Blocking Affirmative Care Hurts Trans Kids
The Ramifications of the "Culture War"
Talking Politics with Demon Mama
16 сағат бұрын
Anti-Trans Paranoia Has a Price
Laying the Sweet Baby Drama to Rest
Lightsaber Discourse is Goofy
21 күн бұрын
The Problem Facing the Trans Community
The Cass Review is Trash
Ай бұрын
Investigating the BookTok Drama
How LibsofTikTok Pushes Racism
Life Gives Elon Musk a Lemon
@HarryDirtay 42 минут бұрын
It seems exhausting having to be mad at things all the time😮 I'm a bit lukewarm on acolyte but there's plenty of other great star wars content to be viewed. I like the fighting scenes though and it's not over yet so I'm trying to keep an open mind
@Raccoondruid6040 2 сағат бұрын
Notice how Mr. Reagan called what he thinks looks like a 17 year old girl a woman.
@treyvonwilliams4955 4 сағат бұрын
1st like.
@BirdNoise77 4 сағат бұрын
Hell yes
@MrMongoly 7 сағат бұрын
@RiverOfWetness468 Күн бұрын
Why does Demon Mama sound so different here
@BirdNoise77 2 күн бұрын
"This is not just basic Calvinball rules" is such a good line lmao. Awesome video! I'm a bit late to the party here but I've been on a total binge of your content recently so here we are:)
@zacharyknutsen8094 4 күн бұрын
God I hate the law.
@RoseACAB 4 күн бұрын
@an0bserver2000 4 күн бұрын
they continue to prove themselves to be demons who wear human skin and feast off the suffering of others. i dont know what else to even say at this point.
@desolate4523 4 күн бұрын
As always this isn't about accepting transgender people or providing care or even caring about children's lives. Just another smoke screen to win hateful votes, everything is politics. Our lives are nothing to them. It's not just transgender people, if they cared about cis kids there would be something about gun control 🤷‍♀️ They don't want us annihilated, what would they do without us, who then would they attack? These are all proven facts, there should be no discussion ever! About providing care for anyone be that trans kids or adults or anything else. The only concern should ever be to make these more easily accessible for all who need it. Of course there's blood on their hands but you can't just say it, they might feel bad when eating their dinner 🤦‍♀️
@fotnite_ 4 күн бұрын
It should be a massive embarrassment that so many psychologists, doctors, researchers, etc. in the UK are backing the review when faced with these outcomes. There were already numerous methodological issues with the Cass Review, and there is significant statistical evidence of bias in how it treated the evidence it looked at, so they should have already known they were at best on shaky ground. But when the known deaths have gone up by this much, it's difficult for me to believe anything other than that the people who continue to back these policies after this are ideologues. They're willing to forsake empirical evidence, and even their oath to "do no harm", over a moral panic. I don't have much confidence that these allegations will sway government officials and medical professionals in the UK, but hopefully there will be some kind of public outcry.
@devlinrossi4318 4 күн бұрын
Hilarious how these conservatives will cry about children are getting their no no parts getting removed. When trans health care doesn't work like that. You think they'd do actual research.
@T4Tea4two 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. I, for my sins, have chosen to stare deeply into the abyss that is The Cass Report, and Hilary Cass herself, to learn more about the state of trans healthcare for youth. One of the most disturbing ways that Cass and the broader gender-critical mainstream talk about trans youth is with regards to discussions of su!c!dality. These parents (and more often than not, people who imagine themselves as parents of trans kids), will clutch their pearls and act so put-upon whenever someone mentions the importance of acceptance on the mental health outcomes of trans youth. It's as if these people interpret a doctor or psychologist mentioning the possibility of their child being su!c!dal from lack of support as a sort of slight or insult against them and their parenting, or even their parental authority, as opposed to being an honest and evidence-based statement about the importance of support for trans youth. That's probably the most charitable interpretation I can come to, that they think doctors are commenting on their parenting itself. It's a genuinely distrubing, self-centered way of seeing things. At its worst, these types of people, when trans youth self-harm or are su!c!dal, will claim it's the children and teens who are abusive, and the adults in their lives (who exert total control over the young person in question) are being abused. I hate therapy-speak, but its classic DARVO, and the liberal establishment accepts it. There's that, and the fact that, even in these discussions, we tend to focus on outcomes like completed su!c!des and not attempts, or even broader, the mawing chasm of unimaginable pain and alienation that trans people who can’t transition experience, an outcome which should serve as just as dire a warning about a lack of support as su!c!de does, but which cis people don't take seriously. I could honestly rant about this stuff all day, just, thank you for giving voice to some of these feelings.
@urahi830 5 күн бұрын
somewhat unrelated but I'd love to hear you dunk on dr disrespect
@CH4R10T_TV 5 күн бұрын
That's not really the type of content I like to do but I will say that stuff has been crazy to see, especially in the wake of the stuff he said in defense of Nickmercs. All these guys will take shots at trans people with this groomer panic nonsense but then be inappropriate around minors. It's so wild.
@arlaux 5 күн бұрын
that person is named Jo Mohgam, he is about to start a dynasty of blood god worshippers
@CH4R10T_TV 5 күн бұрын
@Rotom0479 4 күн бұрын
And it will be glorious!
@amanofnoreputation2164 5 күн бұрын
Another reaon reactionaries talk the way they do is because of the concept of faith and conviction. Christ basically said, "If you beileve hard enough, you can walk on water and move mountains," which in turm comes from the Jewish idea of the covenant: Jews have faith in God, so God sustains them. So if you can show that you beileve harder -- if you're more pious -- God will supposedly favour you more. (By that same token, if anythign bad happens to you, you fucked up somehow.) So, baked into Protestantism, is the general sense that one's conviction in a belief will itself _make that beilef a reality._ I.E you'll invoke the favor of God, He will make it so. That's the emotional/psychological basis behind the contemporary intellectual memes and concepts. This is why reactionaries respond very positively to shows of bravado and arrogance because it's supposed to be a demonstration of _piety._ It all comes back to those tabernacles. This set sup a self-fulfilling prophecy where a reactionary gains favor from other reactionaries because of his shows of confidence, which leads to him weidling actual power, just like the orange man. So then the tautology gets even more circular because now that the reactionary in question has power, hsi shows of confidence are simply attempts to invoke divine providance but the demonstration that he _has_ divine providence. Nobody necessarily uses this explicit language of "piety" and "favor" anymore, but that's the archetypal basis; the processes the modern reactionary way of thinkign is derivied from. This is how kings ruled. The crown wasn't just an expression of power -- it _was_ power. So you can only imagine the forces that had to be invoked to break these titanic psychological forces (and they didn't even fully succeed because there are still plenty of tyrants who leverage the "fake it till you make it," "fortune favours the brave," "boy it, don't soy it," bravado.)
@amanofnoreputation2164 5 күн бұрын
People don't say, "I'm talking about this from the perspective of ___ism," or anything, because to state, "I have a bias and a point of view," is to suggest that there are other points of view or fields fo knowledge that might be valid to a greater or lesser extent or offer better insights, when a reactionary only cares about "truth." I say a Christian public speaker exhcnaing questions with someone in the audience about transgenderism, and the guy basically asked him to at least hypothetically consider that transpeople might really exist, and he baldfacedly said, "Why would I entertain something that's not true?" as though it didn't demonstrate what an epistemic farce the whole thing was. "I'm talking to you because I know I'm right, I have the only perspective that matters, and if you don't agree it's only a matterof time until you do, or you burn in Hell."
@admiralpaco507 5 күн бұрын
Let's... get... serious... 😎This was a really fun convo, so glad you had the opportunity
@amanofnoreputation2164 5 күн бұрын
The central metaphysical question concernign idelaism is, "is the mind in the physical universe, or is the physical universe in the mind?" We live in a social context which functions off of the ideological conceits of materialism. So we assume that the mind is an epiphenomenon of the brain. But it isn't actually possible to prove it one way or the other because, as Kant observed, whether objective material reality xists or not, we have no access to it. We only know of even it's potentialexistance through our sense impressions. The external world is entirely mediated through the senses an so the _ding an sich_ is not avalible to us. It's from that central question that all other idealists questiosna arise: if the world is mental rather than physcial, what are we to make of notions like currency? Did we make that up by assigning arbitrary value to coins? Or does what we arbitrate though social force relations actually exist, like some kind of platonic coninage of whcih physical currancy is an emanation of? This is why Marx had to contend, and was basically critical of, idealism. Because even though idealism isn't inherently against the formation of Communism, and could even be used in favor of it, it does lend weight to the modernist perception of grand narratives. So people attacked philosophical idealism as a way of eroding the ideological conceits of capitalism and Christianity. But in actual fact I think the idealist perspectiveis indispensible even if it isn't entirely true because mind and matter give rise to each other.
@PillowWillow007 5 күн бұрын
@edwinrollins142 6 күн бұрын
@BirdNoise77 6 күн бұрын
@MrPersona94 6 күн бұрын
To quote our enby icon, professional games reviewer, and overall based person James Stephanie Sterling "the discourse is fucking exhausting"!
@lspoulin 6 күн бұрын
it's very similar to what happend to me in the 90s but the level of violence increased several folds. The transphobe have legitimated hate toward trans people and it scares me immensely.
@manglemonster 6 күн бұрын
the manchild community has forgiven ch4r10t
@spacecab1 6 күн бұрын
Sunday wouldn't go point by point and kept trying to steamroll Jake by making multiple points and every time Jake tried to address a point Sunday would act like he was being interrupted. Indigenous would mean they came to know about Christianity without help from colonizers. Point out the indigenous Buddhists for your next magical act.
@motherreaper7287 6 күн бұрын
"How do you know if porn is AI?" "There's a fifth labia."
@AugustMericle 6 күн бұрын
Your character is such a baddie what’s her number 😳
@grandsome1 6 күн бұрын
Loved that convo barely seen the 2hrs passing. Also, if you can't run them cables you can look into powerline adapters or even coax adapters to run a better signal for your streams.
@Tuvella1 6 күн бұрын
the Lion King video about Judaism was made by Sin Squad
@katakesh8566 6 күн бұрын
1:45:20 its also fairly lazy to just kill off a character Some might even make an argument that it could disengage parts of one's audience. Of course it will engage others, but given how split Star Wars fans are on everything, maybe not the balest move Death, in fiction and real life, is easy. Living is hard, and ultimately more rewarding if circumstances permit.
@Conner-mx5jl 7 күн бұрын
How can you win the future if you are a minority?
@CH4R10T_TV 7 күн бұрын
There's a couple assumptions that I feel are built into this question. First, I'd like to note that "win the future" is a pretty vague term. What does that mean? Even "social progress" feels less vague, and that's already so broad it can mean basically anything depending on someone's ideology. I have ideas about justice that I'd like to see fulfilled across society, so that's the context for how I'm going to answer this question. Second, being a member of a minority group has a couple conceits. It's not inherently problematic for having massive social power: most groups that have the most social power in society are by definition statistical minorities. Our society's (or societies') ostensible principles of democracy are mediations of power relations that not only create minorities but also empower some groups over others. The question to my mind therefore becomes not how a specific minority should achieve that power but rather how those power structures can be eluded and defeated. Third, the answer to this question is dependent on your thesis on how human history and changes in social relations develop over time. I find a lot of popular explanations dissatisfactory. People will tell you that a group or individual had a certain idea and molded society; this belies the fact that the conditions of that society were a prerequisite for both their ideas and the success of their efforts. I think instead a more accurate way to answer your question is by asking another question: what social changes are the current conditions engendering? Specifically, what latent conflicts are there in our society for which we can seek a just resolution? My real, final point here is that I don't think there's a single road map, and I don't think it would be responsible of me to attempt to offer one on my platform. It's dissatisfying, but it's my necessary acknowledgment.
@andrwblood9162 7 күн бұрын
CH4RI0T, did you lose weight recently? I might just not of noticed before, but it's looking good on you. I hope that's something you were going for.
@CH4R10T_TV 7 күн бұрын
I haven't actively been trying recently because I've been focusing on other lifestyle stuff, but it's a long term goal!
@andrwblood9162 7 күн бұрын
@@CH4R10T_TV Looking cool, regardless.
@SentientR4t 7 күн бұрын
first ch4r10t stream i got 2 see live, and it was great. i knew some of the rats who chewed on the wires this stream and I DISSAVOW
@politiqueen420 6 күн бұрын
You only knew some of them huh? FESS UP?! WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?
@SentientR4t 6 күн бұрын
@@politiqueen420 IM NOT GONNA TALK TO COPS!!!!!!
@Mikae1300 7 күн бұрын
I loved this conversation so, so much. I could listen to you two all day. XD
@DemonMama 7 күн бұрын
Had a genuinely wonderful time chatting with you!! we will def need to have a more focused star wars discussion, I was yappin too much in this stream 😂😂😂
@CH4R10T_TV 7 күн бұрын
We're the leading economic theorists of Late Stage Yapitalism, we have to be reigned in!
@The_Babe 6 күн бұрын
I look forward to Star Wars: Return of the Yappers
@rosalinabloom2567 7 күн бұрын
It’s wild to me that she attempted to write a whole story as an illusion to the holocaust (which was muddied with racist stereotypes) and then does holocaust denial.