelligence. Plants is our brain, mushrooms. We get more stupid while killing them. FACTORIES is create only to kill enemy population. To pollte air and water. To cut people from Nature. Disconnect. War makes our culture war culture. We wasnt eat meat and affraid animals but all people who prooved that animals arent AGGRESIVE died because when all people go to Wood and kill wild animals then will be nothing left. Please stop capitalsts from killing Nature and naturophoby. We need bacteries. We don't need soap and all this cosmetics. We dont need medicine. Only water. We need to grow plants but only for us. I wanted live like you, but bit more farming obly for myself and take care for wild Nature and cure people from madness and addictions from pleasure..... . Please just look we don't have innof fish and birds, so not everyone can go to the Nature and eat what he wanted. You must grow plants and after eat them but dont touch the Nature. Help to make bank of natural seeds not GMO. Help remove PESTICIDES. They are kilking birds and insects. In USA 75% insects DIES and hraling herbs and mushrooms, so population get more sick physically and mentally. All mentall ill wanted to controll the world, be famous. Help with NOT spreading GMO in the Nature. Help You are real master and really I appreate it, but you are destroying Nature. You doing nothing to protect itd. If you eat birds eggs this bitds can DIE. Birds have NOT much eags this times because of pesticides. We dont have much fish in the water. If you wanted to save Nature you must for to slums and create some business there to gave this people job and stop eating the Nature. We can't consume all. You are only run away and working for milotary for sure so they will use this knowledge to kill all humans? Please do research for bilogists, count birds, observe them. Fish. Not for army. WE NEED TO PROTECT NATURE. LIVE LIKE THIS BUT DO NOT PUBLISH. IF YOU ARE NOT BLOCKED IT MEANS THIS IS MILITARY PROGRAM. Another television show for killing alk wild animals by humans who wanted do all tje same what you arw doing so hudge CORPORATIONS can buy all land for farming. Please help the dolpins kilked in Japan. NOT killing gorrilaz on Boreneo and whole world. Why Americans hate Nature so much? Please can someone SHOWS how to not DESTROY nature? We wasnt hunters. We was vegetarians living wirh animals in peace. Loved each other. Thise wild hunter in the jungle they are from war time. They agent real anchient peoole. Rwl anchient peoole is Aztecs but Amaricans amd catholics kills them so its too late.
@XxSOULLESSxX Күн бұрын
How exactly do you dive into the cold Alaskan water with no wet suit? How do you not get hypothermia?
@XxSOULLESSxX Күн бұрын
Yo were those mud bricks wtf someone explain
@Trinhptbushcraft Күн бұрын
very great
@ICZONE2 Күн бұрын
@Lythiphuong-2004 Күн бұрын
Anh ấy thật tuyệt vời ❤❤❤❤
@Melaniblackpink Күн бұрын
@JroSari-ez9ny Күн бұрын
Amazing,,, hebat,,,
@buensomeritano1755 Күн бұрын
Don't touch them
@johncarr6625 Күн бұрын
forget the fish and eat the snake!
@ShawnD-tp3id 2 күн бұрын
Where is this?
@e.k9561 2 күн бұрын
Battery bank?
@augustgrnd4583 2 күн бұрын
He should have lost weight
@Elmo-the-Ohioan-62 2 күн бұрын
My dad used to take burlap sacks when fishing and put them in the corner of one side of a pool and in Disguise it then prop it open with a stick and then go way way back and get the fish to go into that that bag then hop out the water real quick and go back behind the bag and pulled out with all the fish now I know you don't like to use burlap but you can make your own out of Yucca leaves right?😂❤
@valentkataev 2 күн бұрын
От куда у чувака столько времени? На что он живет?
@lucianegoncalves4904 2 күн бұрын
@Fish_Police 2 күн бұрын
Жопа в гаубицу превратится моментально