Solving the Sailor Venus Problem
@Darkflo23 Сағат бұрын
The premise of this arc was okay, but the fact that it was GT opportunity to bring all the others characters to make them fights the dragons and instead they went to the old boring Goku solo fest is really disapointing. I'm glad the USS and Moro arc of Super at least gave us that.
@chabbie6629 3 сағат бұрын
Interesting naming detail is that "Magure" in japanese means "fluke" or "chance". Like just winning by sheer luck. So Magure making it into the finals and winning against Goku when he's so whiny and weak looking is definitely a reflection on that.
@MistareFusion 3 сағат бұрын
I had no idea! Thank you for sharing that!
@chabbie6629 3 сағат бұрын
@@MistareFusion my pleasure!
@d-manthecaptain1382 5 сағат бұрын
Do you think there was some homophobic stuff going on behind the scene? Like, of all the rangers who could've swapped places with Kimberly, they chose the one who was a gay man in private life, and make it so his character has to talk in a valley girl voice, like it was some sort of joke on David Yost?
@Krycek7o2 8 сағат бұрын
Another great dissection!
@RealSethery 8 сағат бұрын
This is a random thought, but if you allow me to put on my tinfoil hat here, since Giru is found on the planet where most of the inhabitants names are puns on money, is it possible that “Giru” (rendered in English as “Gill”) is a play on “Gil” the currency in Final Fantasy games? Gil is pronounced “Giru” in Japanese, and is spelled out as “ギル”. DBGT’s Giru is also spelled as “ギル” It could just be a coincidence, that the random syllables smashed together to create the robot’s name sounds and is spelled like Final Fantasy’s fictional currency, but I don’t think the reference is unlikely, considering that Dragon Ball and Toriyama are indirectly linked to Squaresoft via Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger
@MistareFusion 8 сағат бұрын
It's certainly possible! The only thing that would weaken that idea (and not by much) is that Dragon Quest comes very much from the Enix side of Square-Enix, and this was several years before the merger. Final Fantasy was very much a Dragon Quest competitor then, so tying Toriyama to this with a Final Fantasy reference seems a bit odd. But like you said, he had worked with Square by this point, so it's not entirely unlikely. It's been almost 20 years since I played Chrono Trigger, so I don't recall if they use the same currency.
@CodemeisterEX 11 сағат бұрын
"I spent a grand total of $286.93." Ah yes, about one DBox today. Nostalgic video.
@ml8443 14 сағат бұрын
GT something about the colors and designs. It looks like shit.
@keatonsavage6539 Күн бұрын
You know theres a way they could avoid all this and continue to use the dragon balls on a regular basis. Just put the dragon balls in the hyperbolic time chamber for a few hundred days.
@bgvo4373 Күн бұрын
Piccolo (after blowing up papaya island) that area may have been evacuated, but it’ll give them something to think about.
@verymelonman12 Күн бұрын
So if it takes 100 years to get rid of all negative energy build-up, why do the balls only turn to stone for 1 year? Why didn't Kami make the balls stay stone for 100 years?
@n.henzler50 Күн бұрын
2:16 what a spot-on depiction of what heartburn feels like.
@Pedroves Күн бұрын
There's something about the old planet's dialogue with the Shadow Dragons that you didn't mention. In the Funimation version, the planet's name is said to be "Eros". This could be a reference to the idea that they were sinners, because "Eros" also means "eroticism", and we know how this is seen in Christianity. This would connect directly with Elder Kai's speech, which would easily fit into this "follow god's laws" role. Obviously all of this is pure speculation, as it came from Funimation and this decision was never clarified. Another thing to highlight is that there was always the idea of ​​more Dragon Balls out there (at least for me). As far as I remember, when Elder Guru is told that a surviving Namekian created Dragon Balls on Earth, in that same dialogue it is said that there were "more survivors". In my view, the idea of ​​more Dragon Balls throughout the universe has always been clear. How did Dr Myuu know about the Dragon Balls without ever having come into contact with Namekians and Earthlings? Simple, they have always existed on other planets. Remember: Knowing that they exist does not mean that it is easy to find a planet that has them. Goku, Trunks and Pan's trip would only have confirmed the rumors to him, and so he followed them.
@DampWetstew Күн бұрын
I like how this came out the same day that Team Four Star covered this in the GT recap. Fun how things line up like that.
@Memo-yh4nc Күн бұрын
If Bardock can fight and breathe in space, and if Vegeta can blow up a filler planet in space, then Goku and Pan can survive for a few min underwater.
@bujilou Күн бұрын
@androidsenpai1462 Күн бұрын
Just one thing: given how the High Elder died on Namek previously and left his body, but kept it when he died on Earth, that leads me to believe that the Kami of Earth just did granted it to him, since that’s his jurisdiction, and unlike when the High Elder first died, he was well informed of the situation on Namek by then.
@zh7334 Күн бұрын
The worst arc in the series. Even worse than super 17. So boring
@davidsterling7570 Күн бұрын
!!!! Iowa mentioned !!!!
@randomUser2121 Күн бұрын
My beloved evil dragons arc. The best idea with the worst execution in the franchise.
@borederlands5387 Күн бұрын
You can't talk about gt without the phrase "good concept bad execution" coming up
@youtubestudiosucks978 Күн бұрын
Is Gohan a mutant? He's the only hybrid saiyan born eith a tail, all other hybrdis dont have tails. I think he counts as a mutant.
@glimmerkepu Күн бұрын
Dropping a comment for the algorithm, great vid!
@nicholassims9837 Күн бұрын
About the extended scenes with Mr Satan missing Buu and their the extra scenes what was the end goal ad wouldnt someobe like his fans check to see if hes ok . As they wasnt any plans for what i can tell for Mr Satan to bring Buu to a city and claimed he tamed him
@SoundsSarcastic234 Күн бұрын
I find it difficult to justify the existence of both the minus energy and each dragon being born from a specific wish. The point of one seems to negate the other. Minus energy as a concept is introduced seemingly to eschew having to give each dragon a motivation: they’re evil because they were spawned from evil energy. Simple. However, the fact that they sprouted from an actual wish made on the balls as well sets up the expectation for each dragon to have a motivation or power set tied to said wishes that never manifests, making it superfluous. I get the want to give the og dragon balls a role in the final arc, and not that this set up isn’t still functional, but the way it’s done feels contrived. Perhaps they should’ve had the evil dragons be a result of the black star balls. They’re already malevolent, and you can just have it so the consequence for using them is different each time. After Baby makes his wish show the balls scattering and embedding themselves as statues on earth as per this arc, but, before they could give birth to each respective dragon, we cut to the regular dragon balls, which start to glow and send out a pulse of suppression energy which wraps around the dragon statues. We then see the ominous image of a dragon ball start to crack before cutting back to the main story. Afterwards the events play out as normal except when they use the ball, the leeway given is enough for the dragons to be born and start to wreak havoc. Elder kai explains what’s up and how the cracks were a result of the tremendous strain the balls were under keeping the evil dragons restrained. There. You’ve tied in the old dragon balls, given the series’ unique set one more go round and freed up space to make the antagonists as simple or complex as you’d like.
@HeyFella Күн бұрын
I was a bit dismissive to your approach to criticism in a past episode (just coming from a fundamental difference in how we think about art), but how you break down character dynamics in this episode is really excellent stuff. So I want to apologize for any previous comments that may have came off as antagonistic. I know this is a year old, but I’m finally coming back around to it. I appreciate that you’re one of the only people discussing Dragon Ball online who takes the material seriously-even if we sometimes differ in how exactly to go about doing that.
@michaelhockaday7426 Күн бұрын
This was a great dissection of this game. Good job. My favorite from the SNES trilogy is DKC 2. However, my favorite from the GBA trilogy remakes is DKC 3. It's extra content and new music in DKC 3 GBA was enough to put on top for me. To sum up what I said...from worst to best... SNES Trilogy... 3.) DKC 2.) DKC 3 1.) DKC 2 GBA Trilogy... 3.) DKC 2.) DKC 2 1.) DKC 3
@0vern9K 2 күн бұрын
9:18 Goku does attract bad guys. Raditz didn’t come to earth because goku did something to him? He came to earth for goku. Nappa and veegta only came to earth because they learned of its dragon balls, which they only found out about because of raditz’s scouter. Raditz, who only came to earth in search and recruitment of goku. Yes Freiza came looking for revenge but I think that’s the point. It was Goku’s fault for not finishing him off, and Freiza wasn’t interested in earth until they all went to namek, which they only did because of vegeta and nappa, who only came to earth because of raditz.
@SonicmaniaVideos Күн бұрын
...this was already addressed in the original video. It doesn't matter that Raditz came to Earth if the Saiyans are the reason Goku is on Earth to begin with. Freeza is the only applicable example.
@0vern9K Күн бұрын
@@SonicmaniaVideos What? How does that not matter sounds like you just wanna be right. The saiyans didn’t send him to earth… freizas henchman did because they were responsible for shipping off babies like we saw in the bardock special. That was the system he ran. ( not that retcon that is minus ) The saiayns didn’t send him there and even if they did they weren’t planning on coming back for him. Raditz only came to earth because he needed help destroying a planet him and the other surviving saiyans couldn’t destroy alone. If he, vegeta and nappa were strong enough he never woulda came to earth to begin with, which then created a chain reaction of all these other events and villains Bad guys came to earth because of goku yes they did
@SonicmaniaVideos Күн бұрын
Saiyans send babies to weak planets... It's literally just what the characters say, it's not Goku's fault that he was sent to Earth and then someone remembered him. It is his fault that Freeza came to Earth, but that would be the only example.
@0vern9K Күн бұрын
@@SonicmaniaVideos idk what’s not getting through your skull. Raditz only came to earth for goku that’s attracting bad ppl. It doesn’t matter if he was sent earth or not. That’s not important. Yes goku can’t control where he was sent. That doesn’t change the fact he’s on earth and attracting bad ppl💀. And the saiyans sent him there but they didn’t plan on doing anything, they died. And neither did raditz until he needed him
@SonicmaniaVideos Күн бұрын
No, attracting people kind of implies Goku has some kind of agency. It can't just be him existing.
@yami122 2 күн бұрын
The problem I tend to have this arc is that the Dragons are just weak outside of two of them. I like that they're all given unique abilities but they use those abilities as a crotch and just really can't stand up Against Goku and outside of the last two dragons they all crumble without much of a fuss the second goku tries. And I never view like the heroes are close to losing because Base form Goku Might be Struggling But at this point Goku's got 4 forms to use his ultimate one increasing is powered by so much that something that's causing his base to struggle was just always going to bounce off his strongest form
@LanceThumping 2 күн бұрын
Don't the Dragon Balls not just fly away but also turn to stone and become dormant for a year? You'd think that if buildup of negative energy is an issue and they already have a built in dormancy period, that it would make sense for that dormancy to be used for purging that and thus last as long as the balls need to regenerate. It's a bit silly to apply a consequence to using something too frequently that already has a built in rate limiter.
@iug5672 2 күн бұрын
6:05 This just made me question why they even care to warn them at all. Hell, why did they even help in the Baby arc? The only reason they helped out in Z was because Majin Boo was an unstoppable force of destruction that threatened the whole universe... Why the hell did they care that Baby wanted to create some planet and take control of a population? Freeza was way more destructive than that. Certainly there are more shit for them to do than to help out Goku, right? Do they just think they owe him one or smth? I'm not nitpicking i haven't watched it in a long time I'm curious to know if there is a reason I'm forgetting.
@Acerthorn 2 күн бұрын
16:44 To be fair, I'd say the times when the dragons use Pan as a human shield is pretty dirty, especially in the case of the Three-Star Dragon, where Pan isn't even a participant in the fight.
@crystalfire7x 2 күн бұрын
Well the begining of the last arc of Dragon Ball GT is here. How long is it going to be? Who knows...
@Sydpart2 2 күн бұрын
I really liked your point about Goku and fighting dirty. I'd not really thought about that before
@Sydpart2 2 күн бұрын
Idk if it's concise enough but maybe consider cutting that section as a short and do a rage baity thumbnail for it cause that's some engagement material.
@VerdantRange 2 күн бұрын
Part of me wishes Elder Kai warned the Dragon Team about the minus energy in the balls thing before hand so they could stick the balls in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. About three years time and all that minues energy would be gone.
@EclipseHedgehog Күн бұрын
popo would probably ban them (with magic) not only from the room but the whole palace for doing that. it sounds too easy.
@FettManTAG 2 күн бұрын
I've actually given some thought to how Goku could have remained dead at the end of the Cell arc without the flimsy reason given in story. Goku was supposed to have died of a heart virus and was only able to survive due to a cross dimensional time traveling teenager. It would have been so easy for Goku to remain dead, because he was supposed to be dead. Not because of "fate" or "destiny" instead the gods could request Goku stay dead so as not to mess up things more than they already were from Trunks and Cell's time traveling shenanigans. The ones that almost ended the planet, instead of just wiped out humanity. I can't say it's a perfect reason, but it's thematic and ties in to the beginning of the arc. "Hey it's me, Goku! Kaio sama is allowing me a moment to say goodbye. See, Trunks and Cell changed a lot of things by traveling through time. One of those things was me dying so Enma Sama told me to stay dead this time, something about not shaking things up more than we already have. It's not all bad, I get to keep my body so I can still train and Kaio Sama is going to take me to meet the greatest fighters in history, since he doesn't have a house at the moment." "And who's fault is that I wonder!" "Point is, the Dragon won't be allowed to bring me back but that's okay. We've faced some powerful foes together and always made it through, some of them even became close friends. Right now Gohan's a lot stronger than I am so I know I'm leaving the earth in good hands. Gohan, I'm proud of you. Apologize to Chi-Chi for me, kay? Everyone, thanks for all the good times and great fights, goodbye!"
@Arcadia_warlic 2 күн бұрын
17:30 I think Goku would say he is being unfair to Raditz and Vegeta and the like, but he simply does not care. As he notes with Super Saiyan God is a more modern example, he dislikes fighting with power that is not his, or with a numbers advantage, but ultimately the ends justify the means against villains (despite what Toriyma would say about his purity in that regard). I think against evildoers, though, them both cheating and being evil tips it even further for him to comment on it. At least he cheats for the greater good.
@kabbusses 2 күн бұрын
I used to own Final Bout on Playstation! It is indeed a bad game. Very slow and clunky to control, the AI can be cheesed with a basic punch move, and many of the mechanics are poorly thought out. Also it has weird English dubbing which uses none of the voice actors you'd associate with Dragon Ball.
@BagOfMagicFood 2 күн бұрын
Hey, I recognized one or two of them from the Harmony Gold dub and the Bang Zoom dub!
@Jose-se9pu 2 күн бұрын
A shame we'll never see Toriyama's take on this concept, because this arc, as a concept, was spectacular, not only because of the idea of "we have to face the consequences for our overuse of the Dragon Balls", but also because that is the PERFECT set-up to end Dragon Ball...what left to punch at this point? well, the Dragon Balls, of course! Now, when it comes to execution... Anyway, crazy how you are almost done with GT, feels like it was yesterday when you announced you would be doing GT after finishing the manga...time freaking flies.
@VICTORZITOSS 2 күн бұрын
Yeaaaah Let's get this video to a lot of views in the first hour so that it gets love from youtube Algorithm bless this video which i liked even before watching it because it's that good Seriously, sometimes i end up pissed off because i can't like it again after watching it, fix that youtube Lots of words lots of engagement, yadda yadda
@neogamest123logic2 2 күн бұрын
Well I guess Krillin in Z doesn't have Ki sense he snuck up on Trunks. Did you forget they can mask their ki. To qoute tfs Krillin "Stealth mode".
@MistareFusion 2 күн бұрын
I'm just going to copy/paste what I already said to the other person who raised this point: "Yes, but that doesn't really seem to follow from this scenario. The Evil Dragons are rampaging all over the place, so they're clearly not suppressing their ki. It could be argued that Pan wants to surprise Goku and is suppressing her ki. However, it's been established that flying at speed is enough to tip somebody off (it's a major Freeza Arc plot point), and Pan is having to fly to catch up to Goku, so it doesn't seem as though she'd be in a position where she could be suppressing hers either."
@neogamest123logic2 2 күн бұрын
@@MistareFusion I wasn't talking about the evil dragons. I was addressing, pan. Krillin was flying when he surprised future Trunks in Z.
@MistareFusion 2 күн бұрын
I addressed Pan in my response to you.
@neogamest123logic2 2 күн бұрын
@@MistareFusion Yes and that your assertion. I'm familiar with all of dragon ball and ki control so her doing something as typical as that isn't baffling. Krillin and Gohan could suppress it so the scooter wouldn't pick it up. Even hide from vegeta without scouter for a time. Goku trick the ginyu with it with his exceptional ki manipulation. Future Trunks could drop and raise his ki instantly from very powerful to a regular human level of 5.
@SonicmaniaVideos Күн бұрын
Krillin and Gohan were jumping from land mass to land mass to avoid flying...the moment they started flying (when they thought Vegeta wouldn't sense them) Vegeta immediately noticed. And Goku's ki manipulation is just displaying the fault of the scouters, the machines can't register energy raising and lowering at such a speed. Despite that, Vegeta seems to notice just fine. It's implied at least that it's skill based for someone to notice, since Gohan and Krillin also couldn't tell how strong Goku was...but it is otherwise very consistent. You know, you can't really lower your ki if you're currently flying really fast to catch up to someone...Goku and Trunks only did it in quick bursts.
@asherzerbib3461 2 күн бұрын
Bulla/Bra disappeared without explanation following the end of the Super 17 Saga; last seen gazing up in horror at Black Smoke Shenron. Also #18 and Marron make a quick and silent cameo in the episode with Rage Shenron, waiting with the rest of the ladies, and are subsequently never shown again even after Krillin comes back in the finale. Way to continue shafting the lady android Toei…
@percussionfellow6168 2 күн бұрын
13:15 THANK YOU! Seriously it's criminal how little development she gets.
@joshtheryuk 2 күн бұрын
The Evil Dragons Arc was an amazing idea executed terribly as usual. We had seven villains for the Z Fighters to fight against. This was literally the perfect occasion to allow Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Uub and Pan to do something, hell even let Bra do something. Nope, let's make every dragon other than the Fire one, Ice one and Omega one into a useless jobber that is defeated in a gag by Goku and Pan in another tired and boring "monster of the week" formula... This makes the entire arc feel like a waste of time, at least until the actual strong dragons show up.
@crystalfire7x 2 күн бұрын
Hell we could have Vegeta fighting the Evil Dragon that was bron from the wish of undoing his heinous act during the Tenkaichi Budoukai in the Majin Boo Arc.
@AutumnOwlex 2 күн бұрын
Honestly why couldn't the Evil dragons be the main fights in the space hunt for the balls? They would be badly effecting planets so we get to explore a new world and it's unique population, while finding them would score both a fight and a dragon ball they could have merged the beginning and final story into one coherent story about space travel hunting down the Dragon Balls to be forced to fight them in order to save not only earth but all the planets their found on.
@DDSForbbiden 2 күн бұрын
Remember: GT is official fanfiction
@HughAverageHomoMan 2 күн бұрын
so is Super if we're being petty lol.
@SonicmaniaVideos Күн бұрын
So are the majority of media continuations... And it would've been so even if it was seen as "objectively" good.
@LuffyMcDuck 2 күн бұрын
Finally we are at the point where both TFS Bento and Mistare fusion are both covering the final arc of Dragon Ball GT.
@lucasmartelli4204 2 күн бұрын
Goku further demonstrates the enlightenment he attained ever since he first drank the Ultra Divine Water. He realized he's the protagonist, and much like a video game, "fair" in a story is defined by the skillset of the protagonist, lest everything be unbalanced. He's incomprehensibly intelligent
@bchavez149 2 күн бұрын
I too, store my negative energy in my Dragon Balls.
@chriscassul9904 2 күн бұрын
@chabri2000 2 күн бұрын
Final bout may be a bad game, but the theme song and opening is the best in the franchise
@tintor2 2 күн бұрын
If Piccolo wanted youth.... did Kamisama ever considered do that for himself or that was selfish?